Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
Progress Made On Movie of Santiam Canyon T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: Mil l. CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES 1DANH \ LYONS MEHAM \ Work has been going on from time to time putting the beauties of the North Santiam Canyon on colored mo ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE vie film to be used in promoting tour ist trade for this area. Thursday of this past week, Dr. VOLUME IX NUMBER 33 MILL CITY. OREGON. ’ THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1953 12-50 a Year, !()(•» Copy Robert Anderson of Salem, Doug Heater of the Fern Ridge road, and Jerry Coffman, Mehama, spent the day taking pictures of fishing scenes along the colorful North Santiam river. A They also took pictures of the en tire plywood plant at Lyons, owned A thunderstorm last Wednesday by the M and M Qo. When the film is night brought residents of this area completed, it is expected to be shown out of their beds about midnight when to residents of cities of the area. Members of the City Council last A willing crew of fans, tournament The film cost is being borne by the Wednesday night voted unanimously came before the city council that the lightning began cracking down in officials and ballplayers, turned out big league form. Right in the imme North Santiam Chamber of Com for fluoridation of the city water sup night was discussion of establishing diate area no serious damage was Sunday to work at the completion of merce. ply and the treatment will be started a city dog pound. No action could be reported, however, some trees were Allen Field and make it ready for the as soon as possible, according to Ma taken on this matter as no funds have blown down. State Tournament which will be held yor John Muir. This council action been provided for the expense. It is here August 22-26. Lightning did, however, start some followed the reading of a petition believed that this item will be includ blazes in the Detroit area. A watch Many of the major construction signed by 301 Mill City residents. ed in the new budget. problems faced by tourney officials Council members present were Ar- man from a logging crew averted a There were no protests to this action lo Tuers, Bob Hill, Lee Knowles, Dave severe fire in the Parkett Creek area. were eliminated Sunday, although by any resident of the city. A crew of 15 men from the Ercil much is left to be done in final pre The city water supply is furnished Reid and Mayor Muir. Wilson Logging Company, fought the paration for the Saturday, August Mill City becomes the seventh city by the Mountain States Power com in Oregon to order fluoridation of the blaze from 2:30 to 7 a. m. to get it 22 opener. pany and it was stated that about New Bleachers Erected out. Vacation will end for Mill City three months will be required to in water. Other Oregon cities approving An additional 30 feet of new blea Telephone linemen were called out school students at 9 o’clock, Septem a like measure are Eugene, Bend, ber the 8th, according to Superinten stall the fluoride treatment plant for Klamath Falls, Roseburg and Hills- to repair some line damage after the cher space was erected along the first water system. base line to complete a permanent pro storm. dent V. S. Todd. There will be no the About the only other matter that boro. It was reported to this office as the ject started last year. Portable blea school on the 10th and 11th, as tea According to David M. Witter, di chers from the Mill City high school, chers will attend the Linn County rector of dental health section of the worst storm of the season. with seating capacity for an addition work shops. Oregon State Board of Health, there I al 500, was added to the left field All first graders and ninth graders will be a dental examination made of line. There is space left for the erec are asked to complete the physical the children sometime this school tion of one more concession stand. examination before school starts. year and an effort made to round out A five foot high wire fence was First grade students may pick up the a more complete dental health pro stretched from the dugouts to the forms for physical checkups at the gram. Fluoridation is only one part wood fence on each side of the field, elementary school office. Registra of a dental health program, yet it is 1 ...™. effec- - The school board of the Mill City enclosing the entire in-bounds area of tion will be on September 4. claimed by some to be the most tive "tool" that "is av.Hable in the'field sch,ools met in regularjession All first grade students are requir ed to present birth certificates or the on dental health for the prevention of at the elementary school, Tuesday Santiam Valley Grange night. equivalent when entering school. Holds Meeting Friday Kelly Lumber Sales, champions of tooth decay. Chairman Russell Kelly was in First graders coming to school for the Santiam Softball league and one In Oregon there are a few communi The Santiam Valley grange met Fri the first time must be six years old of this year’s top tournament favor ties that have fluorides occuring na charge of the meeting and Harold day evening with Master Giles Wag Kliewer was the other board member on or before November 5th, in order ites, will meet last year’s State cham turally in their water supply. These ner presiding. All officers were pres to be eligible to attend school. pions from Corvallis, in a double cities are Boardman, Nyssa, Ontario present. Wm. Shuey is on vacation, ent and a total of 22 were present. so was not present. Mrs. Lee Ross, header game at Allen Field here to and Umatilla. Wilson Stevens was appointed to clerk, stated some time was spent night (Thursday). represent the Santiam Valley Grange checking over the sketches of the new The Corvallis nine will feature the at a state highway location meeting high school gymnasium. The sketches pitching of Hal Wehemeir and Jack to be held in Stayton. were submitted to the board by Ann- Sprick along with the long ball hitting The Grange fall festival commit and, Boone and Lei, architects of of Dick Sprick. Wehemeier was voted tees were appointed as follows: Portland. as last year’s outstanding tournament Fair chairman, Elmer Taylor; as Superintendent V. S. Todd, Princi pitcher and Sprick was awarded the sistant, Lloyd Sletto; fancy work, pal Howard Means, and Coach Bur hitting honors. Kelly Lumber Sales defeated Bill ton Boroughs, were present at the Blanche Wagner and Lois Meyers; Kelly’s travel to Bucxman field at & Caps of Lebanon in a double head I canning, ’ Bertha Basil and Mrs. Ed Miss Janet Bellin this week began Portland Sunday for a twin bill with er played at Allen Field Tuesday meeting. ! Taylor; flowers, Celene Taylor, Bee her duties as correspondent from the Grimshaw Tire nine. Hiatt and Rose Coffman; baking. Mrs. night. The first game, a close one, Crook Family Picnics Mehama for the Mill City Enterprise. D. A. Franklin and Dorothy Draper; wound up 4 to 3 in favor of the local Miss Beilin’s news column appears Drivers License Examiner At Milk Creek Park fruit, Frank Basil, Cecil Teagaiden; nine. on page 8 of this issue. Relatives from Portland, Salem, vegetables, Wilson Stevens, Elaine Dumbrowsky, with two hits in three To Be Here August 20 With the coverage of the news in Stayton and Mehama gathered at the Russell, William Pr'.ha (; fsim A Drivers License Examiner will be times at bat, was the leading hitter in Milk Creek Park near Portland, Sun booths, G. D. Meyers, Giles Wagner; the Mehansa area The Enterprise the first game. In the second game, this week comes one step closer to its on duty in Mill City, Thursday, Au Kelly’s got a barrage of hits with D. day of last week, when the Crook fa livestock, Albert Bass, John Lam plan for complete news coverage of gust, 20th, at the Fire Hall, between Bennett, Caiey, McMorris, Zuber, mily met for a family reunion. Two brecht, Albert Julian; entertainment the Canyon area. There is now only the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., ac and Dan Valdez each getting two sons and two daughters and their and prizes, Jerry Coffman, Albert one community left without a repre cording to an announcement received hits. families were unable to attend, but Stevens, Leo Russell; advertising. Bob sentative of The Enterprise, that be from the Secretary of State’s office. | Short score, first game. the following were present: Mrs. Eva Draper, Alta Bodeker and Eva Bress Persons wishing original licenses or | ing Idanha. As soon as possible a F, I Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook ler. R H permits to drive are asked to file . Everyone living in this area is in representative will be secured in that 1 and Bob, of Mehama; Mr. and Mrs. 5 4 Kelly Lumber area. Mehama residents are asked applications well ahead of the schedul Bill & Caps 4 Fred Jacoby and family of Stayton; vited to make entries in the fair. Any 3 3 to cooperate with Miss Beilin by giv ed closing hour in order to assure i Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Seamster and of the above named committee mem Second Game, ing her news of interest in that area. time for completion of the required I daughter, Joan, of Salem; Mr. and bers can furnish more information if R 11 license tests. Mrs. Richard Croak, Mr. and Mrs. Leo it is desired. The fair will be held 13 12 Kelly Lumber i Crook and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don- September 26th. The lecture program 3 0 Bill & Caps Nursing Conference and Davidson and Carey, Applegate and 1 aid Crook and family, all of Port- subject was “Safety in the Home" | land. The day was spent visiting, and ‘‘Government Price Support”, the Kalina, R. Milliard. Immunization Clinic Is i swimming and enjoying a picnic din latter creating many heated dis Defeat Ix-banon Monday Scheduled for Detroit cussions. The Kelly men traveled to Lebanon ner at the park. A nursing conference and immuni- Monday night and defeated Lebanon I ------------------------------------------------ Several local fishermen motored to I zation clinic will be held in the Ele Western Veneer by score of 8 to 2 and Newport this past weekend where they mentary School at Detroit, on Thurs .8 to 1. chartered a boat to do some deep sea day, August 20th. , | Al Zuber with a homer. Dale Ben- The hours will be from 9:30 to 12, ’ nett with two triples, and Ron David- fishing. Reports here state they o’clock, noon, with Mrs. J. R. Hase- I son with four hits in four trips to the caught 21 salmon. Those who made up the party were: man in charge. | plate were the heavy stickers for The following letter was received tests, job performance tests, shots, Tex Blazek, Ray Walker. Melvin La- . Kelly's in the first game. Dale Ben- Vine, Joe Lalack, Clifford Large, GAYNIGHTERS SQUARE DANCE I nett with two hits in three times at this week from Robert Wingo, former photo, fingerprints, identification Tommy Wood, Bill Tickle, Ed Yarnell, CLUB HAS OUTING AT BEACH I bat, lead the way in the second game. resident of Mill City: card, supervisors training session, is Blue Jay Camp, Six couples belonging to the Gay- Gale Lowery, Ken Siler, Kenneth Cro- Pearson pitched a no-hitter in the suing of Arctic clothing, orientation Thule, Greenland, foot, Bert Roberts, George Williams, nighters Square Dance Club of Mill second game. and signing of contract. August 4, 1953 all of Mill City; Cecil Fritts, Van City enjoyed an outing at the beach Short score, first game, Left Minneapolis at 6:00 a. m. the D. W. Moffatt. couver; Jim Race, Dee Shifflett, on Sunday. They enjoyed swimming E II R 17th by Navy plane and arrived at 1 Mill City Enterprise, Howard Carter and Lyle Slack of Sa at Ocean Lake, had a seafood dinner Kelly Lumber 8 14 Westover, Mass, at 11:30 a. m. (1:30 lem; Ralph Winchell and Dutch Stet- at the Beach Cafe at Depoe Bay and Lebanon .................. 0 4 Mill City, Oregon. 1 p m. their time) were given rr-als and Dear Sir: ner of Gates; Dick Matherson, Sil drove to Taft, before returning home Davidson and Carey; R. DeKuyper lodging at the air force base and left Sorry that I did not have the op- Westover at 9:15 a. m. the 18th by verton; and Larry Bangs of Mehama. that night. Making the trip were Mr. and A. DeKuyper. portunity of meeting you before I left air force plane. Stopped at Goose Bay, and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Second game. Arey Podrabsky, Mr. and Mrs. Glen fl E Mill City. I was in California on va Labrador, for four hours, (what a R 1 cation when you took over the paper filthy place for Americans to stop Blegen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason, Mr. Kelly Lumber Cadet Wiley E. Muise . 8 8 and upon my return I had to leave for and eat!) then at an N. A. C. camp, 0 4 and Mrs. George Veteto, all of Mill 1 Lebanon Makes First Solo Flight City, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pearson and D. Bennett; R. DeKuy this job in such a rush that I did not BW 8 at Nice, Greenland for chow and MILTON, FLA. (FHTNC)—A first Downing of Lyons. have time. per and Schaeffer. on to here. Arrived here at 5:30 a. m. solo flight was made by Naval Avia This is quite a large camp, housing ■ the 19th. For several hours of the tion Cadet Wiley E. Muise, nephew nearly 7000 men at present. North flight all we could see was ice, both of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jenkins of Atlantic Constructors have 3200 on on land and water. It's quite an uneasy Box 702, Mill City. Cadet Muise at the payroll at present and the balance feeling to look down upon such an ice tended Willamette University. Salem. is Air Force, Army, Navy, Army. En covered wasteland knowing ’ what The flight was completed at the U. S. gineers, Danes and another engineer would be the outcome of a forced Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Whiting ing company. It is situated in a cove landing for the entire country is very Field, here. The Cadet will now receive and is somewhat protected so isn't co erosive. The Bonneville Power Administra instruction in precision air work and tion is calling for bids for grading the it will then become the major switch vered with ice as the rest of the sur There are several here from Oregon. aerobatics along with his regular switchyard and spur track for the ing station for the BPA in the Wil rounding country is. We are complet And some who worked at Detroit solo flights. Santiam substation. The site of the lamette Valley. Two transmission ing an air base for the air force that Dam. Leonard Erickson, who was a Santiam substation is located approxi lines will come to the substation from was started in 1951. I corps' engineer trainee, Frank Ham mately 3 miles west of the town of McNary and The Dalles dams, plus The weather has been very nice un by, Wirtenan, Howell and a few others Sleeoer Fire From Storm a connection to the Detroit dam. Three Lyons in Linn County. The successful til the past few <|ays. At present it is whose names I do not recall. Breaks Loose Monday transmission raining, cold and quite windy. During contractor will be required to grade | major high-capacity We are treated very nice, furnisher! DETROIT—A fire, presumably a the substation site and the spur track, lines will leave this Santiam substa- the rainy days the climate reminds me very good housing, (rooms-2 men to sleeper from last week’s electric construct a major drainage ditch, in tion4o serve the principal load centers of Mill City except that, although the a room) excellent food and plenty of storm, was discovered a mile and a stall corrugated metal pipe culvert, in the Willamette Valley. The 230-kv sun doesn't shine, it is very light. It's it, good medical facilities, including half southwest of the Marion Forks and install some barbed wire fencing. Detroit-Alvey (Eugene) line now in hard to get accustomed to seeing day medical doctor, surgeon, dentist, hos Bids will be opened in Portland. Ore service will be connected and control light at all hours, even more so, when pital, registered nurses (men) and Guard Station, Monday. A nineteen man suppression crew gon, on August 26. The successful led through the new Santiam substa the sun is shining brightly at mid X-ray, laboratory and pharmacy tec of forestry and logging workers were contractor will be given 60 days to tion. A new 230-kv circuit extending night and all through the night for hnicians. All the recreation possible, from Lyons to Albany, scheduled for that matter. It is quite an experience movies, library, hobby shop, and in sent to the scene. The fire was complete the work. Following the completion of grad completion by the fall of 1954. will to one who hasn’t seen anything like fact, like a city, except No ladies, or brought under sontrol after burning ing, BPA proposes to proceed with also be controlled and operated from it before. You sometimes wonder children over about a half acre. step 1 of the construction program for the Santiam substation. The third ma whether it is time to go to bed or get Will enclose one of our papers so this facility which includes the instal jor circuit between Lyons and Chem- up. you can get an idea of the kind of CITY PUTS MARKERS ON lation of a 20,000-kva. 230-69-kv step | awa, sc heduled for completion in Had a nice trip from Oregon, Left news we receive daily. CROSS WALKS THIS WEEK down substation to provide service to 1955, will reinforce «ervice to the Sa Portland by train at 3:00 p. m. on I left in such a rush that I did not This week. Art Hedge, maintenance both the Benton-Lincoln Electric Co lem area and Lincoln and Tillamook July 8th, arrived I at Minneapolis, get to bid goodbye to most of my man for Mill City, has been busy operative and the Mountain States Po counties on the Oregon coast. appreciate hearing Minn, at 6:30 a. m. the 10th and was friends. Would putting yellow metal discs on all the wer Company for the Santiam Valley Funds in the amount of 36,667,000 met by representatives of the com from all who care to write. main cross walks in Mill City. This area. Present plan* call for the com | were recently appropriated by Con pany and taken by bus to Rosemount Sincerely, will be an improvement over the old pletion of this work by the fall of 1954. gress for the substation and the in- Camp, near Rosemount, Minn., about Robert V Wingo. system of yellow paint, according to In the year following, the substation ■ coming transmission lines related to 22 miles from Minneapolis. We were North Atlantic Construction, Mr Hedge, as the oil from the pave will be enlarged by the addition of this major reinforcing power supply processed there for a week, physicals, APO No. 23, care of Postmaster ment discolored the paint rapidly some 230-kv oil circuit breakers, as network. New York City. N. Y. psychiatric, life's, history, aptitude City Dads OK Water Fluoridation Measure Thunder Storm Starts Fires in Detroit Area Workers Spend Busy Sunday at Allen Field School To Start September 8th Kelly Lumber And Corvallis Meet Tonight Janet Bellin New Mehama Writer for Mill City Enterprise Mill City School Board Meets Tuesday Kelly Lumber Wins 4 Games This Week Local Anglers Go Deep Sea Fishing Letter Received From Former Resident Now Located at Thule, Greenland Bonneville Power Administration Asks Bids on Santiam Substation Near Lyons the playing field. This improvement, was mad« at the request of State of ficials to prevent player injury and t* eliminate the possibility of spectator interference. Only a few of the commercial signi are left to be painted on the outfield fence, which is an improvement thie year. This painting has been done by; A. A. LeCours. Season Tickets Now on Sale Bill Tickle, ticket sales chairmgtt, urges the public to buy season tickets now. Advance sales have been good« but better results are necessary to ts- sure the local softball association sufficient funds with which to meet the tournament guarantee. A Zenith) portable radio, now on display at Mc«f Carthy furniture, will be given by th* association to the lucky season tickefl holder. Tickets are on sale at Ste wart’s Grocery, Mom and Pop’s Cafe« Mill City Tavern, Meander Inn, and the Gates Furniture Store. i District Playoffs This Week Kelly Lumber Sales, the host team'« is the only certain entry to date, buO most of the 16 district playoffs will be played early this week, the eight intra-district playoffs to be complet ed by this time next week. Hermiston and Grant’s Pass are the only district winners known at this time, and will be favored as tourney entries along with Salem, Eugene, Corvallis, Tilla mook and Bend. Russ Hoffman, CBI personnel dfa rector, who has devoted much of hW time and labor to assist in the Allen Field construction work, announced this week that his office will purchas* season tickets for all members of th* CBI team and their wives. Paul Jahnke Saves Boy North Santiam What could very easily have been • tragedy occurred about eleven o’clocIC Saturday forenoon, when David Ump« hress, fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Umphreys, slipped and fell into the swirling rapids be low the dam. By a lucky circumstance, Paul Jahnke was repairing his fence on the Linn county side of the river near the dam, when he heard cries for help. He investigated and the boys brother, Ro land, 16, came running up the bank to summon help. Neither boys could swim. Mr. Jahnke immediately waded into the river up to his armpits and when the swift current brought the boy into reaching distance, Mr. Jahnke was able to hold him and tow him to shore. He resorted to artificial respira tion at once and after ten or fifteen minutes, with help of others who came to the scene, the lad responded to treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Roy, Mr. Towl and Wes Greene, a first aid instructor, helped until Dr. Reid arrived. The boy was brought home on a stretcher, given penicillin shots and made comfortable. At this writing he is apparently suffering no lasting ef fects from his ordeal. This near tragedy should impress everyone of the danger of that par ticular spot in the river, and parents are urged to keep their children a safe distance from the dam. Santiam V alley Grange To Have Social Nijfht The Santiam Valley grange will have a social night, Friday. August 21. The Grange and the Mehama Far mers Union will be co-hosts that night to Mr. Stout, who has just re turned from Greece and has many interesting pictures which he plans to show the group. All Granges and Farmers Union members are urged to come and also bring their friends. The Grange men will bring pies and the Farmers Un ion will furnish the coffee and dough nuts. Movies On Scenic Oregon To Be Shown At I>egion Meeting Here Tonight at 8 The Mill City American Legion poet No. 159 will hold its regular meeting at the I-egion hall here tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock sharp, ac- cording to Ford Wilaon, publicity chairman. Besides the regular business meet ing, a film on scenic Oregon will be shown. •