The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 04, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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Editorial Comments
The Little Man Who Wouldn't’
Bill 99) in 1948 by Oregon voters
i would seem to place the views of this
"McKay Okehs Private Dams.’*"
"Senate Approves Offshore Oil Bill” ¡state on record.)
It is not as if McKay were unfam-
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for SI 00.
These headlines, one above the other , iliar with the Hells Canyon situation.
The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­
in the Portland Oregonian, tell a He has actually visited the site. He
sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately Display
tragfc story of legalized looting of the knows the need of the region for the
Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch.
public domain which will be recorded more than a n illion kilowatts of power
as a shameful chapter in history.
the projected federal dam would de­
May 5 was the day of the “Big Give­ velop, compared with the 92,000 kw
away.” The United States Senate on from Oxbow. He knows that only
that day turned over to the states oil low-cost electricity from Hells Canyon
lands estimated to be valued at from can bring about the maximum devel­
to 300 billion dollars. And on that opment of the vast phosphate beds of
day Secretary of the Interior Douglas southern Idaho. He knows the senti­
_________ —George Pu» am.
McKay literally gave the Hells Can­ ment of the Pacific Northwest favor­
yon dam site to the Idaho Power com­ ing the co-ordinated, orderly develop­
pany for not even a pittance. In ad­ ment of the Columbia liver and its
dition to receiving the Hells Canyon tributaries through a series of multi­
Detroit Dam has inspired the make-up of The Mill gift, a property worth untold millions
ple purpose dams combining power,
City Enterprise from the year 1949. Of course, Con­ to this and succeeding generations, the irrigation,
control and naviga­
solidated Builders, Inc., played a very important role. The Idaho Power company, through the tion. And flood
he knows that dams of
men, women and children that were most surely brought tax writeoff form of legerdemain, will this type will never be built by pri­
get substantial federal financial aid vate industry. His thorough familiar­
to Mill City and surrounding area because of Detroit Dam in
its three piddling dams on ity with the situation makes his ab­
added to the color and life of Mill City. We are .vastly the building
dication to the Idaho Power company
better off for their coming and for what they have built. Along with countless others inter­ all
the more reprehensible.
Construction of Detroit Dam covered a long and pain­
! As Byron Brinton, editor of the
ful span of time in terms of those who are impatient. development of our natural resources, Baker Record-Courier, says, “Only the
were shocked by the actions of the , people can save Hells Canyon.” Ore-
The button that will set into operation the power gener- we
senate and the secretary. We were I gon’s little man in Washington, D.C.,
ators at Detroit Dam is a symbol. Here is the promise amazed that they had the colossal gall
I won't.—From Oregon Grange Bulletin.
of a better and fuller way of life for the entire Northwest. to consummate the acts.
Artists working in concrete and steel have fashioned a In neither instance is the funda­
thing of utility and matching beauty for the North San- mental issue partisan politics, even j
the actions themselves may
tam Canyon. Generations of men can enjoy that which though
have been political in natuie. What­
we will dedicate June 10. Those who had the vision of ever political party happens to hold The Christian Woman’s Fellowship i
such a future brought about Detroit Dam. We shall reap the upper hand in Washington, it, as will meet Wednesday, June 13, with
Mrs. Maggie Shaw. There will be a
the benefits of their good sense. Early efforts of private well as the minority party, has the i pot-luck
dinner at 12:30, with the
enterprise to harness the turbulent Santiam lie decaying
tion’s resources for this and all suc­ program following. The new officers
at Niagara—it took the strength of a strong government ceeding generations,
will be installed, being as follows:
to succeed where others had failed.
In a letter to State Grange Master Mrs. E. K. Fish, president; Mrs. Glen
It is said that much is expected of those who have Elmer McClure, McKay asserted he Shelton, vice president; Mrs. Wm.
Misner, secretary-treasurer, with Mrs.
a great deal. Indeed, the presence of mighty Detroit favored “a strong federal program in Geo.
Flook as assistant.
I)am places in our laps a thing of great worth. It is In the recent presidential campaign, Mrs. Edith Mason accompanied by
clear we must think of it in terms of use to the entire McKay charged that “President Tru­ Mrs. Albert Millsap of Gates attended
community of the Northwest. By so doing wre make re­ man is silly when he says that the the Willamette university alumni re­
turn to other citizens of the United States for their in­ Republicans are opposed to the con­ union at Salem last Saturday. This
struction of power dams,”
During was the first time Mrs. Millsap had
vestment in our Canyon.
been back for a reunion since her
The North Santiam welcomes its friends wherever
asserted that “our goal should be to graduation many years ago.
they are. Dedication of Detroit Dam is a special invita­ work out river basin developments RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open
tion. In the years ahead the North Santiam hopes that the way the people of the region want Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­
it can summon to this canyon many new’ citizens who will it done” and called insinuations that graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays,
he is opposed to public power an ex­ planters, not plants, corsages, wed­
easily and happily call it home.
ample of “misguided mind reading.” dings, also shrubs and landscaping
(Congressman Mrs. Gracie Pfost of 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone
Idaho was elected to office last No­ 3684.
vember on a “Build Hells Canyon
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olmstead
Dam” platform, which should indicate visited visited last week at the home
what the people of her district want of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
The resounding defeat given Olmstead, in Coburg.
While there
¿«4 FRESH'
' the Idaho Power “grab” bill (Senate they attended eighth grade gradua-
Entered as second-class matter November 10, ISM at the post office at
Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 1, ls*S.
Our Invitation
June 4, 1953
tion exercises for their grandson J next week for Laramie, Wy where
Todd will attend summer school at
Mr. and Mrs. M G. Rambo and two the University of Wyoming. He is
children, accompanied by Roewayne school superintendent here.
Holt fished on the Metolius Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Whitsett spent
They also visited at the Baltimore the Memorial day holiday visiting rel­
ranch near Redmond.
atives in Bonneville and Goldendale
The Vernon Todd family will leave Wash.
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