I Spillway (Idanha) lunch counter, un­ 3—THE Mil I CITY ENTERPRISE May II. 1953 der the management of Mrs. Melba Delliare. By BOOTS CHAMPION Due to the recent burning of the Jan Rutherford, daughter of Mr. Idanha Shingle mill its employees and Mrs. Harry Rutherford enter­ were forced to seek employment else­ tained a host of her friends at her where. Several found work in Port­ home Friday after noon, in honor of land. Vern Faulhaver is at New Era, her eleventh birthday. i near Canby. WE HAYE A WIDE VARIETY OF Those attending were from Jan's I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leis of Los (¡BASS AND LEGUME SEEDS FOR class (5th grade) and other friends. Angeles, Calif., son and daughter-in- The event «as to have been an out- ' law of the Joe Leis’ arrived for PASTURE OR RANGELAND SEED- door party with a picnic lunch. Since Mother’s day, for a week’s visit with the weather intervened, the affair the folks. ING. THE PRICE IS THE LOWEST Robert who was with the anti-air­ was held inside. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith (formerly craft artillery was released from his IN YEARS Madge Harlan) and family of Foss, battalion the first of the year, aftei Ore., visited at the Wilbur Hallan serving a year and a half in Waken- hiem, Germany. He is now employed home on Sunday. BUY NOW AND TAKE ADVANT- Mrs. Hilma Dickie received a pain- at Douglas aircraft in Los Angeles. AGE OF THIS LOW PRICE. While here the young couple mo­ ful injury to the leg, when she slipped and fell on a concrete step last week. tored to Woodburn for a visit with a Mrs. Dickie has been caring for Mrs. couple of Robert’s buddies who was Lloyd Ketchum who recently returned in the same company overseas. All enjoyed the Ice Follies in Portland from the hospital. Paul Freeman of Idanha is under Wednesday night. Mrs. Harry T. Humphrey of New­ the care of a Salem physician for the Grinding and and Mixing Mixing Feeds Grinding Machinery removal of four splinters which en­ port on her way to Detroit for a Seeds Custom Cleaning Hardware tered the eye while at work last week, visit with her son Brail and family, Fertilizer Seed Marketing Petroleum Products He is employed by the Savage Log- visited with fiiends in Salem enroute, Household Appliances After a short visit here, the Hum- ging company. Te’cphone 5021 STAYTON, ORE. Folks you will enjoy real honest to phrey family accompanied her to New- goodness home cooked food at the port, returning Wednesday night. DETROIT L FREE METHODIST CHl’RCH North Mill City Sunday school at 9:45 a m. Morning worship 11 a m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. Phone 1906. Rev. C. R. Brewer, Pastor • • • ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC < ¡11 RCH, MILL CITY Mass at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday Confessions heard before Mass. Fr. Robert O’Hara, Pastor • » • DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHl’RCH Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. by James OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Stock, minister. , Jordan, Oregon Y’outh meeting at 2:30 each Sun- Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at day afternoon. 8:30 a.m. • « « Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Sunday school 10 a m. Morning service 11 a.m. * * * ST. PATRICK’S PARISH Evening service 7:00 p.m, Lyons, Oregon • Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Bob Unger, Pastor 10:30 a.m. Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS, Pastor • ♦ » LYONS METHODIST CHURCH Church school at 9:45 a.m. Worship service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 8 p.m. Choir at morning service. Choir practice at 7 p.m. Thursday. Rinke R. Feenstra, Pastor • • * SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Young People’s service Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Rev. Harold W. Martin, Pastor * * * FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 10:55 a m. Young Peoples meeting 6:30 p.m. Evening Services 7:30 p.m. Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Bible study hour. Mr. Hugh Jull, Pastor * * * ARE THE CLOUDS BREAKING No one doubts that we are living in troubled times. Few generations have faced such a constant threat of war; none has known such appalling weapons of destruction. A storm of terror threatens to engulf the world. Yet, there are some who see signs that the clouds may be breaking. They point to crowded churches . . . Sunday Schools with record en­ rollment . . . tremendous demand for the new translation of the Bible. They reason that such concern for the spiritual realities of life is certain to have effect on the course of our history. Whether we share their optimism or not, there is no denying the prem­ ise on which it is based. Though we cannot read the future, we can read the past. Man’s hope of peace and happiness, in national and in personal life, has always rested upon spiritual foundations. People who want the peace of God must turn to God to find it I COMMUNITY CHURCH Full Gospel Preaching Sunday school 10 a m. Morning worship 11 a m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Preaching services Wednesday and Friday S p.m. Rev. Lee M. Joiner, Pastor * • « CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 3rd and Juniper, Mill City Sunday 11 a.m. Wednesday meeting 4th Wed. 8 pm • « « FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mill City Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Music by choir. Youth Fellowship, Sunday at 4 p.m. Evening services 7:30 p.f. Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. Mehama Morning worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a m. Midweek services, Thursday 7:30. Rev. Noble Streeter. Pastor • * * THE CHURCH FOR AU . . AU FOR THE CHURCH SANTIAM CHAPEL Lyons, Ore. Ths Church 1* th« greatest fac­ tor on earth for th« building of character and good citizenship II is a storehouse of spiritual values Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization survive There ar« four sound reasons why every p«rson should attend services regularly and sup­ port the Church They are (1) For his own sake (2) For his children's sake (3) For the sake of his community and nation (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and ma- ferial support Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Young People's service 7:15 p.m. Evening worship 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting every Friday 7:30 p. Luster Young, Pastor • * * GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Lorer R. Swanson, Pastor Book Sunday Monday T uesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Chapter Verte ’S Genesis Exodus Psalms Psalms Isaiah Matthew Luke • 14 65 95 6 16 12 • 17 15 20 1*11 • 17 l-l 1-4 54 59 Your Physician is no ’’MEDICINE MAN” • Don't expect your Phy­ sician to perform mira­ cles. Remember, it takes more time and effort to climb uphill than to coast down! Your patience and full co-operation are es­ sential to rapid recovery. THIS SERIES OF ADS IS SPONSORED RY THESE PUBLIC SPIRITED, CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE INTERESTS OF ALI, CHURCHES KKI.LOM’S GROCERY "Your Personal Service Store’* Mill City IDANHA LUMBER CO. Salem ★ ★ * * * ^Gillette BLUE BLADE* IN HANDY DISPENSE« with •ted-biada • maartmeaf WRIGHT TRUCK LINE ‘Clothing for the Whole Family' LYONS, ORE. Ship the Wright Way Stayton ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP KNOWLES BODY & FENDER REPAIR Phone 391 Idanha Dry Goods and Dressmaking SW. Broadway — Mill City — Phone 2243 Complete Body Rebuilding and Glass Mill City MUIR’S BAKERY CHAKLES S. MORGAN SHOWER MOTORS & IMPLEMENTS Mill City Richfield Oil Distributor Phone 5265 — Stayton, Ore. STIFFLER’S RADIO & APPLIANCE Reasonable Radio Repairs Phone 32#7 — Mfll City Shaving Is Slicker — Blade Changing Quicker BALDWIN’S CLOTHING STORE SHUX ELECTRIC Electric Kitchen Headquarters 3rd and Washington, Stayton SPAR CAFE Good Home Cooking Idanha GOODE S FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions Phone 4954 — Stayton VERNE S BARBER SHOP Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2nd and Broadway, Mill City Stay ton STAYTON CANNING CO. CO-OP "Santiam" and “Flav-R-Pav" Brands Stayton FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Building Materials of All Kinds Stayton