i 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR qQSIgRY I.UZIF.IiS (XJSMFT1CS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1953 DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Qualify Meats and Groceries CLASSIFIED RATES Ten cents per line each insertion. Kcal Estate No advertisement accepted for less FOR SALE—Large house. Little work •han 50 cents per week. to make it a beautiful home. No Count five words to the line in reasonable offer refused. Cash or ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill f all ii'2, Detroit, 44p City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Home Appliances Oregon. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, FOR SALE—Large Speed Queen etc. will be run under "Special An- mangle. $100 or will trade for elec | nouncements” classification with a tric sewing machine.—Mrs. John D. minimum charge of 50 cents per in Taylor, Box 465. Mill City. 42p sertion. FOR SALE Large sized Moore pro Card of Thanks—Minimum rate of pane gas range in good condition. 111. Will sell cheap. Ray Lord, Gates, , -Qr-e?9n- 44 p Lost and Found Mill City Enterprise J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude lewis' Service Station FROZEN FOODS Fix That Leaky Roof Business Services Kelly Lumber Sales Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East City Limits, Highw ay 222 Phone 6803 4 dveriisemeni FOR SALE—Plastic upholstered pia no and bench in good condition. $75 down payment will handle. B. E. Whitsett, Jr., house back of Ress lers grocery, Mill City. 45p From where I sit ...Z/ Joe Marsh FOR SALE—National 25 foot house trailer. Full size bed, daveno, butane range, oil heater, electric refrigerat or. Marion Bristow, across from Milo Harris Mill east of Idanha. Box 271, Idanha. 43p Modern Art Takes a Licking! lot of folks — one fellow even wanted to buy it!” From where I sit, Handy's "modern art” just shows how some people can be led astray. Some even get to be “experts"— especially about the other fel low's business. Whether it's art or music, or a simple thing like choosing, say, beer or milk with a snack, we should live and let live. There’s no call for either of us to set ourselves up as a "model” for the other! W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion «all or write Allen Gould, 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf NEED A TELEPHONE? —Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phope, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. CHILD CARE—After October 2nd, I will be available for baby sitting through the day or, of evenings.— Mrs. George Cree. Tele. 924. West of Mill City, on highway. Linn Co. Mill City Phone 5807 • • • Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Closed Mondays MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month Also light hauling. léonard Herman Phone 3952 WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Never a Dull Moment FOR RENT—By night or week. Sleep CARD OF THANKS ing rooms. Bath. Ground floor. Warm and clean. See George -Cree I wish to express my deep appre on highway, west Vsmile on Linn ciation to our many friends in and County side. 43p around Mill City for the nice cards and notes of sympathy we received Miscellaneous at the time of our bereavement. Al FOR RENT—l>-8 Caterpillar with so sincere thanks to Mr. Wm. Tickle Clearing Blade. W. S. Remine, and Mr. Hill for their kindness. Mrs. Eleanor Herlofsen and child Phone 1134. 43 ren, 154 Monroe Street. Santa Clara, AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY— Caljfornia. 42p Party to look after business, short hours, pleasant work, income starts Livestock at once. Won't interfere with pres ent job. Up to $75 weekly to STRAYED—Brown gelding saddle start. Excellent expansion possi horse, roached mane, saddle marked bilities. $700 to si 495 cash requir- left my place Friday night, Ralph ed. Investment secured by equip Faugh, Rt, 1, phone or call 2651. 1 ment. Give telephone, address, $10 reward. 42p I for personal interview, Write to 43p box 348, care of this paper. We have all the necessary materials on hand to fix that leaky roof or put on a complete new roof. anni Viv's Steak House LOST—Rubber rain pants on logging EXPERT AUTO and home radio road from Mill City to Elkhorn Sun service, 20 years experience, all day. Leave at Union Station on makes. Guaranteed service. highway. Clifford Roebke, Mill City ____ Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 42p TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- chines. We sell. rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old For Rent machine towards a new one. ROEN, 456 Court St. Salem. FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf ported and domestic woolens. Al terations, cleaning and pressing. FOR RENT — Cabins by week or SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. month for light housekeeping. Mill Liberty, Salem. 50tf City Hotel. 23tf FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- FOR RENT—Furnished two and stered, latest fabrics and plastics. three room apartments. Phone 1707, Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton D. B. Hill, Mill City. tf Upholstery. 38tf FOOD LOCKERS Did you know we had a real artist in town? Yes sir! Handy Jackson was a contributor to the Sculpture Exhibition at the Centerville Fair last week. His work was streaky pink and curved all around—sort of streamlined. Caused quite a stir. Nobody was sure what it was supposed to represent, but some liked it and thought it was good art. Handy gave me the lowdown: "Why, it was nothing but a piece of cattle salt our cows have been lickin' at for months. I just had it mounted. Fooled a Quality Job Printing at “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN ■ Saving Days • •• Prices Good Until Saturday ... MOCCASINS SHOE GREASE and OIL Be prepared for the rainy Season weatherstrip. Buy all you 17-ft. Felt t Weatherstrip. need now for comfort and economy this 23c now only winter. Regular 1 aw I > ■ > w Rubber Boot Retreads This is only one of many specials you find at our store during this fall sale. Come in and see us. SHOE REPAIRING * • Hilltop General Store Chuck's Shoe Shop East of the Bank Phone 1826 Mill City YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon Copyright, 1953, United States Brewers F eundation WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise The Elk Hunters Dream Specials for Friday and Saturday Butter Did you ever try to find camp wood while on a hunting trio in Eastern Oregon? It’s rough to find anything you can cut with an axe. That is where the light weight Mayflower Lb . Whether its a fan belt inspection, your tiren checked, or your wind shield washed, we are always here to serve you. McCulloch 33 Silver Saddle Cones in handy .It weighs only 20 pounds com plete. Come in and see us about this and many other McCullouch chain saws. I We do maintenance work too. and at prices you can afford. Quick service 1 SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903 — GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES Ask Santiam Equipment Co Shake Shack Building East of Mill City, Oregon Telephone 1572 Gates Oregon MILL CITY O -ifi Nestles Morsels 2 Packages - 39c Cake Mix Betty Crocker 3 packages - Krispy Crackers Sunshine, lb box 25c Bacon Cauliflower Swifts Oriole, Pound Per Pound .67 9c Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2714 Mill City, Oregon