I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUNT! On the Skyline where the mulies roam FLYING X PACKERS will work out from SKI LODGE (Hodo Bowl) For particulars ask Detroit businessmen Make reservations at Lake Club or Cafe THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1953 Social Events CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Vernon Todd, Woman’s Editor Phone 671 Missionaries To Be Guest Speakers This Fail Garden Club Demonstrates Elower Show at Thursday Night Meeting at Kimmels A playlet entitled, “Together we seek to be Builders of Personality” An interesting demonstration of CLYDE HUTC HINSON was presented for the program of the flower show practice made up the pro Women’s Association of the Presby gram of the Mill City Garden Club terian Church at their meeting held at their regular monthly meeting held Wednesday afternoon of last week in last Thursday evening at the home of Fellowship Hall. Mrs. J. C. Kimmel. Taking part in the play were Rev. Mrs. Charles Dolezal and Mrs. Cur Noble Streeter as the judge; Mrs. Mel tis Cline demonstrated their explana Robinson, clerk; Mrs. Noble Streeter, tion of flower show practice with and Mrs. Floyd Jones, the jury; and flowers, various containers and ar Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mrs. Roy Ep rangements. There was informal dis person and Mrs. Jtalph Fough, the cussion. accused. During the business meeting, pre Plans were made for entertaining sided over by Mrs. Bert Morris, presi the guest speakers who are coming dent, there was discussion of the pub to the church this fall, during the lic dinner to be given by the Garden business meeting, presided over by Club Saturday evening, October 17, t Mrs. James Swan. Both a tea and a I in the I. O. O. F. hall. i dinner are planned for the visit of Mr. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. and Mrs. Clair Denman who are mis I Charles Dolezal, Mrs. Ernest Podrab- sionaries from Mexico, who are par- i sky and Mrs. Kimmel. ally supported by the Mill City church. They will be in Mill City from October 8 to 12. “Humor” Is Toastmistress Mrs. Perry Hanson, one of the last Club Theme Thursday missionaries out of China, is scheduled for October 22. She will be remember “Humor” was the theme presented ed as Irene Foresythe who was here by the topic mistress, Mrs. Howard several times before the war and was Means, and the members responded FRESH HOT FRESH with anecdotes at the regular Mill very popular as a speaker. a Miss Eleanor Ewing of San Fran City Toastmistress meeting at the 02 cisco will be a guest of tile church on Bank Cafe, Thursday evening. Mrs. w November 10, and Dr. John Furnas Floyd Jones presided and Mrs. Vernon B Todd was toastmistress. will be here, December 9. u A varied group of topics was pres ented by the three speakers. “Don’t Mill City Garden Club Let Yourself Go” was the title of Mrs. E- To Have Work Day Oct. 10 Gale Lowery’s speech which dealt O The Mill City Garden Club is plan with hobbies. She displayed some of a ning a work day for October 10, in her own oil paintings to illustrate her i speech. Mrs. Ed Yarnell spoke on “Far the Rebekah lodge hall. Mrs. Wanda Edlund, Scotts Mills, Away Places’!, and Mrs. Floyd Jones, corsage chairman of Oregon Federa “The Amateur Chairman.” Critics for a tion of Garden Clubs, will be here to the speakers were Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt, & demonstrate all the lovely materials Mrs. D. W. Stewart, and Mrs. Vincent a available for this fascinating hobby. Palmer. Mrs. Don Miley was evaluator She has asked all those attending this for the evening’s progiam. The meeting was opened with the meeting to bring any flowers or dry FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAI material they want to use and she : invocation by Mrs. Kenneth Crosier. I “The Aims of Toastmistress” was will show how to make it. presented by the education chairman, Mrs. Edlund will also have many DINNER ROLLS, HUTTER o Mrs. Arthur I.eCours. Mrs. W. R. Hut nice items for holiday decorations on a ROLLS, PARKER HOUSE cheson was timer. display and for sale. “Glow Candles” will also be demon Guests for the evening included Miss ROLLS, POPPY or SESAME strated by a capable teacher who has Kathryn Hart and Mrs. Lowell Fleet SEED ROLLS, HARD ROLLS a made these beautiful candles in many wood of Mill City; Mrs. Orville Down '/2 Buy them for only per doz. shapes and colors for use in the home ing of Lyons; and Mrs. Glenn Gordon, a Mrs. Jack Brown, and Mrs. William and patio. a Members of the local club in bring Pennick of Gate-, K ing these Federated club workers to the community, feel there are many interested persons who would enjoy Junior-Teens Group Of their work day and are extending an ' Christian Church Meets invitation, to them to attend and take, (A newly oiganized group for young Mill City, Oregon Ptyonc 2222 part in the work. people, the Junior-Teen*, held their Owl J UKUSH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH This is an all day meeting. Bring first meeting last Thursday evening a sack lunch and coffee will be ser at seven o’clock in the basement of the ved. Classes start at 10 a. m. Christian church. Mill City and Gates high school girls The Junior-Teens which is open to are especially welcome. all seventh and eighth graders, is similar to the Kings-Teens group of Marilyn Assembly Rainbow high school young people, which has been meeting for several years in Order Holds Meeting Mill City. They are well organized for makes The newly instituted Marilyn As- the year, having had three meetings I sembly. Order of Rainbow Girls, held I their first meeting Wednesday evening before school started. The Kings- old of last week at the I. O. O. F. hall Teens meet each Monday evening at | I with Jerry Hamblin, worthy advisor, 7:30 at the home of Glen Shelton. Mr. | Shelton and Miss Alice Smith are qp- timers presiding. leaders of both groups. O. K. Hirtie, worshipful master of The program that is followed by Masonic lodge No. 180, and George Huffman, worthy patron of Marilyn both groups is the same. The evening with games, followed by group chapted, O. E. S., were introduced opens singing, the Bible lesson and re- and escorted. In preparation for the visit of the freshments. Worthy Grand Advisor, Mildred Pat ton, the evening w*as spent in prac Willamette Presbyterial Let our Service Department tice. Miss Patton from Bums is a check up on your watch, | student at Oregon State College where Attended By Local Group young or old. A few act The all day meeting of Willamette she is a sorority sister of Leia Kelly minutes of your time I of Mill City, who is a member of Mari- Presbyterial which met at Redmond now may save dollars I lyn Assembly. Both girls belong to last Friday w*as well attended by mem young bers of the Womens Association of , Delta Gamma sorority. for you in the future. | A special meeting will be held Satur- the Mill City Presbyterian church. Our experts provide highest Mrs. Lester Hathaway is secretary | day, October 24, to exemplify all the quality workmanship and work for the inspection of the Worthy of literature for the Presbyterial and prompt service — Grand Advisor. Mrs. Sue Tuel, district Mrs. Herbert Schroeder is secretary using only genuine factory grand deputy, from Brownsville, will of Christian Education. parts. Drop in today. In addition to Mrs. Hathaway and also attend this meeting. Plans were made for a cooked food Mrs. Schroeder, those attending from sale to be held at ten o'clock Satur Mill City were Mrs. Ida Geddes, Miss day, October 10, in the former coffee Daisy Geddes, Mrs. Ralph Fough, shop, next to the Variety Store. The Mrs. Noble Streeter, Mrs. A. F. Cat- proceeds of the sale are to be used herwood, Mrs. Cora Goodman, Mrs. I for the Worthy Grand Advisor's pro Charles Sullivan, Mrs. Floyd Fleet ject, to purchase surgical tables for wood, Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. Fred I Grimes and Mrs. Otto Witt. the Eastern Star home. Additional guests for the evening BAKERS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman. Sr., were Don Miley of Gates, Mrs. George Huffman of Lyons and Mrs. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toman of Stayton, at J Gould of Mill City. Refreshments were served by the tended the community dinner at Jor mother advisor. Mrs. W. B. Shuey. dan last Sunday. Another Mill City Watches and M atch Repairing group at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. He leaned the gun while crossing a Lowell Stiffler. Wayne and Neil, and P. O. Box 215 Phone 813 Mill City, Oregon fence, his widow thought he had bet- his mother. Mrs. Victoria Stiffler of I ter sense. Salem. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS FRESH BAKtP' HOT 30 MUIR S BAKERY J s City Jewelry MILL CITY JEWELRY SPARK OIL HEATERS We carry a complete line of tubing, fittings, filters, stovepipes and tanks Call us for installations WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS GATES—At a candlelight ceremony Saturday evening, September 12, Miss Eileen Eccleston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eccleston, of Gates, be came the bride of James Goetzinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick doetziuger, of Moorcroft, Wyo. Dr. Victor H. Sword read the lines of the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with pale lavender and white gladiolus, at the First Con gregational church in Salem. The wedding music was furnished by the church organist, Mrs. Rich. Virgil Mason sang, “I’ll Walk Beside You” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white ballerina gown of nylon over satin. The short veil of nylon net was held in place by a band of seed pearls. For her flowers she carried white carnations on a white Bible, with satin streamers, knotted with pink rosebuds. The maid of honor, Miss Wanda Chapman, wore a ballerina length for mal of pink marquisette over pink taffeta, with head-dress to match. She carried a nosegay of varigated sweet peas and rose buds. Rodney Bright was best man. Ushers were Robert Toepher and Ernest Leffler. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlors. Cutting the bride’s cake was Mrs. Ray Mc Cray of Portland, aunt of the bride. Miss Esther Murphy presided at the coffee urn and Miss Doris Koenig passed the guest book. Assisting about the rooms were Miss Joyce Gorton and Miss Eva Anderson. For her going away the bride chose a navy blue suit with red accessories, She wore a corsage of white carna tions. Following a short honeymoon trip the couple are at home at 1645 Winnona Court, Salem. Business and Professional DIRECTORY Physician & Surgeon Mill City WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY Ll'ZIERS COSMETICS DR. VICTOR J. MYERS ; Chiropractic Physician ! MILL CITY T • J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claade Lewis’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON I DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST ♦ Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers afficee ! i Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. i Bridal Shower Tuesday for Miss Marlene Tickle Miss Marlene Tickle, bride-elect of Gerald Hunter, was the honor guest at a miscellaneous bridal shower given at the home of Mrs. Bessie Vander- meer, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Vander- meer and her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Richards, were co-hpstesses for Miss Tickle, whose wedding is to be an event of October 10. Refreshments were served at the end of an evening of appropriate games. Invited guests included Mes- dames Jack McClintock, Farrell Ball, William Tickle, Russell Brown, James Giant, Richard Boedigheimer, Leo Poole, Sonny Nelson, Don Bengston, Frank Hunter, Bill Hunter, Darrell Hinz, and I.oqis Verbeck and Misses Alona Daley, Dolores Poole, Pat Brown, Leia Kelly, Joanne Hoffman, Frances Brunner, Wilma Jull and Donna Bengston. £ Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stay ton 2274 Stayton, Ore. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY LITTLE ILLS A pleasant part about publishing a weekly newspaper is the justified criticism people do not make when involved in a mistake or blunder in the news. « i MAKE • True, that "little illness" you’ve beer mentioning in ■ n offhand way, may nC* seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms; But, neglected, these "little ills" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not an mention needless suffering and lots of precious time; Consult a Doctor now— you’ll aave by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you’ll bang bis prescription to ue io* careful compounding; MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9468. COLLECT 1079 Elm St., W. Salem Hiuni.MinaimtnuiiMiMu Never a Dull Moment At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Winterize Protect your car against cold weather Come in and let us test your battery and fill your radiator with Antifreeze We carry— PRESTONE. ZERONE and ZEREX Jenkins Hardware Features Phone 2206 Eileen Eccleston and James Goetzinger Married In Candlelight Ceremony Also GOODYEAR BATTERIES TIRE CHAINS MILL CITY F