Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1953)
Mill City Legion Installs Idanha Group T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CWT DETROIT ELKHORN GATES ID \NH \ LYONS MEHAMA American Legion Post No. 159 and the auxiliary of Mill City, were at De troit Saturday night where they in I stalled officers of the Idanha Post The installation was held in the school auditorium at Detroit. Officers of the Idanha Legion Post ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE No. 141 for 1953-54 are as follows: Wayne Tompkins, commander; Ed VOL. IX—No. 30 ward Nash, first vice commander; MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1953 $2.50 a Year. ]()<>* Copy Chester Cole, second vice command er; Aubrey Monroe, adjutant; Warren Quick Action By Fire Stoll, finance officer; Vernon Hall ford, sergeant at arms; Russell Hoyt, Laddies Saves Hunt Home chaplain; Edison Vickers, historian Quick action Thursday afternoon ________ and Henry Hiebert, service officer. by the Mill City firemen saved the The installing team from Mill City Clarence A. Hunt home on Kingwood was composed of Bill Cauble, Gail street. Dorothy, Glen M.nton, Walt Westgard. Firemen stated defective wiring Bob Pratt, Ford Wilson, Archie Bren caused the blaze which charred the The Kelly Lumber softball team LEADING HITTERS FIRST neman, Bob Oliver and Bob Muir. Committees have been appointed attic of the home. Mr. __ ________ and Mrs. _____ Hunt — The American Legion Auxiliary of added two more games to their win II \I I’ LEAGl E PI \V this week by W. R. Hutcheson, ; ift- had just completed rebuilding thej Bat. Team Mill City installed the officers of the column here Sunday, by defeating Name ball commissioner of the North w- home and were in the process of re- CBI Detroit-Idanha Unit on Saturday Warren Hardware of Eugene, in two Dale Bennett tiam area for the coming state toi ’.a- decorating at the time of the fire. of the best played games of the sea M. C. Firemen Ron Davidson, evening, July 18th. ment which will be held in Mill C Extensive water damage was done This puts the Kelly team winning Jim Carey Mill City Mrs. Clarence Grund, president son. for the second year in a row or. .' to the house, according to the firemen. to 15 games. Don Carey, Kelly Lumber A large group of Mill City Boy gust 22 to 29. of district No. 2 of Dallas, acted as streak In the first game Zuber reached Marlin Cole, Mill City Scouts left for Camp Pioneer in the This year an outfield fence will be installing officer and Mrs. bred Lucht, first an error, scoring on Don Bob Baltimore Firemen Cascade* last Sunday, transportation erected at the 250 foot mark and ad- past district president, assisted with Carey on ’s two bagger. Carey then scored Gordy McMorri: s, Firemen being furnished by Arlo Tuers. In vertising is being sold on this perm i- the formal installation. on Brownie V’aldez’ single. I Danny Valdez Kelly Lbr. charge of the boys is Scoutmaster nent portable fence at this time, l ast Those from Mill City taking part John Pearson be.-ted Ron Willoughy 'Jim Boyle, Kellv Lbr. Robert Veness. Lee Ross and Charles ' year a paper fence was erected but were Mesdames William Cauble, Ro in a pitcher's duel in this game, get • Ollie Muise, Mill City Kelly transported the necessary equip- this proved unsatisfactory. There are bert Oliver, Glen Minton, Archie Bren ting 10 strikeouts against 7 for Wil ' Joe LaLack CBI ment to the camp site for the boys. also some improvements being ade neman and John Muir. loughy. The score was 2-0. CBI D. Beerbauer Included in the group were Scouts ¡n the outfield, which will be done be- Officers installed were: Roselle In the second game, Dombrowsky Gary Peter son, Michael Peterson, Ter- fore the time of the tournament. New Team Batting Average Vickers, president; Thelma Smith, made first on a fielder’s choice, ¿stole <>qq 189 44 Kelly Lumber Sales Shafer, first vice president; Rilla second on the overthrow at second, \\ estern Electrical Construction ry Muir, David Jones, Marshall Mai- bleachers on the 3rd base line are to 37 179 .207 Company of Portland, Tuesday was den, Larry Kanoff, Alan Tuers. Tom- be erected this year to help accom - second vice president; Ruth Cole, sec and came on around to score stand M. C. Chuck’s ... „...40 194 .201 low of nine bidder^ with an offer of I my Fend, Tony Boothby, Marcus date the huge crowds which are ex- retary; Esther bouts, treasurer; Jes ing up. This run proved to be the CBI 41 201 .201 $104,082 when bid- were opened by Boothby. Lahny Podrabsky, Hershel pected to come for the games. sie Savage, historian; Ada Tomp margin of victory’ as well as the best Merchant-Firemen game s to the Portland District, Coips of Engin Clark, Billy Hedge, Larry Large, Dale j Those appointed on committees are more ill two There are kins, chaplain; and Alma Lady, Ser exhibition of base running for the i a* follow-: Burton Bui roughs, ticket If of the eers, for hauling and installing cer Smith and Steiner. st ha geant-at-arms. Mrs. Gertrude Alvin season. In the pitching department, be played in the fin Already at the camp were Richard and concessions: Jim Hale, was junior past president. Ron Davidson hurled a great game, al season before the final league stand tain government-furnished machinery Verbeck and Don Lemke, who are i sales grounds' keeper; David Reid, adver i ings can be given. lowing Eugene one hit and striking and equipment; furnishing and instal Last Monday night the local Post members of the staff for the entire tising manager: Dick Parker, publici ling other material and equipment; season. The other boys will return to ty; Bob Hill, housing; Charles Kelly, motored to Silverton where they in out 11 hatters. Willis struck out nil e. : Tuesday, July 21— Don Carey pulled the iron man ■ First game— and completion of architectural work, stalled the officeis of the Post there. hospitality: Bill Tickle, season tic R II E all for the Big Cliff reregulating Mill City on Saturday, July 25th. John .Muir, who acted as installing | stunt in catching both games very o kets, nnd Carl Kellv, programs. 1 4 Merchant-Firemen hits in five capably, and got three dam powerhouse, part of the Detroit officer, was recently named vice com- i third in the tour Mill City placed ‘ 4 4 0 ( ’ . B. I. . project on the North Santiam river. mander of district 2, comprised of 25 times at bat. last year. Mill City was ney honors . Walker; D Battery — Davidson and Short Scores posts. The local Post, says Muir, is j The low bid was more than $10,000 praised for its hospitality and thig Beerbauer and Lalack. helping pay for extensive dental work First Game— under the government estimate of year plans are being made to take R II E Second game—- being done for a local child through $174.962 ranged as high as j care of a larger crowd than was p n R 4 the child welfare program. $237.972 k must be completed handled during the meet of Inst year. 1 1 3 1 Chuck’s of Mill City by June About 50 weie present at the in More detail, will be given each week 4 ' Kelly Lumber Sales .. stallation. A pot luck lunch wa.- en-1 Estin ties included some Adults interested in a mixed doubles in The Enterprise. Turner; Battery- Poole and joyed and dancing followed, accord- , 69 diffc ranging fiom the tennis ladder tournament have been , and Fallon. ing to Ford Vi ilson of the local Le- installai invited this week by Jim Hale to gion post. ter to sign up at The Enterprise office or at the recreation center at th* school. Kelly Lumber . ither bidder were: Morgan Elec He stated that ell doubles teams must ¡W re> IL:-I”. be mixed. Dav Battery—Kell of ban Plumbing and Heating Company, A ladder tournamer cons is P tland, $208,506; W. R. Cm sie Com- any number of contestants or j Walker. pr>iy, Portland, $206,953; Newberry To begin with teams will be pla Santiam Sofl Electric Corporation, Los Angeles. the ladder in tl > order of -igni No. 1 rnnk- Tb top team on •• .«are Icing held at •, Berkelev. < '• rnia. \ ust 7 will receive n can of tenr ishington, today, Thur»- 1 turn - Doughty, « 1 / died of a vlteck. to Mill Citv from his in * L orn- reporting final pl i ng ■TI’.W ’ Mr. Dr ty had just tarted to work for th ■ local firm that morning I M Ell and hair »* but <>■ v chol r when he N’ew teams or teams w >ut complained o feeling ill and asked rating may challenge the last Homer Thacker, who was loading at the time for a ride back to town. the ladder. Lebanon, Sih er While the truck was being loaded, 4. Teams with a rating m eady accep Doughty rested in the si inde and com- lenge two places above th hand and the plained of a pain in his chest. On the rating. Example: Team No. Charles M. S pccts dancers way down, he slumped over on the challenge No. 7 or No. 6. schedul Willamette v driver’ 1 p, apparently passing away should beat No. 0, they excha men Bet instantly. res on the ladder. and Lala Music for the jamboree will be bj ; it by He wa- 46 years of age. The fam 5. A refetee should be used for each Poole lhe “Corn Poppers” of Bend. Six cal at De' roit Dan ily ha.I just recently moved her«l match. A full match must bb played. telephone lers have been engaged and six more from Redmond. Oregon, v here he had R H E are pla ned for the affair. 6. A team unable to accept chal worked as a policee an. n No. 1000. Fui 6 0 .. 9 lenge- will forfeit. be obtait ation Eager youngsters of the area are A i.i " iled qp‘ o ’ h ■ lif e will 0 1 4 of the Cory 7. Ladder tournament teams have be published next week, Fallon Bee already building floats and grooming preference on the courts on Monday their pets for their big day of the • - ------------------ and Wednesday evenings. Fe-tival, Thursday, July 30. The tra R H ditional and bigger than ever Pet 8. If the lights go out during play, “Welcqpie Hawaii” To Be 11 11 Merchant-Firemen Parade will form at 6 p. m. that date the point will be played over. • Portland Man Gets Leg Chuck’s Mill Citv Theme of State Fair ■ ■_ it.i 4i ii i• • th' !i thi { If each person takes a turn with Battery’—David on. Parker and “Welcome Hawaii wil| be the ro downtown area at 6:30 p. m. the quarters, it should not cost any mantic and colorful theme of the Cramp Hiking from Lake Walker; Poole and A. Walker. The grand parade will he held Fri one much money. 1953 Oregon State fair and the idea DETROIT—A rescue party of three day evening, July 31, at 7 p. m. En I John War i Worden, 8® of Lyons, Tennis court lights aie now- ready will be carried out in a new greatly LITTLE LEAGUE TO MEET men, Frank Moore, Richard Lanj pa-.-ed away suddenly at his home tries will be judged in three divisions: for use ard 25c will activate the enlarged, outdoor garden and flower and district ranger, S. T. Moore, went. ¡STAYTON NINE MONDAY at 4:30 Tuesday morning, July 21. lights on both courts for an hour. If show, in the evening stage revue and commercial, industrial, and civic. The Mill City little league will play to the aid of George Pettingill, 63, of Saturday afternoon and evening will Death was attributed to a heart at- each person takes his turn with the in decorations and activities generally Portland, who w-as trickin with a se the Stayton little league team here feature the now famous Bean-hole- ta k. money, night tennis can be played when the fair open- at the state fair I Monday evening at 6 o ’ clock. This vere leg cramp while hiking out from l was born in Boone coun- at little expense. grounds in Salem September 5, it is bean feed, a variety of shows. Cli ' ty, Deceased a fishing trip from Opal Lake Thurs- ' will be the first of an anticipated four I maxing the and Nebraska, September 19, 1895. announced by Governor Paul Patter annual celebration will be | games on a home and home basis. day night. was united in marriage on Decem son. the ever popular “Bean-Hopper’s- He Little league teams are made up of . In the fishing party with Pettingill I boys under 13 years of age. They! Ball” slated or the civic building Sat ber 14, 1921, at Albany, Oregon, to A feature of the new garden and Leota Allen, who survives him. Mr. Marlene White Working were Grayson Turney, athletic coach play flower show will be a smoking, 20-ft- on a diamond tw-o thirds the re-, urday night, August 1. Worden was a farmer and logger in of Venice, i'alif., Clyde Everett, ma-1 gulation baseball size. Last Monday high replica of volcanic Mt. Aloha, a Browning Bros. Amusement Co., the Lyons vicinity. With Mission Group nager of the Oregon Flax Textiles. I ‘ Mill City was defeated by Stayton 3 Hawaiian grass -hut with its roast will be set up on the civic building Survivors include his wife; two Salem, and Loriis Myer, retired Me to 2 in a practice game. pig. pineapples, coconuts and banana Miss Marlene White of Mill City grounds during the entire week. daughters, Mrs, Phyllis Lierman of and 28 other college-age young peo- trees, a “jungle” and a lagoon. hama logger. Stayton, Ore. and Margie, at home; The rangers reached Pettingill at ' The garden arid flower show will pie from all over the United States two grandsons, Ronald and Richard are 2 a. m. and six hours later they all ! in California, working with the cover about two acres under a canopy i Lierman of Stayton; one sister, Vir division of home missions of the na- | of more than 50 large oak trees in th« reached the end of the five mile trail. ginia McNamara of Wheeler, Ore.; tional council of the churches of northwest section of the grounds. It Pettingill limped out on his owr. a brother. Oral Williams of Ocean Christ in the USA in its Christian will contain many other types of gar power alter declining to be ‘‘carried 1 Lake, Oregon, and an Uncle, William ministry for the amilies of the migia- den exhibits than Ha waiian, however, out” by the rescue team. . Graham, at Silverton. according to Mrs. Claude A. Miller, Pending final adoption of the hunt- the 14th. Open season is tentatively Funeral services will be held at the tory farm labor in that state. director of the event. Volunteering their summer to take SANTIVM VALLEY GRANGE Weddle Funeral Home in Stayton, I ing regulations on or about July 24, set for August 22 to 27. A person who obtained a permit Ore., Friday afternoon at two o’clock, the message of the Christian Way to HOLDS MEETING FRIDAY applications for antelope tags are be these farm-working families, these LYONS—The Santiam Valley ing prepared and should be available for any of the antelope areas last year , to be followed by burial in the Fox young people from eight protestant Pwo Sisters Are Brides Valley cemetery. Pallbearers will be or for the Newbridge either sex deer at game commission license agencies grange held their business meeting, are conducting vaca In Reno, Nev. Ceremony hunt will not be eligible for an ante John Kunkle, Thoma« Tate, Ralph denominations tion Bible schools, recreation groups, Friday night, July 17, which had been throughout the state by August 1. Clorinda and Joy Johnson, daugh- Downer, Otto Weidman, Orville A total of 400 permits will be issued lope tag this year. supervised play and a craft program i ters of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Faust of postponed from July 3rd due to the Downing and Glen .Julian. to hunt the fleet-footed pronghorns. in the migrant camps. The young peo I Taft, Ore., w*re both rharried at Reno, Fourth of July weekend. Giles Wag-1 Application for the permits must be Local People Attending ple underwent an intensive training Nevada, on Saturday, July 11th. ner, master, presided over the meet made on an official blank completely Silver Creek Youth Camp period at Modesto, one of the San Clorinda was married to Don Lyons Man Appointed To ing with a small crowd in attendance. filled out or the application will be re Joaquin Valley farm centers, where Shaffer of Taft, and Joy became th* Forest Advisory Board The Youth Camp at Silver Creek, September 26 is the date set for the jected. In addition, five dollars must they learned of the religious, econo bride of Frank Nicholas, of Toledo. annual harvest festival which w ll be be included with the completed blank under direction of the First Christian O. K. DeWitt of Lyons has been ap- mic and social problems of the mi The brides formerly lived in Mill held at the grange hall in the after for each person de-.-¡ring a permit. As church, this week is having a number pointed as one of 13 members of the grant. as will as the techniques of the i City and attended school here. noon and evening. At the lecture hour in the past, parties of not more than The newly wedded couples are now Salem forest district advisory board. field program. I^eo Russell gave a talk on "What is ' four persons may apply as a unit pro of local boys anti girls attending. Miss White is now working near at their respective homes at Taft Reappointment of the board was an Planning to attend were Yvonne nounced by Rodney O. Fety, district Mendota, California, as a part of an and Toledo, Oregon. Freedom". Short talks was also given | vided that each member of the party by Elmer Taylor and Wilson Stevens I- :gns that application. A nonresident Dart, Ralph Jull. Wil la Loucha, Beryl forester for the bureau of land man interdenominational team, which was on Safety on the Farm and in the is not eligible for a tag. organised from the group attending Ma-on. Velma and Audrey Shaw and agement. Woods. There will he no hunt in area one Ellen Shelton. Mrs. H. E. Jul) is cook Member» of the board, who repre the Institute. Helping the children to I’l< NIC St HEIM LED FOR A group from Santiam Valley at this year. Applications for permit» in and Mrs. Elmer Shaw, her assistant. sent a croes section of interests in the see and follow the teachings of Jesus SPORTSMEN’S CLUB CANCELLED Word received from Jerry Coffman, tended the Pomona Grange picnic held areas two or three must be in the Rev. Jull is camp manager. Doris 12 counties in wh h the »65,000 a< se« through stories, craft project* and re at Avery Park in Corvallis. Sunday, Portland office of the game commis Hutchinson attended the junior girls' of the °alem district are located, meet creational programs is but part of the president of the North Santiam and Santiam Valley received the pen sion at 1534 S. W. Alder by 10:00 a. camp at Turner last week and Don several ________ times each year with the dis- nrogram. An effort is also made to | Sportsmen's club, states that the pic nant for having all dues paid for 1953. m . August 11. Drawings will be held Hutchinson is attending the junior trict forester for the mutual exchange help to carry an educational and re nic scheduled for Sunday, August 9th, 1 at Marion Forks, has been cancelled. This is the sixth one they have won. ligious program to the adults. August 13 and tags will be mailed on boys’ camp there this week. of information and ideas. Kelly Lumber Wins Two Close Games from Eugene Committees Appointed To Handle Softball Tourney Boy Scouts At Camp Pioneer For Outing Portland Finn Low Bidder On Work At Big Cliff Dam Tennis Fans Asked To Sign for Tourney Two Buildings At Mongold To Be Heart Attack Proves Fatal To W. Doughty Plans for 4-Day Pean Festival Lyons Wlan Dies Tuesday A. M. Applications for Antelope Togs To Be Available To Sportsmen By August 1