5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for the Logger" BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Phone 116 Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons FOR RENT! FULLY FURNISHED TRAILER HOUSES CLEAN REST ROOMS LOTS OF HOT WATER ELECTRIC WASHER and DRYER SHOWER BATH Reasonable Rates Rainbow Trailer Court 1*4 Miles East of Mill City on Highway 22 —— Your Watch ELECTRONICALLY TESTED IN 30 SECONDS 1r without Charge Stop in and let us test your watch. Our scientific "WatchMaster" will print a record automatically, showing the exact condition of your watch. And, if it requires regulation or repair, your watch will receive the attention of an expert craftsman. Prompt and economical service with all work elec tronically checked for accuracy. Have your watch 'WatchMaster" tested, today. BAKER’S MILL CITY JEWELRY Watches and Watch Repairing P. 0. Box 215 Phone 843 Mill City, Oregon Mrs. Lee Bassett and son. Maurie and Terry Muir motored to Salem j Sunday evening to see the Senators | and Lewiston play a double header ball game. Guests from Canada, at the Harry Dyhrman home in this city, are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Edwards and their son Allan. Mrs. Dyhrman and Mr. Ed wards are sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott were among those to attend the ball game at Eugene Saturday night, when Kelly Lumber Sales lost one and won one there. Darrell Kelly, who was five years old Saturday, entertained four of his little playmates that afternoon. A birthday cake and ice cream were served by his mother, Mrs. David Kelly. Mrs. Dave Kelly and son moved to The Dalles Saturday to join Mr. Kel ly, who has been employed there for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Herman accompanied them and re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gilbert of Los Angeles, spent a week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler. They are old time friends. While here they enjoyed a trip to Peterson’s Rock gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheythe and fa mily visited the former’s parents at Pedee, Oregon, over the weekend. On Sunday they attended an old timers picnic at Maple Grove at Airlee, Ore. Mrs. Sheythe’s mother, Mrs. Corbin, accompanied them. New subscribers the past week are Tom Morris, Merritt Hamblin, Frank Nist, L. H. Verbeck, Elsie Potter, Olive Barnhardt, and Don Walker, of Mill City and Cecil Haun of Red ding, Cal.; renewals are Marion Coun ty Public W’elfare Commission. Returning Monday from a “long week-end” at their summer cottage at Road's End, on the Oregon coast, were l Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill. They had driven to the beach on Friday after noon. The weather was perfect. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Odermann and children Kathie and Jimmie, of Fortuna, California, left for their home Monday after visiting several days in Mill City at the home of Mrs. Odermann’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | James Swan. The Odermanns drove I to Olympia and Portland to visit re latives during their trip. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID AND LEGAL NOTICE Sealed Proposals will be received by the City Council of Gates, Oregon, until b:00 p. m. on Monday, August 10th, 1953 for the Installation of Wa ter Distribution System Improve ments as set forth in the Plans and Specifications therefor now in file in the office of the City Recorder. At the time hereinbefore mentioned and at Gates City Hall said proposals will be publicly opened and read. All proposals should be sealed and endorsed “Proposal for Water System Installation”, addressed to the City Recorder and delivered to the Record er’s office by mail or in person to the Recorder. Said Proposals to be on the Proposal blanks furnished with the Plans and Specifications. Plans and Specifications can be ob- Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons, Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN • Whether you think an illness is contagious or not—call upon a physi cian to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Then follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, that you will bring the doctor’s prescriptions here for careful com pounding. Just try us I Salem RELIABU THVRSDAY. Jl'LY 30, 1953 satisfaction of the Town of Gates, | Oregon, for the faithful performance of said Contract in the sum of 100% of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to in crease or decrease or omit any item or items and or to award the Con tract to the lowest responsible bid der. By order of the City Council of the Town of Gates, Oregon. Dated Friday. July 24, 1953. MRS. GEORGE CLISE •_______ City Recorder. tained at the office of the City Re corder, or at the office of G. R. Boat wright, Consulting Engineer, Masonic Building. Salem, Oregon, upon pay ment of $10.00 for each set, which will be refunded upon return of the above documents in good condition, within five days after the opening of the Proposals. Each Proposal must be accompan ied by a Bond with an approved Sure ty Company as surety, in the sum of 10% of the amount of the Bid as surety for the execution of the Con tract. A certified check on a solvent hank draw-n and made payable to the Town of Gates, Oregon, in the sum of 10% of the amount Bid will be ac cepted in lieu of said Bond. Should any- bid be rejected such Bond or certified check shall be returned upon execu tion and securing of the Contract. The successful bidder will be requir ed to execute the Contract within 10 days after the award of the work to him and shall furnish bond to the ui first for . . . ’ '■ itotpoint J APPLIANCE SERVICE , • Foctary-Trained Iiparti • Genuin« Hetpoint Part» • Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 STAYTON Mario Ravioli KELLOM’S Il A M BURG ER STAND Serving Delicious Hamburgers (’of fee Pie and Ice Cream w ith meat &Tom. Sauce . J 2 ¿49c f\ MARLO Spaghetti n-aír 2 for 49c HEINZ, Strained and Junior Baby Food 3 for 23c STANDBY—In Glass Mug 4 WHEEL DRIVE WILLYS Peanut Butter . . 29c I FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY n 0^ ON ALL SPORT SHIRTS ON ALL REDS SUMMER SHOES OR TENNIS SHOES Better Get In On These Hot Bargains . . -TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN TI With the extra tractioa of 4 - wheel drive and the power of its high-compres sion HURRICANE Engine, this "go-anywhere” Willys Truck gets through mud, snow and sand that stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 53OOlbs.G VW. ELSNER Motor Co SALEM, ORE WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 10:00 A. M. Until 5:00 P. M. AND ---------------- By Shopping at Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City, Oregon