If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! CLASSIFIED RATES Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for less than 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, etc. will be run under “Special An nouncements” classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per in sertion. Card of Thanks—Minimum rate of $1- For Rent Grade School, covering the sale of the Business Services Elkhorn school house, playshed and FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom EXPERT AUTO and home radio wood shed, located in Marion county. apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. service, 20 years experience, all Contact \ . S. Todd for particulars. makes. Guaranteed service. Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf EDNA F. ROSS, Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 36 Clerk. ______ FOR RENT — Cabins by week or month for light housekeeping. Mill TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING chines. We sell. rent, repair and City Hotel. 23tf NOTICE is hereby given that a swap all makes. Trade your old public hearing will be held before W. machine towards a new one. FOR REN T—Furnished two and ROEN. 456 Court St . Salem. S. Weidal, examiner, for the Milk three room apartments. Phone 1707, D. B. Hill, Mill City. tf TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im Marketing Administration, State of Oregon, at State Library in the city ported and domestic woolens. Al of Salem, Oregon, at the hour of 2:00 FOR RENT—Two-bedroom house. terations, cleaning and pressing. P. M., September 8, 1953, to receive Fourth house east of Legion hall, SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. testimony and evidence relating to in Mill City. Furnished or unfur Liberty, Salem. 50tf the costs of production and distribu nished. Immediate possession.— B. A. Roy, Phone 371. 36p FURNITURE REBUILT and-Uphol tion of fluid milk, resale prices, pool Home Appliances stered, latest fabrics and plastics ing. regulations, allocations of quotas, FOR RENT—Cabin. Parkway trailer Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton unfair trade practices and al! other FOR SALE—Used Rotary White el- ' court. One mile east of Gates on Upholstery. 38tf pertinent matters relating to market ectric sewing machine in good con- ! highway. $25 per month. See Philip ing fluid milk in Zone No. 2, compris 37p dition. Call at Ethel Hill residence, I Stevens, at the court. ing Marion and Polk counties. Mill City. Phone 1934. 37p Ije^al Notices Dated at Portland, Oregon, this FOR RENT—Modern furnished cot 24th day of August, 1953. tage.—C. M. Cline, Northeast Al FOR SALE—Used davenport and No. 15391 W, S. WEIDEL, • der street, Mill Chy. 36p NOTICE OF THE SALE OF REAL wood range. Call Mill City Variety Administrator, Milk Marketing Store. 36 PROPERTY ^ent^nn h^—Frank R 11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Administration. FOR SALE—Will sacrifice piano, in Ph n «M ** tfa! STATE OF OREGON FOR THE good condition. $55. Call 1978, Mill Mill City. Phone 605. 36p COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE City. 36 FOR RENT—Two bedroom house, I ' DEPARTMENT, Southeast Grove st. Close to theater. I In the Matter of the Estate of A. D. By Janet Beilin Scott, Deceased. Help Wanted In Mill City. Phone 414.—Wilson’s Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dougherty, Mr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Mrs. Floyd Pruitt of Kamiah, Hatchery, Lyons, Ore. , 36p WANTED—Lady fry cook. Desire one I That, A. Gwyn Gates, as executor of Idaho, Gerald ' Clure of Cambridge, with experience in working in res FOR RENT—Small four-room house j the estate of A. D. Scott.-deceased, by with new bath. Garage. 5 blocks virtue of an order duly issued out of Idaho and Martha Kunkle of Twin taurant kitchen. Must be neat and from town. Phone*1641. Mill City, p the above entitled Court and cause on Falls, Idaho, spent last weekend at reliable.—Riverview Cafe, Meha the Raymond Branch home. They are ma, Oregon. Phone Lyons 724. 36 I the 28th day of July, 1953, will sell at all cousins of Mr. Branch. While here Miscellaneous I a private sale, at the law office of they went to Neotsu to visit Mr. Bell and Devers, in Stayton, Oregon, Lost and Found FOR SALE—Well consti ucted canopy to the highest bidder on the 10th day Branch’s sister, Mrs. Howard Sie for late model Pickup truck.—E. D. of October, 1953, at 10 o’clock A. M. wert. Mr. Branch chartered a boat LOST—Billfold, containing valuable Cooke, Southwest 8th Ave., Mill thereof, either for cash or on terms, and they all went deep sea fishing papers near Toman’s store, Mill City. 36p all of the right, title, interest and es Sunday morning. The sea was rough, they only caught five salmon. A large City. Reward for return.—Willis FOR SALE—Old established restaur tate which the above named deceased Blue shark was entangled in the fish ’ Stewart, Mill City. ant doing good business in Mill has in and to the following described ing gear and gave them all a thrill for City. Priced for quick sale. Inquire real property, to-wit: a few minutes. This is the first time Beginning at the Northeast at Mom and Pop's Cafe, Mill City. any of the cousips had seen the ocean corner of Lot One (1), Block so it was quite an experience for WANTED TO BUY—Good second | Eight (8), Mary A. Gates Addi them. They were all pretty good sail growth logs. Phone 1470, Albany, tion to the Town of Gatesville, ors as very little sea sickness was Oregon.—Industrial Mill Co., Crab Marion County, Oregon, (See in evidence. tree, Oregon. 39 Volume 3, Page 46, Record of The members of the Mehama Com Town Plats for said County and munity church will meet in the base FOR SALE—Fresh eggs. West State), and running thence North ment of their new church next Sun Evergreen street, on the hill.—Mrs. along the East line of said Block day. They have been meeting at Me Ogden, Mill City. 36 Eight (8) 150 feet; thence Wes- hama grade school all summer, but terly along the North line of W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled because of crowded quarters and the Block Eight (8), 76 feet, more Douglas fir poles, delivered to rough “school house hill”, moving into or less, to the creek; thence in a Lyons yard. For further informa the new church basement will be a tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 Southerly direction following the relief as well as a historical moment. Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, meandering of the creek to a Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harner and Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf point ISO feet South of the North daughter, Edna Mae, former residents line of said Block; thence East FOR SALE—.38 Special Smith and of West Stayton, visited at the Bellin to the place of beginning and be Wesson revolver with special safety home Friday of last week. Their two ing situated in Section 27, Town catch holster. In good condition.— ‘ ship 9 South, Range 3 East of the Mom and Pop's Cafe, Mill City. 36 We cant's use your Crank, but we NORTHWEST'S BIGGEST Willamette Meridian, Marion • City. 36 will give you the best deal in town County, Oregon. NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop, in Said sale will be made subject to on an new battery. and see the new Lech combination the confirmation of the above entitled desk or wall phone, also used Court and each bid must be accom phones from $10.00 up. Telephone panied by 10 per cent of the total and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. amount of the bid, either by certified Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. SERVICE STATION & check or cash, any and all bids may be rejected by the executor. TRAILER COURT Real Estate Dated this 26th day of August, 1953. Phone 903 — MILL CITY (s) A. Gwyn Gates, FOR SALE — 3-bedroom unfinished Executor. house. Phone 3952. 25tf GATES Date of first publication: September, 3, 1953. FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Ri TIRES and BATTERIES verside addition to Mill City. In Date of last publication: October 1. AUTO SUPPLIES 1953. 40 50c, 25c after 6 Kiddies Free quire at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City. 36 8 Great Days and Nights CALL FOR BIDS Ask for Starting 'REAL ESTATE“ Bids will be opened at 8:i>0 p. m. September 8, 1953, at the Mill City SATURDAY Glen Shelton, Salesman 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I lli |;sl> Q . si PTEMBER 3. I'M sons, Jerry and Elmer, spent part of | traction was an enormous birthday the day at the Tex Kimsey home, be j cake. Mrs. Patton could do little but tween Mehama and Stayton. The Har exclaim again and again at this won ner family is now living at Umatilla derful and unexpected surprise. A where they own and operate a res I very welcome guest was Mrs. Jake taurant. They were returning from Begikum. Mts. Patton’s only grand a two week vacation and t^ey expect daughter frdm Newfoundland. At ed to reach home Sunday. tending were friends and relatives Henry Holzfuss of Lyons, who from Lacomb, Lebanon and Portland. works for Raymond Branch, hurt his Six great grandchildren were there, back while at work Monday and will making the number of guests total be unable to work for a time. over twenty. Mrs. Raymond Branch received word that Gerald Branch, who is ii IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII the air corps, has been hurt again, this HEMORRHOIDS time his hip and leg. No word has been received telling hov\ he was hurt (piles) or how he is recuperating. However, Fistula, Prolapse Fissure the report >aid it wasn’t ^oo serious, just painful. FREE Descriptive Booklet A surprise party was given Mrs. oil request May Patton on August 8, by numerous DR. R. REYNOLDS friends and relatives. When company arrived at her home she asked them to Nat uropath-Proctologist stay for dinner but they persuaded 1144 Center St.- her to a spot along the bank of the Phone 3 9460 river where a picnic dinner was wait SALEM, ORE. ing. The tables were decorated with large sprays of glads and a main at- MEHAMA &«ARDEN SHOW Silver Saddle C. E, Coville, Broker West aide Mill City USE WR BRAKES AND GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK IV ♦ Santiam Beans £ u . ä 19 c Durkee’s Margarine Lb 29c Borden’s Cheese 2ib Van Camp’s No. 300 Tin Balloons 481 State Street, Salem For 34 years the Willamette Valley’s leading Family Shoe Store 79c 10c Hill Top Market Red & White Store Ressler’s Grocery Gates General Store See Us for Your Locker Meats 5c CANTALOUPE, lb —WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY— Open Daily 8:0« A. M. to 7:00 P. M Closed Sundays and Holidays ♦ ♦ ¿¿Arbuckle's Buy Our Meats at any of these markets Pitted Olives » BUSTER BROWN shoes are famous for quality and the constructive feat- tures your children’s growing feet need. We promise we’ll make them fit right today—to protect growing feet for tomorrow. Come in soon and see our complete stock of fine-fitting, long-wearing BUSTER BROWN’S. Open Friday Nites Till 9 Prize Winning 4-H Club BEEF Specials for Friday and Saturday : : SHOES FOR (OYS ANO'bltlSI This week we feature V e PORK & BEANS and Smartly BIG CLIFF CABINS BEST BY DAM SITE Ph. 2207 FOR SALE—Small 3-room house and lot in Shaw’s addition to Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City. 36 Mothers! Fit your KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2714 Mill City, Oregon 1 Telephone 2706 Mill City, Oregon