Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1953)
6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE WATCH YOUR \ì I STEPyr with a LOADED. GUN— Pancake Flour SYRUP I 47c SPERRY’S 4 Lb. Bag 49c Log Cabin 24 oz. tin Canned Milk I //j Popular Brands BEEFSTEW c c K . J 8 ® < 2 X • 2 19c Potatoes COFFEE Golden West 89c Milk Chocolate Blocks 49c HUNT’S No. 300 tin LB GHIRARDELLI 11 oz. pkg THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THE RSDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1953 Improper Handling Of Livestock Cuts Profits Improper handling of livestock dur Enteied as second class matter No ing loading and hauling to market vember 10, 1944 at the post office at causes losses running into thousand« Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of of dollars annually ih Oregon alone, March 3. 1870. according to Harry Lindgren, Oregon State college extension animal hus Subscription Rates Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 bandry specialist. Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 Reports from slaughter houses indi cate that trimmings made necessary DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher by bruises represent'a national loss of PEARL EIDE News Reporter several million dollars each year. Mil lions more are lost through weight shrinkage and illnesses that result I SE CAUTION. Hl NTERS from undue exposure or lack of feed, With the opening of the deer season water and rest. Saturday, hunters are urged to be I Since these losses are reflected in more than careful that they shoot only | lower market prices for animals, Ore deer. Each and every year reports gon producers have a stake in reduc come that hunteis have carelessly ing such losses to a minimum, de shot cattle, horses, their own compan clares the OSC specialist. ions or any other moving object that Lindgren says transit injuries can happens to appear in their line of be lowered if animals are not hurried vision. during driving and loading, particul | Be sure when you pull the trigger arly when they are passing through I that it is deer that you are shooting gates or narrow passages. Squeezing at, not some ranchers livestock. against posts and walls causes severe Many hunters complain about the and deep bruising. many posted areas, and more land is A canvas slapper or electric prod being posted each year. Where should should be used to encourage stubborn the blame be placed? Right at the animals. Sharp sticks, whips and clubs hunters feet! Their carelessness in cause injuries that reduce the value of past years has caused much of this the carcass. Another precaution the posting. shipper should take, if possible, is to Another thing one reads about each select a carrier that has adequate fa hunting season is death from heart cilities and a reputation for handling failure. Hunters should learn to act livestock with a minimum of rough their age. Avoid too vigorous climbs, treatment and losses. and do not hunt to the limit of your Vehicles used for transportation endurance. Always save some of should be reasonably clean and dry, your strength to take care of your with inside walls free from rough pro- self in case of emergency. L rarpfnl of Jections that might cause injury. Ani Last, but not least, L- --------- — mals should be provided with good fire. The recent rains should eliminate feed and water and an opportunity to most of this hazard, but good hunters rest at regular intervals in transit, always take precautions when in the the specialist says. woods. * ---------------------------- With citizen interest aroused OCR PHARMACISTS through Highway Lifesavers activi October 4 to 10 is being observed as ties there has been a steppir.g-up also ' National Pharmacy Week this year, in the number of driver license sus and we were reminded when we read pensions based upon more prompt this news of the many services that reporting of traffic court convictions. we have come to expect from our In June, 119 licenses were suspended I pharmacist, unthinkingly. Take a and in July, 164 were suspended. The ■ prescription for example. It may be State Police and Traffic Safety Divi | for any one of ten thousand drugs, and sion as well as the courts are finding yet, we hand it across the counter to “political” pressure to get light penal our pharmacist without a thought to ties for serious traffic violations eas his not having it at hand. It is one ier to cope w-ith since citizen interest of those things that we have cohie to has been alerted in almost every coun accept fiom him in his health service ty through the Lifesavers organiza tion. to our families. Yet, should we accept it merely as "standard practice”? His investment Card of Thanks in stock alone runs to amazing propor tions today in our world of new drugs The president of Lodge W. B. F. A. and medication. Hundreds of his drugs are called for but once or twice Charles Dolezal, wishes to thank all a month, causing him to keep these the ladies who helped to cook the won items on hand, at an incalculable cost derful dinner for the district conven- when we compare inventories in other JSpecial^ thanks go to^ Gladys stores. His is a professional service, Podrabsky 1 - who baked the - delicious, far above the normal mercantile stan- beautifully decorated cake in silver ;e— a dards of running a store. He knows and ^wtiite — it 1 was _ __ masterpiece, and Hattie - Fencl who his responsibility, and he constantly to ------------- ----- and Mrs. — Kazda ---- stands guard against the threat of fessed the twelve chickens, Many disease, no matter what it is, or when thanks, girls-________________ it may strike. Pharmacists are one of our major express our gratitude—to them for bulwarks against the threat of disease, their ceaseless service in the protec- This week we pay our respect—and tion of the public health. I Customers tell us they PRODUCE^ Pink Grapefruit 3 rr 23c / Yellow Onions, lb. 3c WITH Hunter's Specials Link Sausage Home Made Glidden ENDURANCE V - 53c r' t We have on hand a large supply of good MEATY SLAB BACON For That Hunting Trip i Beef Roast, lb. 39c Pork Roast 49c T • s p<d*t V If* • Velvet-smooth brushing • Colors that stay bright * Red Snapper u.. 39c Closed Sundays A • Gleaming white — Self cleaning « r $6.20 per gal. We reserve the right to limit quantities KEN GOLLIET MEHAMA, OREGON in 5 gal. lots • Uniform top quality in every gallon • Hold* up under worst weather SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feed. Seed. Fertili ter Telephone 5024 Grinding and Mi* Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliance. Machinery Hardware Petroleem Producta STAYTON. ORE.