The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 03, 1953, Image 1

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    Open Tuesday
V. S. Todd will head the faculty as
superintendent when the Mill City
grade and high schools open next
Tuesday. AU positions on the faculty
have been filled with one exception
that of English and girls physical edu­
cation, and that vacancy is expected
to be filled before school starts.
Howard L. Means will be high
school principal, coming here from
Gates where he taught two years.
Registration for the high school
will be from 9 to 12. noon, and from
7 to 9 p. m., Friday. The grades will
register from 9 to 12, noon, the same
Students who are unable to come
to the grade school building to re­
gister during those hours may have a
parent or other member of the fam­
ily register for them.
There will be no school on Thurs­
day and Friday, September 10 and 11,
when the teaching staff will attend
a Linn county work shop.
Members of the faculty are:
First grade, Mrs. Lloyd Sletto,
Miss Marion Pesheck and Mrs. John
Baldwin; second grade, Miss Zeta
Prichard and Mrs. Joe Bentley; third
grade, Miss Sigrun Grimstad and
Mrs. Dessie Griffin; fourth grade,
Mrs. Earl Loucks and Miss Helen
Kliever; fifth grade. Miss Letha Tho­
mas and Daron Dierks; sixt*>
and band, Mrs. Clyde Rogers and Earl
Loucks; seventh and eighth grade,
physical education, football coach
Robert Thorpe and James Hale;
eighth grade, Mrs. Donald Sheythe;
library, girls physical ed and music,
Miss Alice Smith.
For the high school Burton Bor­
oughs will teach commerce, physical
education and coach; Miss Ka*h”-
Halt, English and social studies; W.
D. Hoeye, industrial arts and math.;
A. A. LeCours, science, art, and as­
sistant coach; Mrs. Edith Mason will
have charge of library and home eco­
nomics. Mrs. Janet Zuber will be of­
fice clerk and Mrs. Lee Ross wil'
serve as secretary.
The high school will operate a bool
store enabling students to se’l and
buy used text books in home econo­
mics, biology, English and History.
The cafeteria, directed by Mrs. Bert
Morris and her assistants, Mrs. Ernie
Podrabsky and Mrs. E. D. Cooke, will
serve a 25 cent plate lunch, in order
to qualify for surplus supplies from
the federal government. For economy
and convenience, students are asked
to purchase lunch tickets.
Civil Service Exams
For Idanha Postoffice
Clerk Are Announced
12.50 a Year, J|)f s Copy
Hail the
This group of happy men—men of the hour—in Mill City is the Kelly
Lumber Company's state champion softball team. Bob Veness was called to
Whitie’s Cafe for this rare shot taken as they were enjoying a “feed on the
house". Front row from left are: Bill Hoffman, Bob Carleton. Duane Down-
Mill City To Play Tacoma
In Regionais at Pendleton
Mill City’s Kelly Lumbermen will
leave tomorrow for Pendleton where
they will take part in the Regional
tournament played theie to determine
the Pacific Northwest entry in the
National softball tournament.
The Lumbermen’s already top
flight team will be strengthened by
the adding of Bo Willis, hurler from
Eugene and Lou Stagg, catcher of
Corvallis, in the games of the re-
The defending Northwest cham-
pion, Irwin Jones, Dodgers of Taco­ |
ma, will play the Oregon State
Champs of Mill City in a game Satur­
day ’afternoon.
Renton, Washington, will meet the
Portland titlist, Hyster Co., in the
nightcap of the double elimination
event. The other Friday night game
will be between Boise and Wood Real-
ty of Tacoma.
The host Pendleton team plays the
Washington titlist from Kennewick at
9 p. m. Saturday.
North Santiam Sportsmens
Club To Hold Buck Derby
Plans for the annual North San­
tiam Sportsmen’s club derby have
been made and the following prizes
purchased: first prize, for the largest
male deer, will be a $37.50 sleeping
bag; second prize, a $19.45 camp
First prize for the largest black
tail will be a $37.50 sleeping bag;
second prize, a $11.95 camp stove.
Consolation prize for the smallest
buck with at least forked horns will
be a western camp ax and hunting
knife combination.
Further details on the derby can
be found in this paper at a later
ing, Ron Davidson, John Pearson, Danny Valdez, Don Carey and Dale
Bennett. Back row, from left, sponsor Carl Kelly, Warren Miller, Brownie
Valdez, Bob Dombrowsky, Gordy McMorris, John Hoffert, Al Zuber,
Marlin Cole and sponsor, Russ Kelly.
Cut Courtesy Capital Journal
Marilyn Assembly of
Rainbow To Be Formed
Mrs. W. B. Shuey will be mother ad­
visor to a Rainbow assembly that will
be instituted in Mill City, Sunday,
September 13, at 1:30 o’clock. This
assembly will be sponsored by the lo­
cal lodges, Masonic lodge No. 180 and
Marilyn Chapter No. 45 of the O. E. S.
The mother assembly will be Ramona
assembly of Silverton and .its officers
as well as grand lodge officers will
be present and in charge of the cere­
Mrs. Verne M. Gray, supreme de­
puty of Seaside, Ore., and the grand
deputy of this district, Mrs. Sue Tuel
of Biownsville, Ore., will also be
Girls between the ages of 13 to 20
are eligible to join the Rainbow. In­
stallation of officers will be open to
the public, the ceremony to start at
2:30 p. m. in the grade school gym.
New Lumber Mill To
Be Built Near Idanha
DETROIT—A small log lumber mill
is scheduled to be constructed this fall
by the Tirmite Lumber company, on
on the site of the old Idanha Shingle
' Mill, which was completely destroyed
by an early morning fire around the
first of May.
Federal Civil Service announces |
Principals of the company are Bob
an examination for substitute clerk, j New Owners Take Over
| Stuckait and Bernard Zuber, of Sub­
$1.36*4 an hour, to fill vacancies in Lake Cafe In Detroit
SALEM, August 20—The uncertain- limity and Jim Healy of Bend. Healy
DETROIT—Mr. and Mrs. Dee Pal­
the postoffice service at Idanha, Ore­
gon. Applicants must actually reside mer (Peggy and Dee), have taken ov­ (ty of fall school openings due td un­ is well known in this area, having re­
within the delivery of the Idanha post er the operation of the Lake Club seasonable crop harvesting, today, sided in Idanha a little over seven
office or be bona fide patrons of the Cafe in Detroit, succeeding Mr. and brought a reminder of child labor re­ years, He formerly was superinten­
gulations as they affect Oregon far­ dent for the DuBois Lagging Company
office. Persons employed in the Idan­ Mrs. Robert Manning.
The Mannings have been in the mers from state Labor Commissioner | at Boulder Creek which ended logging
ha post office will be considered bona
I operations in 1947 when the holdings
fide patrons of the office. The regist­ restaurant business for a good many W. E. Kimsey.
Kimsey said that according to fe­ i were sold to Mt. Jefferson Lumber
ers from this examination will be used years, the past five years in the Idan­
deral child labor law it is illegal for j Company.
to fill both permanent and non-perma- ha (10 months) Detroit area.
Mr. Healy is now affiliated with
Illness of Mrs. Mannings ageing any farmer to employ a child under
nent appointments.
Further information and applica­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce» of the age of 16, other than his own the Central Oregon Fir Supply at
tion forms may be obtained from the Portland, who have been in poor children, during school hours. When I Redmond, Oregon.
postmaster of the cities listed on page health for some time, forced the re­ schools are not in session there is no
1 of the examination announcement tirement of Mrs. Manning in order restriction on the employment of mi­ BRAKE FAILURE CAUSES CAR
or from the Director, Eleventh U. S. that she may take care of them. Mrs. nors in agriculture except in those ca­ WRECK NEAR ENTERPRISE
Civil Service Region, 302 Federal Manning and daughter Lou Ann, will ses where minors are to be employed
Complete failure of brakes on the
Office Building, Seattle 4, Washing- move to Portland about September ' on processing machines such as port­ ear driven by Kenneth Callahan of
6th. The Mannings will be greatly able or stationary hop picking mac-
j hines, prune dryers and the like. Work Lyons, just as he was making a turn
Applications must be on file with missed in this area.
The Palmers were former owners of [ permits obtained from the labor de­ in front of The Enterprise office
the Director, Eleventh U. S. Civil
Tuesday afternoon caused him to hit
Service Region, 302 Federal Office the Boucanier at Salem and have re­ partment, are necessary for these jobs the rear of H. H. Parker's car, park­
Building, Seattle 4, Washington, not sided in Detroit for the past year. I and to work on them a minor must be ed in front of Tex Blazek’s, pushing
They have two school age children, ; at least 16.
later than September 14, 1953.
Melodee and Johnny, and an older
Farmers are responsible for every it into the shrubbery and doing some
daughter, Lillian Ruth Palmer, an under-age child working on their damage to the rear of the car. The
employee of the Telephone company farms, Kimsey said, pointing out that front end of the Callahan car was
Pvt. Delmar L. Skillings
in Salem. Little Johnny will enter any doubt about a child’s true age can severely damaged.
Training at Fort Bragg
Also in the car were Jim Lunsford
his first term of school here in Sep­ be cleared by applying for a work
Private Delmer L. Skillings is 1 now tember. Miss Melodee who has been permit from the state labor depart­ and Farrell C. Ball, both of Mill City.
continuing his career as a paratroop­ employed at the Stayton bean har­ ment. A farmer found to be wilfully The men were returnnig from work
er in the famed “All American’’ 82nd vest, has returned home to help her employing a minor illegally is subject i at Idanha when the accident occurred.
No one was injured.
Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, parents in the restaurant.
to a $10,006 fine.
North Carolina.
Mr. Palmer was formerly employed
Oregon To Receive Aid
As a member of the 82nd. Pvt. at the Cedar Tavern as a cook, and
Skillings will make periodic para­ Mrs. Palmer, as a waitress and bar I
In Fighting Forest Fires
chute jumps, receive advance train­ tender.
Well over $1 million of federal
ing in military tactics, and participate
We wish them success in the res-
funds has been earmarked for Oregon
in the training exercises and manue- taurant business.
and Washington state forestry organi­
vers held by the Division throughout
to assist in control of forest
the year.
Muir's Bakery Redecorated Forty-six water right applications zations
fires during the current fiscal yff
Pvt. Skillings is the son of Mr. and
covering the irrigation of 2158 acres The funds are an annual allotment
Mrs. Fred Skillings, who reside at During Past Week
Muirs Bakery and Confectionary from Linn County streams have been under the Clarke-McNary Law of
Route 1 in Lyons, Oregon.
submitted to the State Engineer
Prior to entering the Armed For- recently underwent a face-lifting job through the county extension office I 1924.
Oregon will receive $591,056 and
ces he was employed by the Consoli- presenting a very neat appearance.
The walls are painted in ----------
Mill City since January 1, 1953. All maps have Washington $541,227, the Forest Ser­
dated Builders in Detroit, Oregon.
school colors of green and yellow and been prepared by the County Engin­ vice announced today. Forty-one oth­
bright new linoleum placed on the eer’s office.
er states and the Territory of Hawaii
County Extension Agent O. E. Mi­ receive federal fire control funds.
floors as well as other improvements.
Lyle Fleetwood Wins
Mr. Muir stated the work was done kesell says that all persons filing on
The federal-state cooperative pro­
Award In All-Star
after closing hours at night enabling streams are informed by the State gram has been in existence since 1911.
them to continue their service to the Engineer that there is apt to be a The objective of original legislation,
East-West Football Game i public
shortage of water during the late sea­ , strengthened by the act of 1924, is to
Lyle Fleetwood won an award in
son as practically all streams are over­ assist in providing an adequate sys­
the All-Star East-West football tussle
appropriated at present.
tem of fire protection for private and
at Pendleton last Saturday, as the September 10 Is Date For
Contrary to rumor, Mikesell says other non-federal timber lands. Funds
best blocking back, when he played Christian Women’s Meeting that water rights on irrigation wells appropriated by Congress are admin­
with the West team in the Class B
The Christian Women's Fellowship are not being issued in W’estern Ore­ istered through the Forest Service to
Shrine football game. Fleet wood was will meet Thursday, September 10th, gon ; however, the suggestion has the states where direct expenditures
chosen outstanding player on Mill 7:30 p. m. in the church parlors. This been made that a log of the drilling are made by state forestry depart­
City's football team last year. He is will be a special guest night, parti­ be recorded. A recorded log nay be ments.
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleet- cularly for church ladies who are un­ good protection if ground water sup-
Regional Forester J. Herbert Stone
wood of this city.
able to attend afternoon meetings. plies become critical.
pointed out that about one-third of
In Saturday's game, the East tri­ Mr,. Gladys Chance is program chair­
Mikesell calls attention to the fact I the total an nual timber cut in the na-
umphed 19-0 in the second annual man Mrs. Grace Misner and Mrs. El­ that a water right application and a | tion in nro<j uced in Oregon and War-
All-Star, which evened the score be­ sie Meyers are serving, and Mrs. Jull reservoir
construct.’on application I hington. Protection of this valuable
tween the East and West. The West and Mrs. Maggie Shaw are the de­ should be filed where a dam is to be rei irce la essential to both local and
won last year by a score of 12-0.
corating committee.
constructed to store irrigation water. national economic he said.
Illegal To Hire
Children Under 16
During School Hours
46 Applications lor
Water Rights Filed
Mill City is justly proud of
thia fine group of ball player*
and also extend thanks to Kelly
Lumber Sales for their part in
getting this fine aggregation
together. The team leaves early
tomorrow for Pendleton where
their first opponents will be the
team from Tacoma. Good luck,
State Softball Crown
Captured At Bend Sunday
Mill City is basking in the limelight
at the present time since the home
team copped the state softball cham­
pionship at Bend Sunday by defeat­
ing Eugene 1-0 in a real thriller.
Most of Mill City traveled to the eas­
tern city to witness what some fans
say was the best ball game ever
In the 12th game of the tourney
Saturday night at 7 p. m„ Eugene
eliminated Corvallis from the tourna­
ment by a score of 4 to 1. Lou Stagg
of Corvallis and Bill Hutchinson of
Eugene each had two hits in three
times at bat to lead the hit parade,
Bo Willis of Eugene struck out
eight Nored Builders of Corvallis.
Short score,
.7’ 1
B. Willis anti J. Northern, J. Moore;
H. Wehmeier and L. Stagg.
In the 13th game of the tournament
played Saturday night, Eugene de­
feated Grants Pass by a score of 2 to
I. In the hit column Ken Knapp of
Grants Pass hit two for three and
batted in their only run. For Eugene,
Bob Wrem, Harry Walker and Bob
Wetzell got one hit each. In this pit­
chers battle Ron Willoughby of Eu­
gene got six strikeouts and Vern Col­
lins of Grants Pass got eight.
Short score,
. 2
Grants Pass
R. Willoughby, H. Walker; V. Col-
lins and L. Flink.
In the final games Kelly Lumber-
men got quite a scare with Eugene’s
Rubes winning the first game by a
score of 2 to 0. In the final game,
Kelly’s came back and took the cham­
pionship in a nine inning bout, and
defeated the Rubes by a score of 1 to
The second game had the crowd real­
ly in the air all the way through.
In the first place, big stickers for
Mill City were Don Carey and Gor-
Federal Civil Service announces an
examination for substitute clerk.
$1.3614 an hour, to fill vacancies in
the post office service at Gates.
Applicants must actually reside
within the delivery of the Gates post
office or be bona fide patrons of that
office. Persons employed in the Gates
post office will be considered bona fide
patrons of the office.
The registers from this examina­
tion will be used to fill both perma­
nent and non-permanent appoint-
Further information and applica-
tion forms may be obtained from the
postmaster of the cities listed on page
1 of the examination announcement,
or from the Director, Eleventh U. S.
Civil Service Region, 302 Federal Of­
fice Building, Seattle 4. Washington.
Applications must be on file with
the Director, address as given above,
not later than September 14, 1953.
dy McMorris, with two each, Eugene's
outstanding hitters were Harry Wal­
ker with two hits and Chas. Mickelson
and Cece Berg with one each.
In the crucial second game Don Ca­
rey, Gordy McMorris and Brownie
Valdez each got a hit for Mill City.
The payoff blows were Don Carey’s
triple in the ninth inning followed by
Gordy McMorris’ single to score the
winning i un. This was the final blow
and ended Eugene’s threat. For Eu-
gene, Cece Berg, Harry Walker and
Ronnie Smith each got one hit.
First game,
Mill City ......
...... _.... 0
Eugene ________________ 2
J. Pearson and D. Bennett; B. Wil-
lis and H. Walker
Second gafhe,
Mill City ..... ..
Eugene ........
R. Davidson and D. Bennett; B. Wil­
lis and H. Walker.
Both the Kellymen and the Eugene
Rubes landed five men on the mythi­
cal *'all-State'’ team along with a re­
presentative from Grants Pass and
Corvallis. The outstanding pitcher
award went to John Pearson of Mill
City who threw the tournaments only
no-hitter, that a 1-0 jewel over Grants
Pass and Vern Collins. The outstand­
ing hitter award went to Manager
Simcoe Chapman of Granta Pass who
nosed out Manager Lou Stagg of Cor­
vallis .400 to .385. Outstanding player
of the tournament, due to his great
center-fielding, managing, and hitting,
was Charlie Mickelson ot Eugene. The
rest of the team:
First base, Don Carey of Mill City;
second base, Bill Hutchinson of Eu­
gene; third base, Sim Chapman of
Grants Pass; shortstop, Gordie Mc­
Morris of Mill City; left-field, John
Hoffert of Mill City; centerfield, Char­
lie Mickelson of, Eugene; rightfield.
Bob Wren of Eugene; utility outfield­
er, Carl Gustafson of Corvallis; util­
ity infielder, Ken Knapp of Grants
Pass; catchers, Harry Walker of Eu­
gene, Lou Stagg of Corvallis.
In this windup story of the State
Tournament, The Enterprise wishes
to thank Russ Brown for his cover­
age of the games, as without his fine
work, this would have been impos­
sible. Also we wish to thank Dick
Parker for his part in giving us ad­
vance information on the tourney.
Hearing on Cost of Milk
Production To Be Held
In Salem State Library
A public hearing to receive teeti*
mony and evidence as to the cost of
production and distribution of fluid
milk, resale prices, pooling regula­
tions, allocations of quotas, and unfair
trade practices in Zone No. 2, com­
prising Marion and Polk counties will
be held in State Library, Salem, Ore.,
at 2 p. m. September 8, 1953. accord­
ing to notices issued by the Oregon
Milk Marketing Administration.
W. S. Weidel will be in charge of
the hearing which is one of a series
being held by the Milk Marketing
Idanha-Detroit Schools
Administration to investigate cost
To Open, Monday, Sept. 11
and other factors affecting the pro­
Elementary and high scNbol serv­ duction and distribution of milk in
ing Idanha and the Detroti area, will the bottle and can trade.
open here, Monday. September 14th.
Superintendent O. J. White re­
quests that the first and 9th graders, NEW CHURCH BUILDING
present their medical examination re­ IN MEHAMA READY TO I SE
ports at registration. Those without | The new build­
forms which were distributed for, ing in Mehama is now reaching the
this purpose at the close of the spring finishing stage. Through the summer
term, may obtain them at the school | services were held in the school build­
ing but beginning this Sunday, servi­
Mrs. Charles Thompson of Idanha ces will be held in the basement of
will have charge of the school cafe­ the new structure.
teria assisted by Mrs. Rose Mermil-j Morning worship will be at 9:45
lion of Detroit.
and Sunday School at 10:45 a. m.