The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ......... -........ -....... Editor »nd Publisher CLUB, LODGE, ANI) LOCAL ACTIVITIES Bell-Podrabsky Wedding Vows Exchanged At Lebanon Church MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS John W. Reid, MD. Social Events Entered an second-oJa*» matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 187». BON W. MOFFATT PEAR!. EIDE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1953 sion work to attend. The officers, president, Mrs. Ercille Wilson; vice- president, Mrs. Jean Roberts, and Mrs. Klutke, attended the officers’ train­ ing class in Salem Wednesday of last week. At 3 p. m. September 6, nuptial and the groom's mother wore rites in the First Methodist church at cessories I Lebanon, Miss Marianne Bell, daugh­ a blue suit with black accessories. Both ter of Mr, and Mrs. Milford Bell of mothers’ wore corsages of white car- Scio, became the bride of Ernest L. | nations. At the reception in the church par- Podrabsky, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ' lor, Mrs. Carl Podrabsky poured and Ernest L. Podrabsky of Mill City. Mrs. Henry Shimanek cut the cake The Rev. G. Wesley Turner offic­ assisted by Mrs. Harlan Eastman and iated. The altar was decorated with Mrs. James Lewis, aunt of the bride. white gladioli, ferns and ice-blue can­ | Barbara Podrabsky had charge of the dles. Tapers were lighted by Janet Sue gift table and Nova Dean Brum held Bell, sister of the bride, and Dianna the guest book. Podrabsky, the groom’s cousin. Both Approximately 100 guests attended wore aqua gowns. ceremony and reception, many from Doris Pomeroy was organist, and out of town. Rose Mary Janis sang two solos, I For their wedding trip to Canada, Love You Truly and Because. Mrs. Podrabsky wore a navy blue and Given in marriage by her father, gray check suit and the orchid from the bride wore a white flowered lace her bridal bouquet as a corsage. She net gown over taffeta with fingertip is a graduate of the Scio high school veil held in place by a last headpiece, and prior to her marriage was em­ ■er pearls were a gift from the groom ployed at office work in Salem. A graduate, of the Mill City high and she carried red rosebuds centered school, the groom is in the U. S. air with a white orchid. | Honor attendant was Joanne Shim- force and recently returned from a I anek, cousin of the groom. She wore year in Korea. They will be at home in a ballerina gown of green net over Victorville, California. taffeta with matching headpiece and GATES-MEHAMA EXTENSION carried a bouquet of pink gladioli. Bridesmaids were Marian Comer UNIT OPENS SEASON BY AN , and Jolly Krossman, the former wear- ALL DAY MEET IN CLUBHOUSE GATES—Mrs. Elmer Klutke, sec­ 1 ing yellow and the latter in pink net ! over taffeta. Both carried white glad- retary-treasurer of the Gates-Mehama i ioli bouquets. Julie Lewis, cousin of Home Extension Unit, is announcing the bride, was flower girl. She wore the first fall meeting of the unit to be a miniature formal of aqua taffeta. held Friday, October 2nd, at the club Donnie Podrabsky, brother of the house in Mehama. An all day meeting will be held, groom, was ring bearer. He wore a starting at 10:30 a. m. Project leaders, navy blue suit. The groom’s attendants, all wear- Mrs. Ula Monroe and Mrs. Klutke will ing gray suits, were Leroy Podrabsky, demonstrate the preparation of “buf­ best man, brother of the groom, and fet meals”, which will be served at the ushers Sonny Nelson and Raymond luncheon hour. A cordial invitation is extended by Bell, the latter a brother of the bride. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. the members and officers of the unit Bell wore a brown suit with brown ac­ to all ladies interested in the exten- Never - - a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” I MILL CITY TAVERN . I Physician & Surgeon Mill City MEMBERS OF GATES WOMANS CLUB UNDERTAKE VARIED ACTIVITIES AT LAST MEETING GATES—Memb.r- cf the Gates’ Womans Club met Thursday evening, September 17th in the recreation rooms of the high school, with Mrs. Kenneth Martig, presiding at the bu­ siness session. Mrs. W. R.Hutcheson announced the fall meeting of the third district of the Oregon Federation of Womens clubs would be held at West Lynn, on Wednesday, September 30. Delegates from the Gates club elected to attend were Mrs. Martig, Mrs. Edmund Da­ vis and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier. Al­ ternates were Mrs. Glenn Gordon, Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Albert Millsap. It was voted to assess each member the sum of ten cents yearly, in response to a letter of request from the state president of the Oregon fe­ deration. The money received from all clubs, members of the state federa­ tion, will be used to secure and main­ tain a permanent place in Portland for the preservation of important data and records of the Federation. Attention of the members was cal­ led to a letter, recently published in a Salem paper, from Cp). Delbert L. R. Meeks, local GI, who is stationed at the Tokyo Army hospital. Cpl. Meeks asked for aid for the Garden of Bethle­ hem Orphanage in Japan. Meeks, son of Mrs. Gladys Meeks, Mill City, has been in the Far East since 1951, ser­ ved 11 months in Korea and stationed at the hospital since July, 1952. He stated that the personnel of the hospi­ tal through contributions have endea­ vored to help support the orphanage and have decided to each make an ap­ peal to their home towns through the local papers for aid in their under­ taking. They hope that their friends would “help those at the hospital to help their orphans”. He asked for “Bundles for Babes” or cash dona­ tions. A special appeal was made to civic organizations, churches and clubs. The Gates ladies decided to sponsor a drive for bundles of cloth­ ing and cash. Mrs. Tim White was ap­ pointed to try to secure clothing and Mrs. Millsap to ask for donations of money. Mrs. Hutcheson suggested that at the annual club Christmas party the movement to put Christ back into Christmas would be stressed. The so­ cial meeting of the club will be held in the unfinished club house, or Civic Center, Thursday afternoon, October 1, with the usual no-host luncheon at one o’clock. Members present were Mesdames Walter Thomas, W. F. Struckr-eier, A. T, Barnhardt, John Watson, Orville Nygaard, W. R. Hutcheson, Albert Millsap, Kenneth Martig and Philip Hess and the hostesses w-ho served refreshments at the close of the ev­ ening. Mrs. Glenn Gordon, Mrs. Don Miley and Mrs. Dale Reynolds. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Punenti Service STAYTON OREGON MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-94«g. COLLECT 1079 Elm St, W. Salem DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to ♦ Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., J 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices t Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY UTTLE ILLS MAKE • True, that "little illnees” you’ve been mentioning in an offhand way, may ns.** seem to amount g> much- just a few faint symptoms^ But, neglected, these “little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now— you’ll save by it in the en