6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN £ íh ? Tue» yov YOUR J P ro AT50H (No. 4 of a series) Roads Are Primarily for the con­ duct of business and commerce — they are not monuments! On* Reason for our high stan­ dard of living is our motor transport. Over our highways cornea 85% of the milk received daily by city popula­ tions. About 85% of the country's livestock moves to market by truck and trailer. Factories bring their raw materials in and send finished products out largely by motor transport. More than half a million commercial sales­ men cover their territories by car. Yes, this is an age of highway transportation-and our present and planned roads are the answer to a public demand for a faster, more flexible means of furnishing goods and services. IT’S AMAZING! BR ovjn &vS7atty7/¡tÜíl, Director, GAINES DOG RESEARCH CENTER RDLE CAPS AND TWE clouds SEEM TO INDICATE" "THAT PLAN A SAMOYED SLED TEAM IS KEPT ON PERMANENT CAIL IN THE LOS ANGELES SHERIFFS OFFICE FOR RESCUE WORK IN MOUNTAIN AREAS NECK OF A DOG WHEN ANGERED IS POE TO THE RISING OF HAIR ON THE are an ENGLAND, \ a /AS CUSTOMARY FOR _. 'THf V/EAUTH^ TO INCLUDE A Q/LL Q? FftR? IN TWElR WILLS, SPECIFYING THE DISHES TO BE SE5YED A” THE FUNERAL FEAST it THE ACTION OF A TINY INVOLUNTARY MUSCLE ON ENMHAIRFOLLICLE People Who Say "They ought to kee|\ trucks off the roads" are sadly misinformed. Public needs have brought motor transport into being. Business requirements are the most important reason for roads and road improvement. A Magnificently Constructed road between communities that do not—and will not—need it is not a modern road. Such a highway is only a horizontal monument to poor plan­ ning. We Cannot Afford Such Monu­ ments. On the other hand, when there is an obvious need for new roads and expansion of existing roads, we cannot afford delay. Modern roads are a must. A Mode rn super-high way, if it helps to expedite traffic around large cities, is monumental in size only. When it doesn't perform that function, it be­ comes a useless monument. I AZTEC INDIANS OF MEXICO USED THE THORNS OF THE CENTURY PLANT AS ¿X PAXW.TF FOOD OF yrs horneo cná \- BEAGL ING WAS a favorite K/NC HENRY VHT sport of 1953, Gaines Dog Research Center. N. Y. C. employee of Idanha shingle mill, has been making his home in Portland for the past thiee years, has returned By BOOTS CHAMPION to Idanha and his former job at the Rex Cecil, an employee of Harris | mill. mill, of Idanha, received a broken foot A public meeting of the North San- when n large timbef fell on it, while at work last week. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fail Layman last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jayne of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maw of Burns. Visiting at the Marion Kite home Tax Consultant Auditor J for a few days is Mis. Kite’s sister Mrs. Betty Keubler and daughter Sherry of Canby. « t Mrs. Hilma Dickie, accompanied by PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT << Mrs. John Krause motored to Lyle, Bookkeeping, Accounting and Wash., the first of the week to visit Tax Service with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith. Smiths were former residents of Corner 3rd 4 Marion troit. STAYTON. ORE. Mrs. Dorland Ray and infant Telephone 4114 P.O. Box 1321 Gregory, moved back to their home aaanniHnnci<-‘nHian!an»x>annnnnnD in Idanha this week. Mrs. Ray and son, whose husband is in Korea had been making their home here, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manning. Visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant were, Mr. ami Mrs. David Dunning and son Terry of Portland enroute to St. Paul, Minn., where they will make their home. Did you know folks, for target prac­ tice there is a public “trap shoot" at the Aiderman trailer court in Idanha. Supplies for this sport may be ob­ tained at the Spillway tavern. Spon­ sors of this service are Marion Aider­ man, Earl Carte, and Carl Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Rhodes left Thursday for Colorado, where they were called by the sudden death of his father. O. R. Rogers, former resident and DETROIT tiam Chamber of Commerce, will be to visit his folks Mr. and Mrs. George held in Mehama, Wednesday night, Renner. May 6th at 8 p.m. The speaker of the i Mr. and Mrs. Art Cluster, and evening will be Harry Rutherford, De­ daughter Bonita, who have been mak­ troit resident engineer. ing their home at the Bullard resi­ When his ship docked in San Fran-' dence the past few months, aie re­ cisco, Wayne Renner (navy) made a turning to their home at Sweet Home flying trip home on a weekend pass, ^is week. The Ladies F.O.E. Auxiliary played hostess to the men members Thurs­ day evening. A good attendance was on hand. Games were played. Pi izes were awarded to Mrs. Hilma Dickie and Mrs. Elaine Farrow. Refresh­ ments were served. W. N. SIMMONS I Blondie IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIillilllM^ Gooch Logging Supply "Everything for the Logger' BASSI IT’S WELDING SUOI’ Home. Philomath Shuffleboard » ♦ George “Sparkv Good Music Crosley Refrigerators and Ranges Bendix and Thor Dryers Small Appliances ELECTRIC HEATING INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL WIRING COMMERCIAL LIGHTING By Chic Young HERE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTS'? I'LL MAIL ALL /EAR, MR. 3EASLEY. ITS MY ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE Marion Kite ELECTRIC SERVICE Detroit, Oregon ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING E.U. V FIN ANTING AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Announcing Additional TO OUR PATRONS y N write? Mrt. A. W., New YoHr, N. Y. WFor Doctor-.' T-sts »howcgf Then . . . her '• t»’!* toT »"•' In tool« br f «tor l.ydl» Pinkhams < •-¡%abd (Nope, 'I rely} of the caafc» iootod. Com- pL rc or ttnkmy rcUotl Don’t let difficult breathing, coughing end wheezing, due to recurring spasm» of Bronchial Asthma or simple Bronchitis ruin your sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. Works through your blood to help loosen and remove thick, strangling mucus. Thus usually allays coughing which permits freer breathing and sounder sleep. Get MENDACO under money back guar­ antee at druggists. On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY I SCREAMED AT MY HUSBAND! • Arc you going through change of life" . . . suffering the hot flashes." nervous tension. Irri­ tability. weakness and other types of functionally-caused dtelrcss of Ulis dlfl -ult time? ASTHMA COUGHS MEANDER INN Brani h Store I ' ons Purely you knew that Lydia Pinkham*» is xrrnfi.i j ! —i tn actton/ You know what it has done for others! Put do you know what It will do for you* Not if you haven't experienced the relief of tension, ‘'flashes” and irri­ tability it no often brings at such times! Before another day has passed *ry Lydia Plnkham i V»* f ible comptnina or new, tmprotvd Tai'eta with added iron . . . and discover how much easier your “change of life ’ may be! suJlertn» Younger tr ç nal pains, monthly cramps from fu! ÍUU EVERYONE WELCOME SO UPSET BY CHANGE OF LIFE "Now 1 don't from 'hot flathet and narvautneM. feel final'* CONSISTENTLY Open Elimination Tournament Every Sunday 3 p.m. Phone 116 Phone 1111 Sweet PINS ANO NEEDLES! 'S SKUNK ! "" v’OU'J'Xr He noiu give Northern Stamps J & P Service PRIDE OE OREGON PRODUC TS ; Phone 32« MILL CITY ’ OBQBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBB&it.BBBCHPBBgiBgSgCBBnBBBBBBnBBgnarww*