Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving : Mill. CITY DETROIT Bl K HORN ('.ATES IDANH \ LYONS MEHAMA Jr ■Q LLÌ11.I f A J By DON PETERSON The big day many have been wait­ ing for in the Canyon will be here I - - next week June 10 with the dedica­ i'i ruoli BAMt powxrholuj I 12.50 a Year, J Of a Copy MILL ( , TV, OREGON. THURSDAY. JENE I, 1953 tion of Detroit dam and the starting of the first generators producing power for the good of the northwest. We can be proud of this great dam and its purpose — to help prevent It has floods and produce power, already served magnificently in the first by holding back flood waters this year and for many years it will be serving the people by 'regulating North Santiam citizens will drop the affairs of routine the flow of the river. work and observe dedication of Detroit Dam, June 10th. On Wednesday there a great gathering of people from many parts Logging operations will stop during the entire day, June of the country to witness this great 10, so that traffic dangers will be minimized. Most busi­ event. It will be broadcast and tele­ ness h (fuses of the canyon area will close Wednesday; 12 vised to many’ parts of the world. to 5 p.m. Idanha Lumber Co. will not operate Wednes­ Detroit dam and its neighbors will be­ day. Remaining open will bo come better known as a result of this new and modern means of communi­ restaurants and service sta­ cation. We must prove our ability tions. at being good hosts. North Santiam co-operative effort The North Santiam Chamber of in the dedication plans stems from Commerce this week put finishing work now in progress by the North Some $500 worth of merchandise touches on plans to assist in the cele­ Santiam Chamber of Commerce. The will be given away at the Detroit bration and dedication of Detroit dam chamber put the final okay on a full at their meeting in Gates high school Birthday Carnival Friday night, June day June 10 for North Santiam Cham­ 19 at Detroit school gym. Wednesday evening. Committees are ber members, Wednesday night at its Prizes will include a twin wafle Gates meeting. putting last minute details in order iron, double automatic toaster, electric this weekend and will be ready to The official dedication band will be coffee percolator, ease of motor oil entertain and serve the public. and more than sixty other useful a 100-piece massed band made up of • » * high school bands from Detroit, Mill items. This week Mill City voters again City, Stayton,, Cascade and Jefferson, High point of the evennig will be a proposal to turned thumbs down on the door prize drawing at 10 p.m. directed alternately by their regular amend the city’s charter so that gen­ An automatic washing machine, retail­ leaders, beginning at 12:30. Duane eral obligation bonds could be issued Burgess, Stay ton band leader has been ing for $230, will be given away. by the city to make needed street hard at work getting the mass band A huge birthday cake celebrating and drainage improvements by a vote in working order for the day’s enter­ new Detroit ’ s first birthday, will be of 115 to 112. Of course we always tainment. Silverton high school’s cut by Mayor Nolan P. Rasnick. have among us those few misguided band appears on the program at 11:30 There will be a fish pond, basket ­ individuals who oppose something and ball toss, twenty-one, cake walk and for a concert hour of entertainment. don’t know why they are oposing it. Byron Shuck of Stayton will be a continuous cartoon movie for the This time the argument was used that kiddies. There will be plenty of chairman assisted by Boy Scouts of since the bonds were “general obliga-1 'the pamphlet handout committee at weiners, coffee and pie. tion” bonds then the council could use Detroit Dam. .lune, 1952. Thia is Detroit Dam just a y ago. T’,« highwnv atop the dam was not yet com­ Detroit Dam June 10. Albert Toman Y ’ ou are invited to come early and ’.he money for anything they wished plete. Soon this highway was completed and Army E ngineers invited the public in for a look-see at their famed Sr. of Mill City will supervise soft stay late and have fun! if they were to issue bonds for street Detroit Dam. It wasn't long before the North Santiam River started hacking up against the dam. The silent drink and eating stand concessions at build-up of Detroit Lake pushed out the old town of Detroit and Camp Mongold. (Photo courtesy Statesman) purposes. The ballots were correctly the dam site. Three spots will be written and general obligation bonds kept in operation. Jerry Coffman of is the only kind that could be issued Mehama and E. C. Kennedy of De­ You in this type of improvement, troit will have charge of a 24x40 booth couldn’t issue utility bonds. where picture slides on sporting and It is too bad that these misinformed recreation and movies will be shown .ndividuals must go about misinform­ 8 a.m. -12:30 p.m. — Dam open to public F irst B ucket O f C oncrete continuously throughout the day. James B. Love, 83, seriously ill for ing others—for had they taken the inspection. Raleigh Harold Florist of Stayton trouble to come out to the meeting j several weeks at the Santiam Mein- 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.—Visitors to clear tailed byt Ik.-, city council at the Amer­ crini ho'nitr' in Stayton passed away galleries and assemble injirepara- is donating the shrubbery that will ican Legion hall they could have this week on Wednesday, June 3. He tion for (he Dedication ceremonies decorate the movie booth managed PLACED BV by Coffman and Kennedy. ¡earned what was in the plans and I i had lived here for several years and DEDICATION CEREMONIES BUILDERS < am sure would have been satisfied early this year his daughter Mrs. Ion Special communication equipment 1:20—Official gun salute with the plans as they are prepared. Love Thielke came here from Idaho PRIME CONTRACTOR By the Oregon National Guard , for the day’s activity will consist of Mill City will eventually get good to care for him. UNDER SUPERVISION OF 1:30—The National anthem—played [ i amplifiers on top of the dam and in­ streets, but these people will have side the power house, and on the plat­ Funeral services will be Saturday by Canyon high schools band DISTRICT ENGINEER =pent many of your tax dollars hold­ June 6, at 2 p.m. in the Mill City form. Emergency telephone hookup Invocation, The Rev. George II | PORTLAND. OREGON DISTRICr ing elections because of their ignor­ Presbyterian church with Rev. Noble Swift, Rector, St. Paul’s Epis-1 is being installed at the dam site. ance, and in this case had the proposi­ Streeter officiating. Those wishing contact with a Detroit copal church, Salem. tion been passed last November the Mr. Love was born in Athens, Tenn., 1:35—Introduction of Gov. Paul Pat­ dam dedication guest may call Detroit ugust bonds could have been issued under Aug. 31, 1869, and was one of a famliy 1000 for emergency service. terson by Ronald E. Jones, the “Democratic” interest rates of of twelve. Sisters Chamber of Commerce was He is survived by two chairman of Willamette River about 2*4% while now it will cost the brothers, Charles P. of Warrensburg, represented at the Wednesday meeting Basin commission city 3AA% or over under the “Repub­ Mo., and William S. of Eugene, and 1:40—Remarks by Gov. Paul Patterson of the North Santiam Chamber of lican” interest rates on bonds, or five sisters: Cassie Ambrose of Santa Commerce by Art Ladd and Cliff Ul­ 1:45—Introduction of Guests about $7,500 more on this particular Barbara, Calif., Vernie Greenwell, man of Sisters. They announced the By Gov. Paul Patterson. (Photo courtesy Capita) Journal) bond issue. Ruth King and Martha Rains of San 1:50—Remarks by Maj. Gen. S. D. Sisters Annual Rodeo, June 20-21. In * ♦ * Luis Obispo, Calfi,, and Mary Gee of Sturgis, Jr., chief of Engineers, response to a report on the Baker bill The city council would have been Los Angeles; two sons, Leonard E. of 1:55—Construction of Detroit Dam, the canyon-wide chamber ‘ passed a able to cut street maintenance costs Naches, Wash., Chester M. of Astoria, By Col. T. H. Lipscomb, district resolution opposing passage of the in half on their budget foj many years and one daughter, Mrs. Thielke of Mill bill termed “forest and grazing land engineer, Portland district had they been permitted to issue street ' City. grab ” bill and recommending that citi­ 2:10—Dedication Speech improvement bonds, which would al­ zens write to their congressmen. By Hon. Douglas McKay, A union vacation Bible school, with most pay the annual cost of the bonds J. C. "Doc” Kimmel reviewed tho American Legion Junior Raseball Secretary of Interior five churches co-operating will be held booster tickets went on sale this week —of course these opponents to street status of the blood bank program for 2:35 — Sec. of Interior Douglas McKay June 8-19, with sessions Monday in advance of the first game to be improvements are not willing to come pushes button that starts the the North Santiam and secured ap- through Friday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. played Sunday afternoon at 2 p,m. on out and find out about these things proximately $50 in donations during By AMBER RUTHERFORD first generator. The Beginner’s department, for four before they go out house to house the course of Wednesday’s meeting. Today visitors taking the reservoir and five-year-olds, will meet in the Allen Field. 2:40—Indian Dances, performed by opposing city improvements, or they trip and happennig to glance down at The next scheduled meeting of the Junior Legion boys are the high Warm Springs Indian could read about it in the local news­ the first intersection after leaving the Presbyterian social hall; the Primary , canyon-wide chamber is in Stayton, Reservation Boy Scouts department, for children who were in I school age group and five games have paper. ' Engineer’s office, may see two bleak, the first, second and third grades, in been scheduled for Mill City fans. 3 to 5 p.m.— Dam is open to public July 8, at the city hall. The Gates Woman’s club served I gray buildings perched forlornly on the Christian church basement; and After Stayton they will meet Aums­ inspection. delicoius pies and coffee to the large the shore of the lake. The water laps the Junior-Intermediate department, ville June 14, Woodbum June 21, Ore­ 5 p.m.—All visitors to depart. turnout after the business meeting impatiently at the hastily improvised for those in the fifth to eighth grades, gon City June 28, and Salem on July »’as completed. dirt levee and stockade at the edge. in the main building of the Presby­ 12 on the home field. gates students get honors ■ These two buildings are the last of terian church. Oregon College of Education, Mon­ Season tickets are $5 for the whole i the town of Mongold — the bustling All childreff of the community are family which should be a bargain in mouth— Roy E. Leualleni, registrar at The Santiam Softball league sched­ I community that housed government invited to join in the school. The pro­ Oregon College of Education, an­ anyone’s language. This is part of ule for the first half of play was an­ workers on Detroit dam. gram will include songs, Bible stories, nounced today that Ida Belle Black­ nounced today with June 12 as the Origin of Name missionary stories, handwork, and rec­ the Legion’s youth program and it is burn an dJohn Ryal, incoming fresh­ first games to be played. Starting Claude C. Mongold was an engi­ reation, all under the general theme of hoped the public will turn out this men from Gates, have received state time will probably be 7 p.m. for the neer’s engineer. He had been follow- “Crusading for Christ.” Funeral services were held at 2 scholarships. Sunday and cheer for the boys. first game of the double header. p.m. Wednesday at Weddle funeral ! ing construction since he was knee- The Mill City entry is being spon­ high. Jake Fischer, Detroit engineer, home, Stayton, for Earl R. Wolfkiel, sored by Chuck’s Fine Foods and by remembers working with him more 66-year-old Lyons résident who died the Softball league. The Firemen than twenty years ago at Anaconda Sunday in a Portland hospital. Burial entry is being sponsored by the Fire­ ’ in Montana. “Claude was one of the will be in Fox Valley cemetery. The Rev. Glenn Vernon will offi- men's association and various local : best. A good all-around man”, he businessmen. ciate at services. says, Big, bluff, hearty, Mongold The first half schedule is: Surviving is the widow, Mrs. Lilly made friends wherever he went. In June 12—Firemen vs. Kelly Wolfkiel of Lyons, The deceased was J 1939 Mongold was project engineer for Mill City vs. CBI. a native of Kansas. Corps of Engineers at Eugene and June 15— CBI vs. Kelly I supervising exploratory work on De- Mill City vs. Firemen i troit dam. His duties required num­ Gingerbread House’ June 16— Firemen vs. CBI. erous inspection trips of this area. Kelly vs. Mill City. It was on such a trip in May of 1942 Opens in Mehama June 19—CBI vs. Mill City. that his driver, blinded by approach­ Kelly vs. Firemen. ing headlights, lost control of the car Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross have June 22—Firemen vs. Mill City. and went over the edge near Sardine opened their new drive-in “Ginger­ Kelly vs. CBI. Creek and Claude Mongold was killed. bread House”, on the new Santiam June 23—Mill City vs. Kellys From him did Camp Mongold derive highway in Mehama. CBI vs. Firemen. its name. The drive-in will feature home-made June 26—Firemen vs. Kelly. Project Postponed During War . pies and cakes baked by the Rouses, Mill City vs. CBI. The war halted all non-essential I with ice cream and sandw iches. June 29— CBI. vs. Kellys. construction work, and it was not The Rosses did their own decorating Mill City vs. Firemen. until 1947 that the first buildings C.B.L, Detroit Dam contractors, housed their engineer personnel in thoae attractive Mill City homes in what to I for their drive-in, which is dore in June 30— Firemen vs. CBI. which were to constitute the new town yet known aa C.B.L area or Kaiser Court, Army Engineer« have purchased part of three homes for the per- I a Pennsylvania Dutch motif with yel- Kellys vs. Mill City. (Continued on Page 3) son nel who will operate Detroit Dam. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) l low figures and trim. N.Snntinm in Holiday Mood For Dam Dedication June 10 Detroit’s Birthday Carnival June ¡9 Detroit Dedication Ceremonies Program James B. Love Dies In Hospital June 3 DETROIT DAM CONSOLIDATED CORPS OF ENGINEERS A 5. 1950 Union Vacotion Bible Junior Legion Plays School Begin June 8 Stayton Nine Sunday Story of Mongold Santiam Softball Schedule Starts Earl R. Wolfkiel Dies In Portland Sunday