I Many local people availed themsel-1 Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1«>53 ves of the nice weather Sunday by family were callers here on Sunday. Mrs. Harry W ood was taken ill Wed­ driving to Monument Peak where the They are now located at Winston, Ore. nesday morning at her home. huckleberry picking was plentiful, and Mr. Clark is employed as super- 1 intendent on the construction of a new all reporting good yields. JoAnn Hoffman left Sunday for > school gym near Roseburg. The Clark Eugene, Ore., to enroll at the Univer­ Mrs. James Poole has received word family lived here several years when sity. Mr. Clark worked at the Detroit Dam. that her son, Lester Poole, who has Mrs. John Swan was a business vi­ been stationed in Germany for over For the past several months he has Mrs. Trash and son Johnnie of Al- a year, expects to return to the U. S. been with the Commercial Contractors sitor in Salem Tuesday. I bany visited here Wednesday with re- of Salem, on a job at Tillamook. the latter part of this month. _ . latives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Flatman and Mr. __ _________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and Mrs. Martin Hansen spent Satur- Mr. Farrington was taken to Salem A Good Place To Buy day at the State Fair in Salem. Tuesday afternoon where he received medical treatment. NEW And USED FURNITURE Mrs. Ruth Witt and Rudy Tohl were guests Sunday at the home of Dr. and Donn^ Nelson plans to leave Friday Come into our store, you’ll find what you want at Mrs. A. V. Staats in Carleton, Ore. 1 for Forest Grove, Ore., to attend the a price you can afford to pay ' Pacific University. Mr. and Mrs. Don Flatman and Mrs. Martin Hansen were Portland visitors I Bob Shelton and Marvin Mismer [ Friday, on a combined pleasure and left Sunday for Corvallis to enroll at i business trip. I Oregon State College. Gates Furniture Gates, Oregon Phone 4561 K b f Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1 HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 Mehama Gardens Broccoli for freezing (at its tender best) Kentucky Wonder Beans for C anning Cucumbers for pickling. Tomatoes for slicing or Canning. Cauliflower for freezing. OPEN 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. One half mile west on old highway LYONS PLUMBING & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES WATER SYSTEMS HEATING INSTALLATIONS Phone 1634 Open Evenings Lyons, Ore. ■HMM Gooch Logging Supply a % Everything for the Logger BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Sweet Home, Philomath F i Beryl Mason is employed at the Roy Chase visited former classmates J in Mill City last week. He is visiting State Tax Commissioners office in Sa­ his sister in Oregon and is returning lem, starting her duties last week. soon to Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Ralph Reid of Kelso, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kliewer and arrived Monday evening to visit a few son motored to Portland Sunday. They I days with her brother and his wife, reported exteremely heavy traffic I Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McRoberts. Mon­ day evening she attended the meeting between Salem and Portland. of the O. E. S. chapted. Bill Shepherd has taken his mother, I Mrs. Bertha Shepherd of Gates, to James K. Harris came to Mill City I Alturas, California, where she will re­ i over the weekend from North Richland main some time visiting relatives. where he is employed, to visit here at his home. John Muir, Bob Oliver and Bob Pratt motored to Dayton, Saturday George Steffy, formerly employed evening to attend an American" Le­ here by the CBI, spent a short while gion officers school held there that in Mill City, coming from the Dalles evening. where he has been employed. Calling on Mrs. Ida Geddes and Miss Richard Young of Portland has Daisy Geddes last week were Miss been visiting his parents, Mr. and Phoebe McAdams and Miss Ruth Mc­ Mrs. Laurence Young in Mill City. | Adams of Salem. They were enroute The Youngs with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I home from the Metolious. Stewart and children, spent Labor I ------------------------------ Day weekend at East Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs and daug­ hter Sandra of Cascadia, left Thursday Mrs. D. W. Moffatt and Mrs. I. A. for their home after having spent Eide left Thursday morning, spend­ about a week visiting at the home of ing the day in Pottland. They were Mrs. Cribb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. overnite guests at the home of the L. Turnidge. former’s daughter and family, at ------------------------------ I Troutdale, returning here Friday af- Last week The Enterprise stated . 'ternoon. that Mr. and Mrs. Misener had plan­ ned to leave Mill City. This was in er­ I Mr, and Mrs. K. L. Faust have been ror, and it has been learned that they in Portland at the home of Mrs. Neal will maintain their residence here this Moody, where they have been with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert winter. Faust of Nelscott, who underwent ma­ Mr! and Mrs. A. E. King of Taco­ jor surgery at a Portland hospital re­ ma, Wash., are visiting their daugh­ cently. ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. George II. Ditto of Niagara return­ Whitsett. Guests last week were Miss Ruth King and Miss Beryl Jensen, ed Friday from Salem where he had spent a couple of days visiting at the also of Tacoma. home of his daughter, Mrs. A H. Fish. Leia Mel Kelly left Sunday for Cor­ His son, Glenn Ditto, of Junction City vallis, to enroll for her second year at met him there and they attended the Oregon State College. Others leaving Fair together. to attend college were Lonna Fay Daly At the Dick Turpin home visiting to the University at Eugene; Dolores Poole to Monmouth, for her second from September 6th to 10th, were Miss Thelma Boatman of Yakima, Wash, a year at college. neice of Mrs. Turpin’s, and Mr. and Mrs. William Kaughman of I.os Ange­ les, Calif. Mrs. Kaughman is Mrs. Turpin's sister. We do the job right and at a price You can afford to pay John Muir and Tex Agee ha\e found that hitch-hiking on Detroit Lake is tough going when they ran out of gas in a 24-foot motor boat Sunday. They had to paddle in to the Mongold land­ ing. It took them about an hour to row the heavy craft to shore. Mrs. Florence Dorothy and her fa­ ther-in-law, Mr. Dorothy, of Post, Oregon visited here several days. Mr. Dorothy visited at the home of his daughter,* Mrs. Alfred Stahlman and family and Mrs. Dorothy visited friends here and in Albany. Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek returned Sunday from Portland where they had visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bullis over the weekend, and where Tex and Archie went fishing in the Lewis river. Little Ralph Bullis, 19 months, re­ turned home with the Blazeks to stay until this weekend when his parents will come for him. e See Us for Your Locker Meats KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Mill City. Oregon MIIX CITY PHONE 8S WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Advertisement WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stay ton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Joe Marsh’ From where I sit... Cream Whips Main Street Traffic Big traffic jam in front of the office last week. Thought every­ body in the county was coming in to buy The Clarion, but they weren’t. Seems a 5-gallon can fell off Whitey Fisher’s truck, spilling cream all over the street. Our cop on duty, Tiny Fields, halted traf­ fic so Whitey could pick up the can. Tiny was about to wave the cars on when a kitten ran out and started lapping up the cream. Well, traffic piled up, but Tiny paid no heed. Light changed At the Lucky 12 club meeting Thurs­ day, Eva Agee won high score; Mrs. Blazek, low, and Ruth Kerr, pincohle. They met at the B. Vanderhoof home with Mrs. Jess Lee, hostess, and serv­ ing a molded shrimp salad. Special speaker at the First Chris­ tian church this Sunday evening will be Leonard H. Camp, minister of the Garden Road Christian church in Sa­ lem now in progress of organization. He and Minister H. E. Jull were class­ mates in Cotner College in Lincoln, Nebraska. They’re given gladly See us for an Estimate, Visitors at the W. H, Davis home A. V. Herron returned last week recently have been their son and from the Stayton Memorial hospital grandson, Malcolm and Charles Davis where he underwent surgery, and was and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Delaney and a patient for a short stay. family of Hood River. J. C. Kimmel, president of the Board The Woman's Council of the Chris­ of the Santiam Memorial hospital, is I yester- tian church held a work day closing the drugstore at 7:30 this I fay at the home of Mrs. Gladys evening (Thursday), in order to be Chance, preparing for the fall bazaar present at the regular monthly meet­ Wednesday, October 7. ing of the hospital board. Custom Cutting and Wrapping For Home Freezers and Lockers Telephone 2706 AUTO GLASS, AUTO PAINTING WRECK REPAIRIN’« ' »rvrigAr. f green three times. After the kit­ ten had enough, Tiny waved the traffic through. From where I sit, this was just a “Tiny” demonstration of the way people in our town are. They're usually pretty consider­ ate and tolerant. If one of our neighbors prefers a good glass of beer to his friend's coffee at din­ nertime. it’s just each to his own taste and everything's “smooth as cream" between them. ffoe 1953, United Staten Brewers Foundation Í TREATS j FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU Friday and Saturday Specials— White, Chocolate and Banana spice Calce. Regular 89c Ig K Special......................... W CUPCAKES 45c Regular 66c per dozen Dozen MUIR'S BAKERY Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon