it—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1953 Social Events iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Gooch Logging Supply 6 b Everything for the Logger Phone 116 Phone 1141 Branch Store Lyons Home, Philomath Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Contracting and Rental Super Savings 39c Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Miss Barbara Haun, daughter of rian Clelen of Meridian, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun of Gates, announces that she will be married to Pvt. Wilmer Crites, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harmon, also of Gates, on Saturday, July 18th. The wedding services will be perfor- ' med at the Mill City Presbyterian The Forty-sixth annual Rebekah | sembly present were: president, Lola church at 8 p. m. and a reception will convention of District No. 7 was held Osborne; vice president, Byrle Drury; be held in the recreation rooms fol in Scio, Oregon, the middle of June. j marshal, Edith House; chaplain, Ha lowing the ceremony. The bridegroom, The meeting was held in the beauti zel Lewis; inside guardian, Marjorie who is stationed near San Diego, Cal. fully decorated Scio Grade School I Gentry; musician, Nettie Larson; past arrived home Wednesday of this gymnasium, with Leone Rebekah president, Hallie Engle and Christine week. Lodge No. 84 of Scio, as the hostess Smith and Lady Elsie Townsend, P. Friends of the couple are invited to lodge. Letha Sommer was the presid L. A. P. M. and Lady Weaver, P. attend the wedding. ing officer. treas. L. A. P. M. and seven district On Top Grade Foods Convention officers were: chairman, deputy presidents. Eat the Best for Less Letha Sommer, Scio; vice chairman, It was the thirtieth consecutive con Henry Ecdestons Announce Jullia Basset, Mill City; secretary, vention for Hazel Lewis of Lyons and Engagement of Daughter Mayflower Ice Cream Marie Wells, Scio; warden, Tava Dietz the largest delegation of Assembly GATES—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ec- of Stayton; conductor, Ida Fleet officers to visit a convention in the cleston are announcing the engage- Qt- Gal. wood, Mill City; chaplain, Marjorie area for some time. One hundred and ment of their daughter, Miss Eileen Gentry, Jefferson; inside guard, Rose fifty attended the afternoon session. Eccleston, to Mr. James Goetziner of Kappeli, Turner; outside guard, Zona Each lodge of the district perform Salem. DILL PICKLES Sischo, Lyons; right supporter to ed their part with ease and ability. The prospective bride is a gradu- chairman, Lola Osborne, president, Letha Sommer, chairman, presented ate of the Gates high school and has Del Monte Rebekah Assembly; left supporter to her officers with gifts and past chair been employed in Salem for the past chairman, Hazel Lewis, Lyons; right men of the convention were honored. year. Large Jar supporter to vice chairman, Blanche President Lola Osborne conducted the The groom-to-be is the grandson Syverson, Mill City; left supporter question box which proved beneficial of Mrs. Cora Harmon of Salem, but to vice chairman, Alta Bodeker, Ly to all present. Mill City invited the formerly of Gates. Gaines DOG MEAL ons; past chairman, Marcille Ware, convention to meet with them next No definite date ly»s been set for Stayton; musician, Velma Hatfield, year. Officers for the coming year the wedding which will occur in the lb .bag 19 Turner. Bessie Bates and Helen Pur were elected, as follows: chairman, early fall. dy were pages. Julia Basset, Mill City; vice chairman, Seventeen officers of the Rebekah Blanche Wagner, Lyons; and Goldie SPRY Assembly and district deputies visited Rambo, Mill City. Pink and Blue Shower the convention. Officers of the As- At the close of the afternoon ses- Held For Mehama Lady SHORTENING CLUB, LODGE, AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES Julia Basset Elected Chairman At Rebekah Convention In Scio BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Sweet Callers at the home of Mrs. Ida Barbara Haun To I Geddes and Miss Daisy Geddes, Tues day of last week, was Mrs. Mary Brocklebank and Mrs. Grace Mar- Be Married Sat. quam of Eugene, Ore., and Mrs. Ma Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 j • $149 29c 10 FOR RENT! FULLY FURNISHED TRAILER HOUSES CLEAN REST ROOMS LOTS OF HOT WATER Mrs. Ed Kubin of Mehama was honored at a pink and blue shower given Friday evening at the Dick Budlong home at Gates, with Mrs. Budlong, Mrs. Frank Merrill, Mrs. Francis Bodiker and Mrs. Jack Dug- gin as hostesses. The evening was spent in games for which prizes were awarded, and after opening of the gifts a lovely lunch was served. Present in addition to the honored guest and the hostesses, were Mes dames Verne Shaw, Wilbert Meinert and George Veteto of Mill City and Larry Bangs of Mehama. ALTAR SOCIETY AT LYONS TO HOLD BAZAAR IN AUGUST ELECTRIC WASHER and DRYER SHOWER BATH Reasonable Rates Rainbow Trailer Court 154 Miles East of Mill City on Highway 22 The Altar Society of the St. Pa trick Catholic church held their meet ing Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Herman Free, instead of the re evening in the month. The main dis- gular meeting the second Thursday cussion was making plans for the ba zaar and dinner which will be held some time in August. After the bu siness meeting Bunko furnished the entertainment for the evening. Pre sent for the meeting were Mesdames Bob Free, Pat Lyons, Andrew Sieg, Sam Bridges, Mike Schwondt, La- vern Spitz, Merrill Brassfield, Jim Phelps, Mrs. Anna Letchlitnar and the hostess, Mrs. Herman Free. sion, dinner was served by ladies of the Scio Christian church. At the evening session, Lola Os borne, president of the Rebekah As sembly, paid her official visit to Leone Rebekah Lodge No. 84 One hundred and forty attended the ses sion. Each lodge of the district had a number for the program, and the Rebekah degree was conferred upon Fay Burkhart of Scio. Lola Osborne, as president, gave a very interesting talk on her theme for next year, also her program to be carried out. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served after the meeting closed. Ji stands to reason... I I Chevrolet trucks must be the best buy! » $1 3 lb. can 99c SALAD OIL Krafts qt. 59C JELLO and JELLO PUDDING 4 pkgs. 29c Del Monte Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 2 can 25c Standby ('hunk Style TUNA BISQUICK Large box 39c Dennison’s CATSUP 2 bottles 29c GROUND BEEF, pure lb- 39t‘ POT ROAST «b. 39c Cascade, WEINERS 1 lb. cello 49*' NEW POTATOES 10lbs- 29c ONIONS U. S. No. 1 Yellow 3 lbs 10c CELERY Fresh Crisp >b. 9c radishes - green onions BUNCH 5c Girod’s On the Highway at From where I sit... Zy Joe Marsh Big truck users, small truck users, all truck users buy more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. It stands An Honest Night's Sleep to reason Chevrolet trucks must offer more of what you want. HEVROLETJ When you stop to think about it, the best proof of outstanding value in any product is continued public preference. That's the way it is with Chevrolet trucks. They're the top selling trucks in America today ... for the twelfth straight production year. Ihis is a mighty important fact to consider before you buy your next truck. You'll also want to consider that, while Chevrolet trucks give you more features you want, it’s the lowest-priced truck line of all! Come in and talk it over with us. MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE! Gene Tea g ve Chevrolet i Chevrolet Sales and Service STAYTON. OREGON Slim Johnson, just back from a business trip. tells aho||t g hote) he stayed at one night. “I hit town late and went right to the hotel. There was no clerk at the desk, but there was a sign that said: ‘Gone to bed. Rooms »3. Take a key. Pay when you leave. Sleep Wall.’ I pstairs, the room was real clean, the bed comfortable, and I slept like a log. Came down in the morning—still no clerk. So I left three dollars at the desk and went on. Can you imagine folks that trustful?" From where I sit, running a hotel on the honor system shows a real trust in people. And people a.ways appreciate being trusted. Letting your neighbor follow his personal preference is a kind of trust too—trusting in his good judgment. I like a temperate glass of beer occasionally, you may prefer buttermilk, but let’s hope neither of us “registers" a complaint against the other. ¿¡k Copyr^ht, 1953, I mtrd Stat., K-rrnrr, f »