Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1953)
Vernon Todd Wins Horseshoe Trophy at Salem Vernon Todd, superintendent of Mill City schools, was winner of the Salem area horseshoe tournament, Sunday, for the second year in a row. He was accompanied to Salem by Ho ward Means, principal here, who also qualified for the tourney. The tournament was held in the Bush Pasture park at Salem and at tracted a large number of spectators. Mr. Todd was presented with an ap propriate trophy for the occassion. He defeated Ronald Anderson, a one time Salem champion. Anderson tied Todd for first and in the playoff An derson was one up on points, having 49 to Todd’s 48. In the last pitch An derson got one ringer and Todd doub led to cinch the title. A pair of horseshoes was presented to Anderson as a second prize. Ivan Low^ won third place. The tournament was sponsored by the Salem horse shoe club. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURES EMPIRE VOLUME IX NUMBER 39 MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2L 1953 12.50 a Year, ]()t< a Copy Grange Fair To Be Held Sat « - I T'kit* The IdtK 14th annual annual Pair Fair, mil put on by the I Santiam Valley Grange, will be held at Plan Kindergarten Opening the Grange hall between Lyons and For Forepart of October j Mehama, Saturday afternoon and With the acquisition of a desirable evening. Elmer Taylor is general house, plans are being made for the chairman and has been ably assisted opening of the P. T. A.-sponsored by Bob Draper of Mehama. The event was organized about 1936 kindergarten early in October. ' T* 11 TL 1 About foity children have already | |0 MGT6 I fl U J* S U Cl V The consolidation of school district and has been an annual affair every ?en registered and it is expected exDected that I » been No. 106 with 129-J was approved at year except three years during the A crowd of about 125 people at there will be an additional late regis The Mill City Timberwolves and war. tended the all-day gathering which tration. Mrs. Elaine Kiersey, who is the Sweet Home J. V. battled to a I a hearing before the District Boun There will be booths for the exhib dary Board of Marion County held in celebrated the 30th anniversary of conducting the morning session, will scoreless tie at Allen Field last Thurs iting of fancy work, fruit and vege the Marion County court rooms Mon the local Western Bohemian Frater begin her classes on Thursday, Octo day night. Although Mill City had tables, canned goods, cooked food and nal Association at the Mill City W. B. ber 1. The afternoon class, under the the edge in statistics, they lacked the day morning. District No. 106 is commonly known flowers. Cash prizes will be given in F. A. hall last Sunday. Mill City _ these divisions. All small vegetables guidance of Mrs. Agnes Allen, will scoring _ _ punch. The biggest __ A business meeting for the Oregon hold their first classes on Monday, j threat was a drive to the Sweet Home as the Taylor district and lies north should be displayed five on a plate district, west of the present Mill City district of W. B. F. A. convened in October 5. i four-yard line where the attack bog- It had an assessed valuation of $28,- and large vegetables such as squash the morning at 10 o’clock, with Chas. The house secured for the use of ged down. and cabbage, one or more is suffi 070 in 1952-53. The Bonneville Power Administra Dolezal of Mill City, president of the Although several families live in cient. tion has announced the awarding of a organization, presiding. There were kindergarten is located on Douglas j Lack of practice at Mill City show There will be a guessing contest, contract for grading the switchyard reports from the delegates from lod street, in Shepherd’s addition. It is the j ed clearly on both offense and de this district the school has been sus and spur track at the Santiam sub ges in Scio, Richardson Gap, Malin, former home of the Courtland Rues. ( fense. This week practice has revolved pended for a number of years. At the also. Anyone guessing the weight of station site to Frank Lyons and Com Portland and Albany. Mrs. Olga Mc- Tuition for kindergarten is $6.50 a around pass defense and protection, present time there are only two resi a young steer or heifer will be given wide swinging offensive plays and de dents of school age and they are at 10 gallons of gasoline. Doors will op pany of Portland, Oregon, on a low Cellan, district organizer from Seat month. fense against the Gervais shift. Mill tending Stayton high school. It has en at 9 a. m. for displays and live bid of $15,507. The contract, approved tle, spoke. City meets Gervais there Friday at 2 been agreed that they shall be allow stock judging will be at 2 o’clock. by Secretary of the Interior, Douglas Officers elected for the ensuing p. m. Jefferson, Gervais and Scio are ed to finish their schooling in Stayton. Prizes will also be given for riding McKay, calls for completion of the year were Charles Dolezal of Mill considered the hot contenders for the At the hearing. Mrs. S. C. Dark horses exhibited. This year both Linn work within 60 days. The site of the City, president; John Tanuich, Al Marion county “B” League flag. Santiam substation is located approxi bany, vice-president; Joe Talafous, represented the people from district and Marion counties have given $100 Statistics M.C. No. 106, and Vernon S. Todd, super to the Grange to be used for prize mately 3 miles west of the town of Portland, Czech secretary; Mrs. Jack 9 First Downs .......... intendent of Mill City schools, repre money and merchants have donated Lyons in Linn County. Carey, Mill City, English secretary. 346 The Mari-Linn school opened Mon- Net Y’ards Gained The first step of the construction Officers of the lodge must be able to sented school district No. 129-J. The merchandise for door prizes. A color 10 day September 21, with 190 enrolled., Yards Gained Passing program for the Santiam facility will speak both English and Czech. boards of the two districts made pre ed movie on Oregon resources will be 6 Orin Morgan is principal; Vivian1 Passes Attempted include the installation of a 20,000- vious satisfactory terms, and since shown. A dinner at noon was serveed by i The Home Economics club of the kva, 230-69-kv stepdown substation Mrs. Charles Dolezal. Mrs. Joe Pod Boyce, instructor in music; Katie Passes Completed there was no opposition voiced to the Plays Gain Loss Net consolidation, the action of the board Grange will serve a chicken dinner be to provide service to both the Benton- rabsky, Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky. Mrs. Skillings, first grade with 20 pupils; Rushing .......... 7 22 0 22 ginning at 6 p. m. Hamburgers will Lincoln Electric Cooperative and the Joe Toman, Mrs. Wendell Heller and Norma Miller, second grade of 30 I Thomas was automatic. 7 45 11 52 be served throughout the day. Mountain States Power Company for Mrs. Jack Carey. The afternoon was pupils; Elva Kuiken, third grade with I Carey- 0 53 16 53 This event is open to the public and the Santiam Valley area. Present spent informally with birthday cake 21; Martha Poole, fourth grade, with Melting Pre-School at Mari-Linn 20 65 21 44 anyone wishing to compete for the plans call for the completion of this and ice cream served later. Numbers 21; Rea’n Fletcher, fifth, has 28 pu Gregory Trys Comp. Pct. Yd. prizes are urged to do so. To Commence October 6 work by the fall of 1954. The addition on the accordian were furnished by pils; Ivan Smith, sixth, with 23; Ha Passing .200 5 1 10 LYONS—The pre-school mothers of some 230-kv oil circuit breakers is Mrs. Mlynar of Manteca. California. zel Wirth, seventh, with 23, and Ralph Gregory 0 .000 10 0 ...1 Crook Hurst, eighth grade, with 24. scheduled for the following year. held their meeting at the home of Mr*. There were six of the charter mem Outsanding defensive lineman Van Prichard is custodian and Mrs. I bers present for the anniversary cele Alice Huber, Thursday evening, Sep Gladys Hurst and Mrs. Melvina Frank the week—Richard Anderson. tember 17th, to make plans for the bration Sunday'. They were Mr. and lin are cook?, with the hot lunches Outstanding defensive back for the year. It was decided to begin October Mrs. Anton Moravec, Mrs. Mary Fencl, served the same as they were last week—Elton Gregory. 6th and will be held in the gym at the Charles Dolezal, Carl Podrabsky, and year. Mari-Linn school, Tuesday and Thurs Frank Rada. Mrs. Frank Rada, also A new Jugle-Gym has been instal- day mornings of each week. The North Santiam Chamber of a charter member, was unable to at led on the play ground. New tile has Any 4 or 5 year olds are welcome. Commerce held their first regular tend. In addition to these seven, the been installed in the kitchen and all- I The fee is one dollar for registering meeting of the fall and winter season The American Legion meeting to other ten members, thirty years ago, room with shades on two and two dollars a family per month. at the rooms over the firehall here «J>e held in the ¡»egion ha'J here to were Mr. and- Mrs. Joseph Drapela, purpose windows so as to show the education The children may ride *n the schoq/ last Wednesday evening with Ken night (Thursday) will be an opening Eddie Drapela, Frank Fisher, Mr. al films there. New ceiling and new bus and must be picked up by the pa Golliet, president, in charge of the meeting, according to Legionnaires. and Mrs. John Blazek, Frank Fencl, window glass has been installed in meeting. rent.« at 11:45. One of the highlights of this meet I i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Podrabsky and the gym and the stage also has new Thirty-six members were present. Officers for this year are Mrs. Don ing will be the awarding of the bronze Mrs. Anna Stodola. ceiling so as to make it warmer and ald Huber, president; Mrs. William W. R. Hutcheson, Gates, was elected star to Lawrence Poole, who has re the pre-school will meet there this Earl Edwin Miller, 80-year-old re Hargin, corresponding secretary and as chairman of a committee to inves cently returned from Korea. His Telephone Pay Booth J I winter. tired farmer of Mehama, was killed Mrs. Jack Duggan, secretaiy-treasm - tigate FHA-backed Lousing for this brother, Lt. Lester Poole, returned on A meeting with the school board Sunday night when his car and one er. Attending the meeting were Mes- area. Others on this committee are Sunday from Germany, and will be At Detroit Is Robbed was held Monday evening for general driven by Earl Nott of McMinnville, dames John Prideaux, Ralph Hurst, | Wilson Stevens and M. J. Brassfield present at this meeting. Discovery was made Tuesday morn collided at the junction of the new Allan Thompson, Gail Pennington, I of Lyons. Les Zumwalt of the Oiegon Game ing of a robbery at the Detroit tele discussion of the school year. highway 22 on the North Santiam and Wendell Weaver. When the new plywood plant at Commission, will .-how a film “Be phone office when the pay phone booth route at Mehama. Lyons is completed, more housing will hind the Trophy”. Those who have was found to have been jimmied open be needeed in this area to house the It was believed that Mr. Miller ap- Stat»’ Federated Clubs seen this fine hunting picture state it and the cash taken. new workers coming here. parently misjudged the distance of is well worth while. The amount of cash is not known Plans are’ now underway to have the oncoming Nott car at the time he To Have All-Dav Meeting Lunch will be served following the | until a check can be made, but it is another meeting in Mill City in the pulled onto the highway. At West Linn, September 29 meeting. estimated to be between 20 and 25 dol Mr. and Mrs. Nott were treated nt A meeting of the Third District of near future when a speaker will be lars. The robbery was committed be DETROIT—Lowering of the water tween Saturday and Monday nights,! in the Detroit Reservoir began last Salem General hospital for bruises the Oregon Federated Women's clubs present. Work is going forward on Fire ('alls To Be Paid is to be held at West Linn on Tues colored films of this area and they and lacerations and then released. but is believed to have occurred Sat week by army engineers. For By Lyons Citizens day, September 29. Any member of will be shown as soon as the film is urday night. Deeased was born April 25, 1873, The water is being lowered at the M. J. Brassfield this week informed the Mill City Women’s Club who is completed and edited. Detroit has a dial telephone system at Covington, Ky., and had lived at The Enterprise that residents of Lyons and the pay phone booth is in the rate of M a foot per day and will Mehama for the past four years. He interested in attending, is asked to have raised a fund to pay firemen home of Mrs. Ray Johnson, who was continue to be lowered until the 15th was a retired farmer. Mountain States To Order contact Mr*. John Muir. of November at which time an eleva from Mill City when they answer calls away over the weekend. It is to be an all day meeting with Equipment for Fluoridation Funeral services were held Wednes tion of 1340 feet will be reached. Sum to the Lyons community. a luncheon at noon. Mrs. Sadie Orr According to Mountain States of mer elevation of the water was 1525 day afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at the Dunbar will be moderator for a panel At the same time Mr. Brassfield feet. • Weddle Funeral home in Stayton with discussion. The panel will be made up ficials the Mill City Council has now spoke for Lyon«, residents in giving Lion Members Work on The.1340 foot elevation of the re Rev. N. N. Neufeld, pastor, officiat of committee chairmen who will dis t presented the power company with thanks to the Mill City firemen for Scout Cabin Monday Night ordinance No. 84, which calls for the servoir will be maintained until ab ing. Interment was made in the Lon* cus* club problems. their quick response to a plea for help Several members of the Lions club out the middle of February, states Oak cemetery at Stayton. fluoridation of the city water. Mac in the recent fire which occurred at went to work on the Scout Cabin fol Jesse Glasgow, ajmy engineer of De hinery is being ordered for this opera Survivors are three sons, Vern Mil the Sam Bridges place. Lyon* is in neither the Mill City nor lowing a short dinner meeting Monday troit. Purpose of the lowering of wa ler of Mehama, Ernest V. Miller of Firemen Auxiliary Resumes tion at the present time. Cost for fluoridation of city water Stayton fire districts, which made it night. Workers state they got about ter in reservoir is to enable checking Woodburn and Harry L. Miller of Meetings Here Thursday here will cost each meter owner about necessary for the residents there to a third of the front of the building and re-setting of electrical devices on Billings, Mont. A sister, Chella Curtis, The Firemen's Auxiliary resumed raise funds to pay the firenjen from sided up. A lot of preliminary work the gates, and also to clean debris lives at National City, California and their meeting* for the fall, last Thurs 10 cents per month. This is not in pay ment of the equipment but for the op from the reservoir. there are 13 grandchildren. Mill City and Stayton for their ser was done. day when they met for a social even- eration and fluorides used. vices. ing, according to Mrs. John Muir, Mrs. W. Pennick, Gates president. Idanha American legion The evening was spent in playing Idanha Meets Community Chairman of Health Group canasta and pinochle. Prizes for can Chest Quota First in State Post 111 Sponsors Contest Mrs. W. Pennick of Gates was elect asta went to Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, Idanha was the first town in Oregon DETROIT—The American Legion, ed as chairman of the Citizens Ad high, and Mrs. W. C. Stewart, Jr., to meet its 1953 Community Chest Idanha Post 141, is sponsoring a buck visory Committee for Health, at a low. Pinochle prize* went to Mr*. Don quota, Marion county Community The Fall flower show of the Lyons contest with an entry fee of $1 and meeting held at the Mill City Elemen tickets may be purchased from mem Garden Club was held at the Catholic leen Manning, 2nd; Collection Peren tary school last week. Marion County Flatman, high, and Mr*. H. M. Agee, Cheat officials announced Friday. A similar record was made by Idan bers of the Post. In Detroit they may Community building, formerly the old nials, Mattie Stout, 1st; Ann Pietrok, Health Department Nurse E. Cole, low. Mr*. John Muir received the door ha in several previous years. The be obtained at the Detroit Market. school house in Lyons. Fsiday, Sep 2nd; Helen McClurg, 3rd; Roses, was present at the meeting. Mrs. Alf prize. Five birthdays were celebrated and town’* quota was $500 which wa* sub The derby will close at midnight, Oct tember 18, with Mrs. Raymond Branch Helen McClurg, 1st; Ann Holzfuss, red Nesbitt has been acting as chair- gifts were presented to Mrs. Dewey scribed the first two days of the drive. as general chairman and judging by 2nd. ober 20. man since Mrs. Robert Wingo moved Flatman, Mrs. Don Flatman. Mrs. W. Co-chairmen in the solicitation were Prize for the heaviest buck will be Mrs. Ward Englis of Stayton. Division II: Arrangements. Buffet, away. C. Stewart, Jr., Mrs. D. W. Stewart Warren A. Stoll, Huber Ray, T. J. Tri-color winners were Division 1, Virgene Scott, 1st; Laura Neal. 2nd; a 170 Cal. Remington rifle and for The Citizens Advisory Committee Skidmore and Florence Harris. the lightest buck, a. k. v W’eaver gun Gladys Kuiken, horticulture; Division Winnie Branch, Bea Hiatt, 3rd; Din will help the Health Department with and Mr*. Tex Blazek. Hostesses for the evening were Mr*. scope will be awarded. The weigh-in 2, Virgene Scott, arrangements; Di ing table, Vergene Scott, 1st; A. J. well-child conferences, immunization D. W. Stewart and Mr*. LaVerne station will be Idanha Super Service. vision 3, Ann Pietrok, plants. Baltzer, 2nd; Winnie Branch, Laura clinics and health projects in the Small Attendance At Division 1. Horticulture, asters, Ann Neal, 3rd; Featuring color, Laura Canyon. Without such a group it is Knowles. Refreshments were served Proceeds will be used for welfare of Community Chest Meeting Holzfuss, 1st; Gladys Kuiken, A. J. Neal, 1st; Winnie Branch. 2nd; Hall impossible to function effectively, ac- to fifteen member*. the Post. Officers of the Community Chest Baltzer, Ann Holzfuss, 2nd; Mattie or Church, Virgene Scott, 1st; A. J. cording to Mr*. Cole. program here report a very small at Girl Scouts Have Surprise Stout, 3rd; marigolds, Gladys Kuiken, Baltzer, 2nd; Winnie Branch, Laura Altar Society Meets At tendance at their meeting Tuesday Bea Hiatt, Winnie Branch, Helen Mc 3rd; Coffee Table, Winnie Party at First Fall Meeting evening in the recreation room at the Hoffman Home Wednesday Clurg, Joy Prideaux. 1st; Ann Holz Neal, District Sunday School Branch, 1st; Bea Hiatt, 2nd; Minia A surprise party greeted the Mill high school. There will be another The Altar Society of St Catherine’» fuss, Helen McClurg. Winnie Branch, ture Arrangement, Winnie Branch, Convention in Detroit on City Girl Scout Troop No. 36, at their meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 church met at the home of Mrs. Rus Gladys Kuiken, 2nd; Winnie Branch, l*t; Ann Holzfuss, 2nd; Twin Ar first meeting of the fall which was o’clock and it is hoped action can be sell Hoffman, Wednesday evening, 3rd; Zinneas, Ann Holzfuss. Anne Pie rangement, Laura Neal. 1st; Winnie Sunday, September 27 September 16. trok, 1st; Laura Neal. 2nd; Annuals, Branch, 2nd; Small arrangement, Win The district Sunday School conven held in the high school recreation taken then to get the work started *o Mrs. Lowell Stiffler acted as presi Ann Holzfuss. Ann Pietrok. Mattie nie Branch, 1st; Cora Jenner, 2nd; tion is to be held in Detroit next Sun room last Monday afternon at four it can be completed before hunting season. Th* cooperation of everyone dent and Mrs. Paul Ressler as secre Stout, 1st; A. J. Baltzer. Jean Pri Floating arrangement, I .aura Neal, day afternoon, September 27. The dis o’clock. tary in 'he absence of the regular of deaux, 2nd; Dahlia«, Ann Pietrok, Ann 1st; One color with green, Gladys trict includes Sunday Schools of all Mr*. Howard Mean* and Mr*. Al will be needed to do thia. ficer*. It was decided to hold a cooked Holzfuss, Laura Neal, 1st; Ann Holz Kuiken, 1st; Winnie Branch, 2nd; denominations from Mehama to Idan Nesbitt, co-leaders for the only local food sale on October 21. and Hallo fuss, 2nd; Mattie Stout. Tommy Pri Flower, fruit and vegetable. Gladys ha. girl scout troop, had planned game* Woodbum Defeats Stayton ween treats will be featured. deaux. 3rd; Gladiolus, Eva Bressler, Kuiken, 1st; Ann Holzfuss, 2nd; Fall There will be a picnic lunch at the •nd refreshment* a* the introduction 12-0 in Game Played Here Those present for the meeting were Kathleen Manning. A. J. Baltzer, Ann flower«. A. J. Baltzer. 1st; Winnie Lake-Shore picnic area near Detroit to a busy scouting program. Woodburn blanked the Stayton Mesdame* G. R. Ditter. Lowell Stiff Pietrok, 1st; Vergene Scott, Gertrude Branch. 2nd. and at two o’clock the convention will The girl* who belong to Troop No. football team here Friday night 12-0 ler. Paul Reswler, Richard Saucier, Weidman, Beth Prideaux. 2nd; Ann convene at the Detroit Community 36 are Sherry Hansen, Zeta Crosier, Divisfbn III: African Violet. I.aura Willaim Tickle, C. Rieders, Frank Holzfuss. A. J. Baltzer. 3rd; Anemone, Neal, 1st; Foliage plant. Ann Pietrok, church. The principal speaker for th* Penny Gould, France* Ward, Gloria in a non-league game under the light*. Klecker. Helen Paul. Barbara Engel- i Gladys Kuiken, 1st; Ruburum Lily, 1st; Esther Steinfelt, 2nd; Eva afternoon will be the Rev. Noble Klecker, Barbara Podrabsky, Annie The game wa* played here because of gan. Misses Phyllis Cox and Mary Jane I Dorothy Draper, 1st; Goldenrod. Lau- Bressler, David Prideaux, Jean Pri Streeter of Mill City, who announce* Howell, Rosalie Bassett. Norma Dow conflicting schedules which made it necessary to play the rame under Cox and the host*««, Mrs. Russell i ra Neal, 1st; Gold Band Lily, Dorot- ( deaux, or« 3rd; Dish garden, Helen Pri- that the meetings are to be in the ner, Nancy Porter and Annette Mel light*. Stayton’* athletic field a* y*» Ihy Draper, 2nd; Delphinium, Kath- deaux^ 1st. Hoffman. ting. form of a workshop. has no light*. • r 1 Mill City, Sweet Home Battle to Scoreless Heads WBFA " ' 1 ■ a School Districts Consolidated Award Contract For Substation Mari-Linn School Has 180 Enrolled Santiam Chamber Holds Meeting Here Legion Meeting Here Tonite Open To Public Retired Mehama Farmer Killed in Car Accident Sun. Water Depth of Dam Being Lowered Lyons Garden Club Holds Fall Flower Show; List of Prize Vlinners\Given