2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mill City Richfield Station The best in service The bent in produrla We know well that I-ess than the tient will Lose your confidence. So we strive always to know What's best for you— And to give you only TOP VALUE Your confidence is our Most priceless asset. LEO and ELAINE RUSSELL AUTO GLASS, AUTO PAINTING WRECK REPAIRING See us for an Estimate. They’re given gladly Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience PHONE MI I.I. CITY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1953 Social Events , Clothing Sent to Korea by Church A review of the mission work in j which the Women’s Association of the j Presbyterian Church is interested CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES made up the program of the meeting I Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • C Wednesday afternoon of last week Phone »¿LEM 3-94M, COLLECT» Mrs. Vernon Todd, Woman’s Editor Phone 671 187» Elm BL, W. Salem which was held in Fellowship Hall. 1 Mrs. Floyd Jones told of the work Legion members and their guests will enjoy a potluck dinner and refresh I in Boggs Academy, a negro school in ments will also be served later in the Keyville, Georgia1. Mrs. Noble Street- , er discussed the foreign mission work evening. Mrs. Cauble announced her stand I in Pakistan. ing committee chairmen: American- It was reported that 180 pounds of i ism, Mrs. Turley Muir; child welfare, used woolen clothing had been pack I Plans were made for the rummage Mrs. Zeda Rynearson; community ed and sent to Korea. Eighteen I sale which is to be held in the service, Mr«. Marie Stewart; girls pounds of this was sent directly to a j American Legion Hall on October 23 I state, Mrs. Turley Muir; poppy sales girls home in Korea, and the rest was J and 24 at a meeting of the American ¡and poppy posters, Mrs. Lloyd Poole; sent through the World Church Ser-: I legion Auxiliary, Unit No. 159, last and publicity, Mrs. Louise Oliver. vice. i week. Mrs. Joan Cauble, presided. YOUR In addition to the warm clothing, I several boxes of lighter clothing was I Mrs. Dolores Stewart was elected Special offerings at the First S & H vice-president to fill a vacancy. Christian church on Rally Day made packed and will later be sent to the I Plans were made for a Halloween it possible to complete paying for Indians in New Mexico and to I Green Stamp Store I Party which will be held in the Legion the piano-organo combination 14 Haines House in Alaska. Mrs. Lester Hathaway was appoint-1| Hall, Saturday evening, October 31. months ahead of the contract schedule. OUR ed to be in charge of the silver tea hour of the of the annual silver tea EVERYDAY which is being held on Thursday af- i ternoon, October 22. PRICES WILL MIKE'S Septic Service: Legion Auxiliary Plans Rummage Sale October 23-4 Ressler's Grocery Jenkins Hardware Features SPARK OIL HEATERS We carry a complete line of tubing, fittings, filters, stovepipes and tanks. Call us for installations. Phone 2206 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS MILL CITY Rainbow Girls Meet . . . PLEASE YOU The Marilyn Assembly, Order of 1 Rainbow for Girls voted a $25 do- : nation to the Grand Worthy Advisors 1 roject at the regular meeting held on Wednesday evening of last week. Final plans were made for the special meeting of the Marilyn As- | sembly on Saturday evening, October 24, when the Grand Worthy Advisor, Mildred Patton, will be resent. Mem bers of Eastern Star and Masonic Lodge are especially asked to be pres ent at this meeting. A number of girls planned to at tend Acacia Assembly at Stayton on W'ednesday evening , October 21. Most efficient SIX...or most powerful V-8 Phone 3206 Mill City On the Highway COMPOUNDED W,,H CARE • Every prescription en trusted to us is compounded as though our reputation rested upon the accuracy and quality of that prescription alone. And it does! That is why we use only fresh,potent drugs; double check every step for accuracy. If you seek prescriptions com pounded with the utmost care, we invite your patronage. Capitol Drug Co. Salem I RELIABJLEj» ♦ ••••••• ••••••• PRESCRIPTIONS! .„only in FORD Economy Pickups ™ À lr- Ford gives you the kind of thrifty power—and power reserves—you can’t get in any other make of Pickup! ■ “ hl . SAVE TIME PAINTING EVERY ROOM with the The short-stroke design of the Ford 101-h.p. Cost Clipper Six cuts piston travel 18%. There’s less friction “power waste’’—more delivered hauling power! << M The famous 106-h.p. Truck V-8, most service-proved engine in trucking, is the most powerful engine in any Pickup! Get your new Ford Pickup with 45-cu. ft. capacity, all-bolted construction load box and rigid, clamp-tight tailgate . . . plus choice of V-8 or Six engine for fast load-hustling at its economical best! WCOMPARE ! only the ford Cosici^!« give, y OU all Of these feature^ $|X ~ ADVANTAGE OVERHEAD VALVES lOWFRICTIONI 1» i 3W . ----------- I V BORE-STROKE RATIO I_________________ 7 ompres $^"*;'O 7.0 TO 1 OK BETTER V v I_________________ 4UTOTHERMIC PISTONS I ------------------- ~ FREE TURN VALVES I V------------------- World’s most comfortable Cab! The famous Wonder Paint New curved one-piece windshield, new 4-ft.-wide rear window, new arm-rest deep side windows, yard-wide door opening, big 3-man comfort seat with non-sag springs and new exclusive seat shock snubber! All new! Sit in it for just 15 seconds at your Ford Dealer’s—you'll know the Ford Driwued Cab is the one for you! EUll PRESSURE[ 4 lubrication I____________ ■ FUll F10W I y I CAST|v riHRUST VALVES I | I INTEGRAL VALVE GUIDES PRECISION CAST I CRANKSHAFT I----------------- • . . preferred by millions You can •only do a room in hour» with SPRED SATIN, th® most beau« tiful. moil wothcbl« wall point •>•» made Go»» on »mooth and oven o*er almost any turfoco. 16 custom features at only slightly extra coat are yours in the Deluxe Druemed Cab (shown). "foefay» • • Oil filter 1 I------------------ STEEL HERD GASKET I ¿1------------------ I 5PRED 5ATIN It’s Drivenzed —only Ford has it! no other Pickups give you so much for your money! v I V I ___ 1____ ____ [7 I I | _L----- - I 5PREO GLO5S — The |----- _______________ *tow SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY • LAST LONGER holt HERROLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON New Hub Luster ’00% Latex Enamel de fine enameling in bo Sv h.Rhen, ond woodwork in »im« , Santiam Farmers Co-op St ay ton. Oregon