Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Christenson and | family of Los Angeles, arrived, Satur-1 day and are visiting at the Berda Goble home here. Sunday they spent the day seeing Oregon scenery in the • Canyon. Tuesday they w-ent to the' coast, salmon fishing. Mrs. Christen-1 son and Mrs. Goble are sisters. ♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1953 Mehama Gardens Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenkins were in atten- ' dance at the softball games at Bend, j Sunday. Broccoli, Beets, Carrots, Green Peppers, Red Spuds, Zucchini. Kentucky Wonders for Canning. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Toman and children spent Saturday evening visit Patty Brown of this city is employed ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ho at Skiff’s place near the Breitenbush ward Brandvoid in Salem. hot springs. Mr. and Mrs. ^H. E. Smith and Mn. A. L. Hawkins and Mrs. Clyde i family spent Saturday night and Sun- Rodgers were guests of Mrs. John J day at Garibaldi, visiting at the Don Swan on Thursday. Hanson home. They returned Sunday. OPEN 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. Jerry Coffman, »ho has been em ployed at Ken Golliet’s for the past five years, is leaving that position to accept one with the Gene Teague Chevrolet company at Stayton. Jerry will be on the used car lot there. The Coffman’s will maintain their resid ence in Mehama. — ♦ I LYONS PLUMBING i A ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES WATER SYSTEMS HEATING INSTALLATIONS Lyons, Ore. Open Evenings Phone 1634 ■MOMMO, WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! Gooch Loggsng Supply » k Everything tor the Logger Mr. and Mrs. Lial Melure and three Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler and Mr. children of Silverton, called at the Mrs. H. E. Smith, daughter Lynn, home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup and Mrs. Frank Nigt were among the Mill City horde to attend the ball and son Dale, drove to Portland —»•••■<> Sunday. games at Bend Sunday. they spent Thursday and Fiiday of Mrs. Charles Wolverton and family Mrs. Albert Toman went to Portland eye specialists before attending school | arrived here Wednesday from their Monday evening, accompanying Mrs. last week and where Lynn consulted home in Tacoma, Washington, for Anna Toman of Stayton, on a busi for the blind at Salem. They were a visit with friends. The Wolverton ness trip. She returned home Tuesday. accompanied to Portland by Shereen family formerly lived in Mill City Muir and Larry Urbin. The group while Mr. Wolverton was publisher of Mrs. A. L. Hawkins of Salem spent were guests at the home of Mrs. The Enterprise. He is now employed several days last week at the Clyde Smith’s cousin, Mrs. H. E. Benedict, by the Tacoma News Tribune. Rodgers home. Mrs. Hawkins is a for while in Portland. mer resident and recently sold her home here. GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET » » BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Stayton Phone 116 Phone 1141 Sweet Home, Philomath IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Branch Store Lyons » Shuffleboard Good Music : On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY : I George “Sparky” I litter L * i vn B I BONUS/ Beryl Mason began work Tuesday as typist for one of the State High way Commission departments in Sa lem. She will share an apartment with i Vera Loucks and Wilma Jull. AUTO GLASS, AUTO PAINTING WRECK REPAIRING See us for an Estimate. They’re given gladly Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience MILL CITY PHONE 8« Never - - a. Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN when you buy a Big. Beautiful 54" DELUXE REPUBLIC STEEL SINK All for $188.88 Easy Monthly Payments Mrs. Paul Helgath and family are preparing to move from Mill City, to join Mr. Helgath in Washington, where he is employed. He w-as former ly employed by the Mt. Jefferson Lumber company. Mrs. Fred Grimes returned home Monday from Albany where she has been employed and will remain at her home here. Tuesday are accompanied Mrs. John Swan on a business trip to Salem. The Santiam Valley Grange will meet Friday of this week for their regular business meeting. Plans are under way for the fall festival and all members are urged to attend this meeting. Mrs. H. E. Cunningham of Galla tin. Mo. left Thursday for her home after being a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. French of this city, for two and a half weeks. She is a sister of Mrs. French. Mrs. Cora Goodman left last week to visit her sons at Medford, Ore- accompanying a son, Don Goodman, and bis family, who were returning to their home in San Diego, Calif- after visiting with his brother and family, the Whitey Goodmans of this city. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP V FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU Friday and Saturday Specials— Introducing Fresh Orange DONUT STIX Raised Donuts with whole fresh Oranges ground right into the dough. Reg. 60c, per doz ............ 49c Hot Dog and Humburger Buns for the 4.AC Labor Day Holiday, dozen................... I 1 I ! MUIR’S BAKERY Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon Lumber Special.... We have in our lumber yard a variety of lumber at only $15.00 Thousand It is all usable lumber. We want to dispose of it in carrier load lots to make storage space. Ask for Don or Carl and we will show you the selection. First come first served. WE INVITE COMPARISON! NOWHERE A VALUE LIKE THISI „ MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED! HURRYI LIMITED QUANTITIES! -- •-- Kelly Lumber Sales V Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2721 Mill City, Oregon ntNiiiHiiiitMiiuiiiiiri'iriiii nudili nirtm iiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiNiniiiiitiiiiiiiBinHonMHnMMi The many friends of Dewey Flat- | man will be glad to heaT that he is re covering from his recent illness to the extent that he can be up and around a little each day. Dorothy Downer left Tuesday for Redding, California, to visit at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hathaway. She j may remain to be employed in that I city. LIO RACK Not a stripped dow n ’’special" model, but the full-value Deluxe Sink from the regular Republic Steel Kitchens line! Phone 3206 Mill City On the Highway “At the Bottom of the Hill” Mrs. A. F. Catherwood visited her J sister, Mrs. B. P. Lovett in Salem | over the weekend. On Tuesday Mrs. Lovett, Miss Mary Lovett and Mrs. Catherwood made a trip to the coast. ' WORTH OF f -CESSORY EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST! BONUS/ Rudy Toh) and Ruth Witt were among those to attend the ball game at Bend on Saturday. They, in com pany with Russ King, also saw the finals played Sunday. The Woman’s Council of the Chris tian Church met last Wednesday af ternoon with Mrs. Una Mae White. Plans were completed for a fall ba zaar to be held Wednesday, Oct. 7. Republic Steel Kitchens Offers You The Sink Buy of the Year! * Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull plan to attend several sessions of the Ore gon Christian Missionary convention I ' held at the Turner Memorial grounds | the latter part of the week. YOUR S & H Green Stamp Store OUR EVERYDAY PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU • ,,.. \J . BONUS BUY!’’ I * 50c, 25c after 6 Kiddies Free g Great Days and Nights Starting SATURDAY INTRODUCTORY it Mrs. W. F. Tickle and children are at Seaside, Ore. this week, where Mr. Tickle plans to join them on Friday for the weekend. Judy Flanagan of Seattle has been visiting at the Jerry Coffman home at Mehama during the bean picking season. She left this week for home to resume her studies. MEANDER INN ♦ Where Friends Meet Mr. and Mrs. Iryl Plymale, Mr. and I Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson and family, | | drove to Idanha Tuesday evening to I join- in a family dinner at the Clyde i Golden home. Ressler's Grocery 8 p.m. niehtly-Mat. Sun-Mon 8 Days Starting S A T V R D A Y Acini. 81 to $1.50 Incl. Tax Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East City Limits, Highway 222 Phone 6803