May 7, 1953 S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN .O’ *•» B ut >.r;? vou get au tmcse S ketches ok TTPCS, Hort ARe T h O P ut inTo TVe . CC/K’C STRlP ? (No. 5 of a series) Nature is the major enemy of roads — not weight and traffic! Smoothly wheeling weight has no de­ structive impact on a properly built •nd maintained road. Everything Built by man has to be protected against ravages of the elements. Heat, cold and moisture, in all their extremes, give our highways a terrific going-over around the clock 1 — twelve months a year. r Water works unceasingly to un- ' dermine our highway«. Innocent | drops of rain keep eating away at the . shoulder and slab joints. Water de- j «troys surfaces, too. It gets into tiny ' crevices, freezes, expands and, before iyou know it, the crevice is enlarged to a point where the entire surface is /‘pockmarked. IT’S AMAZING! Snow It Rough on road«. Salt • nd other de-icer« are nece»«ary for aafety, but have a damaging chemical setion. Extreme heat and cold ex­ pand and contract road-«urfacing materials. These and moisture are the worst enemies of the highway. P When A Highway foundation ha» been weakened by water or snow, when a road surface has been scaled by alternate freezing and thawing, then every passing tire can contribute to further damage. > Weight, which ought to roll smoothly and harmlessly over a high­ way, will roll unevenly, bumpily. No matter if the car is a light passenger machine or a big truck-no matter if it goes 20 miles per hour or 60 — there’ll be added wear when weather has roughed up the road. That is the only way in which traffic ever hurts a highway. Il is dis­ tinctly a secondary effect, brought about only after the ravages of the weather have gotten in their dirty the Paul Hobson home in Idanha Tues­ to Portland last weekend for a visit day afternoon. Quick action of the with A. J. Montgomery, Johnnie’s Idanha fire department saved the bi other-in-law, who is seriously ill in Veterans hospital. building from a total loss. A public meeting of the North San- Preliminary work started on the FOE lot Tuesday when 13 stumps tiam Chamber of Commerce, was held were blown by Lee Hawland and Leo­ at the Woman's club in Mehama Plans were dis­ nard Bullard assisted by Danny Me- Wednesday night. cussed on the coming dedication of Cormick, and Harold Champion. Visiting at the Earl Capurro home the dam. work. Scenic picture slides of the Russian in Idanha are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Buck zone, were shown by s'ate trooper holtz of Moro, Ore. Mrs. Buckholts Lt. Farley Mogan of Salem. is a sister of Mrs. Capurro. gmn D » n » « » » » n n » » »1 » » « « & aa»a d ing that we must obtain-fire permits Refreshments weie pie and coffee, Mrs. Leonard Bullard, accompanied for all burning. 4 and a coin box placed in a handy 4 i by Mra. John Krause, and Miss Fay Auditor 4 Tax Consultant Mrs. Jerry Dumont of.Albany was place. Proceeds to go towards build- j I Cooper, motored to Portland Thurs­ « Ry BOOTS CHAMPION a caller in Detioit last week. Her ing an addition to the Woman’s club. 1 day, where Mrs. Krause will remain 4 husband Jerry is employed here. I Attending from this area were Mr. . Mrs. J. I), Lindstrom and son Danny 4 for a few days for medical attention. « returned to their home in Seattle after and Mrs. I.en Davis of Idanha; Mr. Enroute to the Robert Piercy’s PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 4 I a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. home in Vancouver, Wash., last week­ An invitation extended by the FOE and Mrs. K. C. Kennedy of Breiten- I Auxiliary in Albany, to attend a busi- Bookkeeping. Accounting and Dave Oja. end, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan en­ I ness meeting there Thursday night bush; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutheiford; Tax Service Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fagan returned joyed a visit with Wilbur's aunt, Mrs. was excepted by the FOE Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Otto Russell, Brad Hum­ phrey, Tenny Moore, and Nolan Ras- last week after a week's vacation Lola Bailey of O: egon City. Corner 3rd 4 Marion j No. 2745. Members and officers at- i trip into Sikue, Wash., where they Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman of Cedar , tending from here were Mrs. Maigaret nick. si row ori visited with Walt Frink. 1 While ............. there! tavern motored to Toledo, the first of ( Hawland, president; Mrs. Helen Bry- i Telephone 4111 P. 0. R oa they enjoyed a cruise across the bay. the week on a combined business and ant vice pres.; Mrs. Elaine Farrow,' The Fagans were accompanied by Mrs. pleasure trip. W hile there they en- conductor; Mrs. Emma Rhodes, Mrs. Ann Anderson of Salem, formerly of joyed a floor show and Hawaiian Marion Kite, Mrs. Melba Harlan, Idanha, as far as Seattle where she music at the Beach club in Newport. guard; Miss Fay Cooper, guard; and visited with her son Lewis, who is in Fire of undetermined oiigin com-i Mrs. Oskie Nyberg, trustee, Providence hospital. Lewis was seri­ pletely destroyed the upper story of, Mr. and Mrs. John Estey motored ously injured in a truck accident while employed in Ala.-ka, and was removed to Seattle. Visiting in Detroit Sunday, were Mrs. Emma Ramage and children Joan and Webb. Ry proclamation of the governor, fire season went into effect Tuesday night at midnight. May 5th. Mean- LIANCE StRVICE DETROIT W. N. SIMMONS fri • Factory-Trcfned Experts • Genuine Hotpoint Parts Shux Electric 3rd and Washington STAYTON «aoomow's not be THRIFTY k «>:>< n a a « :: >t aStjtRBd M BUY COOP TIRES and ASTHMA COUGHS Don't let difficult br« •♦King, coughing »nd «h»Mln<. du« to recurring »p»»ms or Bronchi»! Asthma or simple Bronchitis ruin your sleep and energy without trying MFNDACO. Works through your blood to help loosen »nd remove thick, strangling mucu- thus usually allays coughing which permits freer breathing and sounder sleep. Oet MKNKACO under money back guar- ante« at druggists. Gooch Logging Supply ’‘Erervf/iinß for the Logger BASSETTS WELDING SUOI’ Phone liti B« hid h Store I vont» NO MONTHLY CRAMPS... not even on the Vfc’RY fIRSi DAY! Doctor«' »how omoclng pr»v»nfi*» rotto* •» polo, bockocA»», narvow» tooling» tn action It exerta a re­ • Women nrtd girls who rm markably cot-on» .Tret on auffer from the Tunctlon- the utero»- u-thovt th» use aUy-caused cramps back- Of paiu-dro.lcni’iff drugs' ¿ches and headaches due The effectlveneM ot Lydia to menstruation- who feel rtnkham'a »rovi» no pro>r to upset and Irritable on cer­ the million» of women an.t tain “particular days" tiri» whom It h*a benente.t lut how »bout you’ Do you every r.ionth—may be suf- knew what U m»y do tor you? 4- r i nn e qu’tf nuca ’<'<> ,’v ' jcrtng Tctel.ertla rinkham'»’ Sew " C™. Such is ~ the — conclusion If »<>« dou t . »t the Mme re­ from te.ts bv doctori in lief troni cram p* r nd wen 11 • Wtuph 1’. dia F Pinkham's nera . . . feel b ftter both be- Vegetable C (impound loca ami durtn , your period ! e i matting gtupprd or m’ Get either ' v ■Hi Pinkham *8 mt rvM in 3 Compound. relief of sue Tabi. * s ’ Ct** of of th l.ydla I ewi o. i//«. . rtert .1 tor ".id/ dm u . i «r f UM the *®L.-i r1 SAVE! Watch for it! 3 WHO CHÔINATIP BCx n S? (1) By dropping matches, razor blades, and other inex­ pensive items behind the Iron Curtain, says Nicholas Hyaradi tn his book, "My Ringside Seat in Moscow.” The Russians are attracted by foreign knickknacks far more than they are by glowing Voice of America descriptions of life in the U. S. À. Nyaradi further suggests (3) St. Bernadinus, a Catholic that Americans write warm per­ sonal letters of friendship to Rus­ priest, originated boxing to keep sians to bridge the international his parishioners from disem­ barrier of misunderstanding boweling one another in duels. which the Kremlin has built. He That was about the year 1200 in advocates this as the best method Sienna, Italy. Fist fights had of capturing Russian thought. bashed gladiators’ brains for cen­ <21 Richard Van Smith sug­ turies. No defense; no rounds; gests that you try the Sid is meth­ od of educating your child from no referee. Allison Danzig and Peter babyhood. In This Week maga­ zine Smith outlines the p ncipal Brandwein inform us in their points of the methixi: (a) book, "Sport Classics of a Cen­ tury," that St. Bernadinus ref­ Avoid punish say “don’t." ereed his parishioners’ bouts, . and you say is sc stopped them when honor had osity; it is tl been avenged, before either f fight- (d) Never f "iswc was The er lild’j never put oil est s bl king. tions. (e) Ne’ you taui to learn nor ne th P CO-OP TIRE WEEK May 11 thru 16 Extra tire values are in store for you during CO-OP TIRE WEEK. Watch for the CO-OP TIRE WEEK SALE at your Co-op association. The sale of CO-OP Tires is increasing every year. A growing list of satisfied customers is proof of the superior quality of CO-OP Tires. Wait for it . . . w atch for it Your (O OP TIRE WEEK! 4 SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Seed* Fertilizer Grinding and Mixing (leaninx Seed Marketing Machinery Hardware Petroleum Producta