1—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgees of THURSDAY JULY 23, IS53 and Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mrs. W W’. Al­ len, Mrs. W. J. Robinson. Mr. and Klamath Falls, Oregon, visited at the Mrs. C. M. Cline, and the hostess, home of the latter’s brother, Wallace Mrs. J. F. Potter. Diers in this city, Saturday. During the afternoon Mrs. Burgess, accom­ Mrs. Mary McClain of California, panied by Mrs. Emma Teeter, drove who is visiting here, Mrs« Cora Good­ LOCAL ACTIVITIES win and her granddaughter Miss to Gates where they were guests of Corabelle Munsey of Walla Walla, Mrs. Wilma Berry and her mother, Wash., Mrs. W. Robinson and Mrs. Mrs. Nora Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Potter, left Tuesday for Roads Burgess visited in Albany at the Case End on the coast, to spend a few days home before returning to Klamath Falls. at the Potter cottage. Social Events CLUB, LODGE, AND Barbara Haun Married To Wilmer Crites Saturday Evening in Mill City OPEN STOCK All Hardwood Chests FINISHED Three Drawer Chests $14-95 Four Drawer Chests $2995 Five Drawer Chests $34-95 Eight Drawer Chests 42-50 Bunk Beds s49«.5 Knee Hole Desks 39* s24-50 Twin or Full Sized Bed JUST RECEIVED FLOOR LAMP SHADES $3-95 9 foot and 12 foot LINOLEUM USED DA VENDS, take your pick $10,00 McCarthy Furniture Open Evenings Until 8 p. m. Mill City Men like GATES—The Mill City Presbyter-i white. Both wore corsages of white tan church was the scene Saturday I carnations. evening, July 18th, of a wedding of I Following the service a reception interest to many friends when Miss was held in the social rooms of the Barbara Haun, daughter of Mr. and church. Mrs. Floyd Völkel cut the Mrs. Cecil Haun became the bride of wedding cake; Mrs. Al Haun, aunt of Wilmer Crites, son of Mrs. Harry ! the bride, presided at the coffee urn. Harmon. The marriage was solemniz-' Miss Beverly Nunn served punch, ed by the Rev. Noble Streeter, at ; Mrs. Glen Hearing passed the guest eight o’clock. Wedding music was fur- i book. nished by Mrs. Don Sheythe at the For going away the bride wore a organ and Mrs. Dan Morrison, who, green tailored suit with white acces- was soloist. Miss Louise Haun, sister sories. After a short honeymoon the of the bride, and Mias Ann Marie groom will report for duty at his sta- Hirte lighted the candles. | tion in California. The bride is em- The bride, given in marriage by her | ployed in Salem. father, wore a gown of white satin de- ------------------------------- signed with an overskirt of silk net FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE HAS and lace, a deep net yoke, long sleeves PICNIC TUESDAY EVENING and court train. A fingertip veil of; The Friendship Circle of the Pres- silk net, with lace edge, - - was arrang-1 - . byterian -------- Church --------- held a picnic for ed from a satin Juliet cap trimmed in their husbands and families in the seed pearls and rhinestones. The Stayton city park on Tuesday even­ bride carried a white bible with white ,ngt July 21. Following the bounteous streamers knotted with —¡_ entertainment —•—------ , — ■ with wkii. white baby 1 picnic, consisted of . a .. carnations. softball game between the women Miss Eileen Eccleston was maid of and men, the final score being 15 to honor. She wore an orchid sheer 14 in favor of the men. Some of the gown with lace trim and carried a crowd enjoyed swimming before eat­ bouquet of white carnations, with ing. head dress to match. Attending the very successful af- The flower girl, little Susan Ry- fa ir were Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, nearson, was dressed in a floor length Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kelly, Mr. and dress of pink eyelet, trimmed in blue Mrs. Donald Sheythe, Denny and for-get-me-nots and carried a basket Mark Sheythe, Mrs. Howard Means, j of sweetpeas with pendant streamers Kit, Karen, and Tommy Means, Mrs. j of white satin. Ed Yarnell and Phillip, Norman Best man attending the bridegroom vervroft, Harold Kliewer, Mr. was Daniel Romey. Ushering were; Mrs. Noble Streeter, Stephen Mervin Haun, brother of the bride, Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelly and Herbert Romey. Johnny. The bride’s mother was dressed in a black and white print suit with white t MANY ACTIVITIES HONOR accessories. The groom’s mother wore FORMER LOCAL RESIDENTS ' a black dress with accessories of j This past weekend saw a large group of “old-time” residents of Mill Gates Woman’s Club Meets City gathering together for an im­ promptu three-day visit. The surprise Thursday At High School reunion was begun by the arrival of GATES—Members of the Gates several members of the F. R. Olin fa­ Woman’s club met in regular session mily, Mr. Olin having been general Thursday evening, July 16th, in the manager of the Hammond Lumber | recreation rooms of the high school.1 Company holdings in this vicinity for ! Mrs. Kenneth Martig presided at a many years, but now living in Ver­ short business session. The main bu- nonia, Oregon. isness of _ the was the election ____;__ __ a covered-dish i ,i;„ , . evening „ ,. . rriday evening din- of Mrs. Dale Reynolds to serve as ner was given at the home of Mrs. treasurer to fill the unexpired term of W. W. Allen, honoring the visitors, Mrs. Lewis Brown, who is moving in including Mrs. F. R. Olin of Vernonia, the near future. Mrs. Walter Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olin, Jr., of Klam­ {chairman of the Youth Committee, ath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent gave an interesting report on the acti- Gowen (Frances Olin) of Bainbridge j vities of the local young folk of the Island, near Seattle, Washington. ; community. She reported that the sen­ Others in the nartv were Mr. and Mrs. ior Girl Scouts, members of the Gates C. M. Cline, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, | troup, would leave Sunday for an ex­ Mrs. J. F. Potter, and the hostess, tended trip through Oregon , Wash­ Mrs. W. W. Allen. ington and into Canada. Mrs. Verner The Curtis Cline residence was the Evans, Mrs, A. T. Barnhardt and scene of a “pot-luck” dinner for the j Mrs. John Watson, hostesses, served out-of-town visitors on Saturday even­ refreshments to Mrs. Martig, Mrs. ing, those honored being Mrs. F. R. Philip Hess, Mrs. Dale Reynolds, Mrs. Olin, the Fred Olin, Jrs., the Vincent > W. R. Hutcheson, Mrs. Jack Brown, Gowens, and Mrs. A. A, Holthouse and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Lincoln her daughter, Miss Mary Holthouse, Henness, Mrs. Glen Gordon, Mrs. Wal­ of Corvallis, also former residents. ter Thomas, Mrs. Albert Millsap and Local persons attending the dinner Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and Mrs. Tim were Mr. and Mrs. Sig Jepson, Mrs. 1 White, who were welcomed as new Harry Mason, Mrs. R. F. Saucier, 1 members. Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs. J. F. Pot- j ter, Mrs. W. W. Allen, and the host i and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cline. Final "get-together” for the large group was a no-host dinner at Mrs. J. F. Potter’s home Sunday evening. Besides the visiting members of the 1 Olin family, additional guests includ­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gentry of 1 Salem, Mrs. Mary McLane, who is a | house-guest of Mrs. Potter's from the Bay district in California, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and Johnny, Mr. SHORT RIBS .. BEEF LYONS PLUMBING A ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES WATER SYSTEMS HEATING INSTALLATIONS II □r ó 1/ •> ny MEATY irs SMACK TIME! 1 “4 Ji cup water 3 tbsps. Wrcestershire sauce optional) 1 tsp prepared mustard Ji cup diced celery 2 tsps, salt Have nbe cut into sections two to three inches long Brown in lard Add minced onion and brown Add all remaining ingredients to short ribs. Cover and c«x>k slowly or bake in a moderate oven 350'F.) 11 j to 2 hours or until tender. Serves 4 or 5. Mill City. Oregon ... -- ------------ — YOU’LL PHILCO Welcome. Service THIS RADIO SERVICEMAN ! You'll welcome him because he's going to do the right job, the right way, at the right price. radio Our service techni­ cians are courteous, helpful, and trained in up to the minute fac­ tory methods for expert service on all makes, all models. IF YOUR SET NEEDS ATTENTION: TELEPHONE 3207 & Appliance Raytheon Bonded Eleetronic Technicians Santiam Blvd. Mill City, Oregon ■ 'osizro • ;• rt • ’ huco facto » v • surttviSfD service —' Jon-Mar Dance Studio ANNOUNCES THE BEGINNING OF AT THE Barbecued Short Ribs 3 lbs. stxxt ribs 2 tbsps. lard 1 medium onioa >s cup vinegar 2 tbsps. brown sugar 1 cup catchup HIGHWAY MEHAMA JUNCTION 4- - Ballroom Dance Instruction r Kliewer Quality Meats Telephone 2706 Ä7ZZKF ' m BEEF SHORT RIBS WHEEL DRIVE Lyons, Ore. <7 f You brown them richly in fat, then cook them gently until all the good flavors of seasonings—hot and sweet and sharp—mingle with the good flavor of beef. That’s short ribs— barbecued Open Evenings Phone 1634 TAKE YOU THROUGH WHEN OTHERS CAN T! With the extra traction of 4 - wheel drhe and the power of its high-compres­ sion Hl RREC.1.XE Engine, this "go-anvwhere 1 Willys Truck gets ets through mud, mud, snow and - d sand th. that - stop ordinary trucks. Ask us for a demonstration. 118-in. wheelbase, 5300 lbs.GVW. ELSNER Motor Co SALEM. ORE Legion Hall IN MILL CITY Class enrollments taken each Wednesday from 9:00 A. M. until 4:00 P. M. Enrollment for children’s classes in Tap. Ballet, Acrobatic and Baton Studio will be located permanently in Mill City