Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
GATES We carry a large assortment of fan belts for CARS and TRUCKS RICHFIELD PREMIUM and RICHFIELD HEAVY DUTY OIL There Is No Better Oil Made WE ALSO HANDLE CAR PARTS ~.l. ■ ■ — II HART’S PLASTIC AUTO GLOSS “The Lazy Man’s Polish” Pt. Enough to do your car 3 times \ I ra )l I See Us First Before You Buy We Give S &. H Green Stamps Mehama Richfield Station Bob Draper Mrs. Carrysott were in the grocery business here. Mrs. Albert Millsap Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee of Mrs. Jack Brown has been visiting Amity, former residents of Gates, at Coos Bay this week at the home of were callers Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup visited one of her former sorority sisters and Mrs. Martha Bowes and son Joseph. husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cham The McKees and their guest from relatives in Corvallis, Sunday. bers. Word has been received that California were enroute to Bend. Major Jack Brown, who is with the Mr. and Mrs. Don Bengston of this Among Gates folk attending the air force in Korea, that he will be city, were business callers in Salem annual picnic held at the Howard Tay home the last of the month and will Monday. be granted a thirty day furlough be lor home in Lebanon Sunday, were fore being assigned to his future sta Mrs. Velma Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick Parker and Mac McCormick mund Davis and grand-daughter, Kit tion. Overlock, and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln drove to Salem, Monday, to transact Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier were Henness. Mrs. Taylor will be remem business. Mrs. Struckmeier’s daughter and son- bered as Gladys Grafe, who spent her Mrs. Russell King left last week in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ar girlhood in Gates. Each year a picnic thur Macomber, son Harold and their with former Gates frrends as guests for Roseburg, Oregon, to be with an daughter and son-in-law from Che is held at her home. aunt who is ill. halis, Washington. Spending the week Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin left Kenneth Chance and Jack Scott at the Struckmeier home was their Thursday for Portland where they brother-in-law, Dr. Joe Gray of Al visited at the home of Mr. Brisbin’s motored to Eugene on business Mon bany. Mr. Struckmeier and his guest daughter, returning home Sunday day evening. spent two days fishing and camping evening. on the Matolias river. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and chil At the home of his grand-parents Guests the past week at the L. L. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood this dren are in Seattle, Washington, this Rynearson home were Mrs. Rynear- week was Edwin Anderson of Gres- week, enjoying their vacation. son’s mother, Mrs. Alvia McNamee, ham. Hank Timm of this city is the own- William Beers, both from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood, son Lyle ner of a 1953 Ford, and states he is and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McNamee of Oswego, Mrs. Rynearson’s brother and guest, attended the family reun- well pleased with its operation. ion of the Brock clan, held at Silver- and wife. creek Falls, Sunday. They were jonied Dewey Flat man w as taken ill last Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Newburg and there by their son and family, Mr. daughter Penny, left Sunday for a and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood and son week and at present is confined to his bed. He is improved at this time. .month’s vacation in Duluth and Min- of Mill City. neapolis, Minn. Guests at the Harry Keiser home Mrs. I.eo Lemke and Mrs. Don Hat Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan have moved from their former home east the past week were their brother-in- man spent Friday in Portland. It was of town, to one of‘the Brisbin hou- law, August Roggle from Oakland, a combined pleasure and business trip. ses, formerly occupied by Mr. and Calif., and their grandson, Howard Mrs. Bob Bonitz, who have moved to Powelson of Elgin, Ore. The week be Miss Holly Bracher of Seaside. Ore. fore last, their grand-daughter, Mrs. is visiting at the home of her grand Mill City. Recent guests at the Mulligan home Duane McFadden, of Corvallis, visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup, were their brother and wife, Mr. and them. this week. Mrs. Otto Mulligan of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Magnuson and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farmen re James Smith of Vernonia came to two children from Minneapolis, Minn. turned Sunday from a week’s vaca Mill City Saturday to get his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kadine and tion, part of which was spent at Long son Allen, who had been visiting here daughter, Judy, have returned from Beach, Wash., and the balance at The for a week. Lynne Smith returned to a trip to Winter and Ladysmith, Minn, Dalles, where they visited Mr. and Vernonia with them where she will where they wgre called by the serious Mrs. Jim Fernaid. spend the week. . illness and subsequent death of Mr. Kadine’s mother, Mrs. Anna Nelson. | They were accompanied on the trip by Gadine’s brother and wife, Mr. I and Mrs. Rudolph Kadine of Salem. I On the return trip they visited Yellow [ Stone Park and other points of inter- I Phone 234 Lyons, Oregon est. Gates and Mill City friends of Mr. G R QUERIES—M EATS—VEG ETA BLES and Mrs. Duane McFadden, will be interested to learn that they are the | FOOD LOCKERS Per Jear and UP parents of a new six-pound baby boy, I Michael Duane, born August 1. Mrs. I WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS McFadden was foimerly LaVetta Po-1 welson, a graduate of the Gates high school and attended the Mill City' | schools. Mr. McFadden was a graduate J t i of Mill City high before registering at Oregon State College, Corvallis.1 He is now in service, stationed in the I east. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powelson, formerly of Gates, now living in eastern Ore gon. Paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McFadden of Stayton. Mrs. Harry Keiser of Gates is the new arrival’s great-grandmother. Real estate continues to change If we don’t have what you need we’ll get it for you hands in Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin have recently purchased two WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS lots on the corner of Oak and Central streets and it is reported, will start construction of a new home on one of them in the near future. On the ad joining lot they plan to build a dwel MOBIL PRODUCTS ling which will be for rent. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul sold their Mill City, Oregon home and two lots, on Oak street here K: last week to Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Edholm. The new owners will take possession this week. Mr. Edholm is paymaster for the army engineers sta tioned at the Detroit dam and expects to make his home here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Paul have moved to Mill City for the remainder of the time he will be employed at the dam. At present they are staying at the Reid motel. On the sick list the past two weeks | were Mrs. Tim White and Mrs. Orville I Hayward, both suffering from severe cases of virus pneumonia. At last re- ’ ports they were able to be up and about again. Featuring Our Home Grown Mrs. Cecelia Miller, who had spent I the winter months at the home of her CARROTS BEETS RED SPUDS daughter, Mrs. Velma Carey, is mak- 1 ing an extended visit in San Fran- ONIONS RADISHES PICKLING and . cisco at the home of her sister and I other relatives. SLICING CUKES BROCCOLI Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson have had as their houseguests the past WAX BEANS and ZUCCHINI j week, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wise of I Portland. They also visited at the Robert I>evon and Gwen Schaer OPEN 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M homes. Mrs. Wise was formerly Mrs. Florence Carrysott and a resident of Gates for several years while she and Fan Belts • t—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1953 Mehama, Oregon Thiel’s Store & Market $8 Boats Boat Trailers Boat Kits Supplies Outboard Motors Hathaway Garage Mehama Gardens OPENING Friday, Aug. 14 HOW TO INVITE DEPRESSION A man lived by the side of the road and sold hot dogs He w as hard of hearing so he had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers But he sold good hot dogs. He put up signs on the highway telling how good they were. He stood by the side of the road and cried: "Buy a hot dog. Mister.” And people bought. lie increased his meat and bun orders. He bought a bigger stove to take care of his trade. He got his son home from college to help him. But then something happened .... His son said, "Father, haven’t you been listening to the radio? There’s a depression on. I’he European situation is terrible. The Domestic situation is worse.” Whereupon the father thought. "Well, my i son’s been to college. He read the papers and lie listens to the radio, and he ought to know.” So the lather cut down on his meat and bun orders. Took down his advertising signs. And no longer bothered to stand out on the highway to sell hot dogs. And his hot dog sales fell almost overnight. • You’re right son.” the father said to the boy. ‘M e certainly are in the middle of a great depression’ —The Clarkson letter. David M. Reid Real Estate and Insurance Philip Goble, who Joined the Ma rine Corps last month, is now sta tioned at San Diego, Cal. His home is at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. James Swan attended the McDonald family reunion at Scio Sunday. Those present enjoyed a pic nic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis of Car rolls, Wash., visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis, in this city. Floyd Volgel and Don Miley, both of Gates, fished on Marion Creek last Thursday. Mr. Volgel succeeded in snagging only three, while Mr. Miley, who is superintendent of schools, caught his limit. Viv's Steak House Mill City Phone 5807 Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Closed Mondays Savings On Top Grade Foods Eat the Best for Less Gravenstein APPLES 3 ibs. 25 PEACHES Fresh local lge. basket 39< TOMATOES 2 29<’ ibs. CANTALOUPE Jumbo, lb. "Jc Sunkist LEMONS Doz. 29* Swifts SWIFT’NING SHORTENING 3 lb. can 7gc Swift’s PEANUT BUTTER 20 oz. jar 49< Capitol PEACHES No. 21/¡ can 25* JELLO or JELLO PUDDING 4 pkgs. 29* Mayflower Ice Cream Qt 39* Gallon S’! .49 SANTIAM BEANS No. 303 tin COMPOUNDED 2 for 39* W,,H CARE : <9 J 'o Sugar Cured PICNICS lb. 47c • Every prescription en- truoted to u» is compounded as though our reputation rested upon the accuracy and quality of that prescription alone. And it does! That is why we use only fresh, potent drugs; double check every step far accuracy. If vou seek prescriptions com pounded with the utmost care, we invite your patronage. Armour Star - Cascade WEINERS Lb. 49< irs Capitol Drug Co SMACK TfAlf' 4 GIROD'S On the Highway at Phone 207, Mill City P»f SCBtFTIOMS MEHAMA JUNCTION HIGHWAY 22