MRS. MARGIE ANDERSON ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Margie Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Radin, Gates, this week announces her engagement to H. Richard Parker, son of Mrs. W. R. Hutchinson, also of Gates. They plan to be married some time in No­ vember. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomp •on, Mehama, Tuesday, August 18- a i>aby boy. Mr. and Mra. Ray Thompson and sons, John and Patrick, left Friday morning for Harrison, Idaho, being called there bv the death of the for- mer’a father, Ben Thompson. Deceas­ ed, who was 93 years old and one of Idaho’s first homesteaders, had beer in poor health for a number of years. The Thompson family returned hom< Monday, after visiting relatives in Spokane, Wash. Enterprise ('lass Ads '-•J & !V2 SIGN SHOP All Types of Signs and Vehicle lettering S C O T C H L I T E Reflectors Write Phone Lyons 348 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1953 Social Events Business and Professional DIRECTORY LYONS By Eva Bressler “i wilj, | | The Lyons Methodist church ' have Sunday school at 9:45, with Mrs. John Prideaux, superintendent. Morn i Physician & Surgeon CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES ing worship at 11 a. m. and Youth j Fellowship at 7 p. m. Special music j Mill City will be presented during the church i Mrs. Roger Nelson Gives I amu I Airman To Wed services, also a nursery has been pro-1 Scio Girl at Lebanon Sun. vided Interesting Report at for the little folks. Pay 1 DR. VICTOR J. MYERS 1-C Ernest L. Podrabsky, Mrs. Sarah Cookingham and grand­ Presbyterian Woman’s Meet Jr., Airman son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. daughter Randie and Mrs. Fred El­ Chiropractic Physician The Presbyterian Women’s Associa- Podrabsky of Mill City, will be unit­ liott from Salem were Lyons callers Post Office Building, 2nd Floor I tion met on Wednesday afternoon at ed in marriage to Miss Marianne Phone: Stayton 2274 i the home of Mrs. Ida Geddes, with Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ Sunday evening. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bode­ Stavtnn, Ore. Miss Daisy Geddes, joint hostess. fold R. Bell of Scio, Sunday. ker. Both ladies are former residents Mrs. Roger Nelson was program They will be married at three of Lyons. | leader and gave a very interesting o’clock in the afternoon at the First Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mic­ I talk on her topic, “Together we seek Methodist church in Lebanon. Friends hael and Nikki, spent the weekend in J. W. GOIN to be good citizens’". She also gave a ' of the couple are invited to attend. Portland. VETERINARIAN | report of her trip to the south during Following the ceremony they will Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg, Mr. the summer. STAYTON Phone 4148 j be at home at George AFB at Victor- and Mrs. Orville Downing, and Mr. Members present were Mrs. Lester . ville, Calif. Opposite , and Mrs. Bob Carleton, spent Saturday Hathaway, Mrs. Roger Nelspn, Mrs. Clande Lewis’ Service Station night and Sunday in Bend, where they Charles Kelly, Mrs. Noble Streeter, Mrs. Kenneth Lewis attended the Softball Tournament Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. James Swan, which had been transferred from Mi»» Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. Charles Sulli­ Honored at Shower van, Mrs. Clyde Rodgers and the two LYONS—Mrs. Jim Phelps was hos­ City due to the rain. Carleton was WOOD’S STORE hostesses. Mrs. A. L. Hawkins, former tess at a shower honoring Mrs. Ken­ one of the players from Mill City. General Dry Goods member now living in Salem, was a neth Lewis of Mehama, held at her They reported Mill City winners and NOTIONS LINGERIE they will go to Pendleton this next guest at this meeting, as was Mrs. home Thursday evening. READY-TO-WEAR Saturday. Corbin and Mrs. Robert Armstrong. Games and opening of gifts, and re­ HOSIERY LI'ZIERS COSMETICS freshments furnished the entertain­ Mrs. Goldie Hallin and Miss Gene­ ment. Present were Mrs. Lewis, the vieve Hallin of Eugene visited friends — ‘"antiam Valley Harvest I honored guest, and Mesdames Floyd in Lyons Monday evening. Tuesday, Festival and Bazaar To Bassett, Bert Lyons, Fred Lindemann, they were overnight guests at the Be Held September 26th WEDDLE FUNERAL Harley Scott, William McDowell, Vern home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. The Santiam Valley harvest festi­ I Miller, Clyde Lewis, Joanne Kunkle, The Hallins were residents here when HOME val and bazaar will be held at the Lucille Lewis, Beulah Lewis, Mrs. Inez Mr. Hallin was superintendent at the Modern Funeral Service Mt. Jefferson company mill. grange hall, Saturday afternoon and Ring, and the hostess, Mrs. Phelps. STAYTON OREGON Those sending gifts that were unable evening, Septiember 26th. Mrs. Leroy Hiatt of Roseburg vi- Doors will open at 1 p. m.. Exhibits to attend, were Mesdames Albert sited relatives in Lyons Thursday af- are open for anyone to enter with no Carr. George Berry, Albert Bass, temoon. In the evening a family entry fee, but must be at the grange I Chester Roy, Frank Kimery, Clyde gathering and dinner was held at the hall by 10 a. pi. Cash prizes will be Bressler, Alex Bodeker, George Huff­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. man and Oscar Naue. given. Present were Mrs. Hiatt of Roseburg, The home economics club will serve Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Douglas Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned a chicken dinner beginning at 6:30 V esper Band to Make and Margo Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phone SAIJCM 3-9468, COLLECT with the program at 8 p. m., followed Johnson, Chris and Curt of Salem, Mr. Tape Recordings for 1079 Elm St., W. Salem by the drawing of the door prizes and Mrs. Leland Manning, Richie and Radio Broadcasts and lots of fun for everyone. Larry. Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Elmer LYONS—Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hiatt and Mr. and Mrs. Bodeker. innnasi’a«HBS(w»HS(st»HKHHX(nHHH Devotion and Social Hour Wilson, Lyons, route one, were the A recent guest at the home of Mr. MILL CITY and hostess for Mrs. Priscella and Mrs. Ivan Smith was his brother, At Youth Fellowship Meet host Wiltsie and the Vesper band at their M. L. Sgt. Glen M. Smith, who is DISPOSAL SERVICE LYONS—Youth Fellowship held home. Plans were made to take tape stationed at Selfridge Air Force Base j th^ir meeting at the church Sunday recordings of the music for the Ken­ near Detroit, Michigan. He was home Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. I evening before the fireplace, with El­ tucky Bible Institute to use on their to attend funeral services for his weekly pickups $1.50 per month don Thompson in charge of the devo­ radio programs, also the group will mother. Also light hauling. tions. Following the worship service sing at the Keiser revival meeting the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry Jr. a social time was enjoyed by honoring last of September. Leonard Herman Phone 3952 (Buster) and daughter Patricia, from the birthday anniversaries of Hazel Present were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brookings, Oregon, visited relatives Neal and Bob Roy. Adams, Mrs. Priscella Wiltsie, Erna Attending were Norma Miller, Sal­ Sanford, Mrs. Aileen Hanner and in Lyons. They were guests at the ¡WHHn«HBönnsa«»KßöaöHHööH» home of his grandparents, Mr. and I ly Studnick, Doris Neal, and a friend, Phyllis Hanner, all of Salem, Mrs. DR. MARK ' Hazel Neal, Bob Roy, Bill James. Muriel Warner of Turner. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. They also visited at the Alex Bodeker and Paul Penn­ i Bill Morgan, Kenneth Bosanko, Don- Mrs. Floyd Lacy of Aumsville, and HAMMERICKSEN I aid Olmstead, Irwin Thompson, El- the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. ington homes. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges went to ' don Thompson and Rev. Sheriff. , Russell Wilson. Clatskanie, Thursday, where they Has moved his Mill City office to spent several days on a fishing trip. Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery and 2nd Floor, in the children from Portland were recent Dr. Victor J. Myers offices visitors at the home of his mother, Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. Minnie Kimery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga HOME OFFICE: had as their guests over the weekend, 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burleson from Glendale, California, Miss Ruby Lea- tfnnanpBU5»oüB>5bijiiBDnBomjtin ger of Crookston. Oklahoma, Miss 4 Elsie Leager from Wichita, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Leager from Shelton, Washington. They also visit­ ed at the home of Mrs. Annie Lechlit- ner. Miss Joyce Hargreaves from Mon­ mouth is staying at the home of Mr. Your and Mrs. Ivan Smith and working in the cannery at Stayton. Physician Fifteen young people with Rev. and Mrs. Harold Sheriff, went to Le­ is no banon Wednesday evening, when n they enjoyed a skating party. William Fetherston, formerly of • Don’t expect your Phy­ Lyons, who has been seriously ill with sician to perform mira­ pneumonia at the home of his daugh­ cles. Remember, it takes ter in Roseburg, is reported to be more time and effort to some improved. climb uphill than to coast Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke and down! Your patience and daughters of Eugene, spent the week full co-operation are es­ end in Lyons with relatives. Mrs. sential to rapid recovery. Meilke is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons and sister of Mrs. Wayne Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, Lyons, I Salem route one, were host and hostess at a ,1 r dinner at their home Friday evening. R.iilABlta Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. Mae Patton, Mrs. Jennie Bohan­ non, and Cecil Teagarden. The occas- PBf SCPIPTIOSS sion honored the birthday anniversar­ ies of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. ' Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright from Creswell spent Friday night at the home of his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain. Saturday they all went to Redmond, where they visit­ ed at the home of Mrs. Alexander, a sister of Mrs. Chamberlain, and also visited the Peterson’s Rock Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester of Ly­ ons attended a picnic of the Burmester family held at Avery park in Corval­ lis, Sunday. The occassion honored the 75th birthday anniversary of Chris Burmester of Scio, August 30th, also Mrs. Burmester, who was 70, August r-s; Sth. Attending were the honored guests, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Flem­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burmester and daughter Janice of Scio, Ernest Naftxger, Mrs. Agnes Vohland of Sa- | lem, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burmester, 1 Dale, Monte, and Susan of Lebanon, | and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester of i Lyons. lô «MJ™1 JohnW. Reid, MD. ! ■k MIKE'S Septic Service /A Big, New '53 ► 7 \ I MEDICINE MAN” Capitol Drug Co. ★ * * * * * for LESS than äatfüüöw $1900 DELIVERED HERE! K. I 9 Federal excise tax included. Easy terms. LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1.50 per month and np Also serving Gates. Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN Stored «UHE MuOfs- be »it .n. k-1 r-oc ISWBMgj 8&KflHlTK«-^$4T.