> The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE "JOE BEAVER’* May 7. 1953 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE By Ed Nofziger OUR DEMOCRACY MILL CITY. OREGON DON PETERSON, publiahwr Entered a« necond-claMH matter November 10. 1944 at the ' (»st office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1*79. by Mat Cíhc (Dirac Io of Gilvísimas æSIÎlfâ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 60c or three for $1 00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in- iertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Diatdav Advertising 15c column inch. Pc’.itical Advertising 75c inch. NtWSPAHi PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FR'F' DS.” —George Put am. North Santiam Spotlighted Detroit dam has been followed carefully in each and every step of its construction on the North Santiam river a few miles from Mill City. Now the dramatic moment approaches when Detroit (lam will start producing power. The great event will be marked down in history by special dedication ceremonies. Fortunate is the North Santiam Canyon in having a ready-made organization, the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce, active and alert for just such an occasion as the dedication of Detroit dam. The Army Engineers Forest Service. V. S. Department of Agriculture undpr the leadership of Harry Rutherford, resident engi "Not until the commercial timber of the East and South were almost neer on Detroit dam, recognize this fact and are co-op gone did this country wake up to the problems of conservation.' erating whole-heartedly with the canyon group. North Santiam Canyon citizens are stacking up a fine record in civic activities that really count and bode well for the future. On projects that stand high in the public good citizens of the North Santiam have been right there QUESTIONS FOR BROWNELL | ant and landlord, R. Kiermas, received more than $144,000 from undisclosed with the goods. Many friends were greeted and acquaint Last January, the senate rules com ! sources between Jan. 1, 1946, and Nov. mittee on privileges and elections ances made during open house at Detroit dam. The transmitted a report regarding Sen. 12, 192. Since the subcommittee had .June 10 dedication ceremonies should be and no doubt Joseph McCarthy (R, Wis.), to the McCarthy's and Kiermas’ federal and will be star-studded with a similar display of typical Department of Justice, now headed by state income tax returns available, the Attorney General Herbert Brownell, infeernce is clear that the source of North Santiam friendliness. these funds was not disclosed for in Jr. The remainder of the nation will be given a glimpse The report indicated that McCarthy come tax purposes in apparent viola of us because of the dedication ceremonies, .June 10. We diverted to his own use money con tion of federal Wisconsin laws. What are confident that our brothers everywhere will be truly tributed to him for other purposes in action is the Department of Justice interested in how we conduct ourselves here in the great apparent violation of federal law. taking on this matter? west. Our citizens need not be reminded that their gen Does the justice department intend The report noted the probable viola- uine good will can not help but generate friendship in far to take action on this matter before ' tion of Wisconsin laws limiting bank and investments in connection away places. Modern means of communication will carry the statute of limitations expires? 1 | loans with moey lent McCarthy by the Ap The subcommittee raised the ques to the world a view of the Detroit dam and the people who tion of whether McCarthy used inside pleton State Bank. Is Brownell in live in the beautiful area around it. information, obtained as a member of vestigating this matter? If so, what Editorial Comments SENATOR MORSE AND THE G.O.P. Editorial from The Daily Home News, New Brunswick, N.J. Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon is in bad repute with the national Republican leadership, he having jumped off the Eisenhower bandwagon in the middle of all the cam paign excitement last year. He returned to the Senate as an Independent, and found himself stripped of committee seniority earned by his eight years service as a Republican. Calling himself an Independent now, he demanded his committee positions and suggested that committee size be increased to give the Republican majority an extra man, since he no longer is a Republican. He got no action. The wisdom of the Republican choice to demote Sen ator Morse is now open to some question. Senator Morse has been a thorn in the G.O.P.’s side ever since he lost his seniority. One day, he objected to omitting reading of the previous day’s journal (a routine procedure in the Senate and many other legislative bodies) and the clerk had to read the journal. Now during the tidelands de bates he is enforcing a rule that Senate committees shall not meet while the Senate is meeting. It requires unani mous consent, which has almost always been given, for these committees to meet while the Senate is meeting. Senator Morse is objecting. One day when he went out to lunch, his colleagues gave a lot of these unanimous consents in his absence, despite the fact that senatorial courtesy usually requires a quorum call to notify a senator that something is coming up on which he usually acts. We do not know where this will end. Senator Morse is not a crank. He has some mighty fine progressive ideas. And while his obstructionism may waste a good deal of time, he often cites sound truths which the other senators should heed. On Tuesday he told the Senate, “I say . . . that is a bad practice for the senate, supposedly carrying on the parliamentary business of the people of the United States, to be meeting in assembly with a half dozen, eight or 10 senators on the floor of the Senate, sup posedly participating in debate, which, if we are free men, ought to make possible a change in the votes to be cast.’’ We think Senator Morse is 100 per cent sound on that. Senate debates should not take place in an almost empty hall. Wo have seen many Americans who visited Wash ington return sadly disillusioned after watching the Sen ate in "action", one senator declaiming to a bored audience of 10 or 15 senators, most of them not even listening. ww Never a Dull Moment the U. S. Senate, to make money in I action is contemplated? How about it, Mr. Brownell?—From the soybean market, Is Brownell in- AFL News Reporter. vestigating this? Figures in the report show that the senator and his administrative assist- WHEN POLITICS AND SCIENCE CLASH Secretary of Agriculture Benson, j who has been in hot water cooked up J by the cattlemen and dairy interests, I is probably thankful that Secretary of | Commerce Weeks has inadvertently diverted attention to another field. Weeks got himself into hot water by sumarily firing Dr. Allen V. Astin, (Heard over KPOJ, Portland, at 10:15 director of the U. S. bureau of stand p.m., Monday through Friday) ards. He charged that the bureau The Department of Agriculture in had not been sufficiently “objective” the near future, plans to examine the in testing the pep-giving merits of a farmers’ qualifications to see which battery chemical known as AD-X2. The Washington Academy of Sci ones are “fit to farm.” When the farmers hear about this, a lot of them ences and the American Association are going to be “fit to be tied.' ’John for the Advancement of Science de Davis of the Agriculture Department manded Dr. Astin's re-instatement and head of CCC, says that there are pending an impartial investigation. too many “inefficient farmers.” Davis And senators, headed by Senator Thye, says it would be better to. get them chairman of the senate small business off the farms and use the farms to committee, got busy in an effort to grow grass and trees. This is the head off the mass resignation of bu latest piece of business from the Busi reau of standards scientists in protest ness Administi ation. over Astin's dismissal. Hearings on * * • the battery additive controversy are When opponents of the oil give being speeded. away bill offered to postpone their The protest became so loud inside discussion while the senate took action and outside the congress, that Secre on rent controls, which were scheduled taiy Weeks backed down to the ex to expire the end of April, Sen. Robert tent of announcing that Dr. Astin Taft refused, saying: “I don’t care if would remain on the job for several months and will then be offered an rent controls expire or not." Commenting on President Eisen other job. Secretary Weeks probably would hower's widespread acclaim for his recent peace address, Taft said: not have made so many scientists “That’s fine, but it's a long way off.” angry had he not charged that AD-X2 Perhaps Senator Tafts’ attitude be had been branded worthless without comes more understandable if we stop adequate tests and if he had not in to consider that for 12 years he has dicated his belief that such products been in a state of suspended nomina should be tested only “in the market tion. place." This was interpreted by bu- FRANK EDWARDS Says: In the course of his battle with the G.O.P. (which he will very likely win), Senator Morse may improve Senate operation immensely. As the lone Independent in the Senate. Senator Morse is in a curious position. He can accomplish little in the way of legislation. or in committee work, because he stands alone. This has a balancing advantage in that he thus owes nothing to anybody and can speak his mind freely. His very real independence thus gives him the opportu nity to turn the pitiless light of publicity on Senate fail ings which a regular affiliated party man often is under pressure to overlook. Senator Morse can. if he so decides, make himself a real watch-dog over his colleagues. T’i U.Û-K reau and academy scientists not only as a reflection upon their scientific integrity but also as an open avowal of the doctrine of caveat emptor let the buyer beware. The bureau, smarting under con gressional piessure for a favorable verdict on the battery product, said it had tested the battery additive re peatedly, always with negative re sults. The scientists resent what they term “political tampering" with scien tific research. They want to know whether Secretary Weeks means to say that freedom of the market place means freedom to sell a fraud. Naturally, Secretary Weeks meant to say nothing of the kind. But he did lay himself wide open to the wrath of American scientists who are very touchy indeed about scientific integ rity and political pleasure. In any event, Secretary Weeks has stirred up a hornet’s nest. And he can certainly say to the harassed Sec- 1 retary Benson: “Move over, brother, ’ you’ve got company.”—From Oregon Journal. WDebunker BY JOHN HAW FURBAY PH D HERB MEDICINE^ ARE NO SAFER THAN OTHER ---------- MEDICINES Quack doctors often prey upon people s ignorance by saying their medicines are safe as they are made from herbs. This means absolutely nothing. Many of the deadliest and most harmful drugs Wi efhor , ln,herbs- It matters not or l?td,r‘n,e? are from herbs or fi om chemical laboratories, pro- < anneJhej- are P^Pared by phys.- who nnOw how to use them •At‘the.vl'y’ does not mean tiicy are safe or in any way 4 .^r’ becaus<? they are from Randall’s FINE MEATS 1288 STATE ST. Ph. 3-6489 SALEM, ORE. Save Here! BEEF SALE! At a time when »e know you »ill most appreciate it—our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford lb Jgg BEEF ROAST, Arm, Blade Cuts, Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford X X X BEEF STEAK, Round, T-Bone, Rib Steaks FRESH GROUND BEEF FRESH GROUND ROUND LEAN SHORT RIBS LEAN BEEF CUBES Boneless New York Cut Sirloin Tip Roast or Steak Beef Tender Loin Fresh Beef Hearts Plump Young Hens, fully Dressed and Drawn Country Style Sausage •b ib lb lb lb lb lb lb lb |b 49c 29c 49c I 19c 49c 69c 59c 89c 29c 4gc x 29c X X X X X X buy Locker Beef Now! LYONS PLUMBING DEALERSHIP FOR MONT M. UK fRIt BeM selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing: J do*n- -- g fu|| ,ear |o pay. Half or Whole 29’ 2c "> RWl.fS Water Systems MILL CITY TAVERN I‘hone 1634 Open Evenions Lyons. Ore. X AX Front Quarter 2612c Hind Quarter 3412c * Baby Beef LIVER .... Fresh Beef Tongues Tender. Lei an. Meaty CHUCK STEAK » 39c i* 29c m 39c X X