rey of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. George inite date has been set for the wed April 30. 1953 getting along satisfactorily. Wingo they prepared the meal. Election of officers will be held at Russel, Weaver Clark, Mr* Betty ding. The bride-elect, a former stu is first aid man at the Detroit dam the next meeting. Johnson and son, all from Hillsboro; dent at Oregon State college, is at : works. |l Mi. and Mrs. S. T. Moore and their Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Palmer have Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knut-on of Mill present employed in Portland. Mr. : six children spent last Saturday in announced the arrival of a baby girl I City, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydig- Sargent, the prospective groom, is Mill City on a shopping tour. ‘Tenny’ born Monday at a Salem hospital. ger and two daughters of Lyons. now attending school in Portland. is the chief forester of the Detiojt She has been named Tamara Sue and j Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson are an Mrs. Cecil Haun has been seriously has three older brothers. J. D. (Johnny) Wells, 86, former national forest area. nouncing the engagement of their ill at her home for the past two weeks Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Roye of Elgin I daughter, Miss Carole Hudson to Niel and though reported to be some better Baird Roberts visited over the week campus policeman at Oregon State college, died Thursday at a hospital end with his mother Mrs. Isaac Rob spent the weekend at the home of J Sargent of Tacoma, Wash. No def- is still under a doctor’s care. his paients, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye. ' in Salem, where he had resided for erts on River Road in Mill City. «»«•«IT» J»- Saturday evening they all went to District convention practice for the past three years. . Lebanon where they were dinner J ■ Order of Eastern Star was held in Wells was police chief at Corvallis guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I for 13 years and later was “campus Mill City Tuesday night. The district Laddie Pesek. The occasion honored i cop” at OSC for 33 years. He was includes Turner, Stayton and Mill Ctiy Mrs. E. L. Roye on her birthday an- | well known by all students there. In , chapters. niversary. Salem he resided at 2095 N. 18th St. | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker, Surviving are four daughters, and Clarence Jr., and Sue Ann, Mrs. Opal five grand-children. Also two neices Strom, anil Mrs. George Hubbard of live here in Mill City, Mrs. Bess Van- Eugene were Sunday guests at the » The carnival held at the Mari-Linn demeer and Mrs. Ernest Graham. Funeia) services will be held in Cor gym Saturday evening and sponsored home of Mr, and Mrs. George Huff man. Mrs. Huffman is a sister of vallis Saturday at 2 p.m. at the War-1 by the Lyons Sunday school was well attended netting them approximately Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Strom, and a ner-McHenry funeral home. “At the Bottom of the Hill” $170 which is to go to the building daughter of Mrs. Hubbard. Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem spent of the new church. Mrs. Charles Cruson assisted by the weekend at the home of Mr. and M rs. Leo Cruson was hostess for the Mrs. Clyde Bressler. Mrs. Corbett is H. I. Plymale and minister H. E. Home Extension unit at their home a sister of Mr. Bressler. She also i Jull attended the meeting of the North , Monday with the meeting beginning called at the Earl Allen and John Y«a. Sirongbarn Granite I Worden homes. 'Santiam distiict of the "99” Men’s at 10:30 a.m. City Steel's Corrugated, Gal The project was “Outdoor Meals” movement held at the Liberty Chris vanized Steel Roofing and tian church in Salem, Monday of this with the two Mrs. Crusons project Siding, means a better barn. leaders. week. Here's why In order to have a campfire a fire Robert Wingo underwent major 9 Strongbarn is stronger — The Oak Park motel, owned by C. surgery in the Portland Veterans hos-1 was built in a wheel barrow and nearly twice as strong as | pita) Tuesday. Reports are that he is placed on the cement porch, where J. Montag of Portland, was sold re any conventional material. cently to K. L. Mendenhall, realtor of MgBt<X!X.XXXXXX XX xx X X X x x x x x x x x x x XXx'x x x XX X'XX x-x XiXtXWXJfgprw ' Portland. This property, reported to 9 Strongbarn is lighter— 3 be valued at $40,000, is in Gates and up to 21 lbs. per square has eight units and car ports. Mr. lighter. PRICED RIGHT — Terms to Suit — Always and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier who own V Strongbarn fits tight — I Our present stock consists of 50 cars. Many makes ar.d models. Priced and operate the Gates variety store stays flat and even, makes from $100 to $2,500. Chryslers, Plymouths, DeSotos, Dodges, Fords, will manage the motel which is just snug joints, resists wind tl Chevrolets, Buicks. Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles, Studebakers. adjacent to their store. Mr. and Mrs. j Struckmeier moved into the motel • Strongbarn is easy to ap ALL TRADED IN ON OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW Sunday. ply strong, light sheets CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cainmack who | go up quickly and easily. REALLY PRICED TO SUIT YOUR POCKETBOOK returned recently from Bolivia, where I • Strongbarn is cheaper — A FEW OF OUR MANY FINE USED CARS they have been for the past five years I you save money on fram doing missionary work, will be at the ■ 1952 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe ing and labor. 1951 Dodge 3-Passenger Coupe Gates Community church Sunday, May i Come in and see this 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-Door Sedan 3. A basket dinner will be held at | NEW FINISHES! 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan modern roofing and siding. the church at noon. Mr. Cammack [ 1950 Studebaker Champion 4-Door Sedan We'll be glad to show you was principal of the local high school I 1949 Oldsmobile “98” 4-Door Sedan how to build with strong several years ago. 1948 Dodge *z-Ton Pickup light. Strongbarn. Mr. and Mi s. Glen Hearing and i 1946 hord Custom V-8 2-Door Sedan two children of Stayton were Sun- I day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison. The Hearings were former residents of Gates. HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH Fiom Silverton Sunday at the home WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE of Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley were Mrs. i NEW STOCK WALLPAPERS Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment Miley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stayton. Oregon Bolmeier. ’ 105 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4117 € Mr. and Mrs. William Athey of nil x,x :: M HK3QCMMKJO<i- anouaHnnmn an aw»«» '>aon»»»»»» XDcœfflcxïïcxxx xx x xx-xxxmwxwxxixMix'x'xx Lebanon were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewart. , LINOLEUM ROLLERS STRAIGHT-EDGES Mrs. Athey and Mrs. Stewart are | sisters. Mrs. Elmer Klutke attended the Spring festival of the Marion County . Home Extension units in Salem Sat urday. Mrs. Klutke was chaiiman of! Phone 2206 MILL CITY the committee in charge of the Me hama unit’s ditgilay at the festival. Mrs. Rosa Roten was surprised at her home when her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Amos Roten, invited a group of her friends to help her celebiate her ON Ä birthday Thursday afternoon, Mr. -and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge of Cutler City were Gates visitors over the weekend. Mrs. Turnidge, who x X was seriously ill for so long, is almost rt and your old tire « recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Turnidge Best Trade-in Allowance in Town — Budget Terms were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole and callers at the home of Mr. Turnidge’s uncle, L. T. Henness. “Buddie” Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis, has accepted a posi Nor-Pae Corn. No. 303 2 for FROZEN FOOD tion in Seattle with the New York Mutual Life Insurance Co. Davis only Flav-R-l’ak Lima Beans Mill Rare Beans. No. 303 2 for recently returned from Japan where 10-oz. pkg. 2 for he had been in service. Santiam Beans. No. 303 3 for Other guests at the Henness-I.ake Flav-R-l’ak Straw berries home were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cur- Hunt's Tomato Juice 16-oz. S— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE J. D. Wells, Campus Cop’ Dies Thursday Never LYONS a Dull Moment STRONGBARN Means BETTER Barns Cheaper and Easier MILL CITY MILL CITY TAVERN Dutch Boy Paints Guaranteed Used Cars New Colors! The perfect wall finish Dutch Boy Flat-wall Enamel Salem Automobile Co. Santiam Farmers Lo-op Rental Floor Sanding Equipment Jenkins Hardware TOP GRADE FOODS ATLAS TÍRE SALE 6.70x15 as low as $15.00 Girods Super Market On the Highwag at STAYTON 45c 12-oz. pkg. 49c 1 9c 2 for Flav-R-l’ak Peas, 10-oz. pkg. Hunt’s Spinach. No. 21» 29c 25c 49C 25c 2 for 35C All Popular Brands Coffee 89c - 2 ibs. Patty Day Pop Corn 1,77 Nestles Morsels PRODUCE Radishes and Green Onions Kraft Salad Oil Snow drift Shortening hunch Durkee Mayor ai ««e Large Arizona Grapefruit 5c cach New Potatoes, California No. 1. White Shasta 10 lbs. 49c Durkee Margarine HuntN Country Style •> Carrots bunches MEAT Farm Fresh Turkeys Jell-A-Tccn Ihrt 5c ‘ Pk*s- ■» pKu ' 29c 29c 15c ß5c Uns« ade Weiners, cello packed lb 53c Short Shank Picnics lb 45c II» Pay Cash HERE*— ?■.. ve . ■ Girods AT STAYTON KEEO OREGONCRErN Welch s __ pure Concord grape JUICE SO RICH! SO PURI! SO GOOD! Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!” M»» Mrs. A. W., 5<in Antonio, Teras Spcc.1 amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, w th «nothing Paao»’ Acta to relieve pam. itch'rg -soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts—help» prevent cracking. si«, ness— reduce swelling You get real com forting help. Don't suffer needless torture from simple piles. Get Paso lor fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository form — also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easv application. •Puf OlMawwi 8 Bassett & Stover Lee Bassett