The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE "JOE BEAVER” May II, 1953 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE By Ed Nofiiger connection in years past with Com- one of the authors of the bill, brushes munism, but it leaves the door wide off the objections cited by the presi- open to Fascists and Nazis. dent as “insignificant.” But Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada, (Continued on Page 4) DON PETERSON, Pub11«h*r Entered as necond-clans matter November |ft. 1 !• 4 4 at the i <>nt office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1 n 79. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for 11.00. The Enterprise will pot be responsible for more than or e incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch Pc’.itical Advertising 75c inch. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL MILL CITY MEAT MARKET PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION ACHVf MtMB Quality Meats and Groceries “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” —George Put "am. __________________ . FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS Mill City’s Own Mill City school band will be bright and shining in their spic-and-span new uniforms for the big dedication ceremonies at Detroit dam, June 10. A few years ago there was no school band in Mill City. That was before the time of Earl Loucks. Bandmaster Loucks came on the scene in Mill City’s school system in 1949, and soon thereafter there began a quiet campaign for a band. Loucks is a fine hand with the youngsters and focused Mill City’s attention on the good in having a band represent it. In its modest beginnings it was not quite possible that Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture band members be uniformed in the style befitting a worth "The proper harvesting of Christmas trees is consistent with good while band. Funds for the band did not allow such forest conservation—and think of the joy it brings." a thing. School funds were not available for this untried and new organization. But under the constant and care ful direction of Loucks the band during its three years took part, performed and competed in a fine manner with modity Marketing and Adjustment, NOW, WHO’S going to other bands in the valley. Department of Agriculture: an officer Now Mill City has a band that deserves the best of REPRESENT THE REST OF I S? from the National Wool Marketing It remained for Secretary of the uniforms. These uniforms have been ordered. The Interior Douglas McKay to come up ’ Corporation takes charge of the de community is seeking ways and means whereby it can with a remark last week which may partment’s price-support operations, pay for these uniforms. The coming band concert, May rank along with that of Defense Sec I bringing with him a belief that a large retary Charles Wilson’s “whats-good- part of the job could be handled better 21, is just one such means. for-General-Motors-is-good - for - the- by private industry. Detroit dam dedication will be televised. Our band country. DON PAARLBERG, Economic Ad ” is slated for a spot on that program as one of the per Speaking to the U.S. Chamber of viser to the Secretary of Agriculture: a confirmed opponent of farm price forming bands. Mill City will be there with a uniformed Commerce, McKay said: “We’re in the saddle as an admin supports. band, which will play in a grand style, rest assured. HIIIHIlllllilllllH HniUIIIiniUltllllHill1llllllilllLlilli||Ji;|||| Hit Illi mi Uli dllilllllilUillll illldlUillh Hl nil III Illlillh.llil II.... . ..I nudili llllillllillllllllitllllUMiiiUilffll Never - - a Dull Moment Editorial Comments “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Mehama Garage FRED G. AANDAHL, Assistant istration representing business and in Secretary of the Interior in charge of dustry." In the saddle? Yes, no question water and power: a strong supporter about that. “Representing business of the states’-right philosophy, fav and industry,” the man said. Not oring a maximum of local ownership just “serving business,” or “sympa and control of public power projects. FELIX WORMSER, Assistant Sec thetic to business” but actually, “rep retary of the Interior in charge of resenting business.” It is our recollection that the ad mineral resources: another outspoken ministration was elected by votes from high-tariff man—as far as lead and all segments of the economy—work zinc are concerned. ROBERT W. S. McLEOD, top se- ers, consumers—and business. The admission from a top administration ' curity officer, State Department: the spokesman that only one of these seg I former administrative assistant to ments—business—will be represented Senator Bridges and good friend of is startling, dismaying and cause for Senator McCarthy gets a key post with Secretary Dulles. considerable concern. The personnel turnover has ex The American people wanted a busi Lub and Oil — Small Line of Parts ness administration. But they have tended into what are normally consid- n’t asked the administration to give ’ ered civil-service career jobs. Thus them the business. — From Oregon Secretary of Commerce Weeks has tried to get rid of the Director of the Teamster. Bureau of Standards — and may yet EISENHOWER'S “CRI SADERS" succeed; Secretary of Interior McKay Here are some typical appointments has recommended the dismissal of the made by the Eisenhower administra directors of the Bureau of Mines, the tion in vital just-below-Cabinet-level Fish and Wildlife Service, and the I Bureau of Land Management. The spots: ALBERT M. COLE, Housing and proposed change in the Bureau of Home Finance administrator: a bitter . Mines has aroused the ire of the for Bob and Dorothy Draper, Props. foe of public housing is put in charge midable John I.. Lewis. — From The of the government's housing program. Nation. JOSEPH E. TALBOTT, member of K x.X!X «.X x.xtx x:x X « X a x'x x'x x X X XX xx’xxXx'xxxX'x «xa X X a x X x x xxx.xXSflHB HARDLY ’INSIGNIFICANT the Tariff commission: a high-tariff X advocate of the McKinley variety, who President Eisenhower is asking con X feels that the President has too much gress to take another look at the Mc X to say about tariff and trade policy. Callan - Walker immigration act, « X EDWARD F. HOWREY, member passed last year. And a good idea X of the Federal Trade commission: an it is. This law, which lumped to 1288 STATE ST. SALEM, ORE. Ph. 3-6189 able lawyer who has represented big gether a whole batch of existing im business before the commission for migration laws and added a few twists years. of its own, has stirred up more enmity ANCHER NELSON, head of the toward the United States in friendly Rural Electrification administration: countries than anything in a decade. a Minnesota politician who helped It requires, for instance, that well- At a time when we know you »ill most appreciate it—our pleasure is diaft the farm plank at the last Re behaved ladies seeking to enter this to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices publican convention and showed strong country must be asked by an immi in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! hostility to loans for power generating gration inspector whether or not they Plan to buy a week’s supply. Fill your locker. plants and transmission lies. have been prostitutes. It seeks to JOHN H DAVIS, director of Com- I bar persons with even the slightest Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford and Service Station Always bo Brewed in »he heal ond barley growinj RICHFIELD achieves perfection Gasoline and Oil ’Y’ rrry \ MT \ m L * fl v I J Í Goodyear Tires Ö* Tubes Tire Ô* Tube Repair /fi the Unter" We give Green Stamps OLÌMPIA BREWING COMPANY, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, USA. •» For His or Her Graduation— a Watch? Randall’s FINE MEATS Save Here! BEEF SALE! BEEF ROAST, Arm, Blade Cuts, Rumps lb !’|l Administrator's Sale • i ! i 4 « I I T»i b| I WILL SELL AT PRIVATE SALE I1' Ì» Subject to approval of the Marion County Court, the JJ q * Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF STEAK. Round, T-Bone, Rib Steaks lb 49c FRESH GROUND BEEF lb 29c FRESH GROUND ROUND lb 49c LEAN SHORT RIBS lb J9C LEAN BEEF CUBES lb 49c Boneless New York Cut |h QQ q Sirloin Tip Roast or Steak lb 5QC x I Beef Tender Loin |b 89c x Fresh Beef Hearts |b 29c I Plump Young Hens, fully Dressed and Drawn lb 49c I Country Style Sausage lb 9Qr X X ELGINS GRIENS HAMILTONS LONGINES HARVEL WITTNAUER John Stamos Farm of 160 Acres Located three miles West of Mill City, in Marion County, Oregon X X X 5 I INSPECTION MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME buy Locker Beef Now! Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don’t fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down—a full year to pay. Half or Whole I wish to sell this farm at an early date, in order to close the Estate of said John Stamos. SALEM. ORE. D. B. Hill, Administrator i 29» i# «• Front Quarter Hind Quarter 26» 2® Babj Beef LIVER Fresh Beef Tonati»■ Tender. Ix’an. Meaty CHUCK STEAK 341/j« tb jg^ p, jg^ th Mr