5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE V *'**>>.14<• 1 L \ » All Types of Signs and Vehicle Lettering “SCOTCHLIT E ” Reflectors J [ ói!'; -* if ’ NBÄ-V*. LYONS SIGN SHOP Pay Dirt! The old time prospector loaded his burro, rounded up his rations, took along his pan and off he went into the mountains looking for his fortune. Sometimes a ‘strike’ was made, but more often the only gain was a good deal of exercise. Now adays we know that fortunes are earned by planning careful ly rather than by just plain hoping. Thrifty, farsighted people use the tested system of regular savings — ten percent of earnings. Be a modern prospector. Come in today. THURSDAY. AVGUST 27. 1953 ■ & * See Us For .... Camping Equipment Plumbing Supplies Sporting Goods Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. to cut fatigue-make driving easier! New curved one-piece windshield—55% bigger New deeper | side Windows I New weather-sealed construction New 4-ft .-wide rear window New styling • New overlapping windshield wipers New wider seat -2-way adjustable New push-button door handles New non-sag springs ■ ■ New rotor-type door latches ..and in the DRIVERIZED DELUXE CAB sixteen additional customized features! The Ford Standard D riverized : s By Eva Breseler John Jungwirth is confined to hi« home with a broken leg that he re- i ceived Saturday forenoon when he ■ fell from the roof of his house. Jung wirth, who was painting his roof, slip ped and fell, lanumg on cement instead of the ground. His leg is fractured near the heel. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing, Ireait and Marlene from Sutherlin, visited over the weekend at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Down ing. While here they attended the softball tournament in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Monroe and Mrs. Emma Monroe of Albany were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Ina Stockwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osley of Coue- rick, Iowa, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Koger» on McCully Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cruson from Ash land, have moved into the Russell Wilson home across the highway from the Sporting Goods store. Mrs. Hazel Lewis with Mrs. Lola Osburn, president of the Rebekah As sembly of On gon, attended the Re bekah convention held at Lakeview, Oregon. They also visited lodges at Creswell, Kirby, Klamath Falls, Mer rill, Bananza and Paisley. Mrs. Lewis, who is a member of Faith Rebekah Lodge in Lyons, is chaplain of the Rebekah Assembly. A good crowd attended the social meeting of the Santiam Valley grange held jointly with the Farmers Union at the grange hall, Friday evening. Jerry Coffman, lecturer for the grange, presented Ray Stout, who showed pictures and talked on his work and tour while in Greece. At the close of the evening, a pot luck lunch was served. Considerable excitement was caus- i ed in Lyons Monday afternoon at the Pete Rodchi home, when smoke came rolling out of their house, but with the aid of the neighbors who was able to enter the house soon brought it to an end, when they discovered a kettle of meat which was left cook ing on the stove, had burned up. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Ce cil were Sunday visitors at the Paul Johnston home at Culver, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges visited Sunday evening with his mother, Mrs. Clara Lee in Eugene. Mrs. Lee, who has been seriously ill, was reported slightly improved. The annual dinner and bazaar spon sored by the Altar Society of the St. Patrick Catholic church, was held Sunday at the Mari-Linn school with approximately 400 attending the din ner. The ice cream social sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service was held Thursday evening in the lovely gardens at the Glen Ju lian home in Fox Valley. An enjoyable evening was spent in spite of the cool weather and ice cream, cake, pie, cof fee and punch served to those calling. The Julians have a beautiful display of fuschias and tuberous begonias. Allen ami Myra Hadley are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell. The two children are from the New Tribes Mission Institute at Fouths Springs, California. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steele and family moved this week to Eugene. Steele, who has been with the Puget Timber company here, was transferred to work for the company in Eugene. Mrs. Alwood Aronson and sons, Ray and Paul, have gone to Duluth, Minnesota, where they will spend a month Visiting with relatives. Kenny and Jimmie Oir from Seat tle, Washington, are spending some time at the home of their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hartnell. Mrs. Delma Barrington from Aus tin, Texas, visited Wednesday and Thursday at the home of her neice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh John ston. Mrs. Barrington will l>e remem bered as Delma Grimes who left here about 36 years ago. She also called on Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, old school mates. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry have moved to Britewood, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kerr moved to Cherryville. The two men will be employed a» truck drivers for Hugh Johnston who has a contract with the Nuxall Log ging company near Rhododendron. Quality Job Priming at Mill City Enterprise ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ * Foam-rubber seat podding, thermacou- «tic headlining and glau wool involution . . . a total of 16 customized feature« are available at «light extra cost in the Ford DRIVERIZED DELUXE CAB. Completely NEW! World’s most comfortable truck cob! Prove it yourself—moke the 15-second SIT DOWN TEST! All it takes is just 15 seconds to discover comfort and convenience you probably never thought possible in a truck. Just sit and see —new visibility, new roominess and new seat comfort in the new Ford D riverized C abs that cut driver fatigue for safer, time saving driving. Many other T ime -S aving features, too, like new L ow -F riction power and new Synchro-Silent shifting to help get job» done fast. See your Ford Dealer for a 15-second S it D own T est ! See all the fea tures that make Ford Trucks your best buy! FORD ECONOMY TRUCKS COME W TODAY.' HERROLD - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY • LAST LONGSR STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON Viv's Steak House Mill City Phone 5807 • • • Open 6 A. M. to 11 I*. M. Closed Mondays