THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1953 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Family Gathering Sunday At Virgil Cribbs Home save By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays FRYER RABBITS, fresh killed, lb. Pan Ready FRYERS .... lb. 59c < Pure Lean Ground Beef • • 1 b. 39c 1 6 Month Old Swift’s Whole Cheddar 69c Wheel Cheese Tell us how big a slice you wish to buy. Guess the weight and get it FREE! Sunshine HI-HO CRACKERS 1 lb. Box .......... CLOROX BLEACH Half Gallon 33c Stop Passing up Coupon Money! GIANT SERF, Contains 43c tube Toothpaste GIANT FAB, Contains 20c coupon GIANT BORENE, Contains 10c coupon 65c 73c 59c 73c GIANT DUZ, Contains 17c coupon These are only a few of many deals. Don’t Miss. They’re Money Two Great Repeat Specials HOLLADAY MARGARINE OJc 5 pounds only 7 ' U. S. NO. 2 SPUDS 50 Pounds These Prices effective Friday and Saturday only Stewart’s Grocery Daily Delivery in the City Phone 4407 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. Mill City, Oregon LYON S—Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cribbs of Cascadia were hostess at a 1 picnic and family gathering held at j their home Sunday. Attending were i Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine, Wayne, Bobby and Lorena, Marlin Cole, of I Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier, j Jimmie and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Dar- I win Raines and Alan, Mr. and Mrs. | Arnold Syverson, Harvey, Dick, Rod- | ney and Delmar, of Mill City, Miss Willa Loucks of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Etzel and Bernie of Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Raines of La­ comb, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Saulman, Judy and Sherrie of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs and Sandra of Cascadia. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen, Donnie Frachlick of Albany, Miss Ro­ berta Frachlick, Fortuna, Calif., Miss Lorraine Tell from Delta, Colorado. Take this Bel Air model. First thing you'll notice is the qual­ ity of the interior. Rich-looking appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the key to start the engine and you’re ready to go. GATES SHOE REPAIRING Mrs. Albert Millsap Mrs. Margie Anderson was hostess Don’t throw away that Friday of last week at her home, at | pair of old shoes. a birthday dinner honoring her mot­ Bring them here and let her, Mrs. Edwin Kadine. Places were laid at the table for the honored us put them in guest, Mrs. Kadine, Mr. Kadine and FIRST CLASS daughter Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kadine, Dick Parker and the hostess CONDITION ♦ * ♦ and two daughters, Linda and Lin­ ette. Following the dinner a surprise We Have party was given Mrs. Kadine at her MOCCASINS home. Things have been exceptionally quiet for Men Women and in Gates the past week due to thei Children fact that many of the ladies and chil­ dren are in the bean fields. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas and ! three children vacationed at Depoe Bay last weekend. Deep sea fishing | was enjoyed by the family, but they j East of the Bank were unsuccessful, no fish were Garden Club To Have Pot caught. Phone 1826 Mill City Luck And Show Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Vetner Evans and JI The Mill City Garden Club is meet­ family left Tuesday of last week for > ing Thursday (tonight) evening fo: their new home in Kingman, Arizona. a pot-luck supper and showing of They had planned to leave two weeks | pictures of Hawaiian floral life, at ago but were delayed by the arrival I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mor­ ris. In case of rain the party will be of guests from California. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. moved indoors. and Mrs. Kenneth Martig were Mr. i Martig’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I j Frank Klein, wife and daughter, Martig and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth IJ g THURSDAY, FRIDAY Sandra Jean, visited at the Dick Tur­ Wallen and three children, all of1 j J o and SATURDAY pin home from August 15th to 18th. Portland. Mr. Klein formerly lived in Mill City Mrs. Jack Brown spent Thursday | AUGUST 27, 28, 29 and graduated from high school here. in Salem on a combined shopping and He now operates a theater at Lynden, pleasure trip. Washington. 3 DIMENSIONS! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap visit­ ed at the home of their son-in-law Mrs. R. K. Schroeder and daughters, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund I Sue, Kay and Jill of Whitefish, Mon­ Klecker of Stayton, Thursday. Their | tana, and her brother Harold Shaw, grand-daughter, Mss Janet Klecker, I of Eugene, Oregon, visited at the returned to Gates with them for a home of Mrs. J. R. Geddes, on Aug­ visit. ust 13th. Mrs. Schroeder is the wife and Mrs. Lincoln Henness had Dr. R. K. Schroeder, a grand-nephew as Mr. their guests, several days the past of the late J. R. Geddes. week, their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Henness and son Bobbie of The Oregon Junior Chamber of Alderminer, Wash. They also called Commerce has taken steps to lend its on SUNDAY & MONDAY Mr. Henness’ uncles, E. L. Davis state-wide organization to advancing of Gates and W. H. Davis of Mill City. the Highway Lifesavers safety pro­ August 30 and 31 L. T. Henness and daughter, Mrs. gram. Lillie Lake, had many local and out- RITA HAYWORTH of-state visitors over the weekend STEWART GRANGER and during the week, among them were Mrs. Ida Geddes and daughter, in Miss Daisy Geddes, Mrs. Mel Robinson, SALOME Mrs. Cora McClain, Mrs. Lester Ma­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gentry, all Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday from Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy of Centralia, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Don Henness and son from Al­ derminer, Wash., Ronnie Gordon and Miss Vesta Davis from Independence, TUESDAY and Oregon; William Savage, Dexter, Oregon; Mrs. Burton Knutson and WEDNESDAY children of Newport; Mrs. Chris Knut­ son of Foster, Oregon; Mrs. Mary September 1 and 2 McClain and daughter, Miss Myrtle ERROL FLYNN McClain from Calistoga, Calif. The i McClain family were residents of «AURINE OHARA Mill City for many years. Miss (Mc­ in Clain is a graduate of the Mill City high school. AGAINST ALL Chuck's Shoe Shop .iiuumUii I ORTT I was ahead in every way after this demonstration! You're “sitting pretty" behind the wheel I Too Late To Classify FLAGS WANTED TO BUY—Good second growth logs. Phone 1470, Albany, Oregon.—Industrial Mill Co., Crab- 1 tree, Oregon. 39 In Technicolor FOR SALE—Slightly used Spinet pia­ no. New piano guarantee. Trade in acceptable. Special price Satur­ day only. Terms, of course.—Salem Music Company, 153 S. High St., across from Elsinore Theater, Sa- lem, Ore. Phone Salem 2-8708. 35 Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show ean be seen any NEWS II time up to 8:30 * j . tv Enterprise Class AdS Fay I figured on paying about $200 more Thiel s Store & Market for a new car . . . until I discovered Phone 234 Lyons, Oregon G ROC E RI ES—M E ATS—V EG ET A BLES all that Chevrolet offered me. FOOD LOCKERS per year and up WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS You can see all around You look out and down through a wide, curved, one- piece windshield. The pano­ ramic rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions. an inheritance that cannot be taxed You get more power on less gas 1 hat’s because Chevrolet's two great valve-in head engines are hichsnnipression engines. In Powerglide* models, you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolet's field — the new 115 hp "Blue-Flame.” Gear­ shift models offer the advanced 108-h.p 'Thrift-King” engine. Biggest brakes for smoother, easier stops An easy nudge on the pedal brings smooth, positive response —right now! Chevrolet’s im­ proved brakes are the largest in the low-price field. lot less gas. That s what you get with the new Powerglide automatic transmission. There’s no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. And it's the lowest-priced line It's heavier for better roadability A demonstration wilt show you 'Combination of Powerflide auto­ matic transmission and 115-hp "Blue-Flame" enfine optional on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models at extra cost. Let us demonstrate all the advantages of buying a Chevrolet now! gre \ test inheritance you can bestow on your child is a sound mind and a sound body. Robust health of body is reflected inevitably in the spirit. fancy and watchful care in childhood and youth are essential. Indispensable to the child's welfare is your family doctor. His competent gui