S—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE For Your Halloween Fun MASKS MILL CITY, ORE. The community has some new rs who moved here recently ----- Ketchikan, Alaska. They are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Selfridge who are long By Boots Champion time friends of Gates Cochran. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert and Selfridges are making their home at .children Harold, Ray, Jimmy and Jer the Cochran addition known as the ry of Ida: 1 a, returned home from a oltl three C camp. Mrs. Selfridge i recent trip to Canada, where they at- ' stated her husband __ was _ ____ ____ here when ; tended the dedication of the Evangeli-! >h<‘ Hoover mill burned down and cal Mennonite Brethren church at Ab- I that he met Mr. Cochran in 1908 or 9 ■ bott's Ford, B. < Pastor of the church, *** i i the Rev. t. A. Wall.-, is a cousin of | the years. Hw Selfridges have made I Mr -. ile ei' - l'i..y Writ' no nipa: - their home in Alaska since 1925, It’s good to eat and this is the season for it. Thig ied by Mr. Herbert's parents, Mr. and ■ where Mr. Selfridge worked as a log- Mrs. H. B. Heibert of Dallas. I ger and boatman. They own their truly American favorite really hits the spot. The youth meeting previously | own boat which was a motor sailing I scheduled for October 18th at the j ; troller and later was a charter boat. You’ll love the spicy flavor of the tasty custard Detroit Church of Christ has been, The boat is now docked at Seattle and filling and the flaky tender crusts made with the postponed until Sunday, October 25. ' is for sale. Mrs. Selfridge stated best ingredients at Muir’s. I they sold their home in Ketchikan, Gates and Idanha community churches j are invited to meet with the Detroit . that they like it here, and expect to I group. Joe Canagy, Detroit high school | make their permanent home here. Mr. I senior, will sing, and give a brief; Selfridge is interested in the logging Try this weekend I business. I talk. I The Idanha Community church or-' Special at only 'chestra consisting of young musicians Conscience causes that uneasy feel j of high school and upper grade stu ing that your tracks weren’t com dents, has resumed weekly practice, pletely covered. following the summer’s intermission. ! The group meets every Thursday from i 7 to 8 p.m. Alsea won a victory of 45-0 over Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon Detroit Friday in a six-man BLMP Physician & Surgeon game. Detroit will play Valsetz Fri- J FRESH FRESH HOT FRESH day, October 23rd on their field. Come on fellas let’s get on that ball. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman recently I | purchased a neat 16-foot cabin cruiser. | Bill Gabriel of Detroit, won the I winner take all “jackpot” buck con- i j test, sponsored by the Cedar Tavern. I Gabriel’s buck tipped the scale at' > 214ki pounds, awarding him the $76 i for the largest buck. Marion Forks reports residents re- ■ siding in that area began to “batten ■ down the hatches” this week, prepar- ! atory to the snowy months ahead. 1 Among summer home owners putting I them in shape for thewintry months ahead were George Westerberg, who. has closed his summer home on the I Santiam ami State Policeman Byron | i Hazelton who has a summer home on Marion Creek. The Fred Gooch Logging Co., of \ Mill City has closed down operations j in the area for the year and has moved ! I most of the equipment to lower areas. Ed Thurston who operates facilities ! at Hoodoo Ski bowl is busy getting ski lifts in shape for winter business. I Recently completed was the Marion Forks Fish hatchery operations to re-I lease marked steelhead. These young fish were liberated at the Minto egg taking station down stream from Big Cliff dam. Slash burning in the area was suc cessful with no damage reported to other areas. By Boots Champion At the regular city council meeting held October 13, the second Tuesday i of each month, at the Detroit school,: councilman Jake Fischer was appoint-! ed by Mayor Archie Mattoon to serve as water commissioner for the City of Detroit. Fis.cher’s charge will be the newly purchased municipal owned water system; a utility originally built by THE CHURCH FOR AU . . A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE the U. S. Corns of Engineers to supply AU FOR THE CHURCH the Detroit school and telephone com- Meet John and Mary Smith—and their child. The Church ia th. fa<- any. charo"t *a,'\ ,Or ,h* bu,|d,ng ol See the pride and hope, the faith and love Initial billing for use of water to 7and °ood ci,i«nahip h that shine like soft lights from the little girl's consumers from the system will go Wohn . °U" *P‘nlu“l »alu., Without a strong Church, rt.tth.r out Nov. 1st, when the October bills face? See the look of the future in her eyes? .ur^aeyTun°r Cl,'l‘«>"or> can will be mailed. Water rates previously urvive There are four aound Nothing in all the world could cause that ani‘nd‘ Whr •r,ry p,r,on ,hould passed by the city council are as fol reflection of happiness and contentment but a lows: residential $4; commercial $5, £ hto* £1^, Z well-behaved child. Perhaps she has just and $2 per rented unit for apartments, chddr.n a >ak. (3) For th. ,aU spoken a piece. Perhaps she was singing a hotel, trailer or cabin use. rLh‘th Com®un''r «>d nation (4) Other business transacted at the song. Perhaps she is playing with her small which 'h* Church meeting was a vote by the city council brother and sister. d* h“ moral “nd ma '•r'al «upport Plan to go lo for the city of Detroit, to pay their B?bu1,.chdJd7u,a',y and r*ad you° But whatever she is doing, you will agree it share of civil defense. The district is the result of wise aud loving guidance. And quota for the four incorporated towns Book of Idanha, Detroit, Gates and Mill you can be certain there is another member of Chapter Vara.. Sund«, I King. City, is $190, of which each share is the family not shown in the picture— ’ the Monday Psalms $47.50 for the fiscal year 1953-54. guide and Father of all of them. Tuaad.y Psalms W.dn ad', Matth.w The grou also discussed streets in Thurada, Luk. Where parents and the Church work together Detroit, and it was announced that ’ S.';"*! Eh,liPPi«"a for God, you will find true happiness. Saturday H.br.wa a bid on a Corps of Engineers surplus | property fire trucks was lost. At a recent meeting councilman John Estey was appointed city building commis sioner. The next council meeting will be This Serie« of Ad» Is Sonsored by the Following Firms in Interest of All Churches held Tuesday, November 10 at 8 p.m. at Detroit school. Notices of the meet ing will be posted in the usual public C. E. Mason Shell Service Station Muir’s Bakery places. , Mill City, Oregon The annual carnival sponsored by' Mill City, Oregon the entire student body of Detroit school, will be held Friday, November Walt’s Garage 6 in the school gym. The time will be Kdlom’s Grocery General Repairing and Welding announced later. Prizes, games, food “Your Personal Service Store” and fun for all is on the agenda. Pro Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon ceeds will be used for classroom ac tivities. Freres Building Supply Brad Humphrey Sr., and son Brad, Wright Truck Line Building Materials of All Kinds Jr. teturned home Sunday morning Ship the Wright Wsy Sta y ton, Oregon from Enterprise with a nice two point Stayton, Oregon buck. Mr. »nd Mrs. Lester Beason of i Gates General Store Eugene accompanied by Mrs. Irene. Knowles Body & Fender Repair Gates, Oregon Stout of Detroit, left here early Thurs Complete Body Rebuilding and Glaso day morning on a hunting trip in th* Mill City, Oregon Summer Lake vicinity. Since they I Ada’s Needle Shop have not returned to date there is no Dry Goods and Dressmaking j report on what luck they had. 8. W. Broadway—Mill City—Phone 224$ Idanha Super Service Guy Moore is under treatment at DON LLOYD IDANHA the Salem Memorial hospital for the recurrence of an old ailment. We wish Ressler’s Grocery yo ua speedy recovery, Guy. Your SAH Green Stamp Store The picture show “Destination Mill City Pharmacy Florence Phone 32M, Mill City Paul i Moon” sponsored by the Detroit high MUI City, Oregon school student body drew a nice at tendance Friday night. Proceeds will j Shower Motors & Implements be used for Athletic insurance. Complete Line of Massey Harris Farm Machinery Willeatha’s Restaurant Johnnie Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Family Style Meals Lyons, I Stayton, Oregon Chick Ma»on returned home recently ' from Crescent City, Calif., where he Chili Bowl had been convalescing for the past' Nu-Method Cleaners Home made Chili; Hamburger«, Hot Dogs. three months. Recent guests at the | Mill City, Oregon Open 24 Hours Highway 22, Gatea, Oregon Mason home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mason and son, Charles. Dick just > recently returned from Tokyo. ajwj Red & White Store Mrs. Nettie McMillen recently from Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon i Anchorage, Alaska is visiting at the i home of her son-in-law and daughter, I the Stan Reeds of Detroit. DETROIT Pumpkin FRESH MILL CITY VARIETY HUGH and ALICE WALKUP, Props. FRESH HOT WE HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS NOVELTY CANDLES NAPKINS TRICK OR TREAT CANDY THl RS1>\Y. OCTOBER 22. 1953 HOT Night, Oct. 23 Balloons for all the kiddies Grand Prize drawing at 9:30 Closing Oui NATIONAL MAKES OF OIL HEATERS We are selling out our Oil Heaters to make room for our television sets Estate Heatrola *70 70,000 B. T. U. Regular priced $119.95 SPECIAL CLOSEOUT Quaker 60,000 B. T. U. Regular $119.95 NOW ................. Perfection one only 90,000 B. T. U. Regular $159.00 CLOSE OUT AT ONLY *109 Gates Furniture Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon Closing Out 1953 Appliance Floor Samples YOUNGSTOWN DISHWASHER 42 inch Semi Deluxe CABINET SINK 50 gallon FOWLER upright WATER HEATER FOWLER ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER 50,000 B. T. U. COLEMAN HEATER 55,000 B. T. U. COLEMAN CONSOLE MODEL HEATER 10 foot ZENITH DELUXE REFRIGERATOR 10 foot ZEN ITH SUPER DELUXE REFRIGERATOR 52 gallon upright ZENITH WATER HEATER ZENITH WASHING MACHINE 15.8 cubic foot ZENITH FREEZER 30 INCH ZENITH AUTOMATIC RANGE 40 inch MASTER CHEF RANGE SEE THE REPUBLIC KITCHEN at our store Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon John W. Reid, M.D MUIR'S BAKERY FRESH Opening Friday 59c HOT Mill City Fire Hall FRESH Roller Skating