Wright Dorothy Honored At Ranch Home Sunday Post. Mr. Dorothy Sr. intended to leave on Thursday, to visit relative.- and friends in Wyoming, and w< t ern Iowa. By BOOTS CHAMPION Last weekend the Barley Ranch in Central Oiegon was the scene of a surprise biithday party, honoring Wright Dorothy, who was 78 years John Anderson who was in the San- | tiam Memorial hospital in Stayton young on Saturday. The ranch owned by the Wiganda two weeks is home now. Mrs. Bertha family, and managed by Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Gates, also Mrs. Arthui Ted Dorothy, and Ted’s father Wright Rhoda were taken to the Santiam Dorothy is a center attraction to many Memorial hospital for medical obser­ vation and treatment this week. of the Dorothy friends. The Friendship circle, joung ma­ Nestled in the rolling 'hills and laced by the silvery Crooked river, tron’s group of the Presbyterian • nd its tributaries the picturesque old church Sunday school met at the home of Mrs. Martin Kelly Tuesday eve­ ranch is outstanding. Those attending the party from Mill ning. Mrs. Ed Yarnell was in charge City were Mr, and Mrs. Gale Dorothy, of the business session and Rev. Noble Mr. and Mrs. Alford Stahlman, Mr. Streeter was in charge of the pro­ Refreshments concluded the and Mrs. Kenneth Harris and Mr. and gram. Mrs. Harold Champion of Detroit. meeting. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open On Sunday the group enjoyed a lovely trout dinner. For this treat Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ we salute fisherman Kenneth Harris graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, and Alford Stahlman for their fine planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ dings, also shrubs and landscaping. catch. Stahlman held top honors when he 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone 12tf landed a trout weighing 4- lbs. and 3684. Mrs. John Brewer of Long Beach, measuring 1914 inches. Other guests calling at the ranch on Calif,, is spending several weeks in Sunday were Pat and Slim Wells of Mill City at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kay and other relatives. Peggy Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas of Mill City is recovering nicely from a serious ill­ ness. She is in Dornbecher hospital in Portland. Her doctor says she may be able to come home by Sunday. District convention practice for Order of Eastern Star was held in Mill City Tuesday night. The district includes Turner, Jefferson, Stayton and Mill City chapters. Mill City eighth grade class held a cake sale in the school Tuesday to benefit their class treasury. There are more than 30 boys and girls to graduate this spring. MILL CITY When you buy a McCulloch chain saw from us. you get more than a good buy You get assurance of fac­ tory authorized service and genuine McCulloch purls to keep your saw in tip-top condit,on. See us whenever your saw needs servicing We «ell saws too If you don t already own one of the fast­ cutting light-weight McCulloch chain saws, maybe it's time to pay us a visit See for yourself how these low-priced modern saws lake care of Umbel of any size LYONS Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Sieg were hosts for a dinner at their home Sun­ day in honor of their son, Donald, who was called to the service and left Tuesday. Covers were laid for the honor guest, Donald Sieg, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Free, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sieg, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Free, Bobbie and Hollie, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Free, Michael, Gretchen and I’attie, Mr. and Merwin Knox, Sandra, Roger, We Specialize in Fast and Mrs. Pat and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Efficient Service ' Sieg and Verna. Mrs. Hugh Johnston was among — TRY US — those attending the Leaders Weekend I'sed Saws For Sale — Good Rentals held at Crest Woods Acres. Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle had as New 7-FD Fire Pumps their guests over the weekend her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger, Donald and Marilyn 1 from An ata, Calif. They also visited her father, Ben Bodeker of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuni of Creswell ' were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. Roye. Phone 2621 Mehama, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton, Larry and Carolyn spent the weekend as guests at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown in Med­ ford. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens returned home Saturday from Sheridan, Wyo., where they were called by the death of the two men’s father. Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Fox of Salem. Mrs. Charles Power assistant Girl Scout leader, and Mrs. Robert David­ son with 10 Giil Scouts, went to Salem SANTIAM EQUIPMENT CO. Now They've Electrified Everything! DENNIS THE MENACE 4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE____________________________ May 7, 19~> ■ \ ISN’T IT L~ D ennis ? oaddys buying you 4 BOHP /! MOW AT OUR lían Ki airport, had lunch at the new Speed­ way, and attended a dress rehearsal of the Willamette university produc­ tion, “Good News” where they were guests of the director, Dean Graunke. Scouts making the trip weie Donna Thistle, Vergena Duman, Virginia Hollabough, Norma Bentley, Dee Davidson, Shirley Mohler, Marjorie Nash, Mabel Nydegger, Pat and Alta Matison. X Mrs. Jack Duggan was hostess for the luncheon club at her home Wednes­ day with a luncheon served to Mrs. Francis Bodeker, Mrs. Verne Shaw, Mrs. William Cauble of Mill City, Mrs. Dick Budlong, Mrs. Doyle Lemming of Gates, Mrs. Larry Banga of Mehama Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott received word Thursday morning of the death , of his father, George Scott of Sil­ verton. Mrs. Bert Lyons, with her sister. Mrs. Roxie Trask, of Salem, are spending several days with relatives on the coast. They visited at the Everett Lewis home in Bandon, a brother, also a sister, Mrs. Mamie Martin at Coquille. Mrs. Clara Corbin, of Mill City was a recent luncheon guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye. Mrs. Corbin has just returned from a trip to Flotilla. Mrs. Orville Downing was hoste.-s for a dinner at her home honoring her SWELL! ; TPEN 1‘LL SO/MT FROGS 'N TURTLES 'N WORMS 'N STUFF FOR I MP! little granddaughter, Carolyn Carleton on her first birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton, Larry and Carolyn; Mr. and Mrs, Duane Downing and Paula; Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. New applications of electricity to household and farm use have made the business of everyday living continually easier through the years, from such major projects as mass milking operations, to things as simple as toasting a piece of bread. Now they’ve even electrified the kitchen cabinet itself. A new fixture called a “totalité,” which fits in the base of these unusually-styled glass-door “pant--yettes,” has a two-way fluorescent light, and convenient electrical outlets to plug in the toaster, coffee-maker or electric mixer. The light illuminates both counter-top below, and the interior of the “pantryette.” TWENTY-FIRST YEAR GREYHOUND RACING Multnomah Kennel Club Multnomah Civic Stadium Portland Opening Friday May Cth Taxes on racing gaid in 1952 to the State of Oregon were S933,094.88. Regulated racing was approved by majority of voters in every county in Oregon last November. With all its higher quality... / 9 Imagine a Kitchen with THERMADOR Above: The "Two-Ten" 4 Door Sedan. At right: The One-Fifty" 2 Door Sedan, two of 16 beautiful models in 3 great new series. the original bilt-in Electric Range It brings you more new features, more fine-car advantages, more real Think of a kitchen where the range ii a bwout ful part of the bone design . . . where quality for your money ... and it’s America's lowest-priced full-size car! ©ven and cooking fop are separate so they con be installed of the most convenient height and location You can have it with Thermador and that s not all-far Thermodor Farther ahead than ever in quality . . . yet the fosni./iwri/ full-size car . . . with sharply greater economy of operation! Imagine — the most beautiful car in its field, with new Fashion-First Bodies by Fisher that set the stand­ ard of styling, inside and out. The most powerful car in its field, with your choice of a new 115-h.p. ’ Blue- Flame" high-compression engine* or greatly improved 108-hp. "Thrift-King" high-compression engine. gives you easy cleaning stainless steel, o selection of cook.ng fops and the wonderful coolness, cleanliness and convenience of automatic electrical cooking. THRILLING WE’.Y > et. with all these new and exclusive advantages, there is no increase in Chevrolet prices, and it remains the lowest-priced line in its field! Yes, indeed, only Chevrolet gives such excellence with such economy. Come in and prove it at your earliest convenience! •Comhi>Mtk*n of Ponerqlide automatic transmission and 115- h p Blue-Hume ertane optional on Bel .Sir and "Two-Ten" DISSERT! Came in and see them at PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shun Electric Phone 2961 STAYTON MAKE IT AT HOME TONIGHT! STAYTON. OREGON