Thank You.... We wish to thank our friends for their patronage during our first year in business in Mill City. We will endeavor to serve your needs in the future as we have in the past. Ada's Needle Shop Mill City, Oregon Cash for Cones Seems like it, doesn't it, the wav money goes? Perhaps you ought to take some of that money out of your pocket—say, every time you get paid, and save it in your own personal savings account here. You’ll find it's worthwhile, and, of course, your money is insured to $ 10.000. Open an account now. NN e will pay $4.00 per sewed sack of Douglas Fir, NN hite Fir, and Noble Silver Fir Cones. Priced to our specifications. NVe Pay 15c per pound for Hemlock NN rite NValter Murray, Box 712, Foster, Oregon Cones Are Ready. Act Now. Squirrels are Cutting MILL CITY STATE BANK Manning Seed Co. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Phone Sweet Home 6011 FINE CAR fine car price Duplicating America’s costliest cars, feature after feature, Ford is worth more when you buy it . . . worth riiore when you sell it! FEW MINUTES on the tele­ gives you exactly the amount of phone calling the dealers who power you want, when you want it . sell America’s finest cars will —automatically. reveal there are at least eleven models f'ine car power steering, too. The among four makes with price tags big, heavy costly cars offer it for the over $4.000! same reason they offer power brakes. It’s a man-sized job for a 120 pound Now the interesting thing is that woman to handle a car weighing two in feature after feature the Ford car tons or more without it—especially duplicates each of these fine cars, and when parking. Our “Master-Guide" for less than half the fine car price! has two distinct benefits. Look under the hood of the most expensive can and what do you find? First, it gives a hydraulic power assist right down at the wheels and .4 F-$ Engine! fust enough to take out the work. You Well, the Ford car has a V-8, too. In don't relinquish one particle of con­ fact, it has had a V-8 since 1932, and trol—rather your control is more com­ since that time Ford has built more plete and far easier. V-8’s — by millions — than all other Second, being hydraulic, “Master- manufacturers combined. And there’s Guide” power steering absorbs those no other builder in Ford's price range fatiguing steering wheel tremors that’s seen fit to offer one yet! caused by ruts and roads in bad But The engine, as fine as it is, is repair And you don’t pay a fine car only one of many things that make price for “Master-Guide." a fine car fine Hut there is another fine car fea­ ture—the ford ride. Books have Automatic shifting. for trample. been w ritten on the subject of riding All the fine cars offer it in one form quality in an automobile, but the or another because it’s one of the pas off comes on the pavement — or things that make a fine car fine But lack of it' Many people associate a if you’ve never driven a Ford with comfortable ride with excess weight, Fordomatic vou've missed one of the but it’s not weight alone that makes finer things of life This amazing for comfort. If it were, those big five- transmission not only does away with ton trucks w hich you see every day clutching and shifting fores er — it A would be the most comfortable ve­ hicles on the road. Without being technical we can tell you that what’s been done with the suspension agd springing system gives the Ford a softer ride, a smoother ride than many cars which tip the scales at better than an added half ton. What about room? Here’s an inter- esting point. If you’ve felt that only a costly car offered enough room, you just ought to sit down in a Ford even if you’re out-size and six feet four! The so-called big car is bigger on the outside, but unless you buy a limou­ sine with those little jump seats, it’s not one passenger bigger inside. I isihility is another fine car ford feature. We say Ford cars offer “full­ circle” visibility because they all have huge, curved one-piece windshields and a huge rear window to match . .. plus side window’s that mean every passenger gets room with a view! How beautiful is a ford? A great English poet. John Keats, once wrote “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty"— well, he could have been writing about otir car for its beauty comes from Honest, clean lines in every dimension. In fact, we think most people agree—even our competitors rc a. —that the appearance of a Ford Car leaves very little to be desired. It is “at home” wherever it goes and it goes everywhere. Hut what about ford quality? Does it too match the fine car? Is the sheet metal of the body panels as thick? Is the finish as good? How about the trim and things like that? WeM, as far as we can determine, the sheet metal is identical in thickness in practically all instances. As to finish — we believe Ford’s haked-on enamel has no equal in any car. Ford upholstery fabrics and trim are less costly, but they’re less delicate, too, and if anything, more durable. How then is it possible to give you this fine car at half the fine car price? < Part erf the answer lies in Ford manufacturing skills and knowledge as evidenced by the V-8 engine. Part of it comes from the ever increasing numbers of cars Ford produces and the economies they make possible. And, part of it comes from Ford’s willingness to give greater values than might be expected in cars sell­ ing in Ford’s price range. And that’* the Ford idea. ' DETROIT By Boots Champion The Idanha fire department was called to the Idanha Lumber Mill about 8 a. m. Tuesday morning, to put out a file on the shovel deck. It was reported little damage was done. Eddyville won a 19 to 13 victory over the Detroit team in a non-league football game played Friday afternoon on the Detroit field. Passes from Rus­ sell Rice to Gerald Vickers accounted for the two Detroit six pointers in the first and second periods. Rice ran over for the one Detroit conversion point. Officials were Spencer and Davis, Francis Kettleson, Detroit coach. Fri­ day, Detroit will play St. Paul. Two Students Injured Two students were injured Friday on the Detroit school grounds. One was playing football, the other base­ ball. High school freshman, Don Wat­ kins of Idanha suffered a broken wrist in the Eddyville-Detroit football game and was taken to Salem Memor­ ial hospital, where a cast was applied Ernie Wallace, a fifth grader, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wallace, receiv­ ed a concussion when struck on the head with a baseball bat. He was treated by a Mill City doctor and tak­ en home. He is expected to be out of school about two weeks. Freshman Class Initiated Nineteen members of the freshman class of the Detroit high school were initiated Wednesday by the upper class students. The initiates were re­ quired to attend school in costume where they, performed at an assembly and later paraded in Idanha. The ini- tation is an annual affair in which the sophomores class takes a leading part. Highlight of the days activities was a mixer dance for the student body, given by the sophomores to honor the freshmen. The event was held in the school cafeteria. Music for dancing was furnished by records. Approxi­ mately 40 students attended. Faculty members present were O. J. White, superintendent, and Francis Kettle- son, athletic coach. Agnes C. Booth, Marion County school superintendent, accompanied by Ireta Downing and Mildred Odgers, county school supervisors from Salem, paid an official visit to the Detroit school on Thursday. The Willing Workers Club will hold their first meeting of the season, on Wednesday, October 7th at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Esther Eckerson in Idanha. Club activities for the year will be discussed.. Elk and Dunlap Lakes Cleared Elk and Dunlap lakes in the Detroit area were cleared last week of the contamination of catfish, whivh were preying on trout. Nearly three tons of rotenone was dropped in the two lakes to kill the calfish, reports the Oregon State Fish Commission. The two lakes will be restocked in the spring with trout. Mrs. Helen Bryant. Detroit school clerk, attended a Marion county school clerks meeting Monday evening at the Salem high school. Mrs. Irene Stout accompanied Mrs. Bryant to Sa­ lem. Mr. and Mrs. Ed De Bolt of McMinn­ ville, were callers in Detroit and Idan­ ha on Saturday. The DeBolts were former residents of Idanha, Gale Fagan and Martin McCann were business callers in Portland on Saturday. P. T. A. Meets At the P. T. A. meeting held Thurs­ day night in the school, Mrs. Starr Reed was elected as vice-president. The P. T. A. also voted to aid the school in finishing the landscaping of the grounds. Teachers and parents made a tour of the classrooms. After the tour, coffee and cake was served in the cafeteria. First Meeting for Brownies The Brownies held their first meet­ ing of the season at the home of their leader, Mrs. Betty Pittam in Idanha on Thursday. At the meeting they and their leader went on a Nature study hike, and on their return to the home after the hike, a page in a scrap­ book was started on the things they found on their hike, such as leaves, etc. At each meeting they will add another page to the book on their activities. Mrs. Annie White, who has been spending the summer at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White, returned to Oro­ ville, Calif., last week, where she makes her home with her daughter and son-in-law, the C. A. Boultons. Mrs. Anne Stevens, who recently was released from the Matson Memor­ ial hospital in Milwaukee, Ore., is making her home at Detroit again. Gates PTA To Entertain Ixx-al Faculty Thursday According to Mrs. William Pennick, president of the Gates Parent-Teac­ hers Association, a reception wall be held at the Gates high school Thurs­ day evening, October 1st, at 8 o'clock p. n., for members of the local school faculty. Parents and other interested per­ sons are cordially invited to attend. FOR SALE llòrt/i more tr ftert you buy it... Worth more uhen you »ell ttr HERROLD - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1953 MILL CITY, OREGON 1950 BUICK SEDAN 24,000 Miles $1595 Bank Terms can be seen at Don’s Service Station in Mill City