Mr. and Mr«. Paul Vincent of Mill City returned last week from a motor FOR LEASE trip to points in Canada, Glacier Na tional Park, Grand Coulee Dam and By Boots Champion RICHFIELD STATION Maryshill Museum. They also visited Miss Kazi Inuzuka, high school Yakima, Spokane and points enroute. teacher, who taught school here for IN MILL CITY the past two years, has accepted a Saturday guests of the Robert Ve- position in the home economics de ness family, were Mrs. Jessie Veness, partment of the high school at Napa. For Details Phone Mrs. Pearl Stiff and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leavengood, district ranger C. S. MORGAN, Agent Theodore Hedin, all of Portland. The from the lakes district, and Lloyd Ol families enjoyed a dinner cooked and son, superintendent of the Mount Stayton 5265 served out of doors after first visit Hood territory, who made an inspec ing Detroit Dam. tion tour last week of the Skyline road, connecting link between the lakes district and the Detroit district, reports the road is in better condi tion at the present, than it has been, in the past two or three years. The road bypasses Olallie Lake and the Breitenbush Lake. An error mas made in last weeks issue, on a fishing party to the Eight Detroit, Oregon Lake basin. There were 4 pack mules and 18 saddle horses on the excur sion. The F. O. E. Auxiliary meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday RANGES — REFRIGERATORS — FREEZERS through August and September. The time will be 7 p. m. WASHERS — DRYERS — RADIOS — TV SETS Members of the civic club and their guests enjoyed a lovely pot luck lun Electrical Contracting cheon held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Cal Schlador last Wednesday. F. H. A. FINANCING About twenty were in attendance. DETROIT Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Full Line Crosley Appliances P. O. Box 176 PHONE 263 Mr. and Mr«. D. W. Moffatt and son Brian, left Saturday morning for Gresham, where they were weekend guests at the John Frace home and with other friends. Sunday afternoon they attended a picnic given by mem bers of their square dance club, the Boring Plank Stompers. [ oeuaous^ KELLOM’S FRESH FROM THE OVER TO YOU H A M B U R G E R STAND Friday and Saturday Specials— Butter Rolls 04c t m m Made from Rich Danish Pastry Per Dozen ........... DANISH BUTTER HORNS, Dozen Hot from Our Ovens at 11 a. m. Serving Delicious Hamburgers Coffee Pie and Ice Cream I flflr. Try an ICY FLIPO^^ ORANGE FLAVORED and Low on Calories Try one Z LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE • • 81.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MUIR S BAKERY MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phene 3952 LEONARD HERMAN Mill City, Oregon Stewart's STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays More of Those Fresh Killed At This Special Price Pan Ready Fryers • Shortening Sunshine Crispy 59c Lb. Pure Ground Beef Crackers Best Qual. Lean Lb. SNOWDRIFT 39c O g oSc NALLEY’S Quart Jar Born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ragsdale, of this city, August 10th, a baby girl, at the Salem General hospital. Mrs. Elizabeth Pixley of Kooskia. Idaho, has arrived to visit at the Clif ford Large home for a month’s time. She is the mother of Mrs. Large. Ijirry Large entertained seven of his friends Saturday afternoon, the occasion being his 13th birthday an niversary. Ice cream and cake were served as refreshments. MORRELL’S PRIDE THICK SLICED FANCY Excellent Cure LB. /’yC STA I E SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT—August 22 through 26. (Shriner’s night Sunday, August 23. All proceeds go to Shrine hospital for crippled child ren.) Tournament tickets on sale at our store and other business places. These Prices effective Friday and Saturday only Stewart’s Grocery Daily Delivery in the Citv Order Deadline 3:00 P. M MHI City, Oregon 1 Ji MEHAMA a 11 iiiUlau FRIDAY By Janet Bellin Dean Branch, who has been at tending OSC Summer School, is spend- i ing this weekend at Suttle Lake at the invitation of Delta Tau Delta I fraternity. Mr. and tors. Virgil Rogers and I family returned last week from Cali- | fornia, where they had been visiting. Mrs. A. W. Bellin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Schedeen of Gresham spent I Wednesday and Thursday of last week at the Beilin home. A cousin, Arden Converse, accompanied the Schedeens and spent this week with the Bellin family. Family Reunion Sunday, August 9th, a reunion of the Toepher family was held in Joe Toepher’s woods in Coon Hollow. Over 100 friends and relatives at tended the picnic. A meeting was held to elect officers for the coming year and the results were: president, Gus Toepher and vice- president, Jim Basl. I It was decided that a book would be started this year that would con tain the records of the annual reun ion of the Toepher family. After the picnic, guests played horseshoe and went swimming in a newly built swimming pool. Attending from Me- hama were Mr. and Mrs. John Zol- kowski and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams and son Steven. BIG CLIFF CABINS BEST BY DAM SITE THURSDAY, and SATURDAY AUGUST 13, 14. 15 RANDOLPH SCOTT and RAYMOND MASSEY in CARSON CITY IN COLOR—PLUS PETER LAW FORD and RICHARD GREECE ROGUE’S MARCH SUNDAY & MONDAY August 16 and 17 TYRONE POWER PIPER LAURIE MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER In Technicolor Feature at 5:20, 7*10 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 18 and 19 RICARDO MONTALBAN PIER ANGELI YVONNE DeCARLO in SOMBRERO In Technicolor NEWS Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 Enterprise Class Ads Pay the comfort of self delusion Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leisy, Zathna and Mike, of Springfield, Oregon, the Kenneth Chance family, and the Carl Chance family, formed a gioup that picniced at Breitenbush Sunday. Thelma Brown recently was in the Stayton hospital for observation, and is now at her home here, and is im proving. However, doctor's orders are that she is not permitted to work so will, therefore, not be able to resume her duties at the Julia Kemp Beauty Salon, where she was formerly em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stewart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stew art, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saltalamac- hia and family, who are guests of the Stewarts, from San Jose, Calif., spent Sunday at Clear Lake, fishing and picnicing. The Saltalamachia family will leave Friday for their home, af ter a vacation spent here and in Can- >. "TvC JELLO, all flavors 4 '¿-T 33c THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1953 A group of Mill City ladies drove to Silver Creek Falls Wednesday morn ing and enjoyed a day of picnicing and visiting. The gathering was in honor of Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Crescent City, Calif., who is a former Mill City resident, and who is now Clifford Swift of Tacoma, Washing visiting friends here. Several ladies ton, visited his mother, Mrs. Nel! from Salem joined the group of about Swift, over the weekend. fifteen ladies from this city, to meet and greet the honor guest. Allen Vail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vail, is suffering from an infection on his hands. 2 lb. box 45c TANG Salad Dressing DATAM THREE-LINKS CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC AT MORRIS HOME The Three-Links Club met Tuesday evening at 6:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Bert Morris, and enjoyed a pot luck picnic dinner. Mrs. Morris was presented a beautifully decorated cake, cards and handkerchiefs in ho- nor of her birthday. Members of the club present were: Alma Thomas, Lettie Swan, Rachel Olmstead, Eva Duffy, Clara Morris, Marie Stewart, Blanche Syverson, Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Bertha Balti more, Ruth Hess, Ruby Brisbin, Ida Fleetwood and Jennie Davis. Guests present were Mrs. Jennie Saltalamac- hia of San Jose, Calif., and Julia Kemp. Mrs. II. E. Smith entertained 20 young guests in honor of her daughter I Lynne’s 12th birthday, last Wednes day. A six o’clock luncheon was ser ved after which the honor guest and , her friends took in the show. Lynne was the recipient of many lovely gifts. By Shopping Regularly at B LOCAL GARDEN CLUB TO HONOR STATE AND DISTRICT OFFICERS AT TEA THURSDAY Mrs. L. W. Franks of Redmond, president of the Oregon State Federa tion of Garden Clubs; Mrs. Byron Bradshaw, Albany, state vice-presi dent, and Mrs. Sam Burch, Albany, Santiam district director, will be hon ored at a tea to be given at the home of Mrs.' Elsie Potter on Thursday, August 20th. The tea is being sponsored by the Mill City Garden Club and all mem ber« are urged to call during the af ternoon to meet the state officers. An invitation has also been extend ed to the federated Stayton Garden club. Serving during the tea hours will be present and past officers of the local club. Wait Peterson and two sons, Gary and Ramon, of Eugene, Oregon, were callers here Saturday, looking after property interests. The Petersons are former Mill City residents, when Mr. Peterson was employed at the De troit Dam and other places. SAVE I 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE KEEP OEECON GREEN Attention ALL NORTH SANTIAM SPORTSMEN CLlB MEMBERS Their Familie» and Friends Annual Picnic WHITE« \TER STATE PARK Sun., Aug. 16th —Fan and Prizes for All— --------------------------------- -» T he best advice is often more than we can bear. It takes courage to face the impact of truth, and firm resolution to form new habits to fit the facts. Your doctor is sometimes confronted with the stern necessity of advising restrictions in your usual routine. Your favorite dessert or that comforting cigar may be denied you. There is a strong tempta tion to treat such advice lightly, to feel you know your needs better than your doctor. Such self-delusion may be comforting, but it de feats the very ends you seek. Carefully follow your doctor’s advice. Your prescriptions have prompt, expert attention at our store. Mill City Pharmacy Phone 6607 MILL CITY, OREGON