Mr. and Mr«. Floyd Jones spent the weekend visiting relatives in Vancou ver, Longview and Seattle. They drove to Vancouver Friday evening and left their car there, returning by train from Seattle, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe l.alack and Mon »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1953 te were in Dallas Sunday for his bro The Theta Rho Girls held a brief I ther David’s birthday dinner. They re meeting last Thursday evening, with turned by the way of Salem, where Juanita Thomas presiding. The usual they called on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew social evening was omitted since the LaLack Jr., and family. Santiam Rebekah lodge drill team had a practice scheduled for later in the Mrs. Frank J. Jackson was a busi evening. Mrs. Frances Chapin of Browns ness visitor in Salem Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke motored to ville has purchased the house next to Portland Monday afternoon on busi the Howard Mean’s home in Shep herd’s addition. She plans to move to ness. Carl Hall Kelly spent Saturday fish Mill City after an addition has been ing with his grand-father, C. E. Ma made to the house. Mrs. Chapin is the mother of Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt. son at Clear Lake. The Christian Church announces a Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill spent the last weekend at their Roads End cot bazaar, lunch and food sale on Wed nesday, October 7th, starting at 11 tage at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup were o’clock a. m. ad Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swan and son. Sunday guests of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walkup of Salem. and John Swjin, drove to Portland Mrs. J. F. Potter spent the past , Sunday and visited at the Ronald 1 weekend at her beach cottage at Swan home. Mrs. John Swan, who had Road’s End with friends from Esta , been at her son’s home for a week’s time while he underwent surgery, re cada. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thacker, Leon turned home with them to Mill City. I and Tommy, spent Saturday at the Ronald Swan jj recovering nicely at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of his home. The Sunday School collection of the Salem. * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kelly were at Presbyterian church for last Sunday Monument Peak Saturday, picking and also this coming Sunday, is to be I huckleberries. They report some very- donated to “Operation- Milkpail”, a fund to help buy milk for the children ' large berries. The Christian Church announces a of Korea. A collection of $3b was made | bazaar, lunch and food sale on Wed last Sunday. Clothing for Korea is to , nesday, October 7th, starting at 11 be packed Thursday morning, Sep-, o’clock a. m. ad tember 30 in the Fellowship hall. Paul Jennings and A. W. Toman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walliser of Rich mond, California, recently spent se went to Silver Creek Falls Sunday on | veral days as the guests of Mr. and their motorcycles to watch the games. | They did not take part in any of the Mrs. Art Kerr. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. events, but did enjoy watching others. I Art Kerr this weekend were their One of the cycle riders rode his mac- | son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. hine into the swimming pool, causing 1 a lot of excitement for a short while. W'ayne Kerr of Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler went to Jordan Sunday where they attended daughter, former residents of Mill I the annual bazaar and dinner put on City, are spending several days here j visiting friends. They are guests at by the Catholic church there. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fortune of Seattle the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of St. Cruson of Fox Valley while here. Mr. Louis, Mo., spent a few days at the Hopkins drove the Shell Oil truck here ! in the past and has just recently re- I Dewey Flatman home last week. Miss Letha Thomas, fifth grade tea ceived his discharge from the service. Mrs. Walter Mackie was surprised ♦ cher who lives in Stayton, was ill with the flu the first of the week. Mrs. by a group of friends last Friday af » Lowell Fleetwood acted as substitute ternoon when they dropped in to i celebrate her birthday. Late in the af teacher. Spending the weekend in Toledo vi ternoon birthday cake was served to siting relatives and fishing, were Mr. Mesdames Glen Blegen, Jay Mason, and Mrs. Melvin LaVine and Sharon. Elmer Payne, Roy Epperson, Edsel While there they were guests of the Croan, B. E. Whitsett, Gene Englegau, and the honored guest, Mrs. Walter Clifford I-aVines. Miss Ardith Jones, a University of Mackie. Oregon co-ed from Mill City, was John Jubb, who taught in the Mill pledged Zeta Tay Alpha sorority when I City schools from 1950 to 1952, this formal rushing ended on the campus | year is teaching physical education and coaching in the Lake Chelan High September 23. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Robinson and School, Washington. The high school Mrs. Richard Saucier drove to Tilla there has a faculty of 52 teachers. Mrs. mook, Saturday and were overnight Jubb, who woiked in the Mill City- guests at Pekasky home, who are old State Bank while here, is working in I the bank at Lake Chelan. Mr. and Mrs. time residents of Mill City. _ 11 al the T University • . .. _ Miss Ardith Jones, daughter of Mr. Jubb L. both attended o! and Mrs. Floyd Jones, who is attend- Washington last year. ing the University of Oregon this Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fortum of Seat- year, has pledged Zeta Tau Alpha so-1 tie, W ash., accompanied by Mr. and rority, Ardith is a sophomore, having J Mrs. Floyd Smith of St. Louis, Mo., attended Lewis and Clark College her were 1 ecent guests at the Leonard Herman home. The Forthums are par first year. The R. L. Faust home has been the ents of Mrs. Herman. While here the scene of a reunion of the four Faust Hermans and their guests visited l'et- brothers this past weekend. Guests erson’s Rock Gardens near Redmond, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. | The Dalles and Celilo Falls wheie Faust and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross, they saw the Indians fishing and came were Mr. and Mis. Hugh Faust of home via the Columbia liver drive, by Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Faust Multomah Falls and other scenic of The Dalles and Dr. and Mrs. Glen points. Mrs. James Swan, superintendent Faust of Norton, Virginia. On Mon day the four couples left for a vaca of the primary department of the Pres tion trip in Oregon which will include byterian Sunday School, held a meet ing of the teachers of this department visits to Mt. Hood and the coast. at her home Tuesday evening. Plans — were made for the coming Sunday- school year, which begins October 1. The primary teachers are Mrs. Ed Yarnell, Mis. Martin Kelly, Miss Sig run Grimstad, Mrs. Leo Bowers, Mrs. Howard Means and Mrs. Vernon Todd. The primary department includes chil dren from 3 years of age through the third grade. Locker Meats Packer Style Hogs Head off, Leaf Lard Out Includes smoking hams- and bacon, rendering lard cutting, wrapping and quick freezing HUNTERS For expert cutting and wrapping of your game SEP] US KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Telephone 2706 Mill City, Oregon Marilyn Baltzer, Bride- Elect Honored at Shower LYONS—Mrs. E. L. Roye and Mrs. Alice Huber were hostesses for a shower honoring Miss Marilyn Balt zer. bride-elect, held at the Rebekah hall Monday evening. Miss Vivian Boyce was in charge of the games. After the opening of the gifts, dain- i ty refreshments were served to the | honored guest, Marilyn Baltzer, Alta ! Bodeker, Gertrude Baltzer, Freda1 Kuiken, Effie Toomb, Anne Pietrok, I Louise Pietrok, Kathleen Manning, | Donna Lee Weldon, Doris Roy, Helen Pietrok, Jean Pietrok. Elva Kuiken, | Golda Brassfield, Vivian Boyce, Nor-1 ma Miller, Rean Fletcher, Martha Poole, Jacquie Smith, Beth Prideaux, I Carrie Naue, Hazel Wirth, Lucy Pal-i mer. Luella Hargin, Ruth Lyons, Kathleen Kuiken, Janie Sheriff, Eva | Bressler, Carol Grimes, Lucille Hu ber, Alice Huber and Orpho Roye. Sharon Whitsett Has Party on 10th Birthday auto glass , auto painting WRECK REPAIRING See us for an Estimate. They’re given gladly . Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience MILL CITY PHONE »» Gooch Logging Supply • b Everything for the Logger « « BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Sweet Home, Philomath WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky” Ditter NSVSR LAY A GUN ASIDE Going UNLESS YOU UNLOAO IT Hunting? Red & White Store has SHOOTING IS FUN a large stock of Red Shirts Red Sweat Shirts and Red Hats I>et us pack your CAMPING GROCERIES in wooden boxes. No extra charge w hen you shop at RED & WHITE We also have some very low prices on WOOL JACKETS, SHIRTS and SOX Shop Red & White to get your Hunting Needs!! BETTER GET START THEM SAVING FROM US WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY Sharon Whitsett was guest of honor at a party celebrating her tenth birth day last Saturday afternoon. Follow ing games and ice cream and birthday cake, Sharon and her guests had a theater party. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayinn IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! ■u Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City, Oregon I