The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, October 15, 1953, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mr. and Mrs. Mert Burson of Sil­
Mr. ar.d Mr«. Geo. Veteto had as
__ at n.eir cabin at Breiten- verton ■ were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Russel) Kelly and bush Mr. and Mrs. Al'ert Toman of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruder over the
family and Mrs. Karl Wilms spent thia city and Mr. and Airs. Joe Toman weekend. They are charter members
of the Christian "cjiurch here and
the past weekend at Road's End. They of Stayton.
came to attend services. Mrs. Burson
spent the time fishing.
John Muir represented District No. | is Mrs. Bruder’s and Mrs. Curtis
Mr. and-Mrs. Don Kerr and sons of 2 of the American Legion at a recent Cline’s aunt.
111 - '
Centerville, South Dakota, were re­ meeting in Portland when Joe Mc­
Shirley Veness celebrated her 8th
cent guests at the Ernest Podiabsky Donald of Coos Bay was made the
birthday on Saturday with a luncheon
new state adjutant.
at her home followed by a matinee
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and Mr. and
Mrs. Arey Podrabsky and Judy party to see Disney’s “Peter Pan.’’
Mrs. Carl Kelly were in Portland one spent part of Sunday at the home of Children attending the party were
evening last week to see “My Pal her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Linda and Mary’ Ann Bassett, Bar­
bara Olson, Tamra Morris, Linda Lee,
Palon of Scio.
Mary Ann Hoffman, Ray Yankus,
Sandra Hurd, Carol and Shirley
Frank W. Smith of Sheridan, Bill
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer of Veness.
McCoy and Charles Kelly spent the
weekend in the Ochocos, near Prine­ Wingham, Ontario, Canada, cousin of
Mrs. R. L. Faust, stopped here Mon­
ville hunting deer. No luck again.
Howard Farmen was the honor
day for a short while. They were on
at a birthday party held at
Miss Marion Peschek, one of. the their way to Dallas, Texas.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymon
first grade teachers, spent the week
Roberts Monday evening. Guests be­
John Muir and Bob Pratt went tu sides Mr. and Mrs. Farmen were Mr.
end at the home of her parents near
Independence last Wednesday where and Mrs. Guy Sorenson, Norman.
Mr. Muir, as District Vice Commander Shimmon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott,
Due to the illness of Miss Kathryn of District No. 2, helped install offic­ Mr. and Mrs.-Elmer Klutke and Don­
Hart, Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood did ers.
ald and Gary Roberts.
substitute teaching in the high school
the first of the week.
Enrollment in Mill City high school
has increased to 111, which is the
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kush and child­ same as enrollment at the end of the
ren, Diane and Brian, of Salem are first month of school a year ago, ac­
spending a weeks vacation with Mrs. cording to Howard L. Means, princi­
Rush’s mother, Mrs. Bess Vandermeer. pal.
Bicycle Repairing
Let Us I)o Your Printing
and Mrs. Paul Ressler spent
Sunday in Salem visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Storm.
Mill City Enterprise
Mrs. Vida Scott and daughter, Billy
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stout of Mill­
wood, Washington visited his cousin,
Mrs. John Swan, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine were
in Portland Friday and Saturday of
last week attending to business.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter of
Stayton, fotmer residents here were
visitors in Mill City lats week.
—Serving Your Favorite Cocktails—
Lindsey Wright of Stayton, was a
business visitor in Mill City Monday
Gooch Logging Supply
* h
Everything for the logger
• «
Phone 116
Phone 1141
Sweet Home, Philomath
Branrh Store Lyons
Mrs. James Swan and Mrs. George
Veteto were business visitors in Silv­
erton Tuesday.
Mrs. Clyde Golden of Idanha,
a business visitor in Mill City
John Muir and son, Terry, spent
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason were in
Toys and Hobbies
Sunday hunting in the North Fork Eastern Oregon Sunday where they
Lee Carlson is back from a two area. They report having seen no did a little hunting on the Metolius
week stay in the Veterans hospital bucks.
and also called at the Wallace Hen­
in Portland. He returned Saturday.
derson and the Clayton Baltimore
Sporting Goods
Floyd Fleetwood, C. E. Mason and ranches near Redmond.
Mrs. Jane Culp and her brother, Bob Hill did some fishing on the Alsea
Stayton, Oregon
I Gregory Peterson of Gresham, spent river Monday. They returned without
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stover returned
the weekend visiting at the Jack any fish.
the latter part of the week from a
Sullivan home here.
hunting trip that took them to the
Bob Sullivan returned here on country south of Bend. They report
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent motored leave this week from the Naval Train­ having had a fine time, but returned
to Bend Saturday and visited at the ing station in San Diego. He is visiting without any meat for the table.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slater, at the home of his parents, Mr. and
former Mill City residents.
Mrs. Jack Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymale and
daughter, Lydia, were visiting here
The Kings Teens of the Christian
Dinner guests at the home of Mr. Sunday. They came to attend the ’
church voted at their meeting Mon­ and Mrs. James Swan last Thursday services at the Christian church. Mrs.
day night to hold a Halloween party evening were Rev. and Mrs. Clair Fanny Brown of Lebanon was also
• Every prescription en­
for members only Saturday, October Denman and Kathy and Rev. and Mrs. here.
trusted to us is compounded as
31. Cider and doughnuts will be Noble Streeter and Stephen and Susan.
though our reputation rested
served as refreshments.
Pfc Phillip (.oble arrived Sunday
upon the accuracy and quality
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Yankus and Mrs. from the San Deigo naval training
Pvt. William E. Hamblin, son of R. H. Thomas spent the weekend hunt­ station for a visit with his parents?
of that prescription alone. And
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hamblin of Mill ing in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Yankus Mr. and Mrs. Verde Goble. He plans
it does! That is why we use only
City has graduated from the repeater- and Mrs. Thomas each got a 3-point to return Friday and will be stationed
fresh, potent drugs; double­
nsan’s school of the Army Signal buck.
at San Diego until February. He will
check every step for accuracy.
corps at San Luis Obispo, California.
have two years band training.
If you seek prescriptions com­
Mr. and Mrs. George Dickey and
He arrived in Mill City the forepart
pounded with the utmost care,
of the week on leave, before reporting .Merle Stewart brought home a deer
A school of instruction for PT A
from a. hunting trip last week which officers and chairmen of standing
to his new assignment.
we invite your patronage.
took them to the Lakeview area.
committees which was held in Salem
last Thursday evening was attended
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhoten. of Salem by A. E. Nesbitt, president of the
spent the weekend at the home of Mr. local PTA, Arey Podrabsky, program
and Mrs. Lee Ross. Sunday morn­ chairman, and Mrs. Howard Means,
ing the men went hunting north of workshop chairman. There were repre­ I
Mill City but failed to find any deer. sentatives at this meeting from Mar­
ion, Linn, Polk, Benton and Tillamook
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farmen, Jack counties.
Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Melvine La-
Vine and Sharon motored to Eastern
Oregon Sunday to hunt deer. They
report no luck.
Good Music
Where Friends Meet
On Highway 222, Linn County Side
George “Sparky” Ditter
Capitol Drug Co
Here From
New Giant-Size Television Screen
Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek spent the
weekend hunting near Sisters. They
returned without a buck. They plan to
meet a group this weekend for another
hunting trip.
w h 24-inch
The Garden club will meet Thurs­
day. October 22 at the home of Mrs.
W. W. Keller. Mrs. Robert Schroeder
will speak and show slides on wild­
See us for an Estimate
They’re given gladly
Knowles Body & Fender Repair
14 Years Experience
Locker Meats
Everybody is
talking about it
and we have it...
for immediate
delivery I
It’s the largest 24" picture
in the industry! A full 335
sq. inch Deep Dimension
picture . . . not just part of
the picture with precious
background detail lost in
diffusion, but all of the
picture in pinpoint detail!
Come in for a demonstra­
tion . . . see for yourself
why this l’hilco 6106 is the
talk of the TV world.
Don’t be satisfied
any longer with
"Squint-Size” TV
Giant Screen Philco
Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co.
Raytheon Bonded Electronic Technicians
Guaranteed Television and Radio Service
Phone 3207 Santiam Blvd.
Mill City. Oregon
per week
FN 3
H hen buying meat at any market
be sure you are getting what you
pay for. All of the meats cut and
wrapped by us are labeled giving
the grade. Ixiok for this grade on
all meats you purchase.
... a complet« protein food
For expert cutting and wrapping
of your game SEE US
If you wish to bring game in Sunday, Telephone 1024
Telephone 2706
Mill City, Oregon