The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 30, 1953, Image 1

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    Don Ragsdale Now
Stationed In Korea
With the 45th Infantry Division
in Korea—Army Pvt. Donald E. Rags­
dale, son of Ernest Ragsdale, Mill
City, Oregon, recently arrived in
Korea for duty with the 45th Infantry
Private Ragsdale, an infantryman,
entered the Army last January and
completed basic training at Fort
Lewis, Washington.
A former student at Mill City High
School, he was employed by a River­
side Lumber Company in civilian life.
The 45th Division arrived in Korea in
December 1951, and captured *‘T-
Bone” Hill in the see-saw battles the
following June. An Oklahoma Na­
tional Guard unit called to active duty
in 1950, it was the first national
guard outfit to enter combat since
World War 2.
• V •
Going Forward
$2.50 a Year,
Local Scouts Return Saturday from
Week’s Camping Trip Near Mt. Jefferson
Fifteen tired but happy boys and
their scoutmaster, Bob Veness, re­ ported that advanced age is making
turned to Mill City Saturday from a this his last year.
week spent at Camp Pioneer. The
Thursday the troop packed up and
camp is situated in a beautiful valley hiked back into the woods for about
at the foot of Mt. Jefferson, on Pine 2Vk miles to Temple Lake. This pro­
Ridge lake at an altitude of 4600 feet. ved to be a fisherman's paradise. One
Only one boy suffered from acci­ scout reported that as soon as his
dent on the trip from the local troop. hook hit the water he saw six fish
He was Marshall Malden, who cut his make for it. All boys caught fine
finger. Luckily, a camp doctor was strings of trout there. The boys cook­
near at hand and the injury was ed their own meals on this trip. At
this camp they evidently invaded the
dressed immediately.
Scoutmaster Veness stated the boys home of a doe. She paraded through
got a lesson on why not to jump on the camp all night.
Troop 49 had two explorer scouts
moving vehicles. One scout from ano­
ther group jumped on a game com­ on the camp staff this year. They
mission truck. In making the jump he were Don Lemke and Richard Ver­
missed and the heavy truck ran over beck.
Two members were selected to re­
his upper legs. No bones were broken
but the boy did receive a severe ceive the order of the arrow. They
were Lonny Podrabsky and Scout­
The boys enjoyed swimming and master Veness.
Friday night a court of honor was
boating each day. When they arrived
they used snow banks for a cooling held. Terry Muir and Gregory Peter­
system until the camp refrigeration son received their merit badges in
system was put in working order. The canoeing and swimming. These are
nights were all cold. It froze four out both rugged tests and the boys put in
of the six nights that the boys were many hours of study to earn this,
award. Scoutmaster Veness stated that
up there.
The boys enjoyed three big meals all boys on the trip had made ad-
each day. In the mornings after their vancement.
All scouts shared with the camp
regular camp chores were completed
they had lessons in first aid, rope ty­ chores, and a general good time was
ing and other scout work. Talks were enjoyed by each one.
Mr. Veness deserved the thanks of
given by various members and leaders
of the group. During the stay, a big the community for his untiring effort
buck deer chose to make his home in scout work. He states that the boys
near the camp. It was stated that he ' are coming along fine and more boys
are invited to join the troop.
weighed about 300 pounds.
Dutch Steiner, assistant scoutmast­
In the evenings the group gathered
around the camp fire for stories and er, used Verne Clark’s pickup to haul
songs. Top story teller and song lead­ < the camping equipment back to Mill
er was “Pop” the cook, who has been City, and Aria Tuers brought the
at the camp for many years. It is re- scouts back.
a Copy
Rhubarb? It Grows Big
Up Here In The Cay on
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Umpress of
Chuck’s Shoe store here called The
Enterprise last week to tell how rhu­
barb grows in the Canyon. This par­
ticular stalk of rhubarb measured 24
inches long, and it was a real solid
stalk too. It was 5tk inches circum­
ference and weighed lVh pounds. The
stalk was raised by Martin Kelly on
the Mason place between Mill City
and Gates.
Texas isn't the only place where
things come big.
Donald Ragsdale sent the following
letter to the Enterprise office and
The long range plans for improve­
asked that it he printed. It was writ­ ment of the buildings and grounds
ten by one of his buddies while en­ of the Mill City schools are well
route to Korea and was printed in the under way, according to reports re­
ships newspaper.
ceived by Mrs. Lee Ross, clerk of
A Letter Home
school district No. 129 J.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Drainage tile has been laid in the
Sergeant came around early to­ playgrounds at the elementary school,
day, at 1030 hours to wake us for Re­ and an additional play area has been
veille. There were tears in his eyes be­ surfaced, making a great improve­
cause this would be the last time he ment in that department. An irriga­
would see us until we came back from tion system covering the playground
our overseas duty. He asked if he and Allen field has also been installed,
could help pack our duffle bags be­ and additional fencing has been
A large group of Mill City softball
fore noon because we were to sail erected around the athletic field.
enthusiasts followed Kelly Lumber’s
about 9 p. m., if we felt up to it, of
W. D. Hoeye, industrial arts in­
leading softball team to Eugene Sa­
course. I lifted myself from my structor at the high school has super­
turday, where they split a double­
Beauty-Rest mattress, tossed aside vised remodeling and enlarging of the
header, with the Rubenstein nine.
my electric blanket, and placed my shop rooms in the high school build­
Mill City won the first game 2-1
feet on my foam-cushioned rug. I ing.
with John Pearson on the mound.
glanced over and couldn’t help but
Miss Golda Henry, second grade
They lost the nightcap 7-1.
notice that Sergeant has placed fresh teacher here for four years turned
Kelly Lmb.
000 200 0—2 4 2
flowers on top of my duffle-bag. I in her resignation, which was ac-
000 000 0—I 2 1
picked up my clean laundry from our cepted by the board of education.
John Pearson and Don Carey; Ron
Cpl’s room, God bless his little rough,
Two teachers have signed contracts
Willoughby and Ron Allen,
red hands, and got dressed for morn­ for the 1953-54 school yealr. They
Kelly Lmb.
000 000 1—1 4 3
ing chow to the strains of Chopin’s are Miss Kathlyn R. Hart, Eugene,
.212 .112 0—7 6 2
Polonaise, which was playing over who will be on the high school faculty
Ron Davidson and Dale Bennett; Bo
the loud-speakers. I then picked up and John Baldwin, who will teach in
Willis and Harry Walker.
my chow pass with the gold star on the elementary school.
it (we won best barracks yesterday)
C. E. DeFrateis was employed in
and proceeded to our gaily colored June as custodian at the grade school
mess hall. The cooks rushed over to building. He has worked in the Molalla
take my order for breakfast just as school system for nine years and is
the Mess Sgt. tied a napkin around well qualified for the work. Mrs. De-
my neck. I had to apologize after i Fraties is employed in Molalla and
breakfast because I had broken the plans on moving here sometime in
The Mill City Garden Club under­
Dresden China finger-bowl on my August.
various public projects and a re­
table. I returned to the barracks just
of what they have accomplished
as our Lieutenant carried down the Gates Furniture Celebrates
will acquaint the public of their va­
last duffle bag to its proper place.
ried activities, according to Mrs. Har­
The fellows waited for the limousine Fourth Anniversary by Sale
old Pound, out-going president of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson
service to the ship. I managed to get
local club. She states, that although
a yellow convertible. 1 was greeted
have met with reverses in plan­
Billy Fearheller, six year old son of they
at the pier by the Mayor who escort­ at Gates Furniture August 1, are
ning their public projects, yet they are
Mr. and Mrs. William Fearheller of active
ed me to my private cabin from celebrating four years of pleasant
and solicit the help of other
which I am now writing.
Gates was stricken with poliomyelitis clubs and citizens in helping make this
business relations in that city.
The loudspeaker just announced
Friday at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutcheson formerly
a garden city.
the call for tennis so I win continue had a ranch near Prineville, but had
The disease attacked the eyelids,
In the past year the Garden Club
the letter tomorrow.
to give it up when Mr. Hutcheson’s
has donated sixty dollars for shrubs
Your loving son, Al
LYONS—Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
at the new school annex; bought
health failed. ‘’Hutch” as he is called
■ - -
the boy is receiving treatment, is the
by his business associates in this Christenson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Little first such case of its type reported in drapes for two windows at the San­
Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ,
tiam hospital, thirty dollars; donated
area, states that he has been “enjoy­ of
Lyons of Eugene were host and hos- | Marion county. The boys arms are to March of Dimes; bought Christmas
ing good health” since locating here tess honoring their uncle and aunt, also affected. He was listed as in
seals; co-operated in sending a local
in the Canyon. Besides the furniture Mr. and Mrs. Owen Rinich of Portland fair condition with satisfactory pro- girl to “Girls State”; sponsored a con­
business which he and
on their golden wedding anniversary gress.
test on "conservation” in which a lo­
erate, he has busied himself with Sunday July 26th in the lovely gar- ,
cal girl, Nancy Lee Porter, won a dis­
trict prize and five prizes were award­
The Mill City Little Leaguers de­ selling real estate and this past spring dens at the Christenson home in Cor- |
ed by the local club. This state-wide
feated Stayton 3 to 2 Monday even­ was appointed mayor to fill the un­ vallis. Relatives from Lyons attend- 1
expired term of Floyd Völkel, who ing were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyons, 1
contest will be carried on again this
ing at Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. |
James Mienert, Albert Nichols, Ga­ resigned.
The store has taken space in the Fred Lindemann, Richard and Linda, I
The club has paid for two street­
ry Bevier and David Jones collected
type garbage cans, which upon arriv­
Mill City’s four hits. Gary Biever, the past few issues of The Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom. Mr. and
A large group of relatives gather­ al, will be placed conveniently for the
winning pitcher, gave up two hits, to list a few of their special anni- Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Martha Hiatt,
Mrs. Cora Jenner. Other guests in­ ed at the G. M. Flook residence in use of the public.
two walks, and struck out six. Ware versary bargains.
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill. Bobbie Mill City, for a reunion of the Sims
Mrs. Pound and Mrs. Bert Morris,
collected a double and a triple for
and Stewart from Mill City, Mr. and family, on Sunday, July 26th.
the new president, attended the Ore­
Mrs. Ed Gisler, Shairon, Joe and Pa-
Those in attendance were Mr. and gon State Federation of Garden Clubs
The line score:
melia from Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Leo­ Mrs. William Sims and two grand­ convention at McMinnville, in June
020 00—2 2 2
nard Thoma. Mr. and Mrs. Richard children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trol- and have made plans for another ac­
Mili City
201 ox—3 4 3
Thoma and Dale from Lebanon, Mrs. linger and daughter and two sons, Mr. tive year.
Lucas, Vernon and Ware; G. Be­
Harry Elmer and Gail from Albany, and Mrs. Elmer Niemi and two sons,
vier and Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Maurice
Umpires: Melting and Crook.
Square dancers from across the and Jane from Walport, Mr. and Mrs. and W. A. Gilkey, all of Scio, Oregon; Silverton to Hold Seventh
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and sons Elmo,
Mill City will play at Stayton next Willamette Valley gathered at Stay­
Monday evening at 6:00 on the St. ton last night for the square dance Burl Graves from St. Helens, Mrs. Rodney and Billy and baby daughter, Annual Horse Show Sat.
Mary’s diamond.
jamboree which was the opening pro­ Gunn from Alameda, California, Mr. and Leonard E. Gilkey, of Salem; Mr.
SILVERTON, July 25—Around
gram of the four day Santiam Bean and Mrs. Loris Tiask of Stayton and and Mrs. L. B. Harris and son John four hundred horsemen and their
of Dallas, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Ken­
Festival now in progress at Stayton. Edith Poe of Medford.
neth Sims, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ mounts from all sections of the state
Youngsters from the North San-'
neth Sims, Jr. of Lebanon; Mai ley will stage Silverton’s 7th annual Wes­
tiam area will step out in their annual
Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson tern Horse Show on McGinnis Field,
pet parade tonight! Thursday) at
daughter Judy of Eugene, Ore.; Saturday night, August 1 at 8 p. m.
6:30 p. m. Judging will precede the,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sims, of Shedd,Ore.; under lights.
parade at 6 p. m.
A parade in the afternoon precedes
Mrs. Don McLain, son Vernon, of Ti­
Grand festival parade will be held
Installation ceremonies were held
gard, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. George the evening show which will feature
Friday evening, July 24th at the local
Members of Mill City Garden Club Flook, and Mr. and Mrs. George s. the west's finest horses and riders in
Saturday, August 1, final day of
Oddfellow hall for the newly elected
a series of intricate drills, quadrilles,
at the home of Mrs. W. W. Allen Flook, of Mill City.
officers of I. O. O. F. No. 144. District j
racing, jumping and parading.
deputy grand master, Vern Thomas, variety program including the La-
Dan Campbell, of Eugene, again
tourettes, an all girl aerial acrobatic president, Mrs. Bert Morris, in charge.
acted as installing officer.
i entered this years show at Silver-'
The following officers were instal­
i ton. Campbell won top honors at last
hole bean feed, and the Bean Hopper's | new year for Oregon Federation of
Three hundred and two Presbyter­ I year’s Western Horse Show here and
led for the coming year:
Noble grand. Charles Thomas ;vice Ball.
ian church leaders from five states are
grand. Walt Thomas; chaplain, Del | The Latourettes will perform at 31 member.
spending two weeks, from July 20-31 at the Oregon State Fair.
Mrs. W. W. Heller, secretary and attending summer school at the Ix-w-
Smith; warden. Jack McClintock; con­ p. m. and again at 8 p. m. in a free
ductor, Earl Plymale; right supporter show for festival goers. The bean hole | treasurer, reported payment of thirty is and Clark College, in Portland. Mrs. JUNIOR TENNIS LADDER
to noble grand, Otto Koeneke; left bean feed is scheduled for approxi­ I dollars to Santiam Memorial Hospi­ H. A. Schroeder of Mill City is among DRAWS FEW PLAYERS
supporter to noble grand, Otto Witt; | mately 6 p. m. Every popular Bean tal to help buy draperies, pledged those attending, which include past­ The following are those who have
right supporter to vice grand. Marvin . Hopper's ball is the colorful festival earlier by the club. Mrs. Morris an­ ors, Sunday School teachers, parents, feigned up for the Junior Tennis ladder
Dart; left supporter to vice grand, closing dance held at the civic build­ nounced additional committee chair­ youth leaders and others interested tournament, according to Jim Hale,
men as follows: Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, in Christian growth of present day recreation leader: Larry Large, Lar­
Vern Thomas; guardian. George Ve-! ing from 10 p. m. to 1 a. m.
roadside development; Mrs. Herbert youth.
teto. Al Yankus is past grand.
ry Kanoff, Rodney Goble, Billy Hedge,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sheri­ Schroeder, horticulture; Mrs. W. W.
A social hour and refreshments
About 20 regional and area sum­ Gary Bevier, Albert Nichols, Harold
dan spent the weekend in Mill City Allen, hospitality; Mrs. C. A. Bruder, mer leadership training schools will be Kliewer, Arthur Webb and Terry
followed the close of the ceremony.
as guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. scrap-book, assisted by Mrs. H. D. conducted throughout the country Muir.
J. P. Smith, and their daughter and Pound; Mrs. Lowell Fleet wood, con­ during the summer, attended by ap­
son-in-law. the William McCoys. servation; Mrs. A. A. LeCours, libra­ proximately 3500 people. So important
While at McCoys, they enjoyed their rian.
are these training schools felt to be
The North Santiam Sportsmen’s i first opportunity of becoming acquain­
It was decided to omit the fall by many churches that the necessary WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM
Club picnic will be at either White­ ted with their first grandchild, little flower show in favor of club practice tuition and traveling expenses are
The City of Gates is planning in­
water or Humbug Creek State Park Miss Rebecca Ann, who arrived on and study, C. M. Cline entertained frequently included in the annual stallation of a water distribution sys­
July 17. The Smiths are busy making the group by showing colored slides church budget.
on August 16.
tem and are calling for bids on the
Members are requested to notify' plans for the marriage of their young­ of Oregon scenery. Mrs. Cline, Mrs.
proposed project, according to Mrs.
Jerry Coffman, president of the club, j er daughter, Dolores Ann. who will be­ Pound and Mrs. Allen served refresh- AIRMAN CHILD HURT IN KOREA George Clise, city recorder. Bids will
of their choice of location before come the bride of Orvan Miller in a ments.
be accepted until 8:00 p. m. Monday
While on duty guarding a supply August 10th at the Ctiy Hall in Gates.
August 1st. so arrangements for the | quiet ceremony at their home in Sheri­
train in Korea, airman first class
park can be made. So far the choice. dan at two o’clock next Sunday after­ FRANCES MARIE BRUNNER S
noon, August 2. Mrs. McCoy will be ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED George R. Child Jr, was involved in TOMAN’S HILLTOP STORE
is about even.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph J. Brunner of a train wreck which seriously injured GETS NEW COAT OF PAINT
Isabelle Sehlies and Maxine Wedtley j her sister’s attendant. A reception
are busy planning and building a I will follow the ceremony. Included Mill City announce the engagement hie right hand. After treatment in
Painters this week put the finish­
Sportsmen's Club float for the Bean among those going from here to at­ of their daughter. Miss Frances Korea, he was Down to the General ing touches to the new paint job of
Festival parade. Any member having tend the service, besides the McCoy«, Marie Brunner, to Mr. Thoma« Kan-
Toman's Hilltop Store. The color is
a boat and trailer that he would like! will he Mr and Mrs. J. P. Smith, the off, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard cessary for him to undergo further green and is running a close second
«urgery. Airman Child ia with the
to enter in the parade, should meet bride's grandparents, and Mr. and Kanoff of this city.
No date has been set for the wed­ Air Police and had been stationed at to the color of the sides of the canyon
at the Harold Wodtley home at 6 p. m Mrs. Chas. Kelly, long-time friends of
the air base at Kunsan, Korea.
the Smiths.
Friday evening.
Lyons People At
Golden Wedding
Party In Corvallis
Little Leaguers Win
From Stayton Mon.
Sims Reunion Held
At Flook Home Sun.
Bean Festival Under
Way At Stayton
Charles Thomas Head
Of I00F For Year
Garden Club Meets
At W. Allen Home
Kelly Lumber Breaks
Even Sat. at Eugene
Garden Club Tells
Of Accomplishments
Shrine Band,
Drill Team To Be
Here August 23
Al Toman this week stated that
Sunday, August 23rd, will be Shr era
night at the State softball tournament
to be held here next month. Confirma­
tion was also received this week that
the Shrine Band and Drill Team from
Salem will be here for the Occnior..
All the proceeds from the gan o on
that night will go to the crippled
children’s hospital.
Work has been going forward on
getting Allen Field in shape for the
big event of the year.
Carl W’att supervised the building
of the fence which was erected by
ball players and the volunteers. Tex
Blazek painted the entire fence on
It is expected that work will be
started on the new bleachers this
Sunday. W. R. Reid, Portland road
contractor, is donating his time and
equipment in leveling the outfield.
Season tickets have been printed
and also tickets for the Shriner»
night are now being sold. Mr. Toman
stated that many of them have been
sold at this time.
Mehama Local of the Farmers Un­
ion met at Mehama, Friday evening,
July 24th, with Luther Stout, presi­
dent, presiding.
Electricity for the Elkhorn district
was the main topic of discussion. Jer­
ry Coffman was installed as a new
Kelly Lumber Wins
In 2nd Half of Play
Kelly Lumber Sales softball team
came through in the second half of
play by winning 8 games and losing
The first half standings will be de­
termined tonight (Thursday) when
rained out games will be played.
Following are the second half re­
Kelly Lumber
8 1
6 3
Consolidated Builders
4 5
Mill City Chucks
.0 9
Other Softball Resulta
First Game
Chuck’s Mill City
...... 3 « 3
Consolidate Builders ...... 8 8 1
Poole and Turner; Yarnell and D.
Second Game
Merchant Firemen
Kelly Lumber Sales . 2 5 0
Davidson and Akers; Pearson and
First Game
Chucks Mill City
4 4 5
.... 9 8 3
Poole and Turner; Davidson and
Second Game
< B I.
7 8
Kelly Lumber Sales
3 6 3
Beerbauer and D. Bennett; Carey
and Fallon.
This was the first league defeat
for Kelly’s in two seasons.
This night Chucks of Mill City
played a double header at Allen Field
with Hubbard Garage. A large crowd
attended the game and saw the locals
drop them both.
First Game
Mill City
.... 2 7 2
... « 5 3
Second Game
Mill City
.... 0 1 2
6 1 0
Hatcher of Hubbard homered with
two mates aboard in the second
First Game
Kelly Lumber Sales
...11 7 1
Mill City Chucks
1 3 2
D. Carey and Fallon; G. Carey and
Second Game
C B. I.
Merchant-Firemen ____ 2
7 0
Eight inning game.
Beerbauer and D. Bennett, David­
son and D. Walker.
Mrs. Bert Morris drove to Albany
on Friday to a district meeting of
Garden Club leaders. She was accom­
panied by Mrs Jennie Davis, Eva
Duffy, Isabel Heller, Mabel Bruder
and Frances Pound.
The ladies extended an invitation
to the thirty-two Federated Clubs of
Santiam District to meet in Mill City
next spring and the invitation was