Visitors at the C. E. Rogers home I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AVGUST 20. 1953 Mr. and Mrs. J or Dolezal and Min ef Coo* Bay, visited the Charles Dole- this last week were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. zal's on Thursday. The men are bro­ Wombaugh and sons of Portland, and thers. Mrs. George Bertilson of Oregon City. The ladies are daughters of the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pound Jr., Rogers’. Other guests were Mr. and and Bonnie of Eugene were guests of Mrs. J. W. Berreman of Philomath, CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES H. D. Pound, Seniors, Sunday. They and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Berreman of also called on Mr. Pound’s sister, Mrs. Eugene. The men are brothers of Mrs. Lyons Garden Club Rogers. Luncheon Honors Ford Wilson and family while here. Social Events Visitor In Gates GATES—Mrs. Don Miley entertain­ ed at luncheon at her home Tuesday of last week, honoring Mrs. Minnie Everton, of Yakima, Washington. | Places were laid at the table for Mrs. I Everton, her daughter, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Mary Egglestrom, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Clarence Rush and the hostess, Mrs. Miley and daug­ hter Nadine. Following the luncheon the hostess surprised her guests with a tape re­ cording of their conversation at lunch which she had recorded all unknown to the ladies. (They all insist there was no "gossip” recorded). Friday afternoon Mrs. Clarence Rust was hostess, at her home, com­ plimenting Mrs. Everton at luncheon. Seated at the table were Mrs. Everton, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Burrel Cole and the hostess. ’’ormer Gates Friends Honor California Visitor GATES—Mrs. Laura Joaquin of San Jose, California, who had been visiting at the home of her son, Joe Joaquin for the past two weeks, was complimented by a party and handker­ chief shower Friday afternoon. A group of her former Gates neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Albert Millsap. Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. Harry Keiser were assisting hostesses. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon to the honored guest, Mrs. Joaquin, Mrs. Elmer Klut- ke, Mrs. Jesse Haywood, Mrs. Ken­ neth Martig, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, I Mrs. Oscar Osterhout, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Mrs. Philip Hess and Mrs. Walter Brisbin. Those unable to | attend and sending handkerchiefs were Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Bob Bonitz, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Don Miley, Mrs. Ned Richards, Mrs. Margie Anderson, Mrs. Lester Allen, Mrs. Floyd Völkel and Mrs. Dan Morrison. Ward Stahlman Honored At Dinner on Friday DETROIT—Mrs. Ward Stahlman I of Little Sweden, entertained with a lovely dinner and birthday cake, hon- I «ring her husband on Friday even­ ing. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John I Estey, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown. I and twins, Donna and Linda, of De- I troit, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stahlman | and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booker and children, Roberta, Darrell and Rose- ann of Mill City, Mrs. Mabie Knut­ son of Niagara, Oscar and Richard Nystrom of Little Sweden. Plans Fall Flower Show The Lyons Garden club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Raymonu Branch in Mehama, Tuesday after­ noon, with Mrs. Elmer Taylor as co­ hostess. Roll call of members was on propagation of plants and shrubs. Plans were made and discussed for a fall flower show which will be held September 18, with Mrs. Raymond Branch appointed general chairman. Mrs. John Neal and Mrs. Otto Weid­ man was in charge of a very educa­ tional and instructive question and answer box. A move along the lines of civic pride of the little towns of Lyons and Mehama, will be the placing of garbage barrels, painted and labeled for the use of the public as a place to discard paper, bottles, cartons and all litter that is now thrown in front of business houses and along the sides of the highway. The Lyons Garden club asks the cooperation of all peo­ ple to help keep the community clean. The thirteen members answering roll call were Mesdames Otto Weid­ man, Chester Roy, Henry Holzfuss, Orville Downing, Clyde Bressler, John Neal, Don Brotherton, Alex Kuiken, Carl Nuttieman, Ernest Garsjo, El­ mer Taylor, and Raymond Branch. Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Harry Monroe of Mehama and Mrs. Fred Stienfelt of Lyons, with Mrs. Steinfelt joining the club. Marriage of Former Gates Resident Announced GATES—Mrs. Lois Brosig is an­ nouncing the marriage of her daugh­ ter, Miss Birdie Larson, of Klamath, California, to Robert J. Wilson of that city. The wedding took place in Reno, Nevada, Sunday, August 9. The bride spent her school days in Gates and is a graduate of the local high school. She is the grand-daugh­ ter of Mrs. Walter Brisbin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and Johnnie Hale of Salem caught a nice catch of fish in the Santiam near Mill City Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. He Bassett returned Sunday night from a week's vacation spent in the Seattle area with her sis­ ters, Mrs. C. E. Welch and Mrs. R. T. Wright and families. While there the Bassetts were with a group salmon fishing. They were out for 14 hours on Puget Sound. Mrs. Bassett caught two salmon and Mr. Bassett, one. While there they also visited Mr. and Mrs. James O’Leary and family. The O’Leary’s formerly owned the Mill City Variety and he also served on the city council. He is now employed as an equipment engineer at Boeing’s. Its certainly plain to see... Chevrolet trucks must be the best buy! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stover are the parents of a son, born Saturday, August 8th, at Salem. He weighed in The marriage of Miss Donna Ar- at 6 pounds, 11 ounces. He was given lone Kuhlman, daughter of Mr. and | the name Wilbur G III. Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, and Marvin Bib- ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bib- Business and Professional ler of Salem, will be solemnized Sun­ DIRECTORY day, August 23rd in the Presbyterian church. The ceremony will be per­ formed by Rev. N. Streeter at 4:30 Quality Job Printing at in the afternoon. All friends of the two families are invited to attend the church ceremony and the reception immediately follow­ ing, at the home of the bride’s grand­ father, W. R. Greene, of this city. Kuhlman-Bibler Vows To Be Spoken Sunday Mill City Enterprise JoïïnWT Reid, M 0. Mill City Garden Club Will Have Pot-Luck Supper Members of Mill City Garden Club have made plans for a pot luck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris on the lower River Road, Thursday evening, August 27th at 6:30 p. m. The Lyons Garden Club members have been invited to bring a pot luck dish and join the group for the even­ ing. Mr. Bevier of the Forest Service will be present and will show an in­ teresting group of pictures of floral life in the Hawiian Islands. These are pictures Mr. Bevier has taken during seven years spent in the Islands and is the first time he has shown them to a Federated Garden Club. Physician & Surgeon Mill City DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building, 2nd Floor Phone: Stay ton 2274 Stayton, Ore. WOOD’S STORE General Ory Goods NOTIONS UNGERLE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LUZIER8 (XtSMETKS BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED AT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER A delightful miscellaneous bridal shower was given Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Arlone Kuhl­ man at the home of Alona Fay Daly, with Delores Poole and Leia Kelly, assisting hostesses. Miss Kuhlman will become the bride of Marvin Bibler, U. S. Marines, in a ceremony at the Mill City Presbyter­ ian church, Sunday afternoon, August 23rd. Several interesting contests were held at the shower, with appropriate prizes going to the winners. Miss Kuhlman opened her many lovely gifts at a table centered by a beautifully costumed bridal doll. White tapers and gladioluses decorated the rooms and on the piano was a clever ar­ Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned rangement of a large wedding ring Phone SALEM 8-946«, COIJJX7T and a diamond solitaire made of cel­ 1079 Elm St, W. Salem lophane. Attending the affair were Miss Anne Hill, former room-mate of Miss axmtBBmsQstiEtKBnismsncnciixHnMBXE Daly at the University of Oregon, and MILL CITY Miss Garnet Beech, both of whom are spending several days here from Cot­ DISPOSAL SERVICE tage Grove, Oregon, Miss Donna Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Cooke, Mrs. James Grant, Miss Jo- weekly pickups $1.50 per month Ann Hoffman, Miss Pat Brown, Mrs. James Poole, Mrs. Chas. Kelly, Mrs. Also light hauling. Leo Poole, Mrs. Wilbur Meinert, Mrs. Leonard Herman Phone 3952 Raymond Thompson. Mrs. Lee Kuhl­ man, the guest of honor Miss Arlone Kuhlman and the hostesses Miss Delores Poole, Miss Leia Kelly, Miss Alona Fay Daly and Mrs Alonzo DR. MARK Ü Daly. HAMMERICKSEN Additional invited guests who sent REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Ö gifts included Miss Marlene Tickle, Miss Donna Jean Nelson, Mrs. Gor­ Has moved his Mill City office to " don Kay, Mrs. Sonny Nelson, Mrs. Stayton in the Post Office Bldg, ’ Clyde Richards, Miss Pauline Mason 2nd Floor, in the ’ of Sweet Home, and Mrs. Richard Bee- > Dr. Victor J. Myers offices digheimer (Elnora Albright). Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. " Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Ku- HOME OFFICE: bin, of Mehama, at the Santiam Mem­ 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY orial hospital in Stayton, on August 6th, a baby girl. jnnnQDuunBOQOBHnnnHnnnHHra: MIKE'S Septic Service Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 CAPITOL THEATRE, SALEM IN PERSON ON STAGE Monday, August 24th at 7:00 and 9:30 P. M. 24 HOURS OF HILARITY Tickets Now On Sale Prices $1.80 - $2.10 - $3.60 PLENTY (IF GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE MUSICAL INSANITIES- 0F 1954 « Mail Orders Taken—Make Check Payable CAPITOL THEATRE Specify First or Second Show—Enclose Return Envelope This year again—for the 12th straight production year—truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. It's plain to see that Chevrolet trucks out-sell all others because they out-value all others! HtAI UP-TO-THf MINUTI NEWS AROUND TH! CLOCK Saturday and Sunday • ABC *ad>« Nutwerk When truck users show a continued preference for one particular make of truck, you can be sure that preference » based on a single sound reason: Ift the best buy! Year after year, truck users in every field show a clear-cut preference for C hevrolet trucks by buying more of them than any either make. Why not drop in and see why so many more truck buyers choose Chevrolet? You’ll find, as they have, that Chevrolet trucks offer more of the features and advantages you want . . . more solid value in every way . , . yer ift the lowest-priced truck line of all! Gene Teagee Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Service STAYTON. OREGON Never - - a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN