The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, May 28, 1953, Image 1

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Next Tuesday the voters of Mill
Ctiy will decide the fate of their
streets. Will they decide to endure
another year of dust and chuck-holes
or will they place an X in support of
this proposed bonding so that the
streets will be drained and graded
ready for hard-surfacing?
It should not be hard to decide
which course to take but some will not
take the time to go out to vote, but
everyone should take time out to mark
their ballot. That is their democratic
duty. No one else can vote for you,
that is one job you must do for your­
The cost is not prohibitive when
you consider it will only raise your
tax by $1.50 per $100 assessed valua­
tion, which is an average of only $6
per householder for Mill City, most
of us have spent more than that each
year trying to oil our streets in front
of our houses and we still have not
had a satisfactory job when it was
Progress is never attained by sit­
ting back and watching the other
fellow do a job, we must all put our
shoulders to the wheel and push.
Let’s all go to the polls Tuesday and
tell our councilmen that we want our
streets put in order with the laigest
majority ever given any project.
♦ » *
A. C. Heyman, leader in the electric
utility district movement which has
recently sprung up, was in the city
this week assisting the organization
of committees in support of the public
utility district for the canyon and sur­
rounding area. Heyman is a retired
Linn county farmer.
* * *
Vacation is heie and the school chil­
dren are all enthused with the idea
of freedom from studies. I have been
wondering how I could figure out a
good old-time three-month school va­
cation for the parents from the chores
of making a daily living and I havent’
been able to come up with an idea—
can you?
» ♦ »
Summer may be here — one whole
day without any rain!
in \ nh I
I > OX-
---------- —L-------------------
$2.50 a Year. ]()t» a Copy
Detroit Dam Dedication
Ceremonies Set June 10
Plans have been made to accommodate more than 10,000
visitors at the dedication ceremonies of the U. S. Army
Engineers’ $70,000,000 Detroit Dam on the North Santiam
river, Wednesday, June 10, according to Ronald E. Jones,
chairman of the Willamette River Basin Commission.
Coming from Washington, D.C., for the ceremonies will
be Maj. Gen. S. D. Sturgis,
Jr., chief of the U. S. Army
Engineers, and the Hon. McCarthy Furniture
Douglas McKay, Secretary
Opens Here Monday
of Interior.
Mr. and Mrs, Bill McCarthy this
Visitors may view the dedication,
to be held between the powerhouse week opened their furnituie »tore for
and the dam, from the deck of the business in the store formerly oc­
dam and from the lower area. Lim­ cupied by the Mill City Furniture.
Air view
Mill City. We are proud of this city and will do all we possibly can to help it
ited room below the Jam may require They will do business as the McCarthy
grow. Beautifying the1 streets is a large task, but with everybody working together it can Ire
many to watch from the deck of the Furniture.
accomplish^ J. Vote X Yes For the Bond Issue next Tuesday.
Bill McCarthy will be remembered
dam where loudspeakers will be set
when he was «in ployed by Dave Epp»
up to broadcast the program.
Detroit dam on that day will be while Dave operated the local furni­
open to visitors from 8 a.m. to 12:30 ture store. Iu February 1952 Mc­
p.m. when visitor» will be required Carthy went to manage Epps’ Albany
Mill City is again at the crossroads—shall we go for­ to clear the galleries and assemble for store. McCarthy came to Mill City
ward and improve our town or shall we remain stagnant. the dedication ceremonies. At 1:20 from Longview, Wash., where he man­
two stores for the Big Four
With new industries building on all sides of us, it would p.m. the Oregon National Guard will aged
company to open hie own
a nineteen gun salute in honor of
be possible to obtain new residents and businesses—but fire
Secretary McKay and visiting gov­ store here.
only by making our town more attractive and inviting to ernors of the Pacific northwest states. McCarthy Furniture will handle alt
Mayor John Muir of Mill the expected influx of people. We feel that a drainage Following rendition of the national types of household furnishings. Mc-
City carried the ball at the system and street improvements are the first “musts” for anthem by high school bands of the Carthy will do everything he can to
public meeting Tuesday eve­ Mill City. Any and all future progress and improvement North Santiam canyon, the Rev. show every popular line of appliance
ning in the local Legion hall of the town is dependent on such a project, For your George H. Swift, rector of St. Paul's and furniture.
on the proposed street im­ information, we pass on the estimated costs that liave Episcopal church, Salem, will deliver
invocation. Gov. Paul Patterson
provement bond i sue up for been given to us by our registered engineer, M •. N. W. the
of Oregon will be introduced by Ron­
vote June 2.
Haner and Associates' of Portland.
ald Jones.
Muir gave a detailed and careful
Mr. Haner has surveyed Mill City and outlined a Governor Patterson, in turn, will
summary of the proposed bond issue. drainage system that would cost $32,205 and he advises introduce special guests, including
A small, but interested audience threw
Applications are now being taken
Governors Len Joi dan of Idaho and
questions at Mayor Muir.
Those that the grading, leveling, and putting base rock on the Arthur Langlie of Washington, may­ by the Farmers Hon.e Administration,
present appeared favorably impressed streets would require thè balance of the $75,000 requested. ors of Willamette valley cities and I United States Department of Agricul-
with the Mayor's answers and aigu- After completion of the drainage project, it would then be towns, representatives of the Colum­ tuie, for farm housing loans. These
the responsibility of the individual property owner to bia Basin Inter-Agency committee, the housing loans are for farm houses,
George Steffy of Mill City volun-
barns, milk houses, poultry houses,
toward getting the top seal or layer of paving on his Willamette River Basin Commission etc.
Ji jn lettering signs
or, they may be uaad loi re­
< ‘«W1. his
/ committee.
favoring the proposed street improve­ Own street.
modeling or adding to a präsent farm
In consideration of the above facts, the city council Other guests will include: R. A. structure.
ment bond issue on automobiles.
Muir presented the argument that has again called an election for the approval of a sale of Hoffman, vice president in charge of
The interest rate on these loans is
a maintenance bill of aiound $18,000 general obligation serial bonds in amount of $75,000 to be construction for Consolidated Build­ 4% and the terms n ay be as long a»
For years the community of Mt. per year might be cut in half by a retired over a period of 15 years at a rate of interest not ers, Inc., prime contractors for con­ twenty years, A real estate mort­
Angel has seen the necessity of build­ . program of street improvement the to exceed 4' ,. This money would be spent only for the struction of Detroit and Big Cliff gage is taken to secure the loan states
ing a home for aged and infirm peo­ I proposed bond issue would permit.
dams; Harry W. Rutherford, Detroit Martin H. Baker, who is county super­
ple. Property has now been secured
Dam resident engineer for the Army visor for Linn, Lincoln and Benton
The entire Engineers, and Col. Emerson C. Itsch- counties. There is no charge for ap-
and a fund drive is under way for the the present bond issue is not for pav­ is supervised and controlled by state laws.
erection of buildings, on a site to be ing, it makes possible a paving pro­ project would be under the supervision of Mr. Haner who ner, North I’m fic division engineer. piaisal of the fatm buildings — and
known as Benedictine Village, a non­ gram that will result in pel manent is a competent and well-known engineer. If there should
Following remarks by General only low income farm families are
eligible for these loans.
V< ternna
profit corporation at Mt. Angel.
Y'oting on the 15 mill increase that be any excess money in this fund it would have to be used Sturgis, Col. Thomas II. Lipscomb, have a preference.
A state-wide auction sale is planned
The Farmers Home Administration
for Decoration Day, May 80. Eight the bond issue would result in will to retire the bonds and for no other work.
description of the construction
At present valuations, retirement of this bond issue a of brief
office is located in Room 222, Post
auctioneers have already offered their take place, Tuesday, June 2, at the
would increase your property taxes approximately $1.50 Engineers’ Willamette Basin project. | Office Building in Albany.
services free of charge.
Business city hall.
firms from Portland, Salem and sur­
per $100 assessed valuation. If the assessed valuation on Secretary McKay, who as governor
rounding towns are daily donating and
home as shown on your tax statement is $400 (this, of Oregon served as first chairman Eagles Installation
consigning valuable 'stock and mer­
average in Mill City) the cost to you would be $6.001 of the Willamette Basin Commission,
chandise which will be auctioned.
will deliver the dedicatory addiess and Planned June 7th
It is obvious that the benefits derived from press
Those donating merchandise may
button starting the first |
contact Joe LeDoux, J. J. Penner, or
this project would greatly exceed the cost. Also consider 50,000 the
kilowatt generator in Detroit’s I Detroit The Albany F.O.E. Auxil­
iary with their drill team, will install
Fr. Hildebrand at Mt. Angel.
Detroit—A meeting of the Not th that although the bond issue would increase your taxes, powerhouse.
the officers of the Detroit Auxiliary,
This home will consist of individual Santiam Sportsman club, will be held the improvements would also increase your property
A group of Warm Springs Indian Aerie 2745, Sunday, June 7th, at (he
cottages, hobby s^ops, infirmary, and Monday night, June 9th at 8 p.m. in
Reserva’ion Boy Scouts Will stage In­ high school auditorium.
a large buildi. g for individuals ten­ the Library at the Detroit school. value, furthermore, with the expected building in con­
dian dances at the conclusion of the
The impressive ceremony will Hart
ants. It is a non-sectarian home.
If you are interested in membership, nection with the industries coming into the canyon, within ceremony.
pioject will then be promptly at 2 p.m. All officers will
I please attend.
a few years the taxes would be lowered accordingly. | re-opened to The public
inspection until be in formal dress.
Don’t forget folks about the “Trout Another item to consider is that our past maintenance
I 5 p.m.
Aeries in the district are invited
: Derby” sponsored by the North San- costs for street repairs have been quite high and that the
Detroit is a concrete gravity type to attend the public ceremony. Re­
Jtiam Sportsman’s club.
There are
cost of the bond issue would be somewhat offset by lesser dam, 1,528 feet across the deck, 451 freshments will be served to member»
' some mighty fine prizes to be won.
I feet high from foundation to deck and of the F.O.E.
I First prize for the heaviest cut­ maintenance costs.
'.339 feet (maximum) wide at the base,
The assessed valuation of Mill City is so low that the j A total of 1,345,000 cubic yards of
Industrial arts students from other throat, is a handle pole, on display at
schools in the Willamette valley found Santiam Hardware,, Stayton; 2d prize amount of $75,000 is almost the limit for which we can concrete and 7,300,000 pounds of steel with the old. The return should bo
made on the same route.
tough competition from local indus­ for heaviest Rainbow (not over 20 in. be bonded. We would not be able to bond again until a were used in it» construction.
Guides w< aring hai.l I .,-- will '•«
trial arts students when they met at in length) Cop spinning reel, on dis­ substantial amount of this $75,000 is repaid. Therefore,
The Detroit Dam reservoir is 8.5
play at Camp's Tackle, Stayton; 3rd
stationed at various point* on the
Salem last week.
Over 300 entries were entered in the ' prize for heaviest eastern brook trout, we must get full value on this job. The program as set age of 455,000 acre feet. Each of project to furnish visitors with gen-
various -classifications which included $15 merchandise certificate at Ker. up, with the co-operation of property owners on the its two generators will have a capacity eiui information, answer quertien»
and direct them about the project.
metalwork, woodwork, wood turning, Golliet’s, Meharra; 4th prize for the paving, would give us good streets for a period of five to of 50,000 kilowatt».
leatherwork, ceramics, printing and heaviest German brown, or dolly Var­ ten years with little or no further maintenance costs.
Army Engineers have scheduled
Big Cliff dam, a unit of the Detroit
photography. Mill City students were den, 5-way combination gla»s rod. on
four tours for visitors. The grand project, is nearing complstio ap­
entered in the woodwork and wood display at Meander Inn, Mill City.
tour, starting on the deck of the dam, proximately three miles downstream
The foregoing business places are June 2, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. We urge you to support will take sight-seers down through the
turning divisions and came out wtih
from Detroit dam. Its primary pur­
I “weigh-in” stations. Tickets are also this bond election. We believe it will benefit the whole
a fine showing.
stairway» and galleries to the power­ pose will be to re-n guíate the fluct­
In the woodworking division for obtainable there if you are not a community. We urge you to cast your vote.
house (515 steps). A shuttle bus will uating discharges of the Detroit <lam
grades 11 and 12, Phil Goble of Mill member.
return visitors from powerhouse to power plant. In addition the water
In Detroit, the Lake club is at your
City took first, Dean Way, Silverton,
I the parking area.
will be used again to operate the Big
second, and Roy Chase, Mill City, service as a “weigh-in” station.
The junior tour will start with a Cliff power plant, capable of produc­
third. Roy Podrabsky of Mill City
walk through gallery two and then ing 18,000 kilowatts.
and Elmer Harvey, Silverton, won
downstairs to the powerhouse (187
A concrete gravity dar . Big Cliff
Mrs. John Neal, Lyons
honorable mention.
steps) and return by shuttle bus to will be 2X9 feet long and 191 feet
In the wood turning division, grades
(the parking area. The deck tour will high from foundation to deck. It will
On Bookmobile Library
9 and 10, Rowewayne Holt won sec­
Ire limited to a walk on the dam deck require 104,000 cubic yards of con­
Mrs. John Neal of Lyons was named
Registration for the Mill City area
An effort is being made to secure from which the powerhouse, stilling crete and 1,850,000 pounds of steel.
ond place.
Many of you saw these entries when a committee member of an organiza­ summer playground program begins a desirable swimming hole,
basin and lake behind the dam may
The Minto egg collect'ng station,
they were on display in the McCarthy tion recently founded in Linn county at 9:00 a.m., Monday, June 7. Activ­
Schedule of activities:
' be seen.
seven miles downstream from Detroit
Furniture store a week ago, and this which will promote a county library ities will be available for boys and
The fourth tour is that of the res­ dam, and Marion Forks salmon hatch­
9 to 12 - Little league Baieball
girls of all ages and begins Tuesday,
week pictures of these prize winning and bookmobile in Linn county.
ervoir lake, approximately 40 miles ery, 24 miles east of Detroit dam on
Playground Activities
Mrs. Neal was given rammittee June 9.
articles are on display in the Mill
round trip.
Visitors should drive Highway 22, are now in o|>eration by
1 to 4—Junior League Baseball
Ctiy State bank window.
status during the first regularly
In addition to the regular summer
east on the highway, through the re­ the Oregon State Fish Commission.
Arts and Crafts
Delos Hoeye was instructor of in­ scheduled meeting of the new group, program, various Mehama and Mill
located town of Detroit, and on toward These fish facilities were .instructed
Playground Activities
dustrial arts classes this past year in which calls itself “Linn County Book­ City businessmen, Post 159 of the
I Idanha. Cars should cross the new by the Corps of Engineer as re-titu-
Story Hour
Mill City high and much credit is due mobile Committee”. The meeting was American Legion, and the Recreation
Playground Activities: Archery (1 Blowout road bridge to the south side tion for losa of upstream spawning
him in guiding the work of these held at the Red Hat cafe in Albany. department are jointly sponsoring a to 2:30 each day), Tennis, Ping Pong, of the North Santiam river and pro- areas resulting from construct on of
May 20.
Junior lagion Baseball team.
Iceed on that new road to its junction the dame.
(Continued on Page 8)
Bond Issue
Up for Vote
‘At t&e Cs. j-^roads’
Farmers Home Loans
Now Made Available
Public Auction To
Benefit Aged Heme
N. Santiam Sportsmen
Club Meets June 8
Mill City Students
Win Prizes in Art
Mill City Summer Playground Program