I 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ■■Mill Ends- Always In Good Taste Olympic Beer . . . lymbo| of hospitality Geest» at the Melvin Foster home over the weekend were Mrs. Foster’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Reindl and sons of Florence. They were enroute home from a two week hunting trip in eastern Oregon. It is open season on deer for archers, but they reported very poor luck among the hunters. for 57 years . .• . add$ di$tinctior| fQ those informal parties or when friends drop in. Serve it tonight. OLYMPIA SHEWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. U S A ‘® FREE 32 piece set of the famous Libbey Safedge FINE GLASSWARE Regular $14.00 value with the purchase of a Coleman Heater Console model $129.95 Come in, see this new type circulating oil heater ----- •------ Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2721 Mill City, Oregon use a CO-OP Battery THI RSItAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1953 r Mr. »nd Mrs. I^ee Bassett and chil­ dren, Maurie and Rosalie, motored to Portland Saturday evening where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mr». Marshall Snyder. They went there to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were married in a double ceremony. While there Mrs. Bassett visited with Mis. Norman Garrison who is recovering from eye surgery. A Good Place To Buy NEW And USED FURNITURE Come into our store, you'll find what you want at a price you can afford to pay. Gates Furniture Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon «.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Spending the month of August at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Foster were his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Foster and three children of Kodiak, Alaska. This was the first time they had been to the States in twelve years. They made this trip to enroll their eldest daugh­ ter in Linfield College. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Could. Penny and Alice Ann, spent the last weekend at Depoe Bay at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wood. On Sunday they attended the wedding of Mrs. Gould's brother, William S. Wood to Miss Marlene Miller. The wedding ceremony was performed in the Nel- scott Chapel-by-the-Sea and Alice Ann was flower-girl. Among the young people who at­ tended the Youth Fellowship picnic at the Presbyterian Manse last Friday evening were Shereen Muir, Carol Lea Merrill, Marcella Warrinec. Frances Nesbitt, Judy Hoeye, Frances Ward, Sandra Olson, Sibyl Dart, Rosalie Bassett, Larry Bilyeu, Susan Gordon, Lynne Smith. Lauren Dart. Allen Bil­ yeu, Bob Herman, Harold Kliewer, and Rodney Goble. Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter chaperoned the group and Mrs. Harold Kliewer and Mrs. Lee Bassett accompanied them to Stayton for skating. Lions Auxilary Meeting At Remine Home Tuesday The Lions’ Auxiliary met for the first meeting of the fall, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Shields Remine. Plans were discussed for the month­ ly Lions Club family pot-luck dinners, with Mrs. Martin Hansen to serve as chairman of the October dinner. Mrs. Lee Ross will be hostess for the Octo­ ber meeting, which is held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30. ¡.ESS than CO OP Batteries set a new high standard of quality in construction and dependable per­ formance No effort has been spared to build CO-OP Batteries with the finest materials avail­ able CO-OP Batteries come in 16 sizes—a size and capacity for every need. For heavy duty trac­ tors, trucks and diesel engine service Guaran­ tees up to 36 months. Be THRIFTY . . . buy a CO-OP Battery . . best Oattery buy or the market today' the DELIVERED HERE FULL CAPACITY CONNECTORS AND TERMINALS SPUN GLASS RETAINER MATS FOR DOUBLE LIFE PATENTED VENT CAPS HARD RUBBER CASE ACID SEAL CELL COVERS FULL SIZED PLATES SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Seed« Fertilizer Telephone 5024 Grindi"« Custom (leaning Marketing Household Appliances nVrd«rI Hardware Petroleum Produeta STAYTON, ORE. easy terms Federal Fxcise Tax Paid OF COURSE! HERROLD - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON