THURSDAY. JULY 2, 1953 4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Gooch Logging Supply a b Everything for the Logger' BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP I Phone 1141 Phone 116 Branch Store Lyons Sweet Home, Philomath Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone STAYTON 5017 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 T Detroit Resident TodStmistreSS Club To Engineer Receives Fine Promotion Recess For Summer By BOOTS CHAMPION Harry Rutherford, who has served 1 The final meeting for this sea- count of museums she had visited as Resident Engineer at Detroit since I son of the Mill City Toastmistrets and Vera Hathaway presented three September of 1952, has received pro- Club was held Thursday evening, of her own compositions to an in­ | motion as inspector of the North- June 25th, at the Bank Cafe, with terested audience. President Ruby Crosier presiding. The important business for the West District. Invocation was given by Pat Win­ June 25th meeting, of course, was Oregon, Washington, Montana, Ida­ go; Louise Palmer was Topicmis­ the installation of new officers for ho and Alaska will come under his tress, and Barbara Yarnell was the forthcoming season. The outgo- jurisdiction as project inspector. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford and fami­ Toastmistress. Lucille Lowery led a ing officers, all of whom did a ly first came to Detroit in 1947 and general discussion on helpful hints splendid job, are as follows: President, Ruby Crosier; vice- were the first to move their home to for prospective new Toastmistress New Detroit from the Tom Fryer members. Speakers were Faustina president, Vera Hathaway; secre- Nesbitt, who gave art' interesting ac- tary, Pat Wingo; treasurer, Gwen Flats in Old Detroit. ■ - ■ . -—* Jones; club representative, Elsie Walter Mackey of Mill City, electri­ Potter. cal project engineer, will become the Barbara Haun Given new redden'; engineer, commencing Pre-Nuptial Shower The installation of new officers his new duties, July first. Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Dan Mor- was conducted by Edna Hutcheson The Rutherfords plan to make rison and Mrs. Edward Chance were I and it was an impressive and beauti- their home in Portland after August hostesses Thursday evening, at a |ful ceremony, with floral decora­ first. They will be greatly missed shower complimenting Miss Bar- tions in the Toastmistress Club co­ by Detroit friends. bara Haun, whose marriage to Pvt. lors, blue and gold, and a corsage Other Detroit News Wilmer Crites, will be an event of for each new officer. Joe Arsenault/ who is building a Installed for the next season ; mid-July. | new home out in the woods not far which will get under way in Sep- The shower was held in the re- . from the business center, had an un- j creation rooms of the high school at tember, 1953, were the following I welcome guest last weekend. Gates. new officers: When he discovered the “guest” had Games provided entertainment af­ President, Gwen Jones. I already moved in, Joe decided not to ter which the many lovely and use­ Vive-president, Louise Palmer. disturb him but the “gues,” eyeing ful gifts wree opened. Refreshments Secretary, Faustina Nesbitt. i Joe, had other ideas. Joe, managing to was served to the guests which were Treasurer, Marion Todd (repre- open doors and windows, left quickly, seated at one long table, beautifully I b- loing tin The "g .est”? Ycu’ve sented by Edna Ross as Marion is decorated for the occasion. guessed it—a 1 c.vic cat’ ! out of town). In addition to the hostesses those Burton Harris, an employee of Lee's Club representative, June Mley. Logging Company, who injured his el- honoring Miss Haun were Mesdames The new Chairmen for the va- Mary Ecclestrom, Velma Carey, Wal ­ It-'v a few v.-’z-ks ago when he dived rious committees for next year, •oo deep in the tank at Brit t rnbush, ter Brisbin, Frank Novak, Phillip were announced by the new presi­ Hess, A. T. Bamhardt, Elmer Klut- bumped the ell c« again while nt work causing it to swell. He is hospitalized ke, Henry Eccleston, Elmer Stewart, dent, Gwen Jones, as follows: Membership, Louise Palmer, as- 'at the North Santiam Memoiial hos­ Merle Devine, Oscar Osterhaut, Ce­ cil Haun, Lincoln Henness, Harry sisted by Edna Hutcheson. pital. Program, Lucille Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan, Harmon, Don Miley, Dale Stubbs, Press-Historian, June Miley. proprietors of the Chili Bowl at Gates, G. C. Barnhardt, Dale Reynolds, Da­ vid Bamhardt, W. R. Hutcheson, Hospitality, Dolores Stewart. were callers in Detroit on Monday. Evaluator, Vera Hathaway. Mrs. Ann Stevens, who suffered a Mabie Knutson, Edmund Davis, Education—Harriett Le Cours. si ght strok’ -»• week a'companied Glen Henness, Burrel Cole. Clarence Lexicologist, Edna Ross. her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Rush, Rosa Roten, Tilman Rains and Parliamentarian, Ruby Crosier. and Mrs. Bill Marcum to their home in Albert Millsap; the Misses Lorena Public Relations, Edna Hutcheson, Portland where she is under the care Devine, Joan Ryal, Eilene Eccleston, all of Gates. Attending from Mill assisted by Barbara Yarnell and of a physician. Mrs. LeRoy Kelly had a felon re- City were Mesdames Gerald Garri­ Aline Steffy. moved from her finger this week, son, Al- Haun, Lynn Goodwin, Nor­ She is receiving medical care from man Garrison and the Misses Elda Webster and Joyce Westgard. From Dr. Reed of Mill City. Joe Leis is ^receiving medical at­ Stayton, were Mrs. Glen Hearing and Mrs. Peter Etzel. Loren Ediger, a missionary in tention from Dr. Reed. Sending gifts, but not present, Mexico for the past five years, was Mrs. Margaret Howland, president of the F. O. E. Auxiliary 2745, at­ were Mesdames Edwin Radine, Chas. the speaker at the Idanha Commun­ tended the F. O. E. state convention Rush, Gwen Schaer, Oswald Hirte, ity church Sunday night. Bob Bonitz, Percy Mulligan, Clare | at Coos Bay, June 25 to 27. The Detroit Eagle’s auxiliary is The F. O D. Auxiliary sponsored a Henness, Norris Thomas, Louisa i holding a rummage sale at Kite’s Wriglesworth. George Child, sr., rummage sale Monday and Tuesday, I Electric shop Monday and Tuesday June 29th and 30th at the Marion George Child, jr., Fritz Ward, Harold of this week. Several members of Wilson, W. F. Struckmeier, William Kites Electric Shop, from 10 a. m. to' Hirte, Alice Dougall Sophie Pierce, the auxiliary spent Saturday col­ 8 p. m. I Delbert Helvey, Marie Helvie. Bar- lecting ai tides donated for the H' /'l.. a ■> n Jani(1, Try One Today! Novak and Carol Andreasson. M rs. Ray Watkins and Mrs. Ruth Skidmore accompanied a group of young people on a swimming party at Brackman's resort on the Bieitan- bush this past week, young sw'immers were Joyc Donny Watkins, Salty Wrigl Naomi Beeson. Recuperating from recent major surgery is Mrs. Vern Alvin, who is now at her mothers’ home in Port­ land. WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Home of GOOD Used Cara HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service SHROCK'S 316 N. Church St. ■ iiit mti Phone 3-9101 ii j t ■ r i 1 • Factory-Trained Export, • Genuine Hotpoint Part. Also Complete Service on ail makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2961 STAYTON Super Savings On Top Grade Foods Eat the Best for læss W EINERS Armours or Cascade Lb 49c FRYERS Fresh, Pan Ready Lb. 59C POT ROASTS, Commercial Steer *b 39c STEAKS Rib, T-Bone, Sirloin Lb. 59c PURE GROUND BEEF Lb 39c Radishes, or Green Onions Bunch 5c Deer hunting season will CANTALOUPE Lb. 9C he here before you know it and now is the time for ft you to come in and select NATIONAL PRESS BUItDING WASHINGTON, 0. C. your equipment for By A»"« Good« this fall Model 70. Cal. 270 Model 91, Cal. 30-30 Model 91, Cal. 32 special Model 6!. Cal. 30-30 Model 71. Cal. 318 MARGIN Model 336. Cal. 30-30 REM 1> (.TON SI 20.95 120.95 69.00 69.00 91.60 123.00 Model 721. Cal. Model 721. Cal. Model 722. Cal WAGE SELECT OLIVES Can 19c If you’re a neat knitt er why not make one of the boxy w hite sweat- ers that are going to be popular this summer? ♦ * * Who would ever thirl< that each year we Americans » i t About 21 pounds of onions apiece ? Well, the U. S. Dciar'.ment of .Agriculture says so. Arid on your quota this year, try a sliced ■ nion and orange salad, bedded down on deep green water cress and toppc< mayonnaise blended w ith orange juice and a bit* < f gra rind. Simple but so deli« 39c 99.40 82.80 WWW Model 99. Cal. 3 69.70 69.70 90.75 1 Model 99. Cal. 2 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN A DOWN PAY- ¡UN FOR YOU. f UN Jenkin Model 336A. Cal. 35 Rem. (Junto 0 Ma 4 pkgs. 29c What's cookir :? Pot roast, the best ever when we sul>stitute to- mato juice for water. After the roast is thoroughlv brovi-ned, plunk it in the simmering to mato juice with a bay leaf, some on ion, carrot, celerv, salt and pepper. Cook slow- ly till done. * * * W Model 70. Cal. 30-06 . JELLO and JELLO PUDDING number of meat diMie*, prepare th' biquit ous onion accordinriy: M* It vitamin- ized margarine in * i BISQUICK Lar^e P— ’•olden West OFFEE Cl Sand a aute gently Model 340, Cal. twice with a fork t c Phone 2206 ♦ w w A hint or two for the manufacturers of aut< matie laun- dry Machines: The hot ter the wa- ' «. Do pot ever soap; wateir should le lukewarm. And it is nott wise to al- ternate soaps and deter gents in the machine. Select one an.1 stick to it- On the Highway at STAYTON