Mill City Hi-Liles G. A. A. had a meeting to elect offi cers. The officers are: president, Don na Ellingson; vice-president, Gerry Hamblin; secretary, Jan Ross; trea surer, Phyllis Provost; and sargeant- at-arms, Dorothy Stienfelt. The other business was discussing the pep uni forms for the freshmen and the new students. The uniforms, the same as last year, are to be yellqw Columbia knit sweaters, white dickies, _ green four-gored skirts, and the yellow and green hats. Tuesday during Activity period, the Lettermen’s Club had a meeting to elect officers. Thg. officers they elected are: president, Richard Verbeck; vice- president, Jack Melting; secretary treasurer, Brooks Crosier. The football game, this week, will be at Gervais, It is on Friday, Sep- tember 25 at 2 p. m. The Junior class looked at class rings Tuesday and picked out the rings they wanted. Some ordered rings with sets in them and some did not. They should be received about the first of December. Santiam Rebekahs To Initiate New Members At October Meeting 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1953 à miLLCIT from the Matson hospital in Milwau kee, Ore., and is at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and There are four new students who The Santiam Rebekah lodge held : Mrs, Bill Marcum in Portland. Mrs. started Monday, September 21. Three their regular meeting, Wednesday, j By Boots Champion of the students were freshman and September 16, with Mrs. Antonia Tho On the third Sunday of each month Stevens will have to return to the THURSDAY. FRIDAY the fourth was a sophomore. This mas, noble grand, presiding. from now, until Christmas, the De hospital occassionally for treatment of severe asthma and bronchitis. makes a total of 108 students in the Rachel Olmstead, deputy marshall, l troit __________ Church _ of ______ Christ will hold an an/» SATURDAY Visiting with the Otto Russells last o high school now. and Julia Bassett, district deputy, in- evening service of special programs, Monday during Activity period, the stalled Ida Fleetwood, left supporter The first service was a youth meeting week was Mrs. Russell’s neice and September 24. 25 and 26 to the noble grand, and Esther Staf held Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. in i nephew, Evie and Eddia Nelson of 5 BRODERICK ( RAW FORI) Los Angeles. The Russells moved last ford, outside guardian. They have been which plans were made to obtain ta g and WANDA HENDRIX in appointed to fill vacated offices. lent from the Northwest Christian week into the John Cook home, just completed. f THE LAST POSSE The drill team held practice in pre College at Eugene. paration for the initiatory work which A group of teachers from the Idan Friendship Circle Meets Plus—In technicolor JERRY’S CORNER . . is to be given at the October 21 meet ha Community Church, went to Port LEO GENN and ing. The refreshment committee for land on Wednesday, a week ago, to At I). B. Hill Home Tuesday ELSA LANCASTER in the evening was Mabel Bruder, Anna select new material for Sunday School The sale of Christmas cards and If your motor is sick THE GIRLS OF Crook, Ida Carey and Ada Dart. classes. Those making the trip wete wrappings will be a fall project of the Friendship Circle, it was decided at § PLEASURE ISLAND Mrs. W'alter Reynolds, Mrs. Henry and your tires are smooth Heibert, Mrs. James McKinney, and the regular meeting held Tuesday £ • * * OPEN AIR DANCE AT IDANHA Mrs. Robert Unger, wife of the pas evening at the home of Mrs. D. B. DRAWS LARGE CROWD FRIDAY 5 Kids Club Matinee—2:00 P. M. tor. They were accompanied by young Hill. Get into an OK’d used car DETROIT-—The open air dance, Saturday. John Derek in Mrs. Ed Yarnell, president, ap Dennis McKinney, who visited his sponsored by the Idanha Super Ser doctor for a checkup on a recent ear pointed Mrs. D. B. Hill chairman of “PRINCE OF PIRATES” that will get out and move vice, held Friday night on the con operation. the sale which will be held in the crete apron at the station, attracted I On Sunday, September 27th, the lobby of the Mill City State Bank dur SUNDAY & MONDAY an audience of about 250. quarterly convention of the Eastern ing the month of November and the Remember Santiam V alley The Super Service, featuring two Division of the Marion County Sun first week in December. Cards with September 27 and 28 A. j. Evanger and C. H. Evanson, major prizes, a Remington Rifle and day School association, will meet for printed names will not be sold this ANN MILLER Grange Fair Sat. Sept. 26 both a Dormeyer electric food mixer to be of Camas, Washington, stopped . a no-host dinner at the Detroit Lake- year. FARLEY GRANGER and given away, was the center attraction. | shore Forest camp following morning off at The Enterprise office Friday, It was unanimously agreed to con Jerry JANE POWELL in for a short visit with the Moffatts and A special feature in free advertising I services at the respective churches. tinue the contributions to Care for was the contributions of prizes donat Mrs. Eide, while enroute to Salem. An error was made in last week’s Korea which was a project of the SMALL TOWN GIRL ed by local and valley merchants. issue. Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmer Circle last year. An interesting letter In Technicolor These prizes were awarded on a free man of Sweet Home did not purchase was read from Wales, Alaska, expres ticket given to all who attended. the Spillway Cafe in Idanha, they are sing in quaint language'.appreciation Feature at 5:20 and 7:30 Sunday The rifle and electric food mixer operating the cafe in conjunction with for the baby layette sent to the baby awards were won on coupons given hospital for Eskimos located there. whin purchases were made at the sta the tavern. Owners of the Spillway The program for the evening con are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Aiderman tion, over a period of several weeks. TUESDAY and sisted ofji book review, “Cry, the Be and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carte. Dance music was furnished by Mrs. loved Country”, by Mrs. Vernon S. ' Idanha has done it again. The com WEDNESDAY Tom Absher, pianist, accompanied by munity became the first town in Ore Todd, and a discussion of the organi drummer George Brasmer. Jack Hase- zation of a Circle and possible pro September 29 and 30 man of Idanha was master of cere gon to meet its 1953 Community Chest gram plans for the coming year by quota, announces Marion County Com monies. WENDELL COREY, PHIL Mrs. Herbert Schroeder. Coffee and hot dogs were available munity Chest officials, of which C. A. HARRIS, W ALT BRENNAN Those present were Mesdames Ger at an American Legion auxiliary Kells of Salem is director. Idanha ald Anderson, Noble Streeter, Mel and VERA RALSTON in post No. 141, stand nearby. Mrs. Buck holds the distinction of being first in bourne Rambo, Clayton Baltimore, the state to fill their quota for sever THE WILD BLUE Storey reports they netted $20. Pro al years. The town’s quota was $500 1 Howard Means, Louis Slatton, Ed ceeds will go into the Legion fund. YONDER which was subscribed the first twol^arneH. Vernon Todd. Martin Kelly, Winner of the 30-06 Remington rif Herbert Schroeder. W. D. Hoeye and NEWS le was M. L. Rudy, Sr., of Idanha. days of the drive. Co-chairmen in its the hostess, Mrs. D. B. Hill. solicitations were Warren A. Stoll, Dude Renner of Detroit was awarded Huber Ray, T. J. Skidmore and Flor the electric food mixer. Promotion Day - - - Proprietors of the Idanha Super ence Harris. Salutations to Idanha! Promotion Day will be held in both Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scheffer and Doors Open at 7:00 P. M. Service are Don and Elsie Lloyd. Mr. the Presbyterian and Christian Sun their neice, Catherine Kelly of Taco- Lloyd stated because of public interest Complete show can be aeen any day schools on Sunday, September 27. created and for advertising purposes ! ma, Wash., were Thursday visitors The children will be promoted into at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gudne he hoped the affair could be repeated time up to 8:30 higher classes according to their 1 Geston in Idanha. in the near future. school age. A well-child health immunization will be held the third Thursday month ly from 10 to 12 o’clock at the Detroit | elementary school. A well-child con ference will be held the fourth Tues day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at the Mill City elementary school through HAMBURGER Phone 234 Lyons, Oregon the months of October, December, STAND February, April, June and August. GROCERIES—MEATS—VEGETABLES For appointments call Mr^ R. Hase- Serving Delicious Hamburgers, man of Idanha. * FOOD LOCKERS per year and up Coffee, Pie and Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fagan and Mar Open Daily 2 p. m. to 10 p. m. tin McCann of Detroit, motored to the Open Sunday 11 a.m. to 10 p. m. ----- WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS------ Costello Ranch at Gateway Saturday, returning home Sunday. They were Mill City, Oregon accompanied by Mrs. Dora Wigging ton and Betty Baine of Madras , en route to the ranch. Betty Blaine for merly resided at Detroit. Friday’s afternoon football game be tween Detroit and the Oregon School for the Deaf, ended a little bit disas & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES trously for the Detroit team. The score was 48 to 6 in favor of the Ore DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES gon School for the Deaf. WATER SYSTEMS Th* game was played on Detroit’s new field and it was Detroit's first HEATING INSTALLATIONS game. The boys are new at this game but with a little moie time and prac Open Evenings tice, they will come through all right. Members of the team are Arthur Taylor, senior, Russell Rice, Loyd Ket chum and Don Snyder, sophomores, Lee Hopson, Robert Lady, Wayne Wright and Harold Vickers, juniois. and Gerald Golden, Mike Howland, Ray Youngblood, Don Watkins, Leon HEAVY HAULING ard Snyder, John Wallace and Bill Stout, freshmen. Francis Kettleson is I ’ honc Stay ton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays athletic coach. Mrs. Florence Dorothy, who had Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment been visiting with friends in Albany and Mill City, stopped for a short vi With 20c coupon sit at the Harold Champion home on EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Ph. SALEM Wednesday of last week, enroute to Day 3-9408 her home at Post. Mrs. Dorothy stat With 17c coupon Contracting and Rental Nite 2-4400 ed that her daughter, Mrs. Joe Shas- setz, formerly Jean Dorothy, of Sheri ——> dan, Wyoming, is the proud mother of a 6 lb. 3 oz. baby girl, named Anna Joe. born on June 29th at the Sheridan Cut-Rite hospital. Jean attendeed school at De-1 reg. 29c troit and Mill City, having moved from that city to Wyoming about five years ago. with her mother and step- I DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW AQc JUKE ORANGES father, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dorothy, Regular 55c 24 oz. can ’ * 344 Size ........ who now reside at Post. Mrs. Anna Stevens, who has been seriously ill, was released last week Yvonne Bart t DETROIT KELLOM’S Thiel’s Store & Market LYONS PLUMBING I 1 By Shopping Regularly at Salem Sand & Gravel Co Stewart's 69c FAB, reg. 73c size DUZ, reg. 73c size Waxed Paper 2 for 49c worry and indifference 3doz- 59 J JACK and JILL Vai ■ OOO FLOUR ALL BRANDS Reg. 2 for 29c No. 1 Tall Can 10 lbs 12c 95 c I I CHUCK ROASTS U. S. Good and choice Mill City Phone 5807 Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. DEPARTMENT WHEEL CHEESE Whole Cheddar, lb. JEWEL SHORTENINf 3 pounds Viv's Steak House Closed Mondays ■ lb. See Us For Locker Meats ► These Prices effective Friday and Saturday only STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1407 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. Mill City, Oregon FISTULA-FISSUR« Stomach and Celon OtMrdort nl Mill City Pharmacy DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Fractal®® l«t-Natu ropeVh J. C. KIMMEL RECTAL SPECIALIST Salem. Ore. Fh- 3-*400 OmurtiETT, particularly about health, is a disease in itself Physicians call it hypochondria. Those who "enjoy” ill health only make themselves and those about them miserable. Opposed to chronic worry is complete indifference, to the point of disregard of common sense health rules and contempt for medical care. Between these two absurd extremes lies the sane middle road. Petty, transient discomforts need not cause grave concern and frequent trips to the doctor. When symptoms persist or recur with annoying frequency, it is then time to seek professional assistance. Indifference under these circumstances only invites more serious trouble Visit our modern prescription department. We are prescription specialists. J Phone Mt' MILL CITT. OREGON