7—1 HE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mat 7. 1951 in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! Wants and Sales FOR RENT — House, chicken house | FOR SALE—2-bedroom house, close AVON COSMETICS and 10 actes of pasture, on Santiamj in, cross from American Legion hall. river, two miles west of Mill City. See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white Has attached garage, laundry tlays, house across from Martin’s trailer Roy Westphal, Mill City. 18-3p oil furnace, $1.500.00 down payment. court on NW. 7th Ave. Phone 3787, Mill City. 17-3p Box 658, M II City. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS and rentals, parts for most models. Also I OR RENT—One-bdrm duplex, fur­ HOUSE HUNTING? — SEE THIS see the world’s finest sewing ma­ nished or unfurnished. Inquire at modern 2-bedroom home with gar-! chine the amazing ne»' Necchi, zig­ Enterprise office or C. E. Coville age in Mill City near both schools. | zags, sews on buttons and makes Real Estate, Mill City. 17 The price is $5500. The terms are i buttonholes, w-ithout attachments. up to you. Henry A. Chaney, 5th I Duncan’s Sewing Center, 70 E. Ash, EXPERT AUTO and home radio Lebanon, Ore., phone 461 or write and Cedar. 18-4p service, 20 years experience, all Necchi Sewing Machine representa­ makes. Guaranteed service. WANTED TO BUT’ — Clean peeled tive, Box 483, Mill City. 17tf Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons vard. For further informa ­ FOR SALE -Old established restau­ FOR SALE —Mill wood, 16-in, $12 tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 rant doing business in Mill City. for 2-unit load. Herbert Hutchin­ Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745. Must sell on account of illness. son, phone Mill City 1107, evenings, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Inquire at Mom & Pop's Cafe, Mill or at former Remine mill. 19-3p Would you like to SAVE from 20% City. 15-2 FOR SALE — 4 squares thick butt to 30% on the cost of your Auto­ green Certain-teed shingles; 16 mobile Insurance? If so! call on FOR SALE — Four good used tires, 6.70x15, two are almost new recaps, 8x8 glass blocks; one 6x8 portable DOUG BAKER or RON NICHOLS all 4 for $25.00. Call 3787, Mill tool shed. Phone 66 Lyons, Mrs. H. We also have all types of Logging, City. 19-lp E. Smith, Mehama. 15tf Truck and Equipment Insurance. Make sure to ask about the saving I TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ on house and furniture fire insur­ FOR SALE—Fescue grass hay, cleani chines. We sell, rent, repair and and never been wet, 60c bale, or ance. swap all makes. Trade your old $15.00 a ton. Two miles west of Write or call at machine towards a new one. Mill City, on old hiway 222, Roy ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. 116 Masonic Building Westphal. 18-3p Corner of High and State Sts. WANTED — Small landscaping and Salem, Oregon contract jobs. No job too small. REAL ESTATE Phone 2261, between 8 and 9 eve­ Phone Day 3-3894 River frontage for summer nings, except Saturday, Charley Night 2-4758 or 4-1072 home sites. Barney, Box 193, Mill City. 15-4p TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up. im­ NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in ported and domestic woolens. Al­ and see the new Lech combination terations, cleaning and pressing. desk or wall phone, also used SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Liberty, Salem. 50tf and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. FOR RENT or SALE—Store building, with living quartets, convenient REAL ESTATE terms may be arranged. See Glen E. Shelton, C. E. COVILLE REAL See us for good buys in the canyon ESTATE. 19tf area. Listings wanted. FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol­ Glen Shelton, Salesman stered, latest fabrics and plastics C. E. Coville, Broker Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton West side Mill City Ph. 2207 Upholstery. Highway frontage between Gates and dam. Modern home on 11 acres for sale. Houses for rent. See W. R. HUTCHESON At Gates Furniture Store WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY” Home of GOOD I sed ( ars HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service Walt's Garage GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING SHROCK'S WELDING 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 Under management of Walt Westgaard ANNOUNCING New Location in the former Heidi's Auto Electric Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone STAYTON 5017 Whether it s a fan belt inspection, your tires checked, or your wind­ shield washed, we are always here to serve you. Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Dav 3-9108 I Nite 2-4400 I Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILOR COURT Phone 903 — MILL CITY GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS USE YOUR BRAKES AND GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Directory ! j |) DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician ♦ ■ Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. 2®QCX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ♦ Professional REID. Ml) MIKE'S Septic Service: Septic Tanks and Setters Cleaned ♦ Phone SALEM S »468, COLLECT • 1079 Elm St., W. Salem | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Mill City “ « ~ « XK1 Soothe ltchingz WOOD'S STORE F iery P iles General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO WEAR HOSIERY____ LUZTERS COSMETICS x . x x . x x x x . x x . x x x x x x >- x x.xXX J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Ennemi Service STAYTON OREGON ery painful. Itching ■: r. arly er ■ y In 11 > starts gmng you othi-g. temporary re­ in. bu-mng and Itch- gua,a, tv* i Oenuuie niy si M at druggist* I DR. ------ MARK ♦ HAMMERICKSEN » » REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST I : I ♦ Stay ton office closed »hile on vacation until May 2*th. ♦ HOME OFFICE: 211 W. FIRST. ALBANY 'oAncnfiMßttDDD nflftUDDDDo d n db mavn wa V a a » V aa a aanaHaanaa» Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups 11.50 per month Also light hauling Phone .1952 imiDBCOOOnBDOOOOOOBDBaOBnB An Open Letter.. . From Your Dentist NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IN THE RURAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LINN COUNTY. OREGON. UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS­ ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT What Is “Fluoridation"? LIMITED BY SECTION 11, ART. It simply means that a vital natural XI, STATE CONSTITUTION element which God has given us to Notice is hereby given that an elec­ insure strong healthy teeth sometimes tion will be held Monday, May 18, has to be added to a community water 1953, in the Mill City Grade School, by the Rural School District of Linn supply, so that we can have the nec­ county, State of Oregon, in all com- essary chemicals and minerals to stay ponent school districts of said Rural well. It is just as natural to add flourides to water as it is to add salC School District. The election wil Ibegin at 8 p.m. and to food both are important to good will be held in the schoolhouse in each health. of said component districts. The pur­ What Will Flouridation Do? pose of the election is to submit to It will reduce up to 65 percent of the legal voters of the rural school the dental decay in our children, and district the question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year beginning will continue to protect their teeth all July 1, 1963, over the amount limited their lives. This will result in the by Section 11, Article XI of the Con­ saving of millions of dollars in dental bills for parents, and will save addi­ stitution. The reasons for increasing such tional millions which every taxpayer levy are: now helps pay for public health dental 1. Increased school population — programs. added teachers. FAMILY’ STYLE boarding house and 2. Increased cost of fuel, electricity, Is It “Mass Medication"? rooms. Mrs. Bass, Mill City. 19-3 Apparently opponents of fluorida­ supplies. tion believe Oregonians are so gullible LOTS FOR SALE—$20 down, $10 3. Teachers’ salaries. per month. C. E. COVILLE REAL The amount of tax, in excess of the they won’t reach for a dictionary and ESTATE, 19tf six percent limitation proposed to be prove how silly thia statement is. Fluoridation won't cure dental decay FOR SALE -1948 24-ft. trailer house. levied by the rural school district of Slimp dolly, range, refrig., electric Linn County, Oregon, for the fiscal —it prevents it. If opponents tvant vear beginning July 1, 1953, ig $824,- to be consistent, they should be cam­ heater, water heater, double sink. 000.79. paigning to have us attempt to remove $1,090 cash, or $550 for my equity, Dated this 23rd day of April, 1953. the fluorides which God has placed balance $53 per month. See S. J. in the air, food, earth and other places Street, Hansen’s Trailer Court, Mill Attest: W. H. DOI.MYER City. • 19-3p (Sgd) to keep men healthy. Secretary, Rural School Board Have We Had Time to Study All the (Sgd) WM. F. GRENZ, WANTED—Oil tank 400 to 600 gallon ■ Effects of Fluoridation? Chairman, Rural School Board (below ground). K. W. Martig.! Man has been drinking fluoridated phone Mill City 5842. 19-3p NOTICE i THE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAL­ water since time began. In several FOR SALE—3-bedroom house, good IZATION will convene on Monday, communities in Oregon white men location, $3,600.00. Phone 3284. have been drinking it, bathing in it, 19-4 May 11th, 1953, at the Court House in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, and and using it for industry and agricul­ MEHAMA WOMAN'S CLUB RUM­ remain in session for three weeks or ture since the early 1800’s, just as MAGE STORE moved to Mehama until the examination, correction and the Indians had for centuries be for» Junction. Open every Tuesday 10 equalization of the assessment rolls them. Is that time enough? a.m. to 4 p.m. 18-3p have been completed. Application for of assessments shall be in six months from the date of this AFRICAN VIOLETS $1.25 and up, reduction writii g, veriifed as by law required, fuchsias, geraniums and tuberous and filed within the first week it is notice. Dated and first published this 23rd begonias, started bulbs and seed­ bv law required to be in session. day of April, 1953. lings. and bedding plants. Berger's JOHN W. SHEPPARD JOHN WARREN REID and Green House, 1101 Third St., Stay­ Assessor for Linn County DAVID M. REID, ton, phone 2095. 18-3 Joint Executor» NOTICE TO CREDITORS BELL & DEVERS SPORTSMEN—Join the North San Notice is hereby given that by virtue tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are Stayton, Oregon devoted to game conservation and of an Order duly entered in the Circuti 17-5 Attorneys for Executors propagation and need your help. Court of the State of Oregon for the No. 39332 Only $1.00 per year, you will have County of Marion in the Matter of SUMMONS that much fun at one meeting. the Estate of David W. Reid, decea.-ed, Enquire at Enterprise office, or see the undersigned, John Warren Reid IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE STATE Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 and David M. Reid were duly ap­ OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY pointed as joint executors of said OF MARION WANTED — Antique, an old glass estate and have qualified as such. All MILL CITY STATE BANK, China closet. Call Mrs. Ed Bell, persons having claims against said an Oregon Corporation, Stayton, phone 2947. 18-3p estate are hereby required to present Plaintiff, the same, together with the proper vs. vouchers, to the undersigned joint D. R. STEVENS and ANNA STEV- executors at Mill City, Oregon, within ENS, husband and wife, GEO. A. RHOTEN, J. RAY RHOTEN, and SAM F. SPEERSTRA, dba Rhoten, Rhoten and Speerstia, anti H. C. KELLER and FRANCES KELLER, husband and wife. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against MOVED you in the above entitled suit, on or before 4 weeks from the date of the To Our New Office first publication of this Summons. And if you so fail to appear and 1114 Center St answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief DR. R. REYNOLDS prayed for in the complaint that each Nat uropath-Proctologist of the defendants, and all persons claiming under tl ei , or either of Phone 3-9160 them, subsequent to the execution of SALEM, ORE. said mortgage upon said premises, may be fore-dosed of all right, claim fllllllllllltllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll or equity of reden ption or other in­ terest in said mortgaged premises and with every part thereof. Said real prop­ stomach erty described as follows, to-wit: TAKE YOU THROUGH Lots One (1), Eleven (11), and THANK HEAVENS! Most attacks »re Just »Cid Twelve (12) in Block Two (2) in Indigestion. When it strike», take Bell-ans WHEN OTHERS CAN TI the old Townsite of Minto, Marion tablets. They contain the fastest-acting County, Oregon. medicines known to doctors for the relief of With the extra traction of 1,eartburn, gas and similar distress. 25/. This summons is served upon you by 4 • wheel drive and the publication in the Mill City Enterprise, power of its high-compres­ a newspaper of general circulation sion //( rRRICANE Engine, printed and published at Mill City, WE SELL BETTER this "go-anywhere” Willys Marion County, Oregon for a period Truck gets through mud, of once each week for four successive CARS FOR LESS! weeks as prescribed by and pursuant snow and sand that stop to an Order of the Honorable Rex ordinary trucks. Ask us for Kimmell, Judge of the above named a demonstration. 118-in. Court, duly entered herein on the 22nd, wheelbase, 53OOlbs.G VW. day of April, 1953. The date of the first publication of this Summons is May 7, 1953, and the date of the last Stayton ' publication is May 28, 1953. BELL A DEVERS, IT PAYS TO BUY AT (s) JOS. M. DEVERS, JR. HOME! of Attorneys for Plaintiff. BELL & DEVERS. SALEM,’ORE. Attorneys at Law 19-4 Stayton, Oregon Member of National Concern has openings in this immediate area for men and women who have 3 to 4 hours a week spare time. Pays up to $6.00 per hour. NO SELLING! This work consists of taking care of one and five cent candy merchandising dispensers. Physical condition or education not important. THIS IS NOT A GET-RICH-QUICK scheme or something for nothing, but hundreds of people ui many walks of life are making a steady, sizeable income from this business. CAN YOU QUALIFY? TO QUALIFY’ for work, you must have a car, references and $478.00 cash, which is secured by inventory and controlled by you. Liberal fi­ nancial assistance given on expan­ sion program. For personal inteiview, include phone in application. Write P.O. Box 506, Bend, Oregon. 19-lp 4 / WHEEL DRIVE WILLYS GAS? GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET ELSNER Motor Co BACKACHE? If you are both.r-d by Bark»rhe, Getting Up Night, «too frequent, burning or sting­ ing urination,. Pressure over Bladder, or strong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo­ rary Kidney and Bladder Irritation, for palliative relief ark your druggist about CYSTEX. Popular 25 years. 20 million pack­ ages used. Satisfaction or money back guar­ anteed. Ask druggut about CYSTKX Ualaj CHECK Cold ^Misery MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE LEGAI, ADVERTISING GUARANTEED INCOME CHOKED Ask for 141 N. Commerci*! St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY QUICKLY Millions um STANBACK for tho discomforts of a common cold . . . as well as to relieve simple head­ aches. neuralgic and muscular aches and pains. Tost STANBACK yourself . . . tablets or powders ... against any preparation you’ve •ver used. WHITIE’S SANT1AM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS Open 4 p.m. - Closed Monday BANQUETS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS T