THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1953 GATES OLDEST CITIZEN TO An invitation is extended to all his HAVE OPEN HOUSE ON WTH friends to call and wish him “many is in the service, left for California BIRTHDAY NEXT SUNDAY happy returns”. where he will train in the air corps. “T” Henness, oldest citizen of Gates, Jim Phelps was taken to the San­ tiam Memorial hospital in Stayton will celebrate his 99th birthday, Sep­ By Eva Bressler the first of the week where he is re­ tember 29, and will be at home to his APPLIANCt SERVICE Mrs. Lloyd Free was hostess for the ceiving medical treatment. friends Sunday afternoon, Septem­ Tax Consultant Auditor • • Foe lory-Trained Experts ! meeting of the Altar Society at her Miss Joy Kuiken, daughter of Mrs. ber 27th from 2 to 5 o’clock. Mr, Hen­ • Genuine Hetpoint Parts home Thursday evening. The evening Elva Kuiken, has gone to Springfield ness was seriously ill for nine months w-as spent in general discussion of where she will take up her duties as of the past year but is almost his us­ Also Complete Service plans for the winter months. Attend­ a teacher in the schools there. ual self at the present time. ing were Golda Brassfield, Ida Free, Lewis Theodore Henness was born PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT} Wayne Stavang, son of Mr. and on all makes , Wilma Free, Juanita Berens, Rose Mrs. Carl Stavang, is suffering with in 1854 on the Donation Land Claim Bookkeeping, Accounting and ' ' Schwindt and the hostess, Mrs. Free. a badly bruised hand he received while of his parents, between Mehama and Tax Service Ranges and Water Heaters The Home Economics club of the employed at the Stayton Canning Stayton. In 1864 the family moved to Comer 3rd 4 Marion King's Prairie, across the river from Santiam Valley Grange held their company in Stayton. [ meeting at the home of Mrs. Jake My- STAYTON. ORE. Officers and members of the Me­ what is now Gates. There Mr. Henness j ers in the Elkhorn district. The main thodist Sunday school held their board has lived all his life with the excep­ P.O. Box 1321 J j discussion of the afternoon w-as com- meeting at the parsonage. Plans were tion of the year 1898, when he joined Telephone 4114 STAYTON ’ pleting plans for the bazaar and har- made for the winter months and also the gold rush to Alaska. aHHnBBnanannnnMHnnnnnjMtnnr Phone 2964 “T”, as he is affectionately known ; vest festival which will be held at the for promotion day which will be held by his friends, despite his advanced grange hall Saturday' afternoon and the first of October. MMMSH i evening, September 26th. The club is Mrs. Harley Scott and Mrs. Glen age has retained all his faculties in­ I serving a chicken dinner beginning at Julian from the Lyons Extension un­ tact. His mind is bright; his sense of I 6 p. m. Attending the meeting were it attended an officers training meet­ humor keen, and his enjoyment of Mesdames Floyd Bassett, Wilson Ste­ ing held in Lebanon. Mrs. Orville life unimpaired. A great hunter of 8AIJCM vens, Jerry Coffman, Elmer Taylor, Downing, Mrs. Charles Cruson and cougar and other varmints that roam­ Ed Taylor, Frank Buckler, Mis. Vio-i Mrs. Ralph Downer went to Albany ed the surrounding hills in the early 1*1 N. Commercial St. Phon« 3-4AM la Zander, Mrs. May Patton, and the j Wednesday where they attended a days, he never tires relating his many hostess, Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Ray Sischo I preliminary meeting on shirt making. narrow and hair-raising experiences. H jm Everything for Yoor was a guest of the afternoon. An official board meeting of the He has 36 notches in his gun stock for Recent guests at the home of Mrs. | Methodist church was held Thursday the 36 cougars to his credit, not to Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies | Sam Bridges were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff I evening at the parsonage, to discuss mention elk, cats, bears and deer, LaFond of Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Gust | and make plans for the coming some killed in more recent years. Until Lindberg of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. months. Mrs. Alice Huber was elect­ his recent illness, he did his choies, cut and Mrs. Leon Berg from Springfield, ed chairman of the board, Loren most of his wood and boasted one of I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bridges from Cot­ Chamberlain, vice chairman and Mrs. the finest gardens in the canyon. tage Grove, Mrs. Berg is a sister and 1 Charles Cruson, secretary. Jim Bridges a brother of Sam, who ' Gayle Cruson, student nuise at the still remains in a critical condition at Emmanuel hospital in Portland, spent the Santiam Memorial hospital in the weekend at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cruson in Stayton. / à ■ Van Prichard is spending a weeks Lyons. Jim Phelps left Monday for Corna vacation at Olympia, Wash., where he was a guest at the home of his Del Mar, California, where he will brother. Dean Prichard and family. visit his grandmother, who is seri­ ously ill. He also visited at Rainier, Oregon. * v SW b Don Kuiken from Cunip Roberts, I Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell were Mrs. California, arrived home Sunday for Burnelle White, Daphne, Jennifer and a short furlough at the home of his Tony and Martine Huffman from mother, Mrs. Elva Kuiken. in Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Newport, and Mrs. C. V. Averill from son Cecil, spent the weekend in Kla ­ Lebanon. Mrs. Martell is a sister of Mrs. White and daughter of Mrs. Av­ math Falls, at the home of her sis- ; ter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess. erill. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis are re­ .A ceiving congratulations upon the ar- Mrs. George Berry is his brother, I rival of another grand-daughter, a Charlie Berry from Walker, Minn. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Rund from Cali­ I daughter born to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis of Me­ fornia were recent visitors at the hama. The little miss has been nam­ home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jung- ed Pamelia Jean, and has an older .wirth. Mr. and Mrs. Robinette and sons sister, Christy. Mr. Sparle from Brobks is replac­ who have been living in the Forrest ing Kenneth Bosanko at the Southern Nydegger house, have moved to Me­ I Pacific depot. Bosanko left the first hama, to the Ella Keyes house. Mrs. Inez Ring with Ralph Trask of of the week for Eugene, where he en­ tered the University of Oregon as a Albany, spent the weekend in Port­ land, at the home of her grandson, freshman. S:-i Mrs. Leota Worden honored her Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trask. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, and Mrs. daughter, Marjorie, with a party Sun­ I day afternoon on her Uth birthday. Leota Worden and Marjorie, spent the / Games and refreshments furnished weekend at the home of their aunt, the entertainment. Present were Mar­ Mrs. George Allen on Blue River near jorie, the honored guest, and Carol the Belnap hot springs. My. and Mis. Robinette and sons Downer, Juanita Kunkle, Bonnie Cru­ son, Mary Jo Cruson, Lonna Downer, were weekend guests in Wentock, Nadine Carr, Ronda McWhirk, Mic­ Washington, where they visited her hael Cruson, Glen Julian Jr., Buddie brother, Mr. Hollinger of Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and child­ Cruson, all of Lyons, Ronnie and Ric­ ren Ivalyn and Dennis, and her par­ hard Leirman of Stayton. Mrs. Truman McClellan and son ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barker, who Jimmy of West Stayton are staying are visiting here from Kansas, spent at the home of her parents, Mr. and two days last week at Crater Lake. • ♦base you love 1 Mrs. Monroe Walker. McClellan, who They also visited at Klamath Falls and on south to Medford. \Ve want to help y°^ *hc community; and ohar°"(.*Xhd gó Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith spent the W. «. th« «h“i” to help «»«tv weekend at North Bend, where they visited his sister, who is ill. »urw», rr. "or oir,|,2a|j " ,,h»r Jerry Gustafson, son of Mr. and |^frs. Nick Gustafson, spent the week 1 | end at Silver Creek Falls, where he r„ . ■ S I of I 1 attended the camp of “The Order I Arrows.” <¿> K ¡¡¿ BIG CLIFF CABINS ' 1 3—THE LYONS BEST BY DAM SITE Ressler’s Grocery YOUR S & H Green Stamp Store OUR EVERYDAY PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU Phone 3206 Mill City On the Highway 4 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE WHEEL DRIVE WILLYS TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN’TI With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres­ sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. ■wheelbase, 5300 lbs. G VW. ELSNEB Motor Co. SALEM, ORE. f lot point W. N. SIMMONS Ì Shux Electric THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS If ™ u “A0" t°" «U Â^ÏL***» ■ “le S’* wr'”'” ■'"* ,"e'’8 North Santiam Sportsman’s Club RUCK DERBY ENTRANCE FEE r°' ^•C0«XUônhUntl "’''o’ ‘ R* GROUP GATHERS AT TOEPFER RANCH NEAR STAYTON TO CELEBRATE 15TH ANNIVERSARY GATES—Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Rains, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Ho­ well, attended the celebration of the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toepfer, Sutiday, of last week. The affair was held at the Toep­ fer ranch near Stayton. A picnic dinner was served at the family picnic grounds. Boating and swimming provided entertainment for the younger members of the party during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Toepfer was presented with numer­ ous beautiful pieces of crystal wear. Mrs, Toepfer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rains and is a former Gates resident. Present to make the day one to be remembered were Mr. and Mrs. Toepfer and four youngsters, Mr. and Mrs. Rains and Mrs. Howell from Gates; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rains and Mrs. James Rains, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cline, Marvin and Carol Ann from Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs. Tilma Rains, Jr., from Mehama and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cline, Davis and Dennie, of Mill City. $1,Q0 Unpunched Deer tag must be presented at time entrance fee is paid Heaviest Mule Deer • • FIRST PRIZE $37.50 Sleeping Bag SECOND PRIZE $14.95 Coleman Camp Stove. Heaviest Black Tail FIRST PRIZE $37.50 Sleeping Bag. SECOND PRIZE $11.95 Coleman Camp Stove. KNIFE and AXE COMBINATION PRIZE for Smallest Forked Horn or Better Dressed weight may include head and hide, no hooves—heart or liver • • I home- I I he haSnA work" his moral support has as' ^X-riuusly andlet l utPhave 'your t.pjy ^^id'our.. I need your help J be “all for the churches” butQ\f c HURCHES C. E. Mason Shell Service Station Mill City, Oregon Walt’s Garage * Gates, Oregon Building Material* of All Kind* Stayton, Oregon — Kellom’s Grocery “Your Personal Service Store” Mill City, Oregon Gates V ariety & Hardware Freres Building Supply Wright Truck Line TOM ABSHER Ship the Wright Way Stayton, Oregon Knowles Body & Fender Repair Gates, Oregon Complete Body Rebuilding and Glass Mill City, Orsgon Ada’s Needle Shop Hill Top Store 'M« lo to " 10 J i.lo I Hit s i( «, 6 I« M 7 I» « 4 •-O I Mill City, Oregon Gates General Store i ñw y- :: ’ Muir’s Bakery General Repairing and Welding Mill City, Oregon DON LLOYD Weigh-in stations located at 1 »jmuel I Thin Serie* of Ada Is Sonnored by the Following Firms in Interent of All Church«« Idanha Super Service The barrel was plugged, he pulled the trigger, he won’t grow up to be any bigger. four Dry Goode and Dreaamaking S. W. Broadway—Mill City—Phone 2243 Lyon’s Variety We Give SAI! Green Stampa MILL CITY Ressler’s Grocery Golliet's Your S4H Green Stsmp Store Florence Phone 3206, Mill City MEHAMA Paul Shower Motors & Implements Complete Line of Massey Harris Farm Machinery Stayton, Oregon Santiam Hardware STAYTON Join the North Santiam Sportsman’s Club Now Chili Bowl Home made Chili; Hamburgers, Hot Dogs. Open 24 Hours Highway 22. Gates, Oregon $1.25 Display the North Santiam Sportsman's Club Decal and Shoulder Patch op?.) MURiI Mill City. Oregon I Mill City Pharmacy Mill City, Oregon Willeatha’s Restaurant Family Style Meal» Lyon*, Oregon Nu-Method Cleaners Mill City. Oregon Red & White Store Mill City. Oregon