Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1953)
E—THE MILL Cm ENTERPRISE 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klecker went “ u 7 77 7 . „ . .„'to 5aelm Friday where he submitted Mrw. Frank Jackson and Mrs. John Swan were in Salem Sunday attend- to ar. operation for the removal of a ing a Silver Tea at Bush House and 8>owth in his throat. He *" dinner at Senator hotel. th« hosp.tal ,°’er nl«ht’ but r'° 18 ____________________ I back on the job. Guests at the C. E. Mason and Carl Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill, of Salem, I Kelly homes this weekend were Mrs. were weekend guests of his sister, W. W. Mason, Mrs. Arthur Mason and Mrs. Elsie Potter. Marty and Catherine of Harrisburg. WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Good Music Shuffleboard MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY < Mrs. Cora Goodman has gone to Mrs. prances Chapin of Brownsville Portland, where she expects to spend has been visiting at the home of her i ! a month. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. — A. E. Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams from Waldport, were visiting the John Another family group at the Ore Angelseys a few days this past week. gon-Washington game were Mr. and •---------- *---------------- Mrs. Kenneth Crosier ^nd Zita and Leia Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Brooks. Mrs. Charles Kelly, was home from Oregon State for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ausland and family of Harrisburg, spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and family night and Sunday visiting in Mill spent the weekend on the coast. City. They visited at the George While there Bob caught a silverside in Veteto and Lowell Stiffler homes. the Alsea river. Mrs. Gladys Trask of Santa Clara, Mr. and Mrs. I). B. Hill were in California came Sunday and is visit Portland Saturday where Mr. Hill at ing her brother, D. B. Hill and her tended the Oregon Banker’s conven sister, Mrs. Elsie Potter. She will be tion. here several weeks. George “Sparky” Ditter Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise i We Jus» Goi ,he Word! , Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Whitsett and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett spent family spent the weekend in North art of last week hunting in Eastern Bonneville, Washington where they Oregon without getting a deer. Sat- 1 visited his parents. urday Mr. Bassett succeeded in get ting his buck right near Mill City, j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thielke spent several days in La Grande last week Mr. and Mrs. I>ee Bassett and son, on business. They went on to Emmett, Maurie and daughter, Rosalie motored Idaho to visit his parents, Mr. and to Salem where they helped Mrs. Bas Mrs. W. E. Thielke. sett’s father, R. C. Shepard celebrate his birthday. way! ’ Ixiu Wirfs of McMinnville and Rudy Tohl of this city left Saturday for Summer Lake and returned Monday reporting good luck on their hunting expedition. Mrs. Wirfs spent the weekend with Mrs. Ruth Witt. • -u -.gth-New We must clear our Stacks of those 1 Great, Brand New, Super-Strong . The Woman's Council of the Christ ian church will meet Wednesday, Oc tober 28, at the home of the president, Mrs. Maggie Shaw. Results from the recent bazaar and lunch will be re- ported. 1953 Whitewalls 9 SHS-GENERM SQUEEGEES You Pay tor this tire m DECEMBER You PW for. this tire in JANUARY Never before have we offered the General Squeegee, 1 *‘meric® • top-quality tire, at a reduced price. 82% stronger ,^‘,'1 “iT’ *"d qu'cker •topping, the General Squeegee is the ultimate in safety for you and your family. W. I). Hoeye, industrial arts teach er in the high school, is attending a dinner meeting of the Willamette Valley Arts association in Eugene this evening. Part of the evening’s program will include a tour of the new Eugene high school. Each week more people are finding out that its a pleasure to shop at the friendly Red & White store » Our wide, clean aisles; clean, well stocked shelves and even 72 degree temper ature make Red & White a pleasant place to shop. Our always low prices, plus Penny Saver Stamps make Red White the store where your food dollars buy More. .. £ BETTER get START THEM SAVING FROM US WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M. By Shopping at Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City, Oregon ft TUtS 7tR£ & fft££ ICS-------------------------- ------------------- - CLEARANCE The Jim Swans report a cold, wet weekend of hunting southeast of La- pine, without a single deer sighted. They were accompanied on their trip by Miss Marion Peschek and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. McDonald of St. Helens. Last week we made mention of the Kings Teens of the Christian church were having a halloween party for members October 31. Everything was all right with the exception that the membership is made up of youth from all religious faiths of the area. We are sorry that this error occurred and state that it was purely unin tentional. GENERAL 11 fl You Pay tor this tirem NOVEMBER A photographer was at the local schools on Wednesday where he took individual pictures of the students. These can be secured by the students as individual pictures or as com piled pictures of their room or class. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Toman, Mrs. Toman’s father, Wilson Stevens, and Johnny Lombert, both of Mehama, hunted Saturday morning in the Little Northfork country. All bought in does. Discontinued 1953 White Sidewall I3SETS-GENERAL SILENT-SAFETY^^^^ Kliewer Quality Meats Can be purchased at the following stores « in this area: t You Pay tor this tire tn ^NOVEMBER YouPoVp>r. hehrem ytx/W.wç 54% stronger tread Rv<i. » than i ont'nary «**•• Modern, fast stopping tread. Every tire brand new. perfect in everyway Trade &ifertv nresnAnf<t ,irf* ‘5^ * ** °f Gcn"aI Silent- K hem on i t rfm?nbfr- Winter wear is slowest wear, rut them on today and enjoy extra thousands of safe miles. l„ option * 1 thmbi9 discos ^11 buy your Red & White Store Ressler’s Grocery 77//X TIREfS Hill Top Market Gates General Store NO EXTRAS— Oar price incladss i maanfinj sad balentiny WO A*T** CMAROÏ FOR THIS« CONVENIENT TERMS Philippi Tire Service "Saving YOUR Tires Is OUR Business” MA. OREGON PHONE: LYONS 143 r. - » -9 KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Telephone 2706 Min City. Oregon