7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE June 4. 1953 If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! Wan ts and Sales LOST—New boy’s baseball cap with FOR RENT l-rooni house, $30. L. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT — Furnished apartment, FOR SALE IN DETROIT — House, letters ’KP* in green on white and 140-acre farm neat Lyons on highway, | A. Havel, Route 1, Box 68, Lyons, three rooms. Inquire at Thiel’s garage, 30'xlO’ utility building, on green cap. Finder please take to 23-3p b-room modern house, barn, 3-ioom j Store, Lyons, Ore. 20-4 Clester ave. $3,800 includes Roper Julia Kemp’s Beauty Shop, Mill rental cabin, other bldg. Some pole gas range, water heater, 175 gal. City for reward. 23-3 timber. »16.000.00. Teimc. AFRICAN VIOLETS $1.25 and up, gas tank, and oil heater. Cjtll De­ fuchsias, geraniums and tuberous troit 623 or contact Dick Farrow. WANTED Summer work. Men avail­ 5-rooni modern home ’s-mile west of Mehama, 8 'xlOO lot »5100. Terms. able for seasonable employment. begonias, started bulbs and seed­ 23-2 Any type steady woik acceptable. 2-Bedroom home, n odei r. plastered, lings. and bedding plants. Berger’s Contact Tex Blazek, phone 2652. Green House, 1101 Third St., Stay­ WANTED — Strawberry, Gooseberry floor furnace in Lyons. Large and Cherry pickers. Phone or write ton, phone 2095. 18-6p garage and utility, nice lawn, close Etzel Bros., Route 1, Box 234, Stay-, WOMEN WANTED — Address and to stores, »6800.00. EXPERT AUTO and home radio ton, phone 11 F-71. 21-'»' mail post cards. Make over $50 2-Stor.v house in Stayton. I bedrooms, ------------------------------------------------ - service. 20 years experience, all week. Send $1 for instructions. modern, several fruit and nut trees. makes. Guaranteed service. WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled LENDO. Watertown. Mass. 22-3p Plenty of flowers, two large lots, Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Douglas fir poles, delivered to located one blck from Catholic I.vons vard. For further informa­ SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS and WANTED — Berry pickers. See or tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 church. A real ba: gain at »5800.00. rentals, parts for most models. Also write Joe Schmitz, Route 1, Box Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, see the world’s finest sewing ma­ New 2-bedroom house at Mill City, 243, Stayton, or phone 14-F-51, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf hardwood floors, plenty of closets, » chine the amazing new Necchi, zig­ Stayton. 22-3p nice utility and attached garage, oil zags, sews on buttons and makes SINGER — Rent a Singer Electric floor furnace. An ideal floor plan, Portable Sewing Machine, $5.00 per buttonholes, without attachments. SPINET PIANO —Will sacrifice for »7950.00. Duncan’s Sewing Center, 70 E. Ash, month. Free delivery and pickup. quick sale. Cash or terms. Can Wtite Singer Sewing Machine Co., Lebanon, Ore., phone 461 or write These and many others for your in- be seen in Mill City. Write R. L. Necchi Sewing Machine representa­ 130 N. Com’l., Salem, Ore. 20-4 spection, we ate at your service 7 Taw, 915 SW 9th Avenue, Portland, tive, Box 483, Mill City. l~tf days a week, call anytime. Ore. 22-3 Would you like to SAVE from 20% to 30% on the cost of your Auto­ FOR SALE—Old established restau­ 5-acre place at Gates, near the school TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ and on oiled road. This house needs mobile Insurance? If so! call on chines. We sell, rent, repair and rant doing business in Mill City. a little attention., but has good pos­ swan all makes. Trade your old DOUG BAKER or RON NICHOLS Must sell on account of illness. sibilities, »3000.00. Terms. . . .TAKE YOU THROUGH machine towards a new one. We also have all types of Logging, Inquire at Mom & Pop’s Cafe, Mill ROEN/456 Court St.. Salem. Truck and Equipment Insurance. City. 15-2 FRED A. LINDEMANN WHEN OTHERS CAN TI Make sure to ask about the saving Public Accounting — Real Estate WANTED — Small landscaping and on house and furniture fire insur­ With the extra traction of Insurance contract jobs. No job too small. REAL ESTATE ance. 4 - wheel drive and the Phone 314 LYONS. ORF.. Phone 2261, between 8 and 9 eve­ Write or call at 21-3 power of its high-compres­ nings, except Saturday, Charley River frontage for summer 416 Masonic Building sion HURRICANE Engine, Barney, Box 193, Mill City. 15-4p home sites. FOR SALE—Small house trailer, fully this "go-anyw here" Willys Corner of High and State Sts. Highway frontage between equipped including full tank pro­ NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in Truck gets through mud, Gates and dam. Salem, Oregon pane gas. E. T. Howard, Box 224, and see the new Lech combination snow and sand that stop Modern home on 11 acres for desk or wall phone, also used Idanha or phone 353 Idanha. 23-2p Phone Day 3-3894 ordinary trucks. Ask us for phones from $10.00 up. Telephone sale. Night 2-4758 or 4-1072 a demonstration. 118-in. and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. FOR SALE—Whirl pool dryer. 2 years Houses for rent. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im­ wheelbase, 5 300 lbs. G VW. old, $125.00 Phone 4202. Mill City. 21-3p' ported and domestic woolens. Al­ See W. R. HUTCHESON REAL ESTATE terations, cleaning and pressing. At Gates Furniture Store HELP WANTED FEM ALE—Ladies, SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. See U3 for good buys in the canyon earn extra cash by addressing ad- Liberty, Salem. 50tf area. Listings wanted. vettising postals at home. Write, FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol ­ Vali Co., Box 1042. Muncie, Ind. 23 Glen Shelton, Salesman WHEN IN SALEM stered, latest fabrics and plastics. FOR SALE—%-acre with 4-rm. house, C. E. Coville, Broker Visit Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton new Youngstown kitchen, wired for SALEM. ORE. Upholstery. West side Mill City Ph. 2207 “HUDSON CITY” electric range, has flat-top electric Home of GOOD Used Cars water heater, bath room. Total price $1500.00 cash, located just out­ HUDSON side city limits. Call Mill City tele­ 21-3p Sales — Parts — Service | phone office. 4 WHEEL DRIVE ¡r/urs TRUCKS ELSNER Motor Co Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone STAYTON 5017 SHROCK'S Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equip ment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental 316 N. Church St. I Phone 3-9101 SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are devoted to game conservation and propagation and need your help. Only $1.00 per year, you will have that much fun at one meeting. Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet's. 9 1’h. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 FOR RENT One bedroom, furnished house for ret t. Phone 1952. 20tf LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF \NNl AL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance w:(h Sec. 111-908, O. C. L. A., to the leg I voters of School Dis­ trict No. 129 .. of Linn-Marion Conn- tic- State of Oregon, that the AN­ NUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at the High School; to begin at the hour of 8:00 o’clock p.m. on the third Monday of June, being the 15th day of June, A. D. 1953. This meeting is called for the pur­ pose of elect.ng a member to th« Board of Directors, voting on items of maintenance and capital outlay and voting on authorization to purchase and dispose of real estate and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. In districts of the second and third classes the ballots shall not be counted until one hour after the time set for the meeting to begin. Until the count begins, any legal voters of the district shall be entitled to vote upon any business before the meeting. Dated this 25th day of May, 195?, ATTEST: EDNA F. ROSS, District Clerk WILLIAM B. SHUEY, 22-2 Chairman, Board of Directors CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be opened at 7:00 p.m. June 15, 1953, by the Board of Educa­ tion of School District No. 129-J, covering the following items: pur­ chase of approximately 900 ft, 9 ga. 2 in. mesh storm fence; surfacing of approximately 2200 sq. yds. of hard surface paving; outside painting of grade school. Contact Supt. V. S. Todd, Mill City, for specifications and information on projects listed. LYONS PLUMBING & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES Water Systems Open Evenings FOR RENT — Cabins by week or month for light housekeeping. Mill City Hotel. 23tf THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE FOR SALE—Colored fryers, 30c lb. live, 57c lb. dressed. Charles Bouche, Mehama, Ore., phone Lyons 678 saij : m Iti N. Commercial St. Haa Everything for Your * FOR SALE — 27-fU ’48 Masterbilt trailer house, toilet mid shower. Never been used. Inquire at Gates General Store. 23-lp i She handles th* car» whan their Batteries are low.” OFFICE NEEDS It costs a lot of money to feed an elephant, but it costs very little to have us put a new battery­ in your car. Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILOR COURT MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Phone 903 — MILL CITY WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! WHITIES SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Closed Monday Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! BANQUETS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS Ask for FROZEN FOODS USE YtKJR BRAKES AND 6/ VE OUR KIDS A BREAK Directory - Professional DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician John W. Reid, MD Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. Physician & Surgeon WOOD’S STORE MIKE'S Septic Service ♦ Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9468, OOLIJOT* 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem Soothe Itching, NATURALLY F iery P iles General Dry Goods NOTIONS UNGEME READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LCZIERS COSMETICS HSWOCXXXScaOJUOUXDOOCSOOCXBO® Don't let »ore. flery. painful, ltchtna almpie Pilei drive you nearly crary In 15 minute» (HI NA ROTO »tart» giving you wonderful cooling. soothing, temporary re­ laxing relief from pain. burning and itch­ ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHTNAHOID co»*« only I1M at druggtoU. anasBunnnnB J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude I*—is’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Before you finance, investigate our low-cost bank auto loan plan. You’ll find it pays to borrow here at your bank, where you get prompt, personal service. No "buried” charges-we tell you the exact cost in advance. Establish bank credit and save money on your auto loan here. DR. MARK HÄMMERN KSEN * REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Has moved his Mill City office to Stay ton in the Pont Office Bldg.. 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Garbage, ashes, trimminn. etc. weekly pickups $1.50 oer month Thursdays 1 p m. to 6 p m. Also lirht hauling Modem FnneraJ Service STAYTON mmnnmvwmB BUYING A CAR? COMPARE OUR BANK LOAN PLAN HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY OREGON anni I MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSl RANCE CORP. I 'N