If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! classifiedrates I • ■ I Ten cents per line each insertion. Real Estate Business Senices Ix ‘ gal Notices No advertisement accepted for less than 50 cents per week. bargains EXPERT AUTO and heme radio NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Count five words to the line in Eittle farm, nearly two acres, good service. 20 years experience, all NOTICE is hereby given that a ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill soil. Five-year old two-bedroom house, makes. Guaranteed service. public hearing to receive further evi C ity or mail your advertisement to Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. dence and testimony relating to a water. Wired electric range. The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, bath, etc. Only $5300. AND ADDING Ma I proposal to discontinue the Portland Oregon. Its’ hard to believe, but we have it. TYPEWRITERS chines. We sell, rent, repair and market pool and establish distributor Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, A two-bedroom house, nearly new, on swap all makes. Trade your old pools in the Portland marketing area etc. will be run under “Special An concrete foundation, modern, neat as machine towards a new one. will be held before the undersigned nouncements” classification with a a pin with two nice lots and garage. ROEN. 456 Court St., Salem. at Room 720, State Office Building at minimum charge of 50 cents per in Only $4000, or would take trade for TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im 10:00 A. M„ July 28, 1953. Please be sertion. a good three-bedroom house. ported and domestic woolens. Al advised that the above hearing is a Thanks—Minimum rate of If you would like to buy a home, terations, cleaning and pressing. continuation of hearings held on the this is a good time. Do not put it off. SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. same subject matter on May 25th Come and talk it over with us. We Liberty, Salem. 50tf and June 24, 1953. have a good selection and can surely Dated at Portland, Oregon, July 20, meet your needs. Help Wanted FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol 1953. See GLEN SHELTON for CO W. S. WEIDEL, Administrator, stered, latest fabrics and plastics WANTED—Avon representatives for VILLE REAL ESTATE. Mill City. Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton Milk Marketing Administration. Mill City, Gates and vicinities. W’in Upholstery. 38tf REAL ESTATE exciting prizes. Will train with* -IChanges Made In 4-H New three-bedroom modernistic de color films! W’rite Mrs. Helen Har State Fair Exhibits dy, District Mgr., 2960 Charnelton,: design in new subdivision of Swift’s Automobiles Eugene, 29-30 addition to Mill City. Hardwood floors, Changes in the 1953 4-H state fair modern and complete. A beautiful FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT—Alaska, home for low terms. Priced at $9950. FOR SALE—1951 All State motor exhibits have been announced by scooter, used only three months. Cal Monroe, state 4-H agent. They Recently new two-bedroom house South America, Africa, Arabia, Cost $215 new. Will sell for $165. include beef, dairy, dairy goats, dairy Mexico, Europe, etc and jobs in of ideal arrangement, just across the Telephone Mill City 4561. 29tf herd record keeping, sheep, hogs, rab U. S. $3,000 to $14,000. Fare paid. street from above mentioned proper ty. Also a lovely home for complete bits, poultry, horticulture and en Write, Job Communication Service, Home Appliances cotnfort. tomology. Box 398, Portland 7. Oregon. Have two older houses each having Monroe says the changes will be in two lots in Stayton. Close to schools FOR SALE-—Duo-therm oil stove. In cluded in the new state fair premium good condition. $25.00. No. 1 unit and stores. One for $5500. and one behind Whitie’s Santiam Cafe, at list to be published soon. They re-1 for $3500. Cash prices. Gates. 30p present suggestions from many Three-bedroom house in Lyons. Two lots. Convenient location in a new FOR SALK-Slightly used spinet groups to provide better educational district. $7350. Terms. piano. Lovely tone and condition, experience, larger participation and Two-bedroom house in Mehama. Terms. A bargain for someone. to eliminate unnecessary regulations. A major change in the livestock Large lot. Completely modern. $6600. Write Day Music Co. 808 S. E. Two-bedroom house. Five acres. rules provides that 4-H animals Morrison St., Portland 14, Ore. 31 Modern. On highway between Lyons in the market classes be judged on a and Mill City. $7000. Terms. FOR SALE—Two metal single beds, group basis. Market animals, which 140-acre farm near Lyons, on high- with mattresses, $10 apiece; small must grade “good” or better to be river. $16,000. way and bordering Coleman oil heater, $25.—Verda eligible for any award, will be placed Terms. Goble, East side of old Hilltop in blue, red and white award groups. Several two-bedroom houses at Store, Mill City. 30p Rabbit exhibitors must show their Gates. Nice comfortable homes. $5000 own rabbits which will be judged on to $6500. One can be had completely For Rent a group basis with emphasis on con furnished. Easy terms. FRED A. LINDEMANN FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom formation and production. Flower apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. enthusiasts may show up to three When you buy our tires you can be Public accounting—R e a 1 Estate— Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf exhibits of different flower varieties Accounting, Lyons, Oregon. sure of a fair adjustment this year. Mixed bouquets will be re FOR SALE—Choice building lots in FOR RENT — Cabins by week br placed by single variety exhibits. month for light housekeeping. Mill Mill City. Clayton Baltimore, Box City Hotel. 23tf The state 4-H office also announced 195, Mill City. 30p SERVICE STATION & state fair judges for 4-H livestock FOR RENT—Furnished two and REAL ESTATE TRAILOR COURT three-room apartments. Phone 1707. | exhibits. They are Joe Johnson, Ore- See us for good buys in the canyon —D. B. Hill, Mill City, Ore. 30 K°n State College, beef; Walter Leth, Monmouth, and Joe Cox, Hills area. Listings wanted. Phone 903 .MILL CITY RENT — Furnished apartment, boro, dairy; Ralph Bogart, OSC, dairy Glen Shelton, Salesman I FOR three rooms. Inquire at Thiel’s goats; Edward Gath, Turner, sheep; GATES C. E. Coville, Broker Store, Lyons, Ore. 28-4 O. M. Mikesell, Albany, and Doug TIRES and BATTERIES West side Mill City Ph. 2207 FOR SALE — 3-bedroom unfinished FOR RENT—Three-bedroom unfur Chambers, Salem, hogs; and Dan AUTO SUPPLIES house. Phone 3952. 25tf nished house, between Lyons and Law, Portland, rabbits. Mill City. Phone Salem 3-9829 or Ask for 2-0867, ■ 30p SOAP IS PICNIC ACCESSORY Ix>st and Found When you pack that picnic basket, Miscellaneous include a cake of soap, advises Wini- LOST—Shopping bag of little girls’ ifred S. Carter of Procter and Gamble’s FOR SALE — Cherries, 4 cents a lb. clothing, between Mill City and U pick. Your choice of Bantam Household Information Service. Some Stayton, Thursday evening. Finder roosters, $1.00 each. Electric plate, one in your party who has never seen please call 2051. Reward for re USE WR BRAKES AND 2 burner, $3.00. Dinette set, rea poison ivy before may bring some to turn. —Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Mill sonable.—George Cree, Mill City, you tp admire. Quick washing with GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK . City, Box 111. 30 Telephone 924. 30 soap and water will remove the result ing irritating substance from the skin, FOR SALE—R e b u i 11 McCullough and will help prevent spreading until chain saw, model 325. 34 inch bar proper medication can be applied. and chain. 30-day guarantee.—San Prompt washing with soap of scrat tiam Equipment Company, Phone ches or cuts is excellent first aid 2624, Mehama, Oregon. treatment and will eliminate most of danger of infection. It does not FOR SALE—U pick strawberries, $1 the mean, however, that no further treat per crate; Royal Anne cherries, 7c ment may be necessary. per lb. 5 miles northwest of Me hama. Etzel Brothers, Rt. 1, Box 234, Stayton. 31p 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Till RSDAY JULY 23. 1»53 Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky” Bitter Silver Saddle youve always , wanted j WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS NOTICE—Rosedale Inn. Family style meals. Rooms. Located on the Linn county side, one quarter mile west of the bridge.—Mrs. Ruth Bass, prop. 31p OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Have Something to Sell? Enterprise Class Ads Pay «1 We can show you money-saving ideas which will help you build or remodel your home so that it is “just what you’ve always want- ed’’...and we can supply quality lumber and the other building materials you will need. Let’s talk over your plans. Kelly Lumber Sales East City Limits, Highway 222 Phone 6803 Authorized Shopsmith Dealer R. P. M. Power Mowers Boysen Paints “ W E Try One Today! DELIVER” 'J FOR SALE—Speed Graflex camera, case, tripod, developing equip ment. $165 for entire outfit. Tele phone Mill City 4561. 29tf W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf : NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. It May Be HOT Today But NOW is the time to think of Winter Heating Problems We Have ESTATE, QUAKER, PERFECTION Quality Job Printing at ♦ » Mill City fhiterprise and SIEGLER Circulating Oil Heaters Fall Delivery ♦ « Anniversary Sale Is Still On Gates Furniture Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon CAKE MIXES Dog Food begmore 3for $1 2-’29 c Zee Napkins COME IN AND SEE US NOW FOR Remember Our Specials for Friday and Saturday Pillsbury Choc. Yellow or White Your Physician is no "MEDICINE MAN * P°n’t expect your Phy sician to perforin mira cle«. Remember, it take« more time and effort to climb uphill than to coast down! Your patience and full co-operation are es sential to rapid recovery. Capiiol Drug Co CANNED MILK, Any Brand 2 cans 10c Tomato Juict, IGA, 46 oz. can 4 for $1 25c Shortening sno ’ ki & em 3 « 79 c Potatoes No. i io ibs. 39c Beginning Aug, 1 we will be closed on Sundays Hill Top Market Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon