O « I Mrs. Virginia Harris and her daug­ hter Vicki, and her brother, Gene Sla- tor, of California, neice and nephew of Dewey Flatman, visited here re­ cently. Mrs. Harris was called home by her mother’s illness and her and returned home, accompanied by Sha- daughter left by plane for Calif. Word yon Gallagher of Seattle, who is a has been received that her mother is improving. guest at the Blazek home. Mrs. Frank Blazek drove to Long- view, Wash., Saturday morning where •bn visited relativos until Monday. Her daughter, Carol Jane, who had spent a week in Longview and Seattle Mrs. Ruth Witt spent the weekend at Oceanside at the beach home of the Roy O. Fishers. She was accom­ panied by Ruby Tohl, who went on to Tillamook on business. Mr. Tohl is owned and manager of one of the lar­ gest ranches in Tillamook county. On Sunday they all enjoved the boat ra­ ces on the Nehalem river. Social Events CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES der, Mrs. Inez Ring, Mrs. Elva Kui- ken, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. White, Jeantee Huffman, Mary Jo LYONS—The Womens Society of Cruson, Bonnie Cruson, Kathleen Kui- Christian Service held their meeting ken, and Carolyn Helemn. at the Glen Julian home Tuesday with a picnic in the grove. A pot luck din­ Santiam Rebekah Lodge ner was served during the noon hour. Meets Here Wednesday A short business meeting was held Santiam Rebekah lodge of this with many plans made. Thursday city, met Wednesday evening at the evening, August 20, was the date set IOOF hall, with about 25 members of for the ice cream social to be held on the Order present, and Mrs. Antonia the lawn at the Julian home. It was Thomas, noble grand, presiding. also voted to clean end do some de­ A decision was made to install sev­ corating at the parsonage as well as eral new officers at the next meeting, furnish it before the new minister ar­ to fill vacancies created by members rives, who is expected some time this moving away. In a contest held by week. the lodge members on “good of the Present for the meeting were Mes- dames George Huffman, Charles Cru­ order,” the loosing side will have son, Leonard Cruson. Willard Hart­ charge of the August 19th meeting ac­ nell, E. L. Roye, Virgil Rogers, Wilson tivities. At the close of the meeting, George Stevens, Loren Chamberlain, Van Pri­ chard, Chester Roy, Kenneth Helemn, Veteto furnished refreshments. Albert Julian, Alex Bodeker, Glen Julian, Floyd Bassett, Alice Huber, GATES WOMANS CLUB HAS Mrs. Catherine Julian, Mrs. Viola Zan- POT LUCK LUNCHEON GATES—The social meeting of the Gates Womans Club was held at the | home of Mrs. John Watson, Thurs­ day afternoon. A no-hostess luncheon I I was served at 1:30 o’clock at the fa- | mily picnic grounds on the bank of the river just above the old Niagara Dam. After lunch, several of the “more spry” ladies hiked down the I steep trail to view the dam. Members present were the hostess, Mrs. Watson and children, Mrs. Mar­ gie Anderson, Linda and Linette, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs. W. S. Hud- i son, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Harry Keister and Mrs. Albert Millsap. WOMENS CHRISTIAN SERVICE HAS PICNIC MONEY 4 WORTH OF Run a Food Mixer 5 Hours Toast 30 Slices of Bread Give You 8 Half-Hour Radio Programs Iron 30 Table Napkins • • a Altar Society Holds Meeting at Pietrok Home Keep Your Food Frozen for 8 Hours in a Home Freezer Clean 18 Room Size Rugs Cook a Meal for One Person Run a Fan 6 Hours With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres­ sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.GVW. i—rs-rd The averaqe family gets TWICE AS MUCH Electricity for its money as it did 20 years ago! ELSNER Motor Co Mountain States Power Co. “A Self-Supportinx, Tax-Pa.vinx. Private Enterprise' Business and Professional DIRECTORY Quality Job Priming at Mill City Enterprise Physician & Surgeon Mill City DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stay ton 2274 Stayton, Ore. WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS IAN G ERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY I. C ZIERS CX)SMETIOS J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9408. (XH.I.ECT 1079 Elm St., W. Salem LYONS—The Altar Society of the St. Patrick Catholic church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Phillip MILL CITY Pietrok. Plans were completed for the bazaar dinner to be held Sunday, Au­ DISPOSAL SERVICE gust 23. Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Present for the meeting were Mes- dames Heiman Free, Mike Schwindt, weekly pickups $1.50 tier month Jim Phelps, Lavern Spitz, Sam Brid­ Also light hauling. ges. Mike Fink, John Jungwirth, Mer- Leonard Herman Phone 3952 ril Brassfield, Pat Lyons, Mrs. Beh­ rens, Mrs. Fromherz, Mrs. Wagner «nBBBBBOGBOBBBBBBBBBBBBBZBl and Father Bernard. I TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN'T! IT'S A FACT! —L_1 1 J 1 WHEEL DRIVE WILLYS FLFCTRICITY W’dtclo^his TH I RSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1953 I 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family of Oregon City, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahnke. DR. MARK Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blanchard of Can­ by, Oregon, were guests Sunday at the Dewey Flatman home. Mr. Blanchard and Mrs. Flatman are cousins. Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers office® Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Otto Kiwneke returned to his duties in the Mill City State Bank, Sunday afternoon, after having spent the past week visiting relatives in Portland. This demonstration showed me the way to a better deal! HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Special Reduction PRICES GOOD UNTIL AUGUST 15th —Here’s the Sale You’ve Been looking For— IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK WE ARE OFFERING I’d been planning to buy a higher-priced car until I found out all Chevrolet offered — and how much I could save! You get more power on less gas That’s because Chevrolet's two great valve-in-head engines are high-compression engines. In Powerglide* models, you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolet’s field — the new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame.” Gear­ shift models offer the advanced 108-h.p "Thrift-King" engine. You're "sitting pretty behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model. First thing you’ll notice is the qual­ ity of the interior. Rich-looking appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the key to start the en­ gine and you’re ready to go. You can too all around You look out and down through a wide, curved, one- piece windshield. The pano- ramie rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions. Biggest brakes for smoother, easier stops An easy nudge on the pedal brings smooth, positive response —right now! Chevrolet's im­ proved brakes are the largest in the low-price field. It's heavier for better roadability You’re in for a pleasant sur­ prise at the smooth, steady, big-car ride of this new Chev­ rolet. Dne reason is that, model for model. Chevrolet will weigh up to 200 pounds more than the other low-prked cars. You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide* A lot finer performance on a lot less gas. That’s what you get with the new Powerglide automatic transmission. There’s no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. on children’s, grow­ ing girls and ladies shoes, oxfords, san­ dals and colored Keds. Sizes 8*4 up There are also some men’s and boys’ shoes and oxfords And it's the lowest-priced line A demonstration will show vow that Chevrolet offers just about everything you could want. Yet it’s the lowest-priced line in the low-price field. And to top it all off we have a hot buy on •Combination of Powerglide auto­ matic transmission and IlS-h p "Blue-Flame" engine optional on •"Two-Ten" and Bel Air models at extra cost RANCH RUGS size 22x44 and 24x48 oval and oblong Values $6.98 to $10.65 while thev last Let us demonstrate all the advantages of buying a Chevrolet now/ Jf I Rj $2.98 a ( MOIE PIOPII BUY CHfVROUB THAN ANY OTRI I (All Gene Teagve Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Serviee HILL TOP GENERAL STORE YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon STAYTON’. OREGON e T : = : I