THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1953 I «—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE RELATIVES GATHER FOR SWAM FAMILY PICNIC IN SALEM Members of the Swan family enjoy- REPAIRING i ed a picnic in Leslie Park at Salem, Sunday, August 2nd. Don’t throw away that on Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. pair of old shoes. H. W. Dunigan, Mr. and Mrs. Wn. E. Bring them here and let Dunigan, Rose, Billy and Bobby, Mrs. B. P. Lovett, and Mrs. Georgia Moul- us put them in ten, all of Salem; Miss Mary Lovett of Hawthorne, California; Mr. and FIRST CLASS J Mrs. Elton Fishback, Alice and Mar CONDITION garet, of Klamath Falls, Ore.; Mrs. * * ♦ J. L. Spry, Clarence Spry, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smeenk and Johnny, Mr. We Have and Mrs. Ronald Swan and Lynn, all MOCCASINS of Portland; Mrs. Jack Moulton, Mrs. for Men Women and Joe Scire, Billy Jo, Terry and Ricky, of Albany; Stephen Kalb of Oregon Children City; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cather- • * * wood and Dwight Jr., of West Linn; Mrs. A. F. Catherwood, Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, and Mr. and Mrs. James Swan of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayward were guests of the East of the Bank family. SHOE Chuck's Shoe Shop Mill City Phone 1826 Quality Job Printing at The Mill City Enterprise IT’S MASON’S MILL CITY for Back to School Togs New Millium Lined New Colors! JANTZEN COATS SWEATERS $7.95 to $10-95 $35 WARMTH WITHOUT WEIGHT lined with the revolutionary insu lated (alumnium impregnated) fabric - MILLIUM 1 All sizes, solid colors, patters 100% virgin wool New Fall SKIRTS $g.95 to FULLER-FASHIONED sweaters in lovely new colors for BACK TO SCHOOL. Jantzens fit better, wear longer, and wash beautifully for years! Another Mason’s exclusive. Ankle Sorts to Match $1.00 WHITE STAG JACKETS Exciting selections, ra. -:s. 100% $1095 wools, and orlons, stra y it. lared, The 1953 campus sensation. Stag's and pleated styles, all - z-j. “4-Season" wind and water repel See The New lent polin, white or navy, al) sixes. Pendleton ’49er Jackets another famous name found only at Mason's of Mill City and Silverton USE OUR CONVENIENT Free Lay-A-way Service Oper. Fridays 9 p'm. Phone ' . STYLE SHOP. Mffl Cily Goodyear Tires Tire Repairing $1.50 HART’S PLASTIC AUTO GLOSS "The Lazy Man’s Polish” Enough to do your car 3 times WE ALSO HANDLE CAR PARTS See Us First Before Y oh Buy We Give S & H Green Stamps Mehama Richfield Station Bob Draper .Mehama, Oregon -Mill Ends- GATES Mra. Albert Millsap Recent guests from San Francisco j visiting relatives here were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaVine and , Mrs. Mel Boyer and daughter Carol, Sharon attended a family reunion in I at the home of Mrs. Boyer’s mother, Portland, Sunday. j Mrs. Mabie Knutson. They were also . entertained at the home of Mr. and Otto Koeneke of the Mill City Bank, Mrs. Robert Levon, during their stay is spending this week in Portland vi here. siting friends. Mrs. Amos Roten flew to San Fran cisco the first of the week for a four Mrs. James I. Poole returned to day visit with her husband, Mr. Ro- her duties in the local bank after be [ ten, who is employed in that city with United Air Lines. Mrs. Roten is nur- ing on vacation. 1 sing at the Santiam Memorial hospi- 1 tai in Stayton. Kenneth and Carl Chance of this city, were business visitors in Eu Pvt. Edward Romey was on a ten i day furlough at his home here from gene, Saturday. I Camp Roberts, Calif. He left Aug. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kerr of Cres 28 to report to his new station at well visited at the home of A. W. Camp Stoneman, near San Francisco.* 1 Spending a week here at the home Kerr over the weekend. of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Chance of Al Clarence Johnson, was Miss Beverly Above is pictured Miss Donna Ar- bany, were visitors at the Carl Chance Johnson, of Lebanon. She also visited lone Kuhlman, daughter of Mr. and at the homes of her cousins, Mrs. home Sunday. The men are brothers. Gwen Schaer and Mrs. Robert Levon. Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, who plans to be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and married late this month to Cpl. Mar Mr. and Mrs. Gale Lowery and son were Silverton visitors vin F. Bibler, son of Mr. and Mrs. daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Martin one J^rrald day last week at the home of Frank Bibler.—Cut courtesy Capital Kelly spent Sunday fishing at Clear Mrs. Tucker’s mother, Mrs. Jessie Journal. Lake. Hall. Mrs. Burrel Cole and mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir motored Minnie Everton, accompanied Mrs. Stafford of Niagara and Mrs. Delbert to Silverton Saturday evening to visit Glen Henness to Dallas Thursday for Jenkins of Mill City. The family also friends. They were accompanied by a visit with Mrs. Henness’s mother, 1 visited Mr. Frichtle's mother and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver of Gates. brothers in Stayton. Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis have Glen Henness was in Portland on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henderson of as their guest their grand-daughter, business Thursday of last week. Hen- Seattle, W’ash., were weekend guests Kathryn Overlock, from Seattle. I ness is in the loggng business and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson spent Mon 1 needed new parts for some of the 1 Walkup. Mr. Henderson and Mrs. day and Tuesday of last week at Can ■ equipment. Walkup are brother and sister. The non Beach, while attending the regu Mrs. John Watson will open her Hendersons, who are on vacation, left lar meeting of the Third District of home at Niagaga to members of the here Monday for Boise, Idaho. the Federation of Oregon Womens Gates Wamons club, Thursday after- dubs. Mrs. Hutcheson is one of the I noon of this week for the social John Bracher of Seaside, Oregon, directors of the third district and was meeting. A no-host luncheon will be is visiting this week at the home of a house guest during her stay at the held at one o’clock. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh summer home of Mrs. Chase, vice- Mrs. George Bailey and son Leland Walkup. John’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. president of the third district. are spending a week in Hood River Douglas Bracher, brought him to Sa Mr. and Mrs, David Barnhardt and with Mr. Bailey, who is employed lem Sunday, and visited at the Walkup little daughter. Melody, left Sunday, home in that city. The senior Walk a week ago, for an extended trip, vi there. Mrs. Laura Joaquin, who has been ups also visited in Salem Sunday, and siting in Los Angeles, San Diego and employed in San Jose, Calif., for the John returned home with them. I-aCanada, California. They will also; past three months, arrived Monday Mexico before returning home. ' at her home here to spend a three Mrs. Frank Blazek and daughter visit Recent guests from LaCanada,t week vacation, before returning to Carol Jane, and Mrs. George Stewart Calif., visiting relatives here were drove to Salem Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frichtle and four California. Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick have from which place Miss Blazek took children. Mrs. Frichtle was formerly had Mr. Pennick’s nephew, Dick Pen the bus to Seattle, Washington. She Miss Ruby Nystroc and has several nick from Vancouver, Washington, plans to spend a week with her relatives here and in Mill City. She as guest at their home for the past friend, Sharon Gallagher. On her way and her family visited at the home of two weeks. The family and their I home she will visit in Longview, Wn. her brothers, Richard and Oscar Ny- guest camped at Breitenbush Hot with two aunts, Mrs. Wilbur Rhoades strom, of Little Sweden; her sisters, Springs over a weekend before his re and Mrs. Max Stoop. Mrs. Mabie Knutson and Mrs. George turn home. Mrs. Harl Parker, accompanied by her neices, Marilyn and Nancy Ward of Medford, who have been visiting at the Parker home, motored to Salem Friday morning, where the girls re mained at the home of relatives, Mr and Mrs. Keith Hayes, for a week’s visit. Mrs. Parker returned home Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Flatman. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Flatman drove to Newport, Oregon, Saturday, where they tried their luck at deepsea fish ing. During the couple hours they were out Sunday afternoon, Dewey caught a 40-pound Chinook and a 16- pound Silver, and the boat they were on, caught in all, 400 pounds of fish. The group returned home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Flatman are proprietors of Mom and Pop’s Cafe in Mill City. Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter. Su san and Steven, left Tuesday for Ber keley, Calif., to spend two weeks at their parental homes. Next Sunday, Dr. Hoveland, from the Philosophy Department of Oregon State College, at Corvallis, will fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in this city. John Muir and son. Terry, motored to Salem Sunday where they attended the final baseball game played by the Junior Legion baseball team. Mr. Muir, who is vice commander of dis trict No. 2, had the honor of present ing an award to Twink Peterson of Salem, who was chosen as the most outstanding infielder of the league. The Petersons and Muirs were friends in North Dakota before the families moved to Oregon, so it was an added pleasure for Mr. Muir. SIXK^ SIX i« the new Dr. Hea product for killing lice on chickens. It contain« benzene hexachloride — «aie, qui, k and effective. You don't put SIX on the bird«. It’s a roo«t paint that you apply to the perche». SIX vaporize« and the fume« kill lice on rocuting bird«. Better than old-»tvle roo«t paint» because it*» lew irritating, i« more •table at high temperature«, ha« a residual effect and i« economical. Lyons, Oregon FOOD LOCKERS $Q per year and up ------ WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS------ I cm waateful than applying with a bru«h. Try thi« new and better • a Santiam Farmers la-op St ay ton, Oregon ramr v q a q a ti an aanmnorawnrani Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Closed Mondays Super Savings On Top Grade Foods Eat the Best for Less NO. 2 POTATOES 98c 50 Striped WATERMELLONS lb. 4C RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches 9c Armour Star SLICED BACON lb. 79< PICNICS •b- 49c If we don't have w hat you need we’ll get it for you WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS SWIFT’S PREM Can 39C Hathaway Garage MOBIL PRODUCTS Mill City, Oregon Mayflower Ice Cream Pint 39c > YOU’LL Gal'on $1.49 Hi C ORANGE DRINK 46 ounce can IdJelcotne 25c THIS RADIO HUNT’S CATSUP 2 bottles 29c SERVICEMAN! SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 *bs. 89c You'll welcome him because he's going to do the right job, the right way, at the right price. radio Lindsey Select OLIVES Service techni cians are courteous, helpful, and Can 19c trained in up to the minute fac Durkee’s MARGARINE tory methods for expert service on all makes, all models. 1 »>■ IF YOUR 29c Standby Chunk Style TUNA Can 29c SIT NEEDS ATTENTION: TELEPHONE 3207 loute killer. Satisfaction guaranteed. a Phone 5807 Mill City • • ♦ Pure Lean GROUND BEEF lb. 39c Boats Boat Trailers Boat Kits Supplies Outboard Motors A »ingle application doe« the job. Come» in a can with handv »pout that put» a thin itrram on the roo«t. Viv's Sieak House DRY ONIONS No. 1 4 lbs 15c G ROC ER I ES—M E ATS—V EG ETA BLES Our Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Podrabsky, Deci, nis and Laurene, have returned from a weeks vacation which they'spent in southern Oregon and California. They visited Mrs. Podrabsky’s grand mother Mrs. Emma Reints of Central Point, who is a former Miil City resident. Mrs. Reints is in very poor health and, is bedfast most of the time. She is 86 years old. While in southern Oregon the Podrabskys visited her brother, Carl Dunkle at Holland, Ore., and her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nelson. Miss Julie Nelson returned home with them for a several weeks visit. SEEDLESS GRAPES lb. 23< Thiel’s Store & Market Phone 234 W. D. Hoeye returned to his home Tuesday following surgery in Salem Memorial hospital. He is slowly im proving. Stiffler Radio & Appliance Raytheon Bonded Electronic Technicians Santiam Blvd. Mill City, Oregon auTMOtutr vtMst« • an ico racroav • supmvisid soviet Girod’s On the Highwav at STAYTON