Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1953)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME IX NUMBER 41 MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ». 1953 Coast and Geodetic Survey Crew Locates Here A coast and geodetic survey crew points which are being placed from of about twenty men, under the di four to ten miles apart throughout rection of Lt. Commander L. G. Tay the United States. They will form lor arrived in Mill City last week end i the basic framework for all the maps and are at the present time working and boundaries of the country. The in this area. work is undertaken at the request of A triangulation survey extending ¡Federal, State and local agencies for form Portland to Bend is being made J their use in mapping, and in connec- at the present time and this will tie I tion with engineering projects such as in with similar surveys made all over I the construction of bridges, highways, the United States. The purpose of railroads, dams, and for flood con- the survey is to establish given points itrol, land improvements and natural of latitude and longitude. This crew resources development. will be operating out of Mill City until In order to determine the exact geo the weather drives them out this win graphic location of a point, angles are ter, according to Lt. Commander Tay measured at one station between sev lor. eral others usually several miles away. Residents of the area are asked The work is done at night when the to cooperate with the crew. Res ' atmospheric conditions are more fav idents may be asked permission to orable and more accurate instrument establish a marker on their property. I al observations are obtained. It is This point selection will be one of necessary to erect temporary towers a network of thousands of similar over some markers so that the sur veyors can see from one station to another above the trees. Towers are not expected to be located in this however. It immediate vicinity is believed that towers will be erected at Mt. Scott, Squaw Mt., Squaw Ridge and Highlands. First Gates PT A Meeting Held No. Santiam C of C To Meet Nov. 4th Governor Patterson Receives Smokey Rear *2.50 a Tear, }0c * •'•OF Heart Attack Fatal To Mill City Hunter Saturday it out on a pole. After a few min utes he complained of a pain in his chest and dropped to the ground dead. He is one of five hunters in the state, who have died this season of heart attacks. Obituary Sketch Lonnie Lee McRoberts, 39, died of a heart attack while hunting Satur day afternoon, October 3. He was born at Longview, Washington and had attended ¿rade and high school Trained Speech Consultant there. He was married December 2, 1940 to Opal McRoberts and following Visits Mill City Schools his discharge from service in 194'1 Trained speech consultants visited had made his home here at Mill City. the Mill City schools for the first At the time of his death he was em time last Thursday and their visits ployed as a carpenter by the MAM will now be a part of the regular 'company at their Idanha plant. educational program. Until recently He was a member of the local Ma- no schools in Oregon could avail sonif lodge, which was in charge of themselves of speech consultants ex funeral services held Tuesday after cept the city systems, but now some noon at Stayton. Burial was made of the counties, among them Linn at Lone Oak cemetery there, service« county, are employing speech experts. being conducted by the Rev. Noble David Krueger, speech consultant Streeter of Mill City. from the University of Oregon now Surviving besides his widow are working for the state department of three sisters, Mrs. Ralph Reed and education, was in Mill City for sev Mrs. Alvin White of Kelso, Washing eral hours Thursday. He g. was accom- ton; and MIS. Mrs. IIVHICI Homer Bowman, , of , J , lull , «IIU — - panie.i by Miss Joan Crofield, speech Tcho Oregon aml one brother. Lloyd consultant for Linn county. They McRoberts of Longview, Washington. spent their time here screening all children who might need speech cor rection. They will return to do follow up work with those who need help in speech correction, They work with the student, the parent and with the teacher. Lonnie Lee McRoberts, Mill City, who worked as a carpenter for the M&M Company at Idanha died of a heart attack Saturday afternoon while hunting on Thomas Creek about 12 miles east of Scio. Hunting with him was Charles French, also of Mill City. Mr. McRoberts had shot a buck and they had pulled it down a hillside and then started carrying Left to right are: Albert K. Wisendanged, Executive Secretary Keep Oiegon Green Association; George Spaur, Oregon State Forester; Governor Paul Patterson; and Kermit W. Linstedt, Fire Control Chief, Pacific Northwest Region, U. S. Forest Service. Governor Paul L. Patterson today stressed the continuing need for care with fire in Oregon’s forest and range areas as the nation observes Fire Prevention Week. At a brief ceremony, rep- resentatives of state and federal forest agencies presented the Gov- enor with a toy Smokey Bear, nationalwide symbor of forest fire prevention, to help launch observance of the week in Oregon. “Smokey Bear is doing a fine job of preventing forest fires,” Governor Patterson said. “During National Fire Prevention Week, I think we should all pledge our continued suppoit to help Smokey Keep Oregon Green. “In approval to Smokey’s good work, the Oregon Green Guards consisting of thousands of our boys and girls, wish to make him an honary member of their organization. As chairman of Keep Oregon Green Association, I am happy to welcome Smokey tomem bership.” Gates—The first meeting of the season of the Gates Parent Teacher Association was held in the Auditor ium of the high school, Thursday evening, October 1, with a good at tendance. The president announced The North Santiam Chamber of the following standing committies for Commerce will not hold an October the new year: Mrs. Margie Anderson, meeting, because of the hunting sea Bids will be acceptecd on October Mrs. Kenneth Martif and Mrs. Elmer son. The October and November meet 19, 1953, for three tracts of timber Dog Puts Bear on Top Klutke, membership; Mrs. Edward ing will be held Nov. 4th, according to on land administered by the Bureau Of Light Pole in Idanha Chance, Mrs. Stanley Vail and Mrs. Ken Golliet, Mehama, president of the The Don Lloyd household at Idanha of Land Management,, according to Walter Thomas, program; Mrs. Ken- group. Salem District Forester, Rodney O. was disturbed about 4 a. m. Tuesday Fety. Located in Benton, Clacak- neth Martig, health chairman; Dale Place of the meeting will be an by their dog, which was setting up Reynolds, legislation; Mrs. John Wat- nounced later, and it is hoped that a amas, Linn, Polk and Tillamook coun quite a fuss. Mrs. Lloyd proceeded to ties, the 14,984,000 board feet of tim son, Mrs. Lee Kuhlman and Mrs. Tim good speaker can be secured. A show look for the cause of the rumpus and White, ways and means; Mrs. Don ing of the movies taken of the scenic More men are still needed in the ber is appraised at *206,270.75. Ap wonders of the Canyon are expected to search for Clarence D. Johnson. i, xx Miley, press reporter. Gates aw CS be ' only * a short scouting eo trip r - to — locate — discovered that the poch wad “treed" praised prices of Douglas fir, the pre The president announced the fall be ready for showing at this time. resident who disappeared Friday, 1 — . a good hunting ground for a planned a bear bn a light pole in front of their dominant species, range from a low school of instruction for P. T. A. Bill Stewart Sr., of Scio, former Mill I trip to be taken Saturday with his home. of *10.45 to a high of *23.15 per Several people were aroused by the thousand feet. Eight of the 13 tracts groups for Marion, Polk and Benton City merchant had a crew of about grandson, Royal Schaer. Mr. Johnson noise in the neighborhood to see the Counties will have a general session 50 from Scio working the area Mon carrying his rifle left his home early are being logged to salvage merch in Salem at the First Methodist day and Tuesday, and people from all Friday morning, assuring his family bear which was sitting on the cross antable timber that has been killed Church, Thursday, October 8, at 7 p. communities of the Canyon have aided he would be gone only a short time. arm of the pole. One resident got a or damaged by fire, or insects. m. Mrs. Martig volunteered to at in the search which has failed to When he failed to ieturn at the prom flash camera and took a picture. Aft The timber auction will be held in turn up any clues of his whereabouts. ised time the family became alarmed er a short while the dog left and the room 311, 640 North High street, tend. Gladys Mason, and the Mill City aj)d failed for aid in their effort to lo bear escaped into the woods. Salem, Oregon, commencing with the The Mill City Wolves will motor to It was decided to give a Halloween opening of sealed bids, which are re party for the pupils of the grades, up Sublimity Friday where they will meet operators have worked diligently in cate him. A group of about 50 men trying to find more men to comb the responded to the call and under the Missionaries Making Visit quired on four ofthese tracts, at 9:00 to the junior high age. Mrs. William St. Boniface at 2 o’clock. direction of the state police search A. M. The remaining nine tracts will Suddfeth, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and Mrs. The school is in need of bus drivers woods. Women of the canyon also At Streeter Home Here be offered for oral auction bidding. Leta Dibblee were named a committee for out of town trips, and any licensed have done a splendid job in hepling ed far into the night and have con tinued the search, combing the wood Interesting visitors in Mill City this Provisions for regeneration of the on arrangements. I driver willing to drive the bus is asked feed the many people engaged in the ed hills and flats surrounding the weekend will be Rev. and Mrs. Clair areas from which timber is to be I to contact the school. The team will search. Mrs. Pennick announced the Marion I The family has Denman and their small daughter, cut has been made in all instance«, Gates—The search still goes on for Johnson home. County Health Immunization clinic leave for Friday’s game at 12:30. Clarence D. Johnson, who never re been confident that Mr. Johnson Kathy. They have recently completed according to Mr. Fety. On a total of would be held at the Mill City grade Turning in the power in the second turned from what was intended to would not attempt to climb the steep a year of language study at San 315 acres planned for cutting on an school the second Tuesday of each halft, the Jefferson Lions racked up hill south of their home nor would Jose, Costa Rica, and will soon be area selection basis, surrounding re month, between the hours of 9:30 a. their second straight conference win he wander far away because of a re working at the mission station at' serve trees are expected to provide m. and noon. Children from the ages ■ with a 20 to 0 victory over Mill City cent heart attact and orders from his Tabasco, in southern Mexico. This sufficient tree seed to reforest the Round Top Logging Co. of three months up may be immuniz i here Friday. Showing the class which doctor to avoid all strenuous exercise, kution is partially supported by the lands from which merchantable tim- ed. I makes them-the league favorite, the I Of Lebanon Buys 174,000 Sunday afternoon Oliver Schaer Mill City Presbyterian church. ber will be harvested. The trees have I The well children conference will Lions found the going spotty as Wie Board Feet of Douglas Fir (Hap), brother-in-law of Mrs. Gwen The Denmans will be guests in the_ __________ .__ marked ______ , on _ an ad- been individually meet every other month. Mrs. Pin Mill City defenders occasionally found Round Top Logging Company of Schaer, had flown from his home in home of Rev. and Mrs. Streeter while ditional 140 acres in order to improve nick or Mrs. Martig may be contacted themselves and stopped the invaders Lebanon, Oregon, was the' successful Longview, Washington, flew just a- they are in Mill City. The Streeters the aveiage thrift and quality of cold. for information. bidder on Tuesday, September 22, 1953, bove the tree tops, over the entire and Denmans are personal friends, remaining stands. Following adjournment a recep The Timberwolves successfully stop by G. F. Home, assistant district for aiea in the hopes of spotting Mr. I__________ __ University of Cali- Timber sales auctions are held all attending the tion, honoring the teaching staff of ped George Marlott, Jefferson full ester for the Bureau of Land Manage Johnson’s red hat or seeing a glint fornja together in the years before monthly in the Salem Forest Di»- the local schools was held. Mrs. Ed back, only to have Eugene Teifke arise ment’s Salem District. of .^nlight on his gun, Glenn Hen- they were married. They also at- trict of the Bureau of Land Mana- ward Chance introduced Mrs. Gwen to the occasion with devastating the same H church ' Additional - ■ information >-«------ — ______________ ____ in Oakland. genaent. re Located in the Middle Santiam Ri ' ness accompanied him with high tended Schaer, principal of the grades and power. Teifke personally accounted ver drainage northeast of Foster, Ore., powered glasses. Later in the after- Rev. and Mrs. Streeter are going garding these timber sales offering« Don Miley, superintendent, who in for 243 yards in 13 carries for an the timber consists of dead and dam- i noon a bloodhound owned by Rob- to Cannon Beach Thursday morning may be obtained at the local office, turn presented their teachers, Mrs. A. 18 plus average per try. His runs of aged trees that are being salvaged. 1 ert Sewell, of Springfield and hand- where Rev. and Mrs. Denman are 1 —--------------------------- T. Barnhardt, and Mrs. Margie An 56 and 55 yards netted two touch The appraised price of $6.95 per ! led by Walter Dorman, dog trainer, visiting another Presbyterian church „ ,. M derson, of the grades and Mrs. Leta downs and a 26-yard burst set up the thousand board feet was bid up to of Salem, was used. Members of the which contributes to their support. F all Motif ( arried Out in Dibblee, Dale Reynolds and Darrell third on the two yard line where, *11.75 per thousand board .zwaiu feet. irru • Rob- searching party were called in to The minister there also happens to be Decorations at (Illi) Meeting Crossler of the high school faculty. Marlott pounded over. I ert Strong and Jack Farrell competed enable the dog to run the trail un a mutual friend of the other two A desperate need for Campfire Mayor W. R. Hutcheson gave an ad The Mill City ground attack was with Round Top Logging Company for hampered, until a late hour and a- families. The Denmans Will return leaders was presented by Mrs. Leon- ¡the timber which had been advertised gain Monday morning. dress of welcome, in behalf of the stopped cold failing to gain a first to Mill City with the Streeters and re-i i ard artj Herman, campfire ieailer leader chair chair- city. Darrell Crossler, the only new down from rushing. Dick Crook sup for one week. The sympathy of the entire com main until Monday, I man to the Mill City Woman's Woman’s club at The next timber sale to be conducted munity is with Mrs. Johnson, her son teacher, responded. Two piano solos plied a few thrills with a passing While they are here the church is , their regular business meeting held were played by Mrs. Walter Bris game which threatened occasionally in Salem by the Bureau of Land Man Royal and two daughters, Mrs. Gwen planning a pot-luck dinner at 6:30 Tuesday evennig at Fellowship hall. agement will be at 9.00 a. m., October Schaer and Mrs. bin; a reading, “Olga Olson,” by Mrs. but never reached pay dirt. — • ■ “ u - j Robert Levon, Friday evening to be held in Fellow- Mrs. John Muir, president, ----- presided. Stanley Vail; Mrs. Don Miley played Stastica There are 80 git Is who wish to M. C. Jefferson 9, 1953 at 460 North High Street in Ladies of the canyon are doing ship hall. Rev. Denman will show two piano solos and accompanied the First Downs what they can to assist the family pictures in the evening following the participate in the Campfire and Blue 11 Salem. __ . ....... * group singing. I in feeding the searchers when they dinner. Mrs. Denman will show ad Bird program and yet Mrs. Herman 437 Net Yards Gained .... 70 Refreshments were served by mem Net Yards Rushing 395 CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO OBSERVE i come in tired from the exhausting ditional pictures to the Sunday school says she has been unable to fill either 30 bers of the executive board. and discouraging hunts. on Sunday morning. the position of leader or assistant 13 10 Passes Attempted Rev. Denman will share the Sunday leader in four groups. Mrs. Herman 5 RALLY DAY SUNDAY MORNING I Passes Completed 4 The Mill City Christian church will j mornirig church service with Rev. is starting three groups herself this 40 42 Net Yards Passing Nursing Conference With observe Rally Day in the Bible school Insects Invade Class Streeter. He will also take part in the i week, meeting with a different group Scoring— Youth fellowship meeting at 4:00 i Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Immunization To Be Held Jefferson .......... .... 0 7 13 3—20 and morning worship service Sunday, Room at Elementary School with a Rally Day message by the o’clock on Sunday and the evening : evenings after school, but, of course, Mill City ......... 0 0 — 0 0 e° Here by Health Department Marion County “B" League Standings pastor, and special music by the A visit to many of the class rooms services at 7:30. I she will be unable to carry on such a A nursing conference with im- of the elementary school would leave The Sunday school offering next load. It was decided by _ the Club to W L young people. munization will be held at the Mill A fellowship dinner will be held at you wondering which would be the Sunday will go toward the purchase of make another appeal to the mothers 0 2 City elementary school Tuesday, Jefferson 0 12:30, with the Homecoming Day greater chore for the teacher—care of an airplane for the mission field of and other interested people in an at- 2 Sublimity' October 13, by the Marion County 0 service starting at 2 o’clock. Former the students or care of the insect and Mexico. It is a project which is very tempt to fill these vacancies. 2 Gervais Health department. Mrs. I-gp Ross was appjointed safe 2 members and pastors are expected at animal life which seems to abound worth while for one man with a 0 Chemawa ........... This clinic is held especially for in Scio plane will be able to do as much as ty chairman for the local club. 2 this service, with one of the latter, there. 0 fants and pre-school children. Mrs. With the introduction of science 20 men without a plane in the more The fall motif was beautifully car 2 Tom Courtney, now at Beaverton, a* 0 City W. Pennick of Gates and Mrs. Al Mill speaker. Special offerings will be re to the school curriculum interest in remote regions. ried out in the decoratoins. Hostesses Results last week— fred Nesbit will assist. Infants as ceived inan attempt to finish paying all living things has increased. Each for the evennig were Mrs. W. D. Hoeye Jefferson 20—Mill City 0. young as three months should start for the piano-organo purchased last morning fiffcs many eager students and Mrs. Roger Nelson. Gervais 33 — Chemawa 0. thia immunization at this early age year. bringing new prizes to add to the col Drivers License Examiner Sublimity 13 — Scio 7. Whooping cough is serious for child For the evening service, the mem lection of their room. At various ren less than five years of age and bers will join with the Presbyterian times there have been caterpillars, To Be Here October 15 Nursing Conference At very dangerous for children less than Marilyn Chapter No. 145 folks in their special missionary serv snakes, worms, grasshoppers, snails A drivers license examiner will be Detroit To Be October 16 two. Whooping cough can usually be ice. and gold fish. on duty in Mill City Thursday, Octob The nursing conference and im To Meet Monday at 8 prevented by immunization. Miss Letha Thomas’ fifth grade er 15 at he fire hall between the hours munization clinic of the Marion county The protection takes about four Marilyn Chapter No. 145 will meet boasts the only white rats in the of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., according to an health department which is usually months to develop but once a child | Monday evening starting promptly at Lions Club Has Family building. They also at one time had announcement received from the Sec held on the 15th of each month, will be is successfully immunized the pro- I 8 o'clock. a salamander but it has “departed.” retary of State’s office. held on October 16. to avoid conflic Nijfht Potluck Dinner Mon. tection lasts for several years. Visitors will be present from Euclid I The second grade has the distinction Persons wishing original licenses tion with another date. It will be I Chapter, Jefferson; Adah Chapter, In The Mill City Lions dub with 14 of having had a “stink bug,” but Miss or permits to drive are asked to file dependence; Marguerite chapter. Leb members and their families enjoyed a Zeta Prichard, the second grade teach applications well ahead of the schedul between 10 and 12 a. m. American I^ion To Hold anon and Orchdi chapter, Molalla pot luck dinner at the Presbyterian er, opened the window and let it g° ed closing hour in order to assure time Receiving the degrees of the Order recreation hail Monday evening. Vice Mrs. Floyd .Sletto one of the first for completion of the required license Yankees Win 5th Series Meeting Here Thursday In Final Game 4 to 3 President Frank Hunter presided over grade teachers, says that for the testa. The regular monthly meeting of will be Alice and Charles Thomas. The chapter room« will be decorated , the dinner meeting in the absence of first time in her teaching experience American Leg.on Post No. 159 will The New York Yankees won their be held at the Legion hall here tonight by Betty Tinney and Rose Cree Re- ; President Charles Kelly. Glen Blegen a caterpillar spun a cocoon while they fifth straight World Series Monday Actually complaints from readers by .coring a run in the last of the freshments committee will be Mabie ' acted as tail twister in the absence of had it in the room. But the fifth <Thursday) at 8 p.m. grade steals some of the first grade can be credited to two things. It is ninth inning that gave them a 4-3 Movies will be shown and lunch Nelson. Nellie Ward. Jacqueline Smith Homer Thacker. | No business was transacted at this glory for they, too, had this experi either something the paper said, or victory over the Brooklyn Dodgers its served. All legionnaires are asked to ■ nd Gladyes Davidson. something the paper did not say. All Stars are welcome. meeting. ence. the sixth game of the series. be present. Search Continued for Missing Gates Resident Mill City Wolves To Play St. Boniface Fri. Timber Auction To Be Held in Salem