If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! 7—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs, George Flook spent I Saturday at the state fair in Salem, accompanying their son-in-law and classified rates For Rent S. to the middle of the Little North daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Legal Notices Ten cents per line each insertion. fork of Santiam River; thence south son and daughter Judy of Eugene. No advertisement accepted for less FOR RENT—Three bedroom house, No. 15391 westerly following the middle of said than 50 cents per week. dining room, breakfast nook and NOTICE OF THE SALE OF REAL river to the W. line of Section 13; Count five words to the line in kitchen. Fireplace and picture win PROPERTY thence S. to the S. W. corner of Sec- ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill dow in living room. Back of Hatha- 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COt;RT OF THE ; tion 13; thence W. to the N. W. City or mail your advertisement to way garage on highway. 37 ! STATE OF OREGON FOR THE corner of the N. E. of the N. W. The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE I l4 of Section 22; thence S. to the Oregon. FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom DEPARTMENT I *4 section line running through Sec Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. In the Matter of the Estate of A. D. j tion 22; thence W. to the North Sant- etc. will be run under “Special An Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf Scott, Deceased. i iam River; thence up said River to nouncements” classification with a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN | the E. line of Section 26 in T. 9S„ R. minimum charge of 50 cents per in FOR RENT — Cabins by week or That, A. Gwyn Gates, as executor of 2E.; thence S. to the place of be sertion. month for light housekeeping. Mill the estate of A. D. Scott, deceased, by ginning. Card of Thanks—Minimum rate of City Hotel. 23tf virtue of an order duly issued out of Therefore. NOTICE IS HEREBY $1. the above entitled Court and cause on GI\ EN, that said petition, signed by FOR REN T — Furnished two and the 28th day of July, 1953, will sell at i Paul H. Ressler, Lester G. Hathaway, I three room apartments. Phone 1707, a private sale, at the law officb of I | David M. Reid and others, will be , Home Appliances D. B. Hill, Mill City. tf Bell and Devers, in Stay ton, Oregon, acted upon by the District Boundary I to the highest bidder on the 10th day FOR SALE—Used Rotary White el FOR RENT—Cabin. Parkway trailer of October, 1953, at 10 o’clock A. M. Board of Marion County, Oregon, at ectric sewing machine in good con court. One mile east of Gates on thereof, either for cash or on terms, 10:45 o clock a. m. on the 21st day of dition. Call at Ethel Hill residence, highway. $25 per month. See Philip all of the right, title, Interest and es September, 1953, at the Court House Mill City. Phone 1934. 37p Stevens, at the court. 37p tate which the above named deceased in Salem, where all persons interested in the above petition are requested FOR SALE—Monarch electric com FOR RENT—Small four-room house has in and to the following described 1 to present themselves. bination range. Priced to sell at Given this 1st day of September, with new bath. Garage. 5 blocks real property, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast 1953. $85. See me at grade school.— from town. Phone 1641, Mill City, p corner of Lot One (1), Block Claude E. DeFrates, Mill City, P. AGNES C. BOOTH, Eight (8), Mary A. Gates Addi O. Box 401. 37p Secretary, District Boundary tion to the Town of Gatesville, Board, Marion County, Ore Miscellaneous FOR SALE—One 6-ft. hardwood ex Marion County, Oregon, (See gon. ' 38 tension table and 6 chairs to match; Volume 3, Page 46, Record of RABBITS FOR SALE — Bred does, 2 bedroom comodes; 1 battery ra Town Plats for said County and r does with litters. Hutches. Also fry dio; 1 Aladdin lamp. Can be seen State), and running thence North er rabbits. — R. B. Murray, 3rd house BIG CLIFF CABINS any time Saturday, the 12th, or along the East line of said Block east of Legion hall, Mill City. 38p Monday the 14th at my home.— Eight (8) 150 feet; thence Wes BEST BY . Geo. H. Ditto, Niagara, Ore. 37 STRAYED—A yearling came to our terly along the North line of Block Eight (8), 76 feet, more place last week and owner may have DAM SITE or less, to the creek; thence in a same by paying for this ad and Real Estate Southerly direction following the identifying animal. Floyd Shepherd, meandering of the creek to a Rt. 1, Lyons or phone -Mill City, FOR SALE — 3-bedroom unfinished point 150 feet South of the North 3702. 37 house. Phone 3952. 25tf SQUARE DANCE line of said Block; thence East WANTED TO BUY—Good second to the place of beginning and be REAL ESTATE growth logs. Phone 1470, Albany, ing situated in Section 27, Town Oregon.—Industrial Mill Co., Crab Glen Shelton, Salesman ship 9 South, Range 3 East of the tree, Oregon. 39 9-12 A. M. 4-H Bldg Willamette Meridian, Marion C. E, Coville, Broker County, Oregon. West side Mill City Ph. 2207 W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Wagon Wheelers Said sale will be made subject to Douglas fir poles, delivered to Orchestra Lyons yard. For further informa the confirmation of the above entitled tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Court and each bid must be accom Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, panied by 10 per cent of the total Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf amount of the bid, either by certified Admission 74c NOTICE—Would party mailing par check or cash, any and all bids may be rejected by the executor. cel about three months ago to Mr. Dated this 26th day of August, 1953. ' and Mrs. Richard Threinein, Byron, (s) A. Gwyn Gates, Ore. care of Francis Sutton, please Executor. call at Lyons postoffice,—Postmas WE SELL BETTER ter, Lyons, Oregon. 36 Date of first publication: September, CARS FOR LESS! 3, 1953. LUMBER SPECIAL- -We have in our Date of last publication: October 1. 1953. 40 lumber yard a variety of lumber at; only $15.00 per thousand. It is all I AWrP ov DISTRICT usable lumber. We are disposing of i NOTICE OF CHANGE Ob DISTRICT it in carrier load lots to make stor-! . age space. See us about this.-! * HEREAS a petition has been re Kelly Lumber Sales, Mill City, Ore. Reived, <lul* ,th^ee °r.m°re Stayton . I legal voters of School District No. NEED A TELEPHONE ? —Stop in 129j-Mill City, Linn-Marion County, IT PAYS TO BUY AT Before your Old Faithful starts acting and see the new Lech combination Oregon, praying that the boundaries HOME! desk or wall phone, also used of said district be changed to read as like this, it's time to see us. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone follows, to-wit: and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Beginning at the S. W. corner of Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. Section 36, T. 9S., R. 2E„ of the W. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll M. in Linn County, Oregon; thence HEMORRHOIDS W. 2 miles; thence S. 3 miles; thence SERVICE STATION & Business Services (piles) W. 2 miles; thence S. 9 miles, more or TRAILER COURT E xpert AUTO and home radio less, to the S. W. corner of Section 32, Fistula, Prolapse Fissure service, 20 years experience, all T .US., R. 2E.; thence E. 8 miles; Phone 903 — MILL CITY makes. Guaranteed service. thence N. 14 miles, more or less, to FREE Descriptive Booklet Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. the N. E. corner of Section 28, T. on request GATES 9S., R. 3E. of the W. M„ Marion AND ADDING Ma DR. R. REYNOLDS TIRES and BATTERIES TYPEWRITERS chines. We sell, rent, repair and County, Oregon; thence E. 4 miles; Naturopath-Proctologist thence N. 4 miles to the N. E. corner swap all makes. Trade your old AUTO SUPPLIES of Section 6 in T. 9S., R. 4E.; thence machine towards a new one. 1144 Center St. ROEN, 456 Court St., Salem. E. 2 miles to the N. E. corner of Sec Phone 3 9460 Aak for tion 4 in T. 9S., R. 4E; thence N. 4 SALEM, ORE. TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im miles to the N. E. corner of Section ported and domestic woolens. Al 16 in T. 8S., R. 4E.; thence W. 6 miles terations, cleaning and pressing. to the N. W. corner of Section 15 in SUNDIN THE TAILOR, .196 S. T. 8S., R. 3E.; thence S. one mile; Liberty, Salem. 50tf thence W. 3 miles; thence S. 3 miles FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol to the N. W. corner of T. 9S., R. 3E.; USE YOUR BRAKES stered, latest fabrics and plastica thence W. on the township line to the Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton *4 section corner on the N. line of GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK Section 1 in T. 9S., R. 2E.. thence Upholstery. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 19 »S Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thacker and sons. Tommy and Tuffy, motored to Pendle ton Saturday to take games. JAMBOREE STATE FAIR GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Silver Saddle Buy Meat Carefully NOURISHING MEAT Specials for Friday and Saturday Nestle's Morsels 2145 Campbell’s 14c varieties 6^ 79c Soup 18c ” 6 6í$l ¿ $1 Sunshine Graham Crackers 1 Lb 34c Jello and Jello Puddings . . 3 for 25c IGA Sno-Kreem 3 ct 69c Potatoes, No. lzs 1O"IS 35c Open Dailv 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M Closed Sundays ___ and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon a comphtt protein food When buying meat at any market be sure you are getting what you pay for. All of the meats cut and wrapped by us are labeled giving the grade. Ixwk for this grade on all meats you purchase. These fine meats can be purchased from the following markets in area Buy from them and be sure Hill Top Market Red & White Store Gates General Store Ressler’s Grocery See Us for Your Locker Meats KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Telephone 2706 ----- - Mill City, Oregon