«•*">. Instituted Here Sunday T he MILL CITY í ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYON S MEHAMA Before a group of over 250 people, ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATl’ the Marilyn.Assembly of the Order of Rainbow Girls was instituted at an impressive five-hour ceremony, Sun VOLL ME 1X66M M BER 38 MILL CITY, OREGON.‘THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1953 »2.50 a Year. ](){> a Cop; day afternoon, September 13, in the Mill City elementary school gymna sium. The local assembly has 33 charter members from Idanha, Gates, Lyons | and Mill City. Eighteen are affiliated j from Acacia assembly. Stayton, one I is affiliated from The Dalles, and 14 ' The thirtieth anniversary of the were initiated Sunday. Western Bohemian Fraternal Associa Many members of Eastern Star, Ma- | tion, lodge No. 267, will be celebrated sons, and Rainbow girls from through Sunday, September 20, with an all 1 Tonight at 8 o’clock at Allen Field out the state were present for both day meeting, dinner and program at , football fans will have an opportunity the initiation and installation of the I Clyde E. Barney Injured the local W. B. F. A. hall. I to see this year's football squad in Mill City Rainbow girls. Honored A district meeting of W. B. F. A. At Work on The Dalles Dam action when they meet the team from guests who were introduced and es Mill City this year will elect a Ma will be held with delegates from Scio, Clyde E. Barney was seriously in-1 | Sweet Home. corted to the East included: Mrs. Ver yor for the first time since its history Richardson Gap, Malin, Portland and jured while at work on the dam at, Seven returning lettermen are in- na M. Gray, supreme inspector from as a city. Heretofore a mayor has Albany. A business meeting will be' The Dalles last week. He was working I eluded in this year’s squad. They are Seaside, Ore.; Mrs. Sue Tuel, district been appointed from one of the coun held in the morning and will be at-1 Registration in the local high school on a catwalk when a cable slipped, Richard Verbeck and Lloyd Ross, ends; grand deputy, from Brownsville, Ore.; cilmen. One councilman will be elect tended by Mrs. Olga McCellen, dis- 1 had iscreased to 104 by 'Monday, ac causing him to fall 15 feet to the Brooks Crosier, Dale Andreassen and Wayne D. Henry, member of the exe- ed this fall. trict organizer, from Seattle. ground. He lit on his feet but fell Bob Stettner, tackles and Jack Melting cording to L. Means, Petitions, bearing at least the sig > cutive board, of Salem; Mildred Pat A 1:30 dinner will be followed by, vu 10 Howaid nowa,a u. Means, princi- pnnci- ton, grand worthy advisor of Burns; natures of 10 registered voters within a program in the afternoon. The local. Pa' There are 30 freshmen, 33 sopho- backward on rocks, breaking his back and Al Ward, guards. Ward and Melt in three places. At the present time he ing have been converted to the back- Lucille Dayball, grand Hope, Port the city must be on file with the city lodge is furnishing the main course mores, 23 juniors and 18 seniors, is at the hospital in The Dalles, and field and Stettner and Andreassen land; and grand representatives, Carol recorder by October 3, and the elec for the dinner and members attend- Class meetings were held last week would appreciate hearing from friends have been converted guards. Dawn Newirk, Acacia, and Sue Light, tion will be held November 3. ing will bring additional food. and officers were elected, with two in Mill City. Checowan; worthy advisors from oth John Muir, who has been mayor, Many non-lettermen will have to In charge of arrangements for the His address is 518 East 7th Street, be called upon to carry the load this er assemblies; mother advisors from still has one more year to serve and day is Mrs. Charles Dolezal. assisted 1 families managing to fill all four of Barzillai assembly, Albany; Acacia this will be served as a councilman by Mrs. Joe Podrabsky and Mrs. Jacki fices for president. Senior class; presi lower apartments, The Dalles. year. These boys are: ends, Don Lem dent, Elton Gregory; vice-president, assembly, Stayton; Portland assembly, after a new’ mayor has been elected. ke and Jim Caudle; tackles, Dale Wal Carey. Donna Ellingson; secretary, Frances Dave Reid's term of councilman ex Portland 14; Mt. Scott assembly, Port czak and Denny Shythe; guards, Ed Brunner; treasurer, Dorothy Stein- land; Knowles assembly, McMinnville; pires this year. The Mayor office is die Leach, Harold Kliewer and John felt; sergeant at arms, Jim Cuthbert. Chadwick assembly, Salem; Ramona for two years and the councilman Thompson; center, Richard Anderson; Junior class: president. Brooks Cros- assembly, Silverton; and Checowan as elected will be for a term of three backs, Dick Crook, Morrie Bassett and I ier; vice-president, Carol Andreassen; Bob Herman. sembly, Yamhill; worthy matrons and years. secretary, JoAnn l^each; treasurer, worthy patrons; Mrs. Julia Leonard, Wednesday night the squad motor class: j George Rambo. Sophomore W. M. and Mr. Findley. W. P., Ramo William E. .Jull Returns To ed to Woodburn to take part in the president, Eddie Gregory; vice-presi na chapter, Silverton, and Mrs. Laural The first meeting of the fall and Marion county “B” league football Naval Duty After Visit Here dent, Maprie Bassett; secietary, Jac Johnson, W, M., and George Huffman, winter season of the Mill City Lions jamboree, which features both six kie Bickett; treasurer, Rosalie Flem FAR EAST (FHTNC)— Aboard the W. P., Marilyn chapter. Mill City; and club was held in the recreation rooms and 11 man teams. Mill City helped ing; sergeant at arms, Eddie Leach. Stanley Chance, acting master of fleet refrigerator ship USS Pictor is at the Presbyterian church, Monday ring up the curtain with an 8 o’clock Freshman class: president, Zeta Cro- William E. Jull, personnel man sea Lodge 180 of Mill City. evening with President Charles Kelly, go against Gervais. The teams played | sier; vice-president, Donald Lemke; for 15 minutes then two other teams Following the introduction of visit man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mill City American Legion Post No.' secretary, Sherry Hansen; treasurer, presiding. Lee Ross acted as secretary would play. ors the initiatory work was done by E. Jull of Mill City. William left Sun 159 will open its fall and winter sea- Frances Ward. in the absence of Howard Means. • Those teams taking part in the jam the Ramona assembly of Silverton. day to return to his-riuties after a fur- son progiam Thursday evening of After the dinner the following com The committee in charge of fresh The grand officers of Assembly of louth spent here with his parents. mittee chairmen were appointed: Lee boree last night came from Mill City, next week at 8 o’ clock in the Legion man initiation has been appointed and Since October 1950, the Pictor ser Oregon installed the officers of Mar Ross, constitution and by-laws; Frank Gervais, St. Paul, Deaf School, Detroit, hall here. includes Phyllis Provost, Dick Crook, ilyn assembly during a ceremony open ved as a “pine-line reefer” bringing Havercroft, attendance; Ed Goshie, Sublimity, Jefferson, Chemawa and Lawrence Poole, who returned from to the public late in the afternoon. The fresh and frozen food to the Fleet in a 10*£ month tour of duty in Korea Norma Downer, John Thompson, and finance; Lee Ross, information; Ho Scio. As The Enterprise goes to press crowning ceremony of the new worthy the Far East. The temperature in in June, will be the guest of honor at j Rosalie Fleming. Freshman initiation ward Means, publicity; Glen Blegen, on Wednesday afternoons, no results advisor, Jerry Hamblin, was perform every hold on the ship can be brought this meeting. He will be presented the l will be confined to one day this year, membership; Robert Veness, conven of Jamt'oree games could be given this ed by the Santiam DeMoley boys of down below freezing U> accomodate bronze star by an officer of the Ore-I Friday, October 16. tion; Vernon Todd, program; Hugh week. preserving any type of rod. The first student body meeting of Walkup, citizenship; Al Nesbitt, boys Stayton. the year was held Monday with Dale While serving in the Far East, the gon military district. The new elective officers of Marilyn Poole, who graduated from Mill City Andreassen, president of the student and girls committee; Robert Veness, Pictor operates as a unit under the civic improvements and community assembly are worthy advisor, Jerry Commander of Service Squadron high school in 1950, was an honor J body, presiding. Yell leaders for the betterment; Vernon Todd, education. Hamblin; associate worthy advisor, Three. The squadron provides main student, having been active in foot- year were elected: Janet Ross, Rosalie Those receiving 100 percent atten Donna Ellingson; Charity, Penny tenance and logistic support to the i ball, basketball and baseball. He also Fleming, Jerry Hamblin and Bunny dance pins at this meeting were: Carl Gould; Hope, Judy Haseman; Faith, held several student body offices and Caudle . Donna Bengston and Karen Seventh Fleet and UN vessels. I Janette Huffman; recorder. Frances uas president of his class. He is the Andreassen were elected song leaders, Kelly, Charles Kelly, Bill McCoy, Ho ward Means, Roger Nelson, W. S. Re Although the first week of school Ward; treasurer, Zeta Crosier. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Poole, ar,> mine, Homer Thacker, Vernon Todd, only contained two days, all regular The new appointed officers include; of Mill City. Bob Veness, George Veteto, Hugh school activities were underway at the Chaplain, Jan Ross; drill leader. Sher The meeting will be open to the' Community Chest Meeting Walkup, I^e Ross, and Robert Wingo, beginning of the second week of | public. Les Zumwalt of the Oregon i ry Hansen; associate drill leader, Cam classes. ille Coble; Love, Ann Marie Hirtie; j Game Commission will be present and To Be Held Tuesday Night who is now in Greenland. A discussion followed on the ques The school patrol functioned from Religion, Margret Palmer; Nature, I show a film “Behind the Trophy” j There will be a meeting of the Anna Bess Carte; Immortality, Joyce which deals with elk hunting. He will Gates-Mill City Community Chest at tion of whether or not the scout cabin the first day of school, with Larry Watkins; Fidelity, Donna Bengston; answer hunting questions after the | the high school recreation room Tues at the park could be used as a kinder Urban and Dale Smith, both from the garten. It was expressed by the club eighth grade, carrying the full load the Patriotism, Nancy Olsen; Service, An showing of the film. day evening at 8 o’clock, according to that as long as the scout cabin had first week. Beginning last Monday nette Melting; confidential observer, A lunch will be served at this meet George Veteto. In a telephone conversation with ing. been designated to be used only for the they went on the morning shift while Audrey Shaw; outer observer, Carol Russell Kelly, county vice-president 4COU^ program that it should remain two seventh graders, Albert Nichols Cooke; musician, Frances Johnson; officials at the M & M Plywood plant asks that all people interested, to that way and Harvey Bodda, are on duty in the choir director, Jackie Bickett; and at Lyons, it was learned that the new Guest Night Program Held please attend this meeting. New dir- A committee, composed of Carl afternoon. This is Larry Urban’s third choir: Betty Lou Cree, Donalee Oliver, plant, which is under construction at ectors of the Chest will be elected and Kelly, Charles Kelly and Lee Ross, year on school patrol. Garen Andreassen, Nancy Porter, Ro the present time, is expected to be At Church Parlors Thurs. J'le^was appointed to meet with the city The Christian Woman’s Fellowship other business coming Earl Louchs has three bands organ salie Bassett, Norma Beutley, Dee Da ready for operation shortly after the first of the year. held its first guest night program on ttroup, will be disposed of. By keeping council to see if the park could be ized and reports that there are 21 in 1 . - vidson and Carol Andreassen. It had been rumored that the plant Thursday evening of last week in the the local group active, funds collected patrolled by the police to reduce the advanced l/and, 20 in intermediate and At the close of the afternoor the of had shut down but this is false. One business vandalism to the buildings at the 18 in beginning band. The members of church parlors. The brief .... _ ............ ..... can be controlled by local people. ficers of Marilyn chapter put oa a shift is .«till operating. park. Considerable damage has been the bands are taken from the fifth meeting was in charge of the presi degree and presented gifts to the new When the plant is operating at ca dent, Mrs. Beulah Fish. done in recent months. grade through high school and are di assembly and to Mrs. Fein Shuey, pacity, about 400 men are expected to It was also decided at this meeting vided according to ability. The begin The study period was devoted to mother advisor of Marilyn assembly. be employed at the Lyons plant. M & that Lions come to meetings dressed ners meet at 8:15 but the other two Refreshments were served after the M employees from other jobs will have “Spanish Speaking Americans”, and in work clothes, and following each I bands are scheduled during school was presented by the program chair ceremony. an opportunity to transfer to the Ly man, Mrs. Gladys Chance, assisted by meeting, members will adjourn to the hours. The members of the local Rainbow ons plant and then as many as can be Mrs. Dean Jackson. Minister H. E. Jull park to complete the scout cabin. Regular physical education classes advisory board are Mrs. Ethel Huff hired locally will be used. It is expect gave a slide lecture on “Uprooted Am Two guests, Howard Kanoff and were begun in the elementary school Marion and Linn counties are among man, chairman; Mrs. Laural Johnsen, ed that quite a few outside men will ericans”, and the special speaker of the 18 counties in Western Oregon Don Moffatt, were present. Monday with James Hale and Miss Al worthy matron; Mrs. Leora Stevens, have to be secured to operate the the evening was Miss Marlene White getting a record *6,422.026 as their ice Smith in charge of seventh and Mrs. Betty Tinney, Mrs. Fern Shuey, plant to capacity. eighth grade classes and Daron Dierks of Detroit, who told of her work am share of the 1952-53 income produced mother advisor; Mrs. Doris Haseman, and Miss Let ha Thomas directing fifth ong migrant peoples in California un by the revested Oregon and California associate mother advisor; O. K. Hirtie, and sixth grade classes. der the direction of the Home Mis railroad grants. worshipful master; George Huffman, i Mothers are meeting With first sions Council of the U. S. A. The payment exceeds by *368,568 Bob Draper, Wilson Stevens and Wil grade teachers this week, for sugges Present in addition to the ones al the previous record of *6,053,458 paid liam Shuey. tions which will help give their child ready mentioned were Mesdames Ray in 1951-52; The Marilyn assembly is the 57th a good start in school. Case, Ada Dart, Susie Haynes, Eathel This year Marion county received The North Santiam Sportsmen ’ s assembly to be instituted in Oregon The health nurse will be at the Hill, Grace Hutchinson, Helen Jull, El *120,091 and Linn county received club held an interesting meeting at and one of three or four which is un The Three-Links club met at the sie Meyers, Grace Misijer, Ruth Poole, »220,917. Under a 1937 law sustained the Howell school Monday evening schools every Tuesday morning and der a co-sponsorship of both an Eas home of Mrs. Chrissie Henderson near Lloyd Poole. Sue Poole. Ada Plymale, immunizations are given the hecond yield forest management is practiced with 43 present. tern Star chapter and a Masonic lodge. Redmond last Thursday where they Roebke, Bertha Shelton, Maggie Shaw, Tuesday of every month. on the O&C lands by the bureau of Tom McAllister, outdoor editor for I---------------------- The new assembly will meet the second enjoyed a pot-luck luncheon and a and Emma Teter, all of Mill City, and land management County governments the Oregon Journal, and author of and fourth Wednesdays of each month social afternoon. Mrs. Otis White and her mother-in- get a large share of the income from the “Wide, Open Spaces”, gave an in Lyons Garden Club Plans at the I. O. O, F. hall at 7:30 and all Members from Mill City who attend law, Mrs. White Sr., of Detroit. timber sales. These sales in 1952-53 teresting talk about the importance Food Sale and Flower Show members of Eastern Star and the Ma ed were Mrs. Mode Davis, Mr*. Fred totaled 511,000,000 board feet, com of wild life in the northwest. Gene LYONS—Gertrude Weidman was sonic lodge are urged to attend. Duffy, Mr*. Melbourne Rambo and I Garden Club Will Meet pared with 405,000,000 board feet in Teague showed movie« of a trip to hostess for the meeting of the Garden Laura Jo, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Clay-1 I 1951-52. Alaska over the Alcan highway and At Kimmel Home Thursday Club at her home Wednesday after ton Baltimore, Mrs. Charles Stewart, i Involved are public lands which the return by boat. The Mill City Garden Club will meet noon, with Agnes Brotherton, presi Nancy and Charley. Mrs. C. A. Bruder, The club went on record in favor of Mrs. Ed Haynes. Mrs. Blanche Syver- 1 Thursday evening, September 24th, at government granted to the Oregon & routing the new highway around Stay dent presiding over th* meeting. Each California railroad and then took back member answered to roll call by son. Mrs. Mabel Knutson. Mrs. Alma 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. after the concern failed to keep an ton. This route would not go through “Things you should do to get your Thomas, Mrs. Antonia Thomas, Mrs. Kimmel, with Mrs. Charles Dolezal agreement. Stayton but would also mis* what is flowers ready for the flower show.” Mel Robinson, and Mrs. Bobby Tay and Mrs. C. A. Bruder, as assisting known a* the swamp. hostesses. Gladys Kuiken and Ann Hoixfuss lor. Additional guests included: Mrs. Renewed attention to Or eg on '* President Jerry Coffman states the were in charge of th* program. Th* Theer will be a practice flower show school bus stop law will soon be in Maxine Clevanger and Mrs. Leatha and each member is asked to bring an Jacks Richfield Station club still need* more chairs and will main discussion of the afternoon was Monical of Terreboune and Mrs. Betty be glad to pick them up if he is no completing plans for the flower show order as schools throughout the state Howard and Mrs. Thelma Hughes of j entry. Sold To l^eo Russell tified. which will b* held Friday, September re-open for another year. Secretary Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Russell of Elkhorn A Salem member was present and Free Matinee For Kids; of State Earl T. Newbry reminded completed a deal this week for the offered several cougar hides, stuffed 18th at the old school house in Lyons. Doors will open for entry at 8 a. m. Coupon Given By Theatre purchase of Jack’s Richfield Station birds and animals for decorating the and Clarence Ball’s Entertain motorists Friday. close at 11:45 for judging and here in Mil City. It will now be called This Saturday kids of Mill City are club house. The law calls for drivers approach At Family Reunion will open again at 2 p. m. for the pub the Mill City Richfield Station. ing from the front or rear to stop GATES—A family reunion was held in for a treat at the Mill City Theater lic. There will also be a cooked food Mr. Russell has had many year* of when a bus is stopped to load or un recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. where Bob Veness is giving them • sale and p'ant sale, to begin at 2 n m. experience in the service station bus Presbyterian Women free matinee. Featured will be Spring load children. If children are not leav Clarence Ball, honoring Mr. Ball’s Attending the meeting were Agne* iness and invites new customers a* ing the bus drivers can proceed after sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. field Rifle and Mickey Mouse’s Birth Meet in Friendship Hall Brotherton, I-aura Neal, Gladys Kui well as old ones to come in and get stopping, Newbry cautioned. Ralph Eppley, from Charleston. W. day party. The show is at two o'clock ken, Cora Jenner, Bea Hiatt, Anne acquainted. Wednesday Afternoon in the afternoon. This year, many buses will be equip Virginia, who were visiting relatives Pietrok, Madline Nuttieman, Esther Adults can get a 10c boost on a tic ped with red flashing lights on the in Oregon. Mr*. Eppley is the daugh The regular meeting of the Wom Steinfelt, Dortheen Wilson, Eula Mon ad front and rear as an additional warn ter of Steve Ball. Those present were ket also by dipping this week’s en’s Association of the Presbyterian roe, Winnie Branch, Elsie Myer* and Police Calls Attention ing to motorists that children may be the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Epp from The Enterprise. church was held hi Friendship hail, on the hostess, Gertrude Weidman. To New Stop Signs in City n the road and that they must remain ley and from Gates, the hosts, Mr. ' Wednesday afternoon, September 9, and Mrs. Clarence Ball and Carol Sue. FLOYD JOHNSON SI FFERED The Mill City Police department are with 15 member* present. »topped. Bpii i w < in, n> \Mi \ Mrs. Floyd Jones, who was in ENDER NEW MANAGEMENT Only time vehicles are not permitted Steve Ball. Walter Ball; Carl Rail of PAINFUL INJURIES LAST WEEK calling attention to two new stop to stop when the big yellow buses are Detroit; from Portland. Mr. and Mr«. Floyd Johnson received painful in signs, erected at 4th and Fairview, charge of devotions, presented a final Mr. and Mr«. Wm. Zimmerman, for picking-up or discharging passengers Chris Svendsen. Mr. and Mr*. Robert jury to his knee and leg a week ago and one at the junction of Kingwood study of Colossians. Mrs. Herbert mer cafe operator* at Sweet Home, .» when approaching the bus from the Svendsen and Bobbie, Mr. and Mr«. last Friday while working for Ernest and first. Full stop* must be made at Schroeder gave a book report concern have recently purchased the Spillway opposite direction on a three-or-more Otto Mority; from Albany. Mr. and Graham and Sid Baughman, Mil) City these intersection*. There ar* also ing home missions. During the busi Cafe in Idanha. Mrs. Herman Mority and from Eugene, loggers. Johnson was treated by Dr. stope at the ne* lane* in front of the ness meeting it was decided to serve lane highway. The Zimmermens have been in the Strict enforcement of th* law, New Mr. and Mr« Ted Gabriel. Mrs. Helen Jack Reid who say* he will be unable school house and when driving there, the Lions’ Club dinners again this cafe business for many year* and are I Moriety and Joe Patterson. I year. these must be strictly observed. to work for a number of weeks. bry said, should b* expected. now making their home in Idanha, Mayor and WBFA Anniversary Mill City Timber Wolves To Meet To Meet Here Sunday Councilman Sweet Home Tonight in 1st Home Game To Be Elected High School Shows Increase in Students Lions Club Has First Fall Meet Lawrence Poole To Get Bronze Star Thursday County Health Nurse Here Every Tuesday Be Completed About First of the Year Marion-Linn Counties Get Share of Money Three Links Club Meets Near Redmond Remember to Stop For School Buses N. Santiam Sports Club Has Meeting