KELLOM’S 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I poor road conditions. ENGINEERS SHOW STOPPING Reduced to general terms the motor DISTANCE AT V ARYING SPEEDS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1953 GATES 9 the Stated for a visit with relatives,« association engineers point out that SHINE reaching Portland Monday of last , at 20 miles an hour a "safe’ distance 1 week. She is visiting a brother in Sa-1 at which to follow another car would H A M BURGER Mrs. Albert Millsap SUPPLIES lem. Other guests at the Nygaard be not less than twice the length of STAND A number of California guests home the first of the week were Mr. the average car, which is 15 to 18 feet were in Gates the past week. Some of and Mrs. Wally Thorsell and two Brushes, long: at 30 miles not less than four Serving Delicious Hamburgers, them were not much impressed with children of Portland. times the length of a car; at 50 miles Coffee, Pie and Ice Cream i our prolonged summer rain storm. Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Swan and Open Daily 2 p. m. to 10 p. m. about 10 times the car’s length and Some from the southern section of Kathy of Salem weie overnight guests Polish Open Sunday 11 a.m. to 10 p. m. at higher speeds accordingly, up to their state enjoyed our “Oregon. Monday at the home of Mrs. Swan's 15 times a car’s length at 70 miles mist.’’ i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mill City, Oregon Laces an hour. These distances are not ab­ At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millsap. Mr. and Mrs. Seider from Oakland, solute for all cars but are considered I Keiser were Mr. Keiser’s neice and: “safe” for cars in average condition family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peterson i Calif., who were enroute to Centralia, as to brakes, tire tread and other and three children from Oakland, Wash., where they will reside, were SHOE Calif. They had visited here three callers Saturday at the Ned Richards ers are urged to try outtheir home. Mrs. Seider will be remember-' years ago, and it rained during their I mechanical equipment. R E P A I R I N G entire stay. They left this time fully ed as Miss Ronnie Leitenmeier of I convinced that it rained always in; Mill City. Her family were residents of Mill City for years. Oregon, Attending the Henness-Teeters nup­ At the William Pennick home were relatives from Upland, Calif., Mr. i tials in Stayton Friday evening from ; Pennick's uncle, aunt and cousins, Gates were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fulton and son Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mr. j $ East of the Bank and family, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Ful- j and Mrs. Clare Henness and Kandee, j ton and children. From Riverside, | and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Heness, par­ Phone 1826 Mill City j Calif., Mrs. Pennick’s grandmother, | ents of the groom. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun, daughter Mrs. F. M. Beamish, who also visited relatives in Mill City. Weekend guests Louise and son Mervin, former resid­ [ were Mr. and Mrs. Clausie Ammon of ents of Gates, now of Redding, Calif., SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS 50c, 25c after 6 Kiddies Free Jefferson. Mrs. Pennick and Mrs. Am­ were visiting friends here for several days the last of the week. mon shopped in Portland, Monday. A recent guest from Berkeley, 8 Great Days and Nights From Emmett, Calif., were Mrs. OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY Eugene Funk (Mau^e Lawson) and Calif., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Starting her sister, Mrs. Floyd Simon (Flor­ Elmer Klutke was Mr. Klutke’s cou­ Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— THURSDAY. FRIDAY SATURDAY ence Lawson), of Astoria. The Lawson sin, Bert Ebaugh. Mrs. Klutke’s sis­ 1 family were former residents of ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Norman an^ SATURDAY Gates. The ladies visited at the Ed­ Norby of Portland, were overnight mund Davis, Clarence Johnson, Mar­ guests Thuisday. Aptern her 3, 4 and 5 Word was received early Sunday tha Bower and Gerald Heath homes in Gates and at the homes of Mr. and of the death of Mfs. Pearl Titze in Mrs. Lee Dike, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Portland at the home of her daugh­ MA & PA KETTLE Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ter, Mrs. Scott Lindsay. Mrs. Titze had been ill at her daughter’s home Davis of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stutsman and for more than a year. She was the g ON VACATION a Bobbie and Jimmie of Portland, were wife of Edward Ti’tze of Gates. O Plus Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, daughter Su­ over Sunday guests at the W. F. I Struckmeier home. Mrs. Stutzman is san and son Dickie, were in Portland ROD CAMERON and Mrs. Struckmeier’s daughter. Mrs. from Monday of last week through Struckmeier spent Wednesday until Thursday. They were house guests at CATHY DOWNS ia Sunday in Portland, receiving medical the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howaid Wilson. attention. SHORT GRASS Saturday and Sunday guests at the I o Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards attend­ a ed the Old Timers picnic in Mehama home of L. T. Henness and daughter last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richards JVfrs. Lillie Lake, were William Ban­ are receiving felicitations on the birth ter of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred SUNDAY & MONDAY of their first great granddaughter, Ratbeburg of Salem, Mrs. Fred Guen- born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kanoff skie of Lyons, Mrs. James King and September 6 and 7 i of Lyons. They have five small great two children from Mill City. STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays CLARK GABLE grandsons. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins (Bud) GENE TIERNEY of Estacada were Gates visitors last LIE, STEAL, DRINK AND SWEAR o The following little gem we swiped in Sunday, looking after property here and calling on old friends. The Col­ from our friend, Larry Spraker, of NEVER LET ME GO lins’ were residents of Gates for many the Stayton Mail: That motto was used fifty years ago years. Mr. and Mrs. Collins sold their Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday grocery business in Estacada recently in the Wiarton (Ontario) Echo. Un­ and plan to take a rest before relocat­ der the motto was the editor’s- ex planation: ing. They had just returned from a “When you lie, let it be down to trip to Alberta, Canada, where they pleasant dreams; when you steal, let visited Mrs. Collin's parents. TUESDAY and Pound Can Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and it be away from immoral companions; when you drink, let it be pure water; son were at their home over the week­ 25c coupon WEDNESDAY when you swear, let it be that you end from Hood River where Mr. Bailey in each can will support your home-town paper, September 8 and 9 is employed. Mrs. Bailey and son plan to return to Gates when school opens. by paying your subscription, and GORDON MacREA We’re happy to join the others in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eccleston are have your printing done locally. To EDDIE BRACKEN all of which we add a loud ‘ Amen ’ . ” Quart announcing the forthcoming marriage in the Canyon in Congratulating Kelly of their daughter, Eileen Marie to James David Goetzinger of Salem. The Linn County organised its High­ ABOUT FACE wedding will be an event of Saturday way Lifesavers Committee early in Lumber Sales Softball Champs and Comedy in Technicolor evening, September 12, at the First August at a meeting attended by 40 Congregational church in Salem. to wish them continued success in representative citizens of the county. NEWS Mrs. Roy Taylor of Dallas was at Dave White of Albany, was elected the home of her son-in-law and daugh­ President; Dr. George Crar.e of Le­ Pendleton. We hope you win! ter. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness over banon, Vice-President; Mrs. H. A. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO A Friday. She was here to attend the Pontius, Albany, Secretary, and Don Complete show can be seen any wedding of her grandson, Keith Hen ­ Catt, Albany, Treasurer. Harold B. STEAK OR A ROAST FROM SOME ness to Miss Doris Teeters of Meha­ Larson, Marshall N. Dana and Walter time up to 8:30 OF THE BEST ma, Friday evening. Mrs. Taylor re­ W. R. May of the State Committee’s turned to her home Saturday. Board of Directors attended the or­ Out of state guests arriving Thurs­ ganization meeting. SIMON IZ SI MONIZ Enterprise Class Ads Pay day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou­ Non-Scuff is Kelle are Mr. and Mrs. Cal Salmon Non-Scuff Self Polishing from Quincy, Ill. for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kelle and Self Polishing children of Cutler City are also at the home of his parents. Bob Kelle is em­ for Your Car! ployed here at present. Mr. Salmon is Phone 234 Lyons, Oregon Mrs. Louis Kelle's brother. SIMONIZ—= Mrs. Olga Mehlun from Trondheim, G RO(’ E RIES—M E ATS—V EG ET A BLES Norway, visited at the home of her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Or­ FOOD LOCKERS $8 Per year and up ville Nygaard, Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mehlun just recently arrived in WfELCOME [SÆWi fita Traffic engineers have compiled for the benefit of the public the distance required to stop cars at varying speeds. The distances are based on a time elapse of three quarters of a second between the time the eye or ear detects danger and when the brakes are applied, and are as follows: At 20 miles per hour, 43 feet; 30 miles, 73 feet; 40 miles 115 feet; 50 miles, 166 feet; 60 miles, 226 feet; 70 miles, 295 feet. The engineers point out that these distances are figured under “excel- lent" conditions and the distances would be greater under wet, icy or * • • • * * WHITIE’S Chuck's Shoe Shop SANTIAM CAFE SAVE W5OW 1 By Shopping Regularly at Stewart7 Pure Ground Beefs 39c | Fryers=59c Snowdrift Congratulations 1.85 State Champions Wesson 69c ||J Prize f <■ i Beef Choice Grade Floor BODYSHEEN Wax Quart 98c Thiel’s Store & Market Floor BIG I I Wax Half Gallon 1602 CAN $1,59 ----- WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Get your car ready for Winter some good news about cancer Margarine S C H O O L FIG BARS 1 Pound 45 KRISPY CRACKERS 2 pound box 49 HI HO CRACKERS 1 Pound Box 33 GINGER SNAPS 1 Pound Box 33 SANDWICH BAGS Wax. 100 count WAX PAPER Cut-Rite, 125 ft. roll CHILDREN’S SIZE LUNCH PAILS, comp. feCOHg PARI-MUTUEL WAGERJNO See Us for Locker Beef These Prices effective Friday and Saturday only Stewart’s Grocery Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1107 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M Mill City, Oregon 1:15 p.m. Daily except Sun 8 Days Starting S A T I R D A Y Adm. 50c to $1 Incl. Tax ArrRoxiMATtLT one in four of the 158,000 lives lost each year in the United States from cancer could be saved if the knowledge already in existence could be made avail­ able to all—assuming that the knowledge is seted upon promptly. Here are the danger signals: 1. Any lump or thickening, especially of the breast. 2. Irregular bleeding or discharge from any of the body openings. 3. Any sore that does not heal. Persistent indigestion. Sudden changes in the form or growth of a mole or wart. Hoarseness persisting for two or three weeks. Regional pain. Onlv in the early stages can cancer be successfully arrested. At the appearance of suspicious symptoms see your doctor M once. For prompt, expert prescription service, call on us. Mill City Pharmacy J. C. KIMMEL Phone 6607 MILL CITY. OREGON